3D Character Sculpting - Marco Plouffe's Twitch Stream of 2021-12-23 - Clean meshes in Zbrush

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uh last time i showed a little bit of the process for um the primary shapes when i when i design so i talked a little bit about design that sort of stuff um this time i'm going to jump straight into uh the treaty uh since uh yeah since i just wanna not too much like repeat myself i mean i always gonna end up repeating myself but i'm just saying that uh yeah going to 3d straight away might be a good thing so i am still i just want to go like and show you like what i did um ah there you go here's the alerts they work woo um all right so uh the the character here uh last time i just showed a little bit of like how i designed it and uh hello um so yeah i'm doing good doing good and you um so yeah the um last time i showed a little bit of uh like some shape language that i did on the character and while since last week i had the chance to work maybe um like a day or two on the character so i didn't have really a chance to do much but i i got rid of some um maybe some some more like tedious stuff um i'm still going to repeat it at some point but it's just to show that okay for example if i okay so if you look at like everything that's uh okay so what's blue right now is what's still um the blocking and uh what is in color is actually the uh high-res pieces like the the final final model final meshes uh so i concentrated on the the bottom here and i just want to go a little bit like over what i did so hello hello asref all right good and you man so yeah like i said i actually uh finished the the boots and one of the reason why i finished uh here it was just to have like some part of the character that i can say like hey that's where i'm going with that and um doing this piece of the character pretty much means that the rest of the character is going to be a little bit of a rinse and repeat of uh of this so um just to show you uh well a little bit all over the model i added some imm's uh so there's i created myself um two like oops maybe not this one let me show you it um yeah whatever so if you ignore the the knee part uh like this part here with the little blade thing uh this is i created myself uh one instance of this imm and i pretty much put it everywhere like you have it uh here over the um over the feet and here this place here around the rib right here it's pretty much an area it's pretty much everywhere that i um i had put it at first on the model if i go back on see i kept the layer i don't have the the original colors anymore but you can see like here or here i plan to have those little like extrusions and that's pretty much where i put where i put them so you see just adding those uh those little things here and there um adding those they're from uh the my previous model i just reused this imm because i like to have some echoing between the characters oops this one's supposed to have dynamic subdivision there you go and yeah so as you can see it's pretty much just like we're using placing some imm's this kind of like cylinder piece here was repeated on many parts of the character it's actually from another another model so that's what i mean like the boring part is i pretty much took some some imm's that i created from before and i just placed them on the character where i knew that i was going to have like a little like detail here and there [Music] and also something for the joints i'm pretty i pretty much just like reuse and i am an old imm that i did uh so it looks pretty complex it's actually like four four meshes on top of each other like like for example like you see like this is just like one part of the model and when you add on top of it it just created like some something um yeah i use often as a modeler to do um like cylinders like this like any like mesh that is made from a primitive um that is that looks like a primitive shape often i'll use a imm to to model them same with like this guy here was made with imm and imm sorry with was made with zen modeler same thing with that thing here that sort of stuff this one since it's a little bit more sculpted this is just like a simple mesh though and uh the foot is actually made of um some separated meshes so these these meshes are were made a bit more like uh the old-schooled way i just take a mesh and i polish it by hand there's no like panel loops or that sort of stuff it's pretty much just like sculpting the shape making it look uh looks somewhat clean like the goal is that if i actually remove the poly paint use maybe like the metal material that it looks somewhat clean sometimes it's not like perfectly clean but at least like just that it gives like somewhat the impression especially if it's viewed from afar because like this is the foot right you don't want to put too much time you don't want to spend too much time on the foot because it's not going to be the part that's really going to be focused on right so uh what's the base of those i am yeah uh well then the uh imm is a insert multi-mesh basically what it is it's um let's say uh for like those guys here those little like buttons here they're placed all over the models and you don't want to always like move them you want to be able to make them like pop wherever you want so you have like lists of like imm sometimes you can make them yourself sometimes you just like grab them there's some that comes like by default with uh zbrush so like let's say i take like this guy here well i can actually like just place like a bolt here bolt here a bolt here so i pretty much choose like the size and the placement that sort of stuff so uh that's what you called an inm it's it it's basically like kind of like synonym of like kid bashing uh small parts um like this uh join here is also like uh the same idea of like kid bashing taking an object that already exists just placing it there you don't want to always like like do like joints from scratch sometimes there's like meshes that like i try to uh reuse because it's just like really [ __ ] boring to just like do them do new ones every time plus like this is such like a small part of the character in a non it's not really like what makes the design it's more like a like a a liminal mesh like a mesh between important things so uh yeah that's pretty much the mentality here like this is a same idea like there's those are just like imm's that i placed there so uh yeah that's the idea and uh so yeah just so to say that the foot here is pretty much like a mesh that i created and sculpted myself which is like basically the point of like what i want to show in my streams same thing for like the little toes here um the cloth was pretty much um like made from an extrusion i'll re-show by this same technique when i'm gonna go on the gloves here and uh yeah the muscles the muscles is pretty much just like you make one muscle fiber let's call it muscle section and it's just a matter of like placing them one by one super boring but hey you know what looks cool at the end i actually probably have like a piece here no is it here no those are just like orthographic pieces that i created and placed you see like that's the uh the piece that i made that i reused everywhere it's just there temporarily placed there but uh now my synthetic muscle yeah it's right here i put it in a different uh z tool so you see that's what it is so i took this guy here it's just a cylinder with z modeler i just made like that little cavity there made those out of extrusions and little x here are basically created with nanomesh it's just a x shape i always uh keep it and uh yeah it's just a little x shape like this that i place with nano mesh and then you have like this muscle compilation here take it place it everywhere anywhere you want so that's what i did for the the muscles here and uh oh yeah also ball joint here just reused a ball joint that i made from another model so yeah there you go not more complicated than that for the moment so basically like where i would go from from there for today is probably just like finishing the the leg part here that's a pretty complicated piece if i just like talk about like this section of the leg that remains this section here so uh yeah i'll just like jump into it anyway like i've pretty much figured out that the point of those streams is going to be just a work while relaxing answering questions once in a while we're really taking a chill basically uh kind of like trying to um get some people to sculpt uh alongside while i i stream those things so yeah and there you go new follower thanks that's appreciated yeah well man you always say that oh all right let's jump into it so basically the first part of doing this is pro is going to be to separate the um this section into the amount of like meshes i want to work with so the way that i'm seeing that is um probably all i'll do is uh i'll probably have this part be a separate mesh probably it's going to end up being like uh an imm i'm just gonna take some random like capsule shape cylinder shape i'm going to place there that's often what i do when i have like a primitive shape on my model this part here is going to be probably separated and this here is going to be a separate mesh of its own probably up to here and then this entire piece will probably be a part of the same mesh even up to the the back here i think i can always like add like a separation somewhere we'll see i'll think about it uh one thing that i want to do though uh before i i start um sculpting on it um yeah there you go that like alex said that's what i'm hoping people will do sculpt alongside with me uh if i find it hard to be productive while streaming uh extremely yes i mean i work like easily like five six times faster when i when i don't talk or look around the model but i kind of like i think i came to peace with uh with that um since i reflected on my last stream and i'm like okay you know what i'm never going to be able to work as fast if i'm like if i do it that way but it's not really the point i'm not here to show like my speed and that sort of stuff i'm more here to just like chill and uh show some stuff right yeah exactly exactly so yeah um what i'll do here is uh like this section here is supposed to be like kind of like a planar shape and i think that what i want to do is i kind of like want to put like a placeholder there to make sure that this actually like stays sharp like this not sharp but the plan are so i'll actually introduce um still part of the leg so let's go in the leg folder uh i will actually go in the primitives here cylinder transform that into a three-sided cylinder which we call a triangle and i'll go and insert this triangle in my scene here there we go um all right so let's turn that guy 180 degrees like this and i'll just go and place it here it's going to roughly get it i'm going to give it like the shape and you know what i might actually use this primitive to create the mesh around it as well yeah there we go all right from there from there i'm going to go in zed modeler z modeler right now i'm just in the insert mode basically just erase these edges wow i think it's going to be more complicated than i that i want if i start to play around with the the zed modeler like this so i might just go brute force by hand instead i mean at least i have like this kind of like placeholder here to know if uh my shape is flat so uh yeah i'll just use it as a placeholder after all i'll keep it up here i will make it disappear for the moment and i'll start splitting uh this mesh so i guess the first thing i'm going to do is just uh separate the entire leg piece so i will duplicate this mesh here i will hide the master shape i will put that shape in my leg subfolder and uh is there any layers yes i will crush the layers i will destroy all my subdivisions start erasing part of the mesh that i don't need to use there we go everything is going to go white oops there we go and i'll use poly paint with a darker color just to draw where i want the separation it's going to be simple i'm just going to go inside here once the the line is uh drawn i'll just mask by intensity and hide oops sorry reverse my mask and then hide what was selected so now i get those separated pieces and if i do auto group you see like they're separated so there you go so i'll just keep the um this side here and i'll delete what is hidden so now i have this piece which is going to be what i'm going to be working with uh i'll go back to my master here and for my my master i will simply create a layer mask lasso the section oops i overdid it yeah i should be fine all right i'll simply go and smooth everything here i'll lower my subdivision so the smoothing is stronger and i'll change it for smooth stronger also see smooth stronger here you can find that in the light box so now that i crushed this part here i'll go back on my higher subdivision levels get rid of that also push a little bit more here ah guys today i lost i think two hours and a half of work because i kept skipping the autosave because i was impatient and zbrush crashed without saving and i lost two hours and a half of work and ah that was not a good christmas gift oh boy oh marco was not happy i was not not happy probably i think we all have the same story at some point i'm pretty sure yeah i think you guys can feel me yeah 15 minutes wouldn't be wouldn't be bad the real thing i should actually do is just let it auto save and not be impatient because it's actually a really cool feature that they added it's really made of that's the problem here [Laughter] yeah anyways so um at this point here i can actually like mirror and mirror and weld if i want to work on like both sides at the same time but i think i i'll actually work on the um i'll actually work on a one size what's one side at the time and you know what i can do actually i just realized that like maybe when i went too fast um i'll actually keep part i'll actually keep the left uh the the right leg intact for the moment so i'll record a save state i'll go back in this layer here and oops remove symmetry and i'll morph with morph brush i'll morph this shape back here so this way i always have like the blocking on the right and my what's going to be my polished model on the left here there we go yeah i heard i heard that blender was was a really great like i really wish that i knew more about it and stuff and i really encourage people to to know how like to learn to use it because it really looks promising plus it's like much cheaper than uh autodesk yeah that's for sure my render choice uh i like to render with zbrush uh just for the simplicity of it and the fact that it makes me train my eye to what i want to add in the render because it's really based on like how you compile it uh otherwise i like keyshot for robots it's pretty it's pretty simple plus i already have all my materials ready so and i pretty much use often the same lighting so uh yeah it's another cool option all right all right so like now this guy here what i'll do is i will i will do another separation so this time what i will do is not only separate like the part i'm going to be working on but i will actually create like what will be that my working piece it's not going to be a piece with a panel so um you'll see me use my old school rough and dirty technique quick and quick and dirty technique i like to say that i have two methods of working uh one is uh where i separate all the pieces create panels like thicknesses and then i polish the panels and stuff and there's this other technique um that i use which is pretty much to um which is pretty much to just like create like a block on which i'm going to work i'm just gonna hide the arms here for a second so yeah this time i'm going to work on the uh this kind of like rough mesh that i'm talking about uh what's interesting about the uh the rough mesh is that it really requires you to really understand the how the brush works in order to create the effect that you're looking for whereas like when you're using the the panel loop technique it's much more technical and um technical is not bad right but you rely more on like a certain like technique or methodology whereas uh the other technique you really have to make sure that like your polish you polish the mesh well so you see i'm just going to go like under the material here you know what i'm and i'm going to split it right here there we go um this piece i'm going to make in one piece i think yeah one big piece i think maybe i'm gonna separate it maybe here just for simplicity's sake i'm going to create another piece right here like this come to think of it uh yeah i think that's how i'm going to proceed this i won't need it's a bit of a cleanup here at the same time i see my kid waking up well it seems to be falling back asleep all right okay after thought after thinking about it i think i'm going to actually separate this piece also like this here okay i think that's going to be good this looks this looks like long and tedious but it's actually a pretty important uh part it's just making good separations all right all right all right so let's separate like this i'm going to duplicate keep this and back up just in case uh mask what is uh mask by intensity so it masks what is uh darker invert selection and hide when it's visible and now i will auto group this so i'll have like those pieces here and then what i do after is a i'll just like expand uh a bit of the mask on certain parts here i know there's a feature it's called polygroup it that does that i kind of like to do it by hand just to have some agency on uh on these oh why this oh this part didn't connect here you know what i'll do for this i'll actually mask lasso remove auto group you see it's two two separate ones now baby seems okay thanks for following all right let's go with that all right so now all of those should actually be good for uh to be my my main pieces i'll get rid of like the pieces that are pretty much leftovers this one i actually i will get rid of because like i said i'm just going to use some like capsule shape imm there right all pieces are accounted for so everything is deleted so now these will all become um yeah i try to keep them watertight but if i look at for example this character here yeah that's our watertight mesh actually is it yeah it is but you'll see sometimes like um some some mesh or not is this one watertight yeah this one's also but like uh to be honest like sometimes they're not really watertight but i just try to make sure that the um the part that's open is really like inside another mesh another mesh that this mesh might be watertight this way when you like bully and everything it just pretty much like makes it watertight anyway or if you were to make like a closed hole it would make like a mess basically so um actually you know what this piece here might actually be a panel loop yeah i think so i'll separate it into another object and i'll start to just like give my pieces like thicknesses and stuff like that oops kind of like deleted part of it by accident i'll just find a better angle yeah there we go that's good no problem it would actually would probably be better if i just place like the imm there right away so i actually know what to work around uh oh yeah which is actually this is a pretty good tip um i i said it during the last stream but i really like to place my joints first so i know what to work around so while i was actually placing this knee joint here well it helped me to place everything around it correctly like this like plastic thing or how i will actually like place this metal thing and also a reminder that i always used um this truck like rectangular mesh here to kind of like act like the uh the plane that like dictates the alignment for the entire leg or at least like what's around the knee part which is what i find is the most important and it's not perfect but it's still like a good uh gauge try making things like somewhat parallel to that line here it's going to help later with the formation and making the pose yeah exactly yep so should i go and place the imm now to be honest probably i can probably do it because there's something i can grab real quick so i don't waste too much time i'm actually looking at my other models my old models here try to see if there's not like something i can just grab real quick i think i have the perfect piece also i'll go here on the arm part bingo this guy am i going to need also the little thing on top here let's just grab it for a moment all right insert this guy i'm already gonna put it all green oops i'll place the gizmo in the middle because like this is already pretty much like an orthographic view so by locking the gizmo now i actually can benefit from having it kind of like straight already well not straight but have the gizmo be uh oh so all right i think that looks like a good alignment for it it's now i'll try to try to place it somewhat aligned with the other imm that's on top the other mesh that's on top all right that should be good for the moment okay all right all right so it's pretty noisy for the moment so i'll actually just remove some parts of it just so it's a little less noisy i think i will actually remove those here maybe not the top one i can probably like make like a cable going in the leg here it's just gonna add to the visual language of uh of my piece so yeah that would be that would be good so i'll do this i'll erase this part reconstruct subdivisions there we go i'll even take this here and elongate it even more just up to here like this there we go like this and i will rotate this guy here so he looks a little bit more aligned with the new mesh there we go good enough for rock and roll this is what you say of a guitar that is not tuned perfectly but it doesn't matter because we're playing rock and roll and not classical all right and the rest you see like how it's like clipping inside of the mesh it's not really aesthetic i can probably just add like cavity lines later so uh yeah and i'll get rid of like this little detail here because it's kind of like a bit too close to the mesh i find it a bit distracting this one is also maybe a bit distracting um so like i'll just remove like this little detail here i'll just use my planar brush i actually like to use this like small alpha when i do like planar stuff like this just filling the hole with planar tool then using h polish really softly and then smooth relax boom the details have disappeared if i had a layer i would have made them disappear on a layer so i'm going to use orb crack now which is basically damn standard but a little bit more like angular see added a cavity line here boom right there and it just creates the illusion that actually goes inside of the mesh correctly and here on this mesh i'll add a very simple alpha which is my default alpha of this brush just to create some like inset for this detail right here not more complicated than that you just have to align it well close enough for rock and roll there we go there you go all right all right all right all right all right all right that's good it's good he seems like this is a neatly placed imm perfect so now i'll just place the cable here um i don't know if i got rid of the uh the other thing too quickly thanks for the follow up actually i think i got rid of that too quickly little thing that was uh at the tip here i'll just duplicate that mesh go back in my old one and undo yeah you see i'll go back before i deleted it and if i yeah it's still aligned with it so that's good i'll give it like a gray material like this i don't think i'm going to place the cable i think it's going to look a little bit too weird i'll simply like make sure that this piece actually works well with that part blending it correctly and i'll get rid of this thing right there all right not bad not bad at all okay here we go well it's really how you use it as well because it's really the smoothing that i do at the end that works well but it's just planar with that brush here i like the tightness of this alpha here and when you just like use it on the side here you see it creates like choppiness here but if you just like smooth relax it without going without like going too far it actually like works pretty well so it's really the smoothing that comes after that's uh the magic of it and like there's still like some some little like detail artifact here but you're never gonna see that so like who gives a f why am i censoring myself who gives a [ __ ] there you go who gives a [ __ ] yeah bad words guessing all right that's cool and what i'll do is i'll actually merge these two uh sub tools now just because i i'm pretty sure i'm going to have to move this these piece together at some point soon so i'll just like bring up here this one is the one that has the the gizmo so i'm actually going to as their layers okay i'm gonna merge them reconstruct subdivision all right there we go i'm actually going to mirror it so i deleted the subdivision once again mirror mirror and weld and reconstruct subdivisions yeah this is a real mature stream all right you know what at this point i think i'll go back on the uh the mesh that i previously placed here and actually i'm going to try to use this piece as like my um oops went too far so basically like this oops this piece here going to try to create it out of this one here like what i was hoping to do is kind of like rounding the edges uh with like smoothing so but it's kind of like hard to like add uh inserts like loops here right now i'll just see how it does when you smooth it so if i actually i'm going to activate dynamic subdivision so it smooths like this for sure but i'm just going to crease like i want like this one to stay hard this one is stay hard and the rest can round so i'll attribute it the same polygroup everywhere and when i dynamic subdivision but add creases crease poly crease polygroups it kind of like retains the hard edges and i'll just you play with my crease level here now see it's not keeping keeping it uh straight like i want so i'll go into a z modeler and uh try to see if i can actually like get a bit of the shape by adding loops and uh yeah i get kind of close to what i want to do but i think i would need to kind of like bevel this edge and it's it gets complicated i i really don't like to do those kind of like those kind of things it's i hate doing poly modeling yeah well that's what i did the flat subdivisions or at least so that's what i i did with the creasing um so yeah i think i i will not have i will actually have to do like this here you see it's kind of like near to the shape that uh of what i want i really just think i really need to bevel this thing but i know it's going to go like a cross sides and a yeah you see it's gonna go only on one side maybe if i just like mask this part here so you see this is actually me figuring stuff out yeah okay i need to add my crease back crease poly group yes it creates like that thing so you know what at this point because it's starting to piss me off i think i'll just go by hand and go by hand basically means that i'm going to have to uh just be somewhat careful actually you know what that's kind of like since i kept my gizmo oh there we go that's like exactly what i wanted to do all right so we quickly were able to get this mesh to work yay well now here it's not rounded but if i remove the creases and boop there we go lovely lovely lovely lovely perf yeah boy [Laughter] yeah it was a bit uh quebecois [Laughter] for those don't know i come from montreal and um my first language is uh my is a french but not french from france french from quebec it's a very particular kind of french i love it all right so you see right now i have like the flatness of this piece it's really like i rarely do this for for meshes but i think that this is actually going to work uh pretty well in that case uh and i'll build a rest around this so like the fact that i have this mesh that is flat uh like this it'll help me to construct things around it and since like this is like this was made very clean everything that i construct around it if i align it to this well well then it means that like it will give more the illusion that everything is actually really uh straight and everything so it's going to help me in the long run uh yeah yeah yeah so let's keep it like that for a moment like this is not a mesh that i'll be able to sculpt on it so i'll probably have to like z remesh it later but i'll keep it there as a placeholder for the moment and i'll work on the other meshes so let's go to this one here oops let's not lose this there we go and you know what i'll place right now like the imm that's going to go at the tip here so probably on the the arm of this guy i have well you see there you go this one i'm simply going to reuse this imm that i've that i reused all over all of the insectoids oops there we go it's not uh the gizmo is not really well placed so i can also just place it with the old school transition line not transition but uh what's the name again my brain is mush right now it's not the transition line it's the transpose thank you there we go it's just going to rest here for a moment oops let's save this yeah well it's um it actually helps me to there this recycling helps me in many ways to be honest and help me to save time it also helps me to keep things kind of like consistent between the characters especially if they're part of the same group so it's kind of like uh it serves like many purposes i really like doing that all right so now i'm going to place this guy here i'm gonna separate it there we go i think that this mesh here i won't need it anymore so i'll simply delete it try to keep a clean scene alright so this guy here this guy i think this guy i'm going to um i'm going to make a panel all of this kind of look this looks like a panel so yep panel it is my first panel panel loop on twitch this is a big one yeah consistency i also call it echoing so that like details like echo like details like details can echo on the character like for example like just look at like those little like orange hook they kind of like heck echo on the character in uh like calculated areas it kind of like helps to have the the eye go all over the model like it sees the detail like up here and it kind of like makes him look at the same detail somewhere else it's just a way to like add composition on a character so before i um before i create the the panel out of this i'll just make sure it's a bit cleaner so i'll subdivide the mesh and i will actually since it's going to be a panel i'll need to make sure that my the extremities not the extremities but the uh the contour of the mesh is well calculated so you see here there's like going to be like a gray edge this uh this thing here so uh yeah actually i'll make my line right here instead doing this this this is going to be the contour and here i'm not going to remove it but i'm going to actually make this a hard edge so yeah so i'll node it yeah like this there we go i'll cut it here all right that should be good so now same as before mask by intensity invert mask hide what is hidden and attribute new polygroups i'll take this i'll grow it a little bit that should be fine i will assign its own polygroup and uh you still want this piece here that i will grow and this will be kind of like the center oops uh wait what it's going to look like on this side this is going to be in a thickness okay so i'll want this mesh to stop here approximately there we go all right so if i grab this guy here this one and this one oops this those needs to be separated okay this guy this guy and this guy there you go now i have like a more calculated mesh so that should be good like this so i'll delete what's it in and i will actually just move the mesh a little bit to align it to align its edge correctly i'll use damn standard kind of like to insist on the cavity that's that's um right here the separation of polygroups i'll this is going to be much cleaner later this is just for like some temporary visualization how do you make that color brush strong like hard stroke uh well i don't know it's just a standard brush with the rbg and when it's at max intensity it's really really sharp when you draw oops it's just this it's really the standard brush uh nothing and nothing nothing particular all right so this mesh here you know what i'm just going to remove the wireframe for a sec so you see like this mesh here like this i'm just gonna give it it's uh more of like the shape that i'm looking for so you see how it's not like aligned all the line here is not really aligned with uh this triangular shape that i that i know that is well uh that is clean let's say so i will actually use the triangle as kind of like a a placeholder to make sure that the rest is uh clean and you see how like i made like a curve here and this here is more like a straight line uh actually like this i will probably make this like rounded on the edges i can probably do it now actually instead of like just like keeping it for later uh so what i'll do actually is probably i'm going to try to keep keep this shape and kind of like tell him to z remesh while keeping the shape correct so i'll just like clone it into a different z tool for a second i will apply the dynamic subdivision so it becomes a real subdivision uh before doing that i'm going to augment my crease to maximum and i i'm going to ask it to z-remesh and keep like these hard edges here so that remesh and you you click on keep groups let's go 1000 polygroups that remesh you see that's a it's pretty good so that'll probably be like the real mesh i'm going to be working on let's uh let's give it a shot insert you here and uh green color hide the old one and if i actually do not add any creases and i just smooth it so you see just because of its topology that's how it smooths that's how it actually does like a round corner it's actually pretty good it's pretty good it's not as soft as i would want it to be what i can try is just try to have a lower topology so i can just like step go back here on this step and as instead of like a thousand i can go for like point four thousands so four hundred said and you see the topology is actually like uh less tight so if i actually just like smooth it it actually smooths on a less of a sharp curve compared to this one you see how like they don't have the same like sharpness i think i'm actually gonna go for for that this one here yeah yeah i think i'm gonna do that all right i'm gonna place a triangle here smooth it there we go see it's rounder i prefer it like this something else that i could have done is just manipulate create an inset inside and uh so yeah i'll just see some a lot of question popping actually [Music] good night goodnight dude thiago have a good one good night all right so you see i have those different different thicknesses i won't delete the other meshes for the moment because what i want is i want to be able to also like add like details like trim lines and stuff on that mesh and i think i'm going to probably um sharpen the corners by adding adding details because like for example if i add like an inset inside here oops let's try uh standard like just adding that inset actually made the corner a little bit thicker but if i mask this part and i lift it like this i kind of like get more roundness see like how the corner gets rounder so that's actually what i was that that's what i wanted to be honest so i'll keep this i'll just push that mesh inside here so now i have the right roundness for where i'm going what i'm going for i mean so that's cool there we go so this mesh pretty much has like what i'm looking for in it i could actually start to polish this piece now this is pretty much like the final state of that piece i'm just gonna have to play around with like this shape here because it's a bit on the uh on the uh outside there but like i'm going to undo what i'm doing right now but just to show you how quick it can go if you just take a trim hole and you just target it to be in the center here and use alt you can actually have like this coming out like this it's pretty fast and uh plan our cut you can see like this so this is actually going to fit well later i just have to align the stuff a little bit but before i actually uh apply these dynamic subdivisions into real subdivision subdivisions i might actually just want to um [Music] just polish the pieces around it see if i need to do more manipulations first so i backed this piece here like this one is a piece that's going to be really important that i apply myself to correctly because it's uh somewhat of a major piece i'd say it's also pretty complex the shape is complex so uh i don't want to rush it too much the the sides are all jagged but uh it doesn't worry me for the moment uh each polish a bit i'm gonna make those a bit planar it's easy to keep to keep the roundness if i'm too hard with each polish i'm actually going to make it like uh straight but if i use h polish and make the strokes in that direction i kind of like chamfer the shape a bit it stays a hard surface so what i will want to do now is kind of like make sure that like this stays around here but i i kind of like i want to create kind of like a plane where like this is like planar and then it starts to curve like this the idea would be that it's similar here so um for the moment i'll simply try to make it by hand by doing this here or hmm maybe i should just try to clip it hmm wow yeah that could work and i'll use a smooth smooth brush so like now i know that there's kind of like a plane here and then it goes around i think it's gonna work and the way that the light is kind of like shining on the the planes it's not yeah that's kind of like the effect i wanted so all right that's cool google cool all right so what about the edges now that are all jagged uh what i'll do is i'll simply use mask by feature with border here i'll invert this i'll kind of like relax this and just like use deformation polish there we go i got rid of it and now i can probably just like pull the edges like this where it actually got maybe a bit too thin all right and for here since it's kind of like thin what i'll probably do is i'll just lasso mask this part here so that when i pull here it doesn't move the other side i don't think mask mask backface would have worked for here since it's like a plane already that's probably going to be good enough all right okay and i think i think now it's time to set remesh this all right so what i'll try to do is uh i'll try to have a plane like you see here i actually kept my polygroups because i actually want z remesh to keep loops around here um and i'll actually try to actually have loops uh here it's hidden but see i'll try to have like a like a edge right here so i'll assign another polygroup here and i'll actually assign another polygroup oops here like this all right and now it's time to set remesh so you go into that remesh that remesh keep group and let's go for i don't know 2 000 polygons it's probably too much 2000 is probably too much yeah it's too much oh plus it kind of like doesn't bode well for this part let's try again now you see how it doesn't work here it's unfortunate uh here is fine all of that is fine that's fine that's actually working well here here it doesn't like it but yeah so it's probably because of the shape because of the triangular shape so i'll kind of like mask i'll kind of like mask this part and i'll try to give it like a less of a like a triangle shape sometimes it helps the algorithm and here i'm not super sure what it wants but just by moving the shape sometimes it kind of like resets and offers offers something else so let's try again was it remash still doesn't like it okay well you know what i will not insist then i will just keep one polygroup here and for this side i will simply delete because it's it's it's hidden under the whole thing so who cares right so there we go and was that remesh no it should be fine yeah you see it's fine well i mean this triangle here isn't it's not fine what should i do hmm i can probably just forget about like this edge and do it manually yeah you know what i'll stop all the holding on to that dream i mean i could just like re-top all that by hand also but uh like i said a lazy guy here so not gonna happen the rest of the mesh is usable it's pretty good that's going to be good i'm just going to remove that edge here so uh insert if i do this yep here you go i didn't lose anything else this polygon here is a bit weird i'm gonna go and delete that so i'll select delete boom there you go uh this edge here is a little bit squeezed there we go there's a triangle here does that matter i can probably collapse it no not this way [Music] no i'll simply like add a cut right here um what is it again split boom there we go split delete delete there we go all right all right we're good we're good for sure key group smooth groups might fix well it's already keep groups that i have uh with smooth groups i actually haven't tried that all right but you see i i'm happy with that and uh i know i'll be able to to get to the results that i want with that so we're good i'm gonna delete that poly and i think the rest will be good all right so um now that i actually have the mesh that is pretty much my final mesh without the it's missing the panel loop still but uh actually try to really really really make the edges clean now so you'll see i'll use a little bit of um an automation for cleaning uh edges soon but uh i still do i always do like a little pass by hand first so [Music] i'm really like i know what i'm going for because the automation for smoothing the edges will not like be perfect and it might actually smooth other part of it so if i just like give it like a good starting point it's going to help later right now i'm you i'm moving with accu curve iq curve you can find it in brush curve iq curve it kind of like did gives like this little pointy fall off otherwise it would do like this right the iq curve kind of like gives it like a and i i find it actually it's with the move brush it creates some really cool effects i really encourage you to try it sometimes because i really like how sometimes it just like works in smaller areas without resizing your move brush and sometimes it's really good to create those spikes like like i said okay okay all right all right all right yeah it's it's it's kind of like a bit like snake hook it's not the same uh it you'll you'll see if you try it kind of like first of all snake hook is super aggressive and in a hat it kind of like drags the the model also whereas like this one it really like keeps the model in place i find it doesn't have this like dragginess to it don't get me wrong i love rupaul drag race but i don't like drag in my snake hook [Laughter] sorry in my move iq curve so also like the distance between those mesh and that's like the the problem when you start to like really separate a lot of meshes is that uh the the liminal space between the meshes sometimes people forget to clean it and it's true that it's kind of like annoying to have to really like make sure that like the space between the meshes is constant and consistent and that sort of stuff um so that's one of the the reason why for less important pieces sometimes i just like to keep like one unified mesh even if it's harder to polish because there's a lot of polishing by hand after well that's like one positive aspect of it it's that if you want to create like a split in the mesh like for example like here on the foot like like what separates this part from this like thing here is really just a brush stroke and from afar it looks like a separation and it was really easy to do whereas like what i'm doing right there the separation between those two meshes it's kind of like annoying i i really have to do it by hand and be diligent all right so now all the border of this mesh looks pretty clean so i'll be ready to add the uh the panel loop pretty soon maybe one last thing that i want to do before adding the panel loop is uh just giving a little extra h polish especially like here i really want that plane to stay so i'm age polishing a low mesh it's going to help to give good results later if like your low mesh is looks uh clean here when you'll subdivide it it's really going to give like a a clean result so uh do not do not neglect that so all right all right let's try like this i'll create my panel loop so final loop one loop no bevel no polish minus 100 iteration uh elevation sorry and if i pan a loop at this thickness value is it the thickness i'm looking for no it's too thick one could say there is no such thing as too thick and i tend to agree but in that case too thick so you see like now i have the the thickness here i can look around that's pretty good you see like here it's really missing like that um gray piece that i i that you can see on their other side but i will actually create that gray piece from the topology of like this contour here when it's going to be uh cleaner and it'll it's actually going to help me to go uh much faster so uh there you go all right so now that i have the thickness uh is it really thick enough no i think i need it to be a little thicker i can always change it later pretty easily also um [Music] do i want to have like a bevel to this thickness um no i think i can work with that so now what i'll do is i'll just still clean a little bit of the liminal space between no i don't use that as my low mesh i always re-topo with a much more optimal mesh i mean when i when i did a few gig for the cinema industry and i did uh use my lowest subdivision level for some of the clothing and um yeah for some of the clothing it kind of like some companies they actually work well with uh with automated topologies but uh no it's rare uh some video game companies uh we did like a chaos mason's the uh we actually uh used the z remesh for some of the topologies but they were really like creatures and um like very like uh yeah whatever i can't say too much but it kind of like worked well we just had to make sure that around like the flexion areas that it was not too much uh like the loops were not like too dirty and yeah otherwise uh no work well uh okay cool all right let's try uh subdivision levels now to see how it will smooth so if i subdivide without doing anything else so this is a subdivision without creasing i'll probably need at least like one level of creasing oh crap [ __ ] me [ __ ] christ i forgot to sorry for the custody right there um i forgot to when i did the panel loop i forgot to click ignore group so like now this piece is separated from the rest oh yeah for personal pieces i don't use read topo i just render my high res without any optimization well you see like you know i really wanted to keep that you know what you know what i can do i can simply just reselect my faces delete the thickness and weld weld points yeah they welded correctly and now i can just like indoor group panel group there we go you see like now it's one piece all right so yeah maybe it was not worth all the cussing and stuff sorry fixed it pretty easily eh all right back to smoothing crease one level uh crease group so now i have like this like yeah and now that's the trick the trick uh i said the automated polishing thing is uh pretty much uh going into uh you'll have it in deformation uh polish crisp edges it will basically like polish everything but keep your crisp edges but store a morph target first because it might actually polish things that you don't want to polish so yeah so if i actually uh you see polish crisp edges so you see it kind of like polishes in some areas you don't want um you can avoid that by adding creases also but some places you won't be able to add creases because the topology doesn't allow for it so you'll probably like want to keep your uh your uh so you see like if i go in morph brush since i actually recorded more target i can pretty much get like that soft edge back it's small detail but for me it's important so before i actually do that i'll just add some creases manually with z modeler oops there we go hmm probably won't need it there okay let's see polish crisp edges i mean it's like too rounded here but i'll just use my morph brush but you see how it actually like you see like that line how it's cleaner now like those lines here are really clean plus it cleans a bit of your surface all right so you i will keep that result and get some of my edges back with the morph brush keep this part here i want to keep the angle that i had do when i want to keep something here yeah this angle here oh there we go all right that's good i'll still move some stuff by hand kind of like closing the liminal space in some areas thanks for the following all right and you see i think that this mesh is actually ready yep it's pretty much uh final i'll just see what if i actually remove the crease in some areas i'll just try something like adding like the roundness i'm not sure if i really want creases here after all kind of like appreciate just like the general roundness of this part here after all like it already has somewhat of a pinch because it's uh somewhat high in poly so yeah i think uh it'll be good like that thanks i appreciate the compliment all right and now i will add the little like gray piece i was talking about here now that this piece is here and it's clean oh this can be a little cleaner yeah there you go i'll actually use the clip brush just to make this a bit straighter there we go nice i might actually be going a bit overboard right now with making it clean i might need to relax just a little bit but i'm having so much fun there you go all right good good good good good i'm actually going to save this because i don't want to start that again [Laughter] get those meshes clean i'll duplicate that mesh keep uh this border edge here i'll actually delete that use a um poly uh poly group by angle so i can actually isolate like the fan here up to here there you go delete hidden so now from this piece i can pretty much just like panel loop with with elevation here and i can actually have this oops there we go and you see like this here what i'll do is i'll probably just like use inflate polygroup all so i can just be pretty much like choose of like the thickness of that piece here after the fact i think [Laughter] i appreciate that that's uh it's really really nice to hear i love i love my work it's uh i love being an artist and uh doing that and uh there's some parts but uh i often have discussions with friends about like some processes of like treaty that are more tedious than others and it's kind of weird because i kind of like sometimes it can be tedious it's still fun it's kind of like meditating almost it's kind of like doing root topology once in a while root apology can be like so boring but once in a while it's kind of like just like eh you put a good movie and you just do re topology you watch breaking bad for the eighth time while you reap topologize a full mechanical armor so you see right right now what i'm trying to do is just like control the thickness so it kind of like just like works with my model i kind of always like push that model the muscles a little bit more inside i'll i'll probably need to like fill the gap here anyway by adding another muscle but i'm just like working on like the curve and uh from that angle as well because you see it's kind of like here it's closer to the shape but like here it actually got like further and really just with the move the move brush i'm just going to give it like a see like that line here is following well the other line on the side uh this is by the way this is a mistake that i see a lot in um more junior work let's say is uh when uh the thicknesses of like an area or like where really like lines are are going in the same direction uh often they just don't stay like the same consistency like it'll do like this or it's like the distance between here and here and this distance between here and here is like not the same and it doesn't feel like calculated or intentional so this would be something to to look for when you're doing like a really polished uh pieces and now that this is the angle that i want i'll just ask myself is it the same this is it the distance like do i want to create like kind of like uh well this i don't know how to call it but just like create like an inside thickness and yes i want to do that just by pushing it inside like this oops so it adds like a little like thickness thing and i can even like eventually add maybe like a bevel here that would be cool that would be pretty cool i will need to play with the muscles here because now they don't work let's fix that quickly muscle poly group push them in a bit like this there we go and for here i'll actually need to add a new muscle so i'll just there we go perfect well now let's push that in um yeah yeah well it's it's it's really um at the discretion of the artist uh i find it uh really a question of calibration i made a mistake right here you see i i didn't keep them on the same poly i should have not have them on the same polygroup ah you know what i think it's going to be fine i'll just whatever all right all right so i'll just change i'll polygroup by angle crease the polygroups dynamic subdivision these here to get the right there we go yeah should be fine those doughnut towels muscles here they don't like intercept with the arrests the rest quite perfectly but i think it's not going to be really seen anyway so let's just keep it like that for the moment there's a little like curve here in the mesh that i don't like that now i see in that angle and i'll need to push it in like this this is like some people might never have seen this but i see it right now and uh i'm in the mood to polish it there we go the rest might be going overboard so there we go all right maybe in the end i wanted this to be a little bit thicker i don't know i'll leave it to that for a moment i think this piece i'll make it a panel also by the way when it's going to be time to make like a bevel here like i'll probably just end up like um collapsing my dynamic subdivision and using the the clay brush like the clay brush is really good to just like make like quick bevels like this it even follows like the curves of the line really well and uh you'll just need to use like h polish after maybe to clean it like a little bit it's really see like it might give like a nice bevel result here like this and you can even after that like take your smooth brush and kind of like smooth it like you just have to be kind of like do it one shot clean and it kind of like gives it like this roundness after afterwards so you really have control on the like the corners like this uh more than you you could think so uh yeah but i i won't do that exactly right now because i might want there we go i might want to um keep the keep it in like dynamic subdivision for a moment i'll probably like polish like everything one shot anyway so for the moment i'm more into like separating the pieces and cleaning them so now let's go to another piece or actually you know what i'm kind of like seeing something now you see how like this like piece is not really aligned with like the flatness of this piece i might actually just like see if i can just make it a little like i'm looking at like those two like details here trying to align them to the surface it's not following the the line of the triangle either so uh let's try to or actually you know what let's try to make it more like offset to it maybe it's going to be better if it's really offset so is it better straight or offset straight or offset offset's better all right yeah the synthetic muscles in crisis i know what you mean it's it's pretty much where i i think i got my uh my first dose of inspiration for this visual language like crisis is like only synthetic muscles almost uh which is whatever it's a style it's fine uh i like it a bit more variety um but it looks cool i remember i remember crisis when i played like a long time ago i remember looking at the designs and being like okay wow like this is the future and i think it pioneered a certain style pretty much and uh so like good for them it was a good game so wait was it a good game it was a it was a nice game i think i remember it as also being a good game like having fun being like the predator going around destroyed cities and whatnot yeah kind of like i think i remember it fondly oh yeah it was a bench marker for sure uh not a benchmark i mean uh oh yeah a benchmarker yeah technical benchmarker i can't run crisis i hope that that's what people said you know when the the guy created the computer that plays chess i think his name was blue if i'm not mistaken or wonder if people back in the day were like but can it run crisis like cry what like sorry i am from the future all right that's probably going to be like the shape i'm going to go for for the plan for this plane so you see once again i'll try to um have like a different polygroup here i'll make the contour less jagged just to help the z3 mesh algorithm and uh i will z remesh while keeping groups and i'm gonna try 100 polys it's a little bit low kind of like creates weird things in some areas so i'll just up it to like about 200 yeah it's fine i'm good enough there's like this i hate when it does like triangles here near like a edge though but it's pretty much the only one so i'll just like fix it by end real quick uh i will fix it by removing oops removing those pieces and bridging here and here like this there you go fixed and here it's a bit messy it probably could probably be cleaner if i just uh do this here oops it's not perfect but it'll it's good enough for rock and roll all right all right all right all right all right now that i have my topology i'll just continue cleaning it right now it's hard to see like my liminal spaces between the meshes like i might actually need to um to kind of like create a thickness to really be able to see the liminal space by the way if you're looking for a fun uh a fun game that's a bit of a a mind twist try super liminal it's really cool i had a lot of fun i actually really enjoyed those um let's call them mindfuck games i really appreciate them um i like my first mindfuck game was uh portal of course after portal i tried anti-chamber which was a more of a indie game it was also like pretty much my introduction my introduction into mini games indie games sorry i really have an appreciation for those back in the day there was a podcast called idol thumbs where like they were talking often about uh indie games and i tried a good couple of them and uh other mind [ __ ] game that i played after that i really liked i think my to be honest my favorite one is probably the stanley parable uh i tried to have my dad play the stanley parable and he got so frustrated with the narrator and i was like oh there you go that's pretty much the point of the game making you quit the game i love that game so yeah super liminal is because i just i keep saying liminal uh by the way just just to define the word liminal um like liminal space is basically like the corridors in your house so like the rooms of your house that are used as transitional spaces between the main spaces so let's say like your living room is in like an official space of your house right but like let's say like the corridor that could lead from your like kitchen to your living room that would be like this corridor would be a liminal space it's a space where people don't live like people don't like are don't exist really like you never really stay in a corridor except if you're a creep or i mean it's kind of like judgmental i was just like just thinking of like horror movies when you see like shad like shadowy figures in the corridors and stuff that's what i meant it's not meant to be no i didn't want it to be so judgmental but um yeah lemon is just like it mean it kind of like means like in between let's say so the liminal space between the um my meshes is pretty much like what i was talking about earlier sorry i just noticed something here so yeah super limital really fun really fun uh mindfuck game yeah i make a game too exactly what is the tallest 3d printed model that i made well i mean if you're talking about the models that i made myself uh just give me a sec with my own printer all right so i mean it might be kind of like hard to to zoom in this character but i printed like this guy here um with my my form too it's kind of like hard to see you know like there's this my screen is in the in the way but uh you can see like the size is pretty it's pretty huge and since i like i'm printing with a form two so it makes for like some pretty high quality uh renders so uh yeah it's uh it's uh i really like that printer it's really good it's kind of like a bit of a hassle to use but yeah but when i do when i do prints for um to sell to people i always use a manufacturer to print them for me and ship ship them that print is uh pretty much hollowed i always hollow my pieces as much as i can because it saves on on resin but i think that my my manufacturers when they print uh they don't even bother with like uh hollowing the the things because it just like takes more time to execute and print and it creates uh issues with the molds like and stuff like i i don't know like i'm assuming from the few discussions that i had with my manufacturer this is what i assumed so we're close to the two hour mark i'm uh baby seems to be still sleeping well i'm not sure how much longer i'm going to to do this but uh i kind of feel like continuing a little bit still i mean worst case scenario i'll just like abruptly end the stream and continue another time no problem i have the television playing in the living room and it's really like play uh it's confusing me because i kind of like hear sounds and stuff and now that i talked about spooky liminal places i'm all scared should probably stop to be sarcastic i don't know if you've seen the south park episode where stan uh randy stan's dad just cannot stop being sarcastic and it just like pretty much like brings his own demise it's a good one it's like a stupid episode but it's a it's a really good one all right let's uh let's panel loop do oops too thick just about right see here the the thicknesses don't really line up i think i'm gonna have to think about uh something here it kind of like bothers me feels like it was not manufactured correctly okay oh so you like you see like how like this thickness here is like not consistent here this is the kind of stuff that i say like bothers me sometimes i just feel it it's just like it looks not polished when this happens sometimes you can hide it especially if like it's not an area that people will look a lot but um yeah i try to i try to keep those cleans normally i'm just smoothing this here there we go and i mean i'm pro pro i will probably have some details around like the these edges uh at some point it's going to help to make them look cleaner too this is really some like high level pickiness that's kind of important for me all right should be all right another panel in the bag so i'll have to work something um like uh between these here there's ago i'm going to need to add like an inner mesh at some point it's probably going to be like a really rough mesh probably i'm going to use like this under mesh here just to fill the holes a little bit here because it's uh i don't want to have like negative space in there and uh also what i'll probably do later is uh like you see how like this kind of like it's kind of like covered by here uh to be honest like i might uh do something pretty radical at some point and uh once i'm going to apply subdivision i might try to kind of like maybe by boolean maybe by just like clipping i might actually try to i might add like this kind of like whole thing here i'll just have to find the right angle for it yeah just so that there's like a continuation of like that hole here like this and you see at the back is pretty dirty now because it's clipped but the reality is that if you actually just use back face you can just like recreate pretty much like your lost thickness it's not really nice the apology is all like effed up but uh um i mean it's not really you're we're not really really gonna notice so uh yeah this is something i might actually do later but like i said for no moment pretty much just working on having all my my meshes clean i need a crease here thanks for sticking around by the way it's uh it's pretty fun to know that there's a people with me right now i felt that right now also i kind of like uh found a good groove so it's fun to keep it rolling while there's people it's around along eh like once i'll be done with the rest of the pieces here that's when i will probably start to add like all the trim details and that's all that that good stuff here this was like all done by hand like i said then this is more like done in a very more of like a tedious manner with the loop the panels and stuff but relatively more of the same sometimes you see like i think for this piece i'll just make it like a like a solid piece just to say that i i did that piece in a in another manner in other way i mean so i'll actually split it also i kind of like feel confident that i can get get rid of that piece i'll just actually i'll put it in my keepers here sometimes i keep pieces that i think i might reuse later all right well take care alex have a good one see you soon yeah so that mesh here i don't need like all this part here so i'll just scratch it all right so now you will see me work how i work uh dirt quick and dirty all right you're gonna see it's not as technical but it requires more end polishing all right so i'll take this mesh here and i'll actually just close hold it and uh yeah i know this mesh should have have yeah that's just to help myself actually you know what i'll do it in a bit of an orthodox manner but i'll close the gap like this and i will actually subdivide uh dynamesh it so you see it's like really like it's not as graceful as like the other technique and i'll just like by hand by hand i'll just uh make it just somewhat of a cleaner mesh when i have a couple of clean pieces laying around sometimes i'll just um make the other ones around it in a uh less of a uh like i'll be just like um less strict about like how clean i am because they're not like the pieces that attract the most attention and like this is pretty much like a good example like this small like piece here so you know what as long as it kind of like looks good to the eye oh and by the way i'll i'll probably add like an imm right here you know what i'll do it right now i think i have one right here it's probably like a cylinder or something i think there's there's one on the leg of that guy though or is it just the one that's called cylinder no that's not it that is not it oh all right charlemagne see you soon there's the cylinder i was talking about i'll probably use it with like a cable as well let's grab that cable right now thank you much appreciated yeah let's try it like this or maybe a little bit more there we go something like that you
Channel: Keos Masons
Views: 56,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zbrush, learning, tutorial, character, 3d, art, twitch, stream, mantis, mech, android, robot, mesh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 8sec (7868 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2022
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