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Hello, I'm Sanago, the 3D Pen Master. With PLA+ pen sponsored by Deokyu Airlines we're gonna make something today. First of all, it features something that Nago likes very much which normal filament doesn't feature Isn't it cute? First, I'm going to make a We Bear Bears figure. When I make a figure or mask, I always start by making the skeletal model some beginners might feel that its difficult to copy It takes a lot of practice and filament. Deokyu Airlines filament is harder than normal filament It's good for making cradles and with this amount of filament, it's okay to practice much as you want. After using, I felt it had softer texture compared to normal filament. It was much easier to stick cradles more securely to its body than normal ones. Since there are three of them, I need to make 3 cradles for each bears which look like an enormous white rice beans. I made the second, and the third one. Connect them like bridge at first and repeat them to make it more dense. and you have to fill the surface. If its not dense enough right before filling They might end up breaking down or losing its shape. It took me about 5 hours just to fill up the surface. and you need smoothen to with wood burner. One of them is white, so you only need to smoothen two of them. For the white bear, we're going to create the texture with the pen. Next, make its legs. Draw the shape of it in the air, and make cradle right after. It's a bit softer than PLA so it was easier to draw. After this, by making the tail and the ears the basic model is done Now, after making its eyes-nose-ears, its time to add color. For first-timers, rarely will you have many filaments to choose from. So its a good idea to just make a white bear first. To check if the filament can be colored The first brown bear will be painted with acrylic paint Unlike the rest, without sandpapering it down, I immediately painted the filament with acrylic. As you can see, the acrylic paint dried quite well. The second bear will be spray-painted Like the others, I did not use sandpaper before painting it and covered the areas that did not require ink with tape. And spray-painted it. After one hour, I removed the tape The color came out nicely. The details were added in with a pen after. We Bare Bears is completed. The next filament I'm going to use is the semi-transparent PLA+ filament sponsored by Deokyung Airlines. Usually, unless there is a special case, I rarely use semi-transparent filament When making a lamp, instead of using white or transparent material even though there isn't a study by an English University which shows that using a semi-transparent filament is better, I think it is better. like this, I've made 20 hexagons which have 3 grooves each. As they took 6 hours to make, it took me two days to finish making them And then Nago stepped on them But since its a very sturdy filament, there is no need to worry. Like this, by simply fixing them together, I can make a cool soccer ball-sized lighting. As and when, I will use the filament to make the structure sturdier Before fixing the last layer of grooves together, put in an LED bulb. Fix the grooves together and seal it with filament. Even though it took a bit of effort, a cool light is created. Lastly, the third is the flexible filament. It's very sturdy and tough, but but it has the properties of a rubber band as well. Using this filament, I will attempt to make a hammock for Nago to nap in Firstly, cut the filament into several strings of the same length. After cutting enough strings, to make sure they are all the same length, cut one end with a scissors. Fix them to the floor in one line. Probably because its the first time Nago is seeing the filament, Nago was quite interested, so it was hard to do work At times like this, if you play with Nago a little, he/she will get bored and take a nap I continued to do the rest of the work. Fix the strings to the floor at the opposite side as well Fix it so the strings are taut. Now, like a lattice, connect the strings lengthwise, and its finished After removing it from the floor, hang the hammock where you want it and it is finished Even after it solidifies, it is able to maintain its springy texture. I think there is many ways to use this material It is enough for a light cat like Nago to get on and even when I pull it, it was fine. It can be hung under a chair or next to the bed, a personalized Nago-only hammock is finished. Please press like, and write down your email in the comments. I will randomly send 10 people, 1 kg of PLA+ filament each from Deokyung Airlines. through Youtube Community, I will announce the winners so I will appreciate it if you switch on the alarm notification as well. I will come back again with even more interesting videos, Thank you. - Sanago.
Channel: 사나고 Sanago
Views: 1,755,936
Rating: 4.9512439 out of 5
Keywords: 사나고, 3D펜, 3Dpen, 만들기, making, 우왁굳, 3d프린터, 3Dprinting
Id: gSCH7f_V984
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 24 2019
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