3D Printed WORM GEAR - Can u Really Use Them? (PLA vs PETG vs ABS)

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in this video we print warm gears with the most common printing materials pla ptg and abs but can you really use them i think we have to do some testing just before we get started i have heard people call those things warm and warm gear or warm gear and warm wheel i believe both are correct but in this video i call them warm gear and warm wheel but what is a warm gear it's gear what don't have tools but have spiral traits exactly like screw have one wheel is not regular spur gear it looks similar but the twos are at a slight angle and when you look this way you see there is a little curve speaking about 3d printing well printing worm wheel is nothing special but warm gear can be a bit tricky i printed every material in three different ways one horizontal one vertical and one at the 45 degree angle let's take a closer look at this form gear that is printed in the vertical direction you see i use supports over here the reason for that those overhangs are too steep and without them this one didn't turn out really good but after removing supports those threads are too rough and it's still unusable but way different story is we toast you which are really similar and turn out really good i still have to use a bit of support material so both of them are usable personally i like the 45 degree one most the problem with warm gears is friction and friction mean heat and wear plastic is a pretty weak material and this can wear off really quickly now we know we can print warm gears but can we really use them to know this we have to run some tests for that i build a really simple setup the first time we run those warm gears and wheels without any lubrication then we use crease will this make a difference let's find out but first let's speak about today's sponsor tanks tanks is an online catalog of 3d models with over 1.6 million index models in the database tanks is powered by geometric search which means that you can find 3d model by uploading a model and find all similar models do you have partly completed model upload it to thanks to find similar completed models to download for your project you can also collaborate on tanks by creating a private team of tanks users to share great ideas thanks is a community you can cooperate with other tanks members follow the work of tank users comment and like their models tanks now support asm making uploading and organizing quick exploring models and each of their components is easier than ever before the new hover and highlight feature makes part identification and selection possible find hidden bars with the assembly by hovering over the part name in the assembly list this video and many my other video models you can find at the tanks so find me at tanks.com and download all my projects for free i will run those worm gears at three different speeds for two minutes the first time warmly rotates a bit more than two thousand dimes per minute the rest of the video i got this level one level u will be 8 000 rpms and the last one level 3 is just maximum speed warm gear runs around 12 000 rpms and for power supply i use 6 amps lipo battery but ok let's start with try testing first one is abs [Music] abs survived the first level temps are fine but i see a little wear level due 8 000 rpms [Music] this warm gear is completely worn out also warm wheel but not so much so abs failed at level 2 after 12 seconds run time next one play pla survived the first level temps are fine and it looks like pla burn less than abs but let's continue with level 2. little accident pla start melting and the coupler came loose i dyed this up and meanwhile the warm wheel and warm gear stuck together it was pretty difficult but i got them separated and we can continue [Music] because there was a little accident the total run time might be a bit longer but still it did a better job than abs the bla worm gear trades are completely melt and pla worm wheel is way more damage than abs was now it's time for btg [Music] it rebreaks hard for some reason i hold it steady for the rest of the day ptg also passed level 1 with minor wear level 2. [Music] [Music] uh only three seconds more and ptg best level due but there is a huge amount of this ptg powder abs and pla had more like peak chunks and more melting damage but ptg did way better than other materials the warm wheel looks still pretty nice this test clear winner is ptg absd the worst result be a lady the bit better but nothing remarkable maybe be a lay one a couple of seconds because the coupler game loose but still it's unusable without lubrication at higher speeds ptg and abs warm gears have similar damage where the threads are sanded away pla damage is a bit different threads are completely melted ptg warm wheel looks still pretty nice abs has a bit more damage but pla warm wheel is by far the worst running warm gears try is really stupid anyway i bring the new warm gears and wheels and next test we run them with lubrication let's see will this make a difference i use a lot of grease what is made for high speed plastic gears i go over all cutes and treads with a really thick layer this test is really similar to the last one but i did a few changes i run those gears 2 minutes at level 1 10 minutes at level 2 and after that 10 minutes at level 3. let's start again with abs abs pass level 1 well it should because it did it without crease but let's continue with level 2. by the way i use this plastic box because i don't want the grease fly all over my [Music] room abs pass level due i didn't expect that let's see how long it can run at level three [Music] and abs past level 3 10 minutes at 12 000 rpms really impressive how much it were we take a closer look after all the deaths are done let's continue with play pla pass level 1 with no problems let's continue with level 2. pla pass level 2 let's continue with level 3. [Music] pla bass level 3 really impressive right now i don't see any visual wear next one is ptg let's see you can dispatch all three levels like abs and plid ptg past level one with no problems and ptg also pass level 2. [Music] [Laughter] and ptg pass level 3 which mean all materials pass all tests with lubrication if you look at those warm gears i don't see any remarkable wear or damage same story with worn wheels this video conclusion yes you can print warm gears and use them in some applications if you treat them right i hope you enjoyed this video i definitely enjoyed making it if you have some good ideas for play versus pg vs abs then let me know in the comments below and if you are interested to build and print this setup by yourself then all necessary links are in the description but thank you for watching and see you guys next time bye
Channel: Let's Print
Views: 1,297,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printed, 3d printing, 3d print, Practical, useful, lets print, diy, how to make, ABS, PLA, PETG, wrom, worm gear, worm gears, gear, gears, spur, wheel, worm wheel, fusion 360, vs, pla vs abs, pla vs petg, abs vs petg, helical, 3d printed gears, 3d printer gear, test, experminet, heat, wear, filament heat resistance
Id: m4VSxVspLoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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