3ABN Today Cooking - "Incredibly Delicious Vegan Specials, P. 2 -Dr. Dona Cooper-Dockery (TDYC18026)

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I want to spend my people wanna spend [Music] moving Lord let my hila heart I want to spend [Music] and a broken people hello and welcome to another 3abn today cooking program today I am super excited because I have with me executive chef Edgar egging yoga and dr. Cooper Dockery that's right and you are the founder of Cooper Wellness Center and you are the Executive Chef you say is for wellness center as a pleasure to have you guys here before you know we came out we had started this this pot and yeah it's already cut boiling so before we get into that how did you guys connect wha Edgar would you like to give that story it's in a minute it's very very God a guided story the way we met we were at a at a training at a church both Hispanics churches came together with the English came together and we were going to talk about health me myself being a chef I had nowhere to be in whatever class so my brother said why don't you just go in and you probably learn something about health that would help you along with the cooking so I sat down and dr. Brice mamrie had to he asked the question why are you all here and only two of us raised her hand I was one at risk my hand I said whoa I'm a chef and I want to learn more about health and see how our kid put that into cooking so the lecture kept on going later on dr. Cooper come up to me she says sure you're a chef I said he just manages that we'll have a wellness center and we're starting this whole new program with meals and juices and she's like and I would like to see you were interested in working and I'm like now I'm actually looking for a job so we know that if dr. Brice didn't ask the question why are you here we wouldn't have met so God works in mysterious ways but he works in perfect it was divine providence and so how long has the Cooper Wellness Center been around about nine years or so we form Cooper wellness and disease prevention center just so I can do holistic approach to health using lifestyle medicine with my patients okay and and okay so when we say the Wellness Center right yeah what differentiates you from say a health clinic or a hospital you know what's what's the difference I want people to know that yes we are an outpatient lifestyle center like Weimar or Wildwood okay we just don't have the residential problem so patients can mentor or a center they go through the health classes nutritional classes we have a kitchen of course now we have a chef we have an educator we have someone who does the exercise program we have a gym it's a total different setting than what you see in a regular doctor's office gotcha gotcha and you heal with you cure things with food food is medicine we do the entire eight laws of Health we have Bible study classes of the office we just hired a part-time chaplain we have had five baptism from our program so it's it's it's touching lives rice evangelism it's evangelism yes follow my beautiful beautiful well what are we gonna be making today chef what are we gonna be doing today right now we'll be making our mac and cheese but there's a whole different twist to it because it's cheese they could eat without feeling guilty okay we're also gonna have kebabs we have burgers we're gonna have skewers we're gonna have meatballs we're doing a lot today party meals meats for children meals for just about everybody I'll tell you what about cholesterol after this program I'm gonna be eating a lot a lot we'll be one happy family so what's our first recipe we are going to do our macaroni and cheese okay we're doing a half a cup of raw cashews one pack the 14 ounce pack of the firm tofu 3/4 cup of nutritional yeast flakes 3 cups of water and 1 large red bell pepper and we're gonna be doing 2 tablespoon full of Bragg aminos one teaspoon of turmeric 2 tablespoon full of lemon juice 3 tablespoon full of olive oil 4 cloves of garlic mashed and we're doing 1 large onion as it gonna be chopped 1 tbsp of savory seasoning 1 and 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt 2 tablespoons of cornstarch 67 cups of whole grain macaroni cooked so that is what we already have going or macaroni and we're gonna make our cheese sauce wonderful so where do we what do we start with we we started with our with our tofu okay our tofu has been drained hey we have it out here we're gonna cut it up in little sections so we can put it into our blender this is a very easy to blend so we don't have to cut it up very finely okay so what I'm just gonna do do just cut it up into pieces squares cheese sauce actually yeah nice I was like watching watching different chefs with what they're not my skills yeah very good is our executive chef yes all right and then we're gonna add the cashew we're going to enter our cashews these as well are wrong Sammy is they're not roasted they're not seasoned we are adding our own seasoning to this why is why is that so important why because then you get a sweet flavor and you really don't want that Street flavor from the casual you want the brawl so you get to dictate what they're gonna taste very good also we have our nutritional yeast this helps us with the flavor with the coloring this is amazing product right here you have to have it in your pantry yeah it gives the cheesy taste not only that but the B complex vitamin b12 b6 and all these vitamins okay and and it seems like a must and a vegan it has to be a - yes yes it helps out with a lot of recipes with the flavor with the b12 with the b12 all that comes into play gotcha we can add the water we're going to add our three cups of water into this mm-hmm and I think this is cook I'm gonna drain this and get it prepared and ready for the chef okay so we're gonna get our bell pepper alright our bell pepper is gonna help us with that color okay easy way to cut our bell peppers they're already divided naturally so we're just gonna put our knife through it and cut around that helps us to leave the seeds in there and intact and our board does not get messy at all yeah those seeds are seasoned right here yes and again we're gonna put this into the blender so it doesn't have to be finely chopped we're just gonna help out our blender so he doesn't have trouble while we're blending gosh and from the bell pepper we have our vitamin A and also gives a color for the cheese sauce hmm I love bell peppers very delicious mm-hmm and if you could get these roasted it adds that smoky flavor into the sauce as well that's correct nice can i smoke cheese yeah now we're going to add our tumeric and our other seasoning salt and cornstarch those be going in here as well okay and tumeric now to work you must have heard a lot about cumin writer human yes curcumin is a root that is used so much in the Eastern cooking mmm-hmm lots of antioxidant fights anti-inflammation joint pain arthritis it builds a system it's something you need to have in your kitchen okay all right chef keep going and we're gonna add our aminos this helps also with the flavoring and gives us a little bit of sodium but we're also gonna add some more salt just to flavor it up yeah and those that are hypertensive if they have high blood pressure you need to watch the salt but remember cheese need to be salty and with this serving of a mac and cheese is just about 100 calories so it's not a problem and first we don't have the cholesterol ever okay also gonna add in here it looks like it's a lot yeah but this cheese sauce is amazing why could we're making mac and cheese this cheese can also be used for nachos as well so it's multi-purpose cheese yeah Juanes and our garlic's were gonna add our garlic in here as well it's a very very very complex dish but it's very very easy to do why could everything goes into the blender blender and we're gonna let it go all right [Applause] as you see the bill Perez helped us get that a nice color stand and the more he cooks the more yen was gonna get because of that bell pepper okay yeah she's look like the real [Applause] alright ok so we have the posture here we're gonna porch out okay we're gonna fill it with the sauce okay we're gonna make nice and then this recipe will be over this is delicious kids love this recipe I love mac and cheese let's just M tune out and we use like jalapeno cheese okay let's pour it out and then we're ready to bake and we're gonna be baking this at 350 degrees for about an hour we're gonna fill it to the top so it becomes very cheesy 350 for about an hour let's get it in there all right okay there we go very good all righty 350 for an hour so what's our next recipe that we're going I think we're gonna do meatballs the chef Lazo too many bows are amazing why because you use them so many ways in spaghetti or you could coat them with different sauces you could do barbecue sauce you could do marinara sauce cash or afraid Oh sauce whatever kind of sauce you like goes into them you're speaking my language all right you are speaking my language so let's take a look at the recipe awesome we got 4 cups of water we got 1 cups of chopped walnuts 1 cup of chopped 2 sunflower seeds 1/2 a cup of Bragg aminos 2 tablespoons of olive oil we have 1/4 of a cup of nutritional yeast 1 teaspoon of garlic powder 2 teaspoons of onion powder 2 cloves of garlic mashed and diced 1 medium onion chopped 1 tbsp dried basil 1 teaspoon of thyme 1 teaspoon of ground coriander one teaspoon of sage 4 cups of rolled oats so where do we begin we're going to put our pasta into our water ok our water is already boiling and steaming hot okay there we go must is going in now we're going to do our meatballs start off with the onions okay these are meatless meatballs wanna steer from the cholesterol gotcha meatless meatballs meatballs this is a fan favorite if I say people love it why because they're away from the meat but they still get that flavor yeah that's right I don't start tearing up with the onion no I am about to show you a trick okay how to cut onions and not cry we do together I cut it in half I took the top off I left the root on guys hey there's another sofa right here ok once you start hitting that onion gets mad releases that sulfur goes into our nostrils one tear tear drops and that's when we started crying so our Father in Heaven he'd put lines into the onion very thankful for that because that helps us just cut down the lines right so we are trying to dice this onion chop it up okay and you can follow lines the closer lines are the smaller your dice is gonna be okay so you cut that and now once we have the lines we turn this on the side okay we've got three finger method three fingers on the front pink in the back thumb in the back and our knife is always right next against knuckles right against the knuckles yes oh I can look at you cut and we're never gonna curse oh yeah and on the onion you start cutting right and we start seeing the dices coming out nice and I still don't see you cry so that's yeah you lose a finger I'm gonna pass out so the Sofer we could get rid of that is what we want we have nicely diced onion yes and here in our pot we got put a little bit of oil okay that oil is gonna help us bring that sugar out of the onions gets that nice caramel out of the onions there are a lot of sugar in the onions so we want that why because we don't want that bitterness out okay I love love on them and onions are great remember we discussed onion information inflammation Harley building your system and happy to fight just a purse cancer so I love to cook with onions all right Edgar what else do we have no we have our sunflower seeds we're gonna add those in there we also have our aminos and we're gonna add those in there as well that's gonna give that nice flavor of I start adding our spices or you got different spices we got time they're used yeah hey you said it we got our corn starts right here you're gonna help us bring it together get that nice going and we have walnuts right here okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna chop them they're already nice and small but I want the size of the sunflower seeds okay did we put corn starch or did we put another spicier I think just another spice okay let's put our main protein there that is our walnut one cup of walnuts will give about five grams of protein and we're trying to make a protein dish here and of course the walnuts have good fats omega-3 fatty acid which our bodies need yes alrighty so we're gonna get that together while this is boiling have you developed kitchen hands where you can touch this incredibly hot stuff have you developed that Edgar sometimes sometimes I'm something too hot and I don't fill it until it's too late that's right those onions are not nice and translucent they're nice and brown which means that sugar is out that's what that's why they call it caramelize we're gonna add the water right okay the water are gonna have the oats then we're gonna or oh well that's gonna sit for a couple of minutes while the water okay cools down and they were gonna form the balls alrighty so sit the heat of the water rattles it yeah well let it sit for a while and the flavor will just get into the old and then we're gonna make her what our balls all right I think we have some more cool ones that Edgar's gonna use now to make the balls nice takes too long to wait on yeah which is the beautiful thing about being on so yeah we get to make it the fastest we get to eat it so after after 20 minutes that is there they leave it soaking it's getting into a nice texture okay it looks like our stuffing but this is our walnuts and everything so here we start making our balls okay we like to go for a 1 ounce okay meatballs so these are lovely but you could go one and a half okay you we don't want to go too big and in each of these balls I have about a hundred calories so they're not calorie dense but a lot of nutrients because we have the fiber we have the so nuts what the great fats to help with heart disease and we have also the seeds okay Nazis are wonderful to prevent coronary disease yes and that is how we're helping our patients at Cooper wellness and disease prevention center they're doing fine off meat and off the cholesterol Wow people love these meatballs we have to make so many of them at a time because people were coming in where's my meatballs love these meatballs and they're good to start parties they're easy to make they're flavorful and nice presentation nutritious and absolutely absolutely now are these meatballs in your cookbook they are in my cookbook where's my cookbook let's see what we have here this incredibly delicious vegan recipes and ok and as I mentioned we have recipe but I have 28 days meal plan here for anyone who wants to lose weight okay decrease medication reverse your diabetes and we have a lot of patients we're doing fantastic using these same recipes nice nice do you meal prep at all I do like on a Sunday or something like that we actually we have the chef we have very meal organic juices at the Wellness weekly meal prep almost freshly almost daily that is how big our demand is and uh it's plant-based everything spam base which is delicious and people are not missing out any nutrients no vitamins nothing they're getting exactly what they need and they come in and buy a monthly supply of fresh is best let us drain this you think this is ready Edgar should I drain it yes ma'am that is ready go ahead and drain this off so we can do some fun here we've got some more recipes to get yes and our balls will be going into our oven for 350 degrees and for how long they'll be they in there for 30 minutes okay 30 minutes are they ready to go in yes they are okay mister I'm gonna put this out for you get your dish here alrighty yeah so we usually bake for 30 minutes but we do 15 minutes on each side okay so we turn them to get them properly cooked okay Edgar here is so we got pasta we have two spaghetti oh yeah that's done like it like a true chef in the spaghetti right there yes and we always recommend whole-wheat pasta gotcha all right not process more fiber more nutrients more protein okay the chef's go ahead and finished it off we got a our sauce here this is just a marinara sauce tomato basil thyme delicious for me its manners and business should always go together they're best friends that you get to know each other especial here already very nice look at the beautiful presentation and to that we'll add our meatballs at the end of the show today so you're gonna be tasting those oh you know I'm gonna be this is delicious yes yes it looks like it go away from meatballs and this is gonna be fantastic oh yeah I'm looking forward to it what are we gonna be making next next we are going to have our burger it's a black bean burger it's we have one can of black beans their dream have jalapeno seeded and chopped three garlic cloves have a medium onion cut in wedges 2/3 cups of rowboats 1/2 a cup of frozen corn one tablespoon of fresh cilantro and we're gonna mince that two teaspoons of ground cumin 1/2 a teaspoon of curry 1/2 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper 1/4 of bread crumbs 1/2 a teaspoon of salt or more and that's up to taste and we're gonna have tomato mustard ketchup but that is to taste and to set up our burger you know I absolutely love burgers but I don't I have no idea where we begin with this one this is black bean burger and one cup of black bean you have 40 grams of protein a regular adult size up male need about 60 grams Wow and you have 40 grams right right here in this Wow okay so I'll just get to it right yeah so we're gonna start with our onion mm-hmm our onion we're gonna cut it into wedges okay and we're not gonna cry and we're not gonna cry that's right that's right only reason why we're cleaning two wedges is to help out our food processor everything is going to our food processor there's a very very easy dish very simple everybody loves it every leg is doing it okay okay at our Wellness Center this is one of the favorite really yeah okay people love it a spicy it is filled with good fat lots of fiber mm-hmm and a lot of mound of our protein nice all right Edgar what a story - yeah I'm gonna process my onion first and then I'll be adding everything else Mike horn my beans everything I'll be adding into this so I want my onion two feet nice and smaller this one okay okay I don't want get that big flavor onion I just want it to be nice and settle so we're done there and now we're gonna add our corn okay and when he comes to the black bean burger we like texture with it okay so we have black beans okay we're now gonna finely chop this they're just a chop so we could have texture in the burger okay if you're eating something else yeah whoo we have a cayenne kind gives us a nice kick we also have jalapeno okay so this is gonna be a delicious burger nice and spicy oh yeah food is medicine Cayenne is an anti-inflammatory so we use it a lot in medicine for joint pain so right here we're doing food as medicine nice crumbs right just the binders you're buying it together and then or oatmeal okay I have my cilantro right here okay let's start grabbing some yeah he's gonna do that's your way and then your pepper my jalapeno I'm just gonna cut the hand out gonna use seed and all cuz we really need to be spicy yeah it's gonna have some spice in that so if you don't like spice then tell all right what is delicious you're gonna love it and this is a very very simple everything's already in there okay then quick this is fast we're gonna post it for 10 times I'll go 1 2 3 4 5 that's ready guys oh wow we're done Jays gonna use this bowl and we're gonna mix this together here we go yeah yeah so we're gonna just scoop that out and we're gonna make burgers and we're gonna do about four to six burgers depending on the emphasize thank you we could see our our corner here we could see our oats we can see our beans we can see our jalapeno we have texture in here so when you bite into that burger you get to feel all that yeah yes so we're gonna get these we're gonna get nice burgers okay okay we want a nice eyeball doctors frame that pad now we're gonna make those patties so we're gonna put them here and we are gonna bake for about nine minutes per side or 350 degrees sorry okay okay all right so nine minutes percent right so you know you can also do perfect burgers we do that sometimes using uh how do we make her perfect burgers we use a mold and we actually just mold them out and you get perfect size burgers and each burger is gonna be exactly the same so you don't have somebody saying well I want that one because I want to bring yourself now I'm curious can can you do this on the stove as well or is it just baked oh you can do it on the stove but remember we want to be very careful with the oil so we don't like to fry anything okay but it can be done on the stove as well okay so we got our patties there okay no we don't we don't fit no more so we gotta put those in the oven outside 359 minutes per side 359 minutes per side all right I love it good burger too and that that's those ingredients together smell absolutely amazing and the interest of time we already have some prepared yes so these are patty we have our buns right here we have whole wheat buns for me actually they taste it better and wheat because you get the Southwest feel to it so now put our patties and we use whole wheat because we're moving away from the processed white flour which does not have in a fiber and nutrients so we want to recommend whole wheat and if someone doesn't like though the bread uh-huh they can go with lettuce simple lettuce wrap yeah less carbs as well less calories decorate this burg nice big tomato in there has a juicy tomato looks delicious / poignant in here now return so gonna cut a little wedge as well okay so we got a little wedges in here and for your home you can add some veggies imagination to this to make it a little delicious right and away from the cholesterol that's right so you can so you can you can still eat healthy and not sacrifice flavor that's one that's see that for me is extremely important because if I have to sacrifice flavor it's not happening that's right the burger is ready to go looks delicious we're gonna try it out for the show yes what are we gonna be making next next we're going to be making our the dr. Cooper rosemary lemon tofu kabobs we're gonna use four small red potatoes we're gonna quarter those and one pack of the 14 ounce tofu cut in squares eighth of a teaspoon of stuff beef like seasoning 1 year old onion 1/2 a teaspoon dried rosemary dash of paprika 1 red bell pepper we're also gonna use 2 tablespoons of lemon juice 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 teaspoon of grated lemon peel half a clove of garlic minced half a teaspoon of salt now I'm excited about this one but I have again I have no idea where what are we gonna start with this is a whole meal we have our carbohydrate more potato we have the tofu where should the protein and we have our vegetables ok this is great for party chef where we starting we're gonna start with our tofu we're gonna dice this up nice and large because we want it to show off okay so we have half a pack in here so we gotta cut into squares okay and we're gonna try to get them nice and even which means even size even cookery right and Topher made from why was Topher made from chef Edgar Toph was made out of the soybean it's a soy bean curd so there's a lot of protein in there so this is delicious and I love cooking with a tofu because I keep marinated or seasoned in hybrid one it's like a sponge it just absorbs everything I put in it I can put barbecue sauce I could put salt pepper soy sauce whatever you could think those flavors exactly okay so let's proceed there chef I'm gonna put these to the side okay now I'm going to cut my bell pepper and start prepping for my kabobs all right now what about what tofu how they say something about estrogen and what's going on there it has phytoestrogen okay actually fight estrogen protects us against breast cancer and prostate cancer so the belief that tofu has estrogen that's going to cause the breast tissue to to grow and cause cancer this is not so it actually protects against breast cancer okay okay so again I cut the little wedges out leave the seeds intact now I'm going to cut little squares okay why cuz my Secours gonna go right through the middle guys I want a nice piece of bell pepper in my secured bell pepper is high in vitamin A which is an antioxidant vitamin A c d e these are antioxidant that our bodies need to fight cell aging and protect us against cancer it's good for the skin too good photos came good for the eyes just wonderful okay so now I have my zucchini here as the Keeney is amazing and delicious especially when paired with bell pepper and zucchini has a high water content so if someone wants to lose weight they should consume foods that are high in water content because there's gonna be lower in cholesterol not cholesterol but calories so they're not going to gain the weight as if they were to eat up high good in calories processed foods and so forth and so you want to cut those kind of and fix like I don't think slices almost the same size as a bell pepper again even size even cooking time so while my bell peppers are still cooking my zucchini won't be burnt if this is a lot thinner this will be quick yeah bell pepper will still be raw and that's when people start saying well I don't like my kabobs why because there were different sized items so I couldn't say you decide and you'll be perfect so our people at home need to make sure that yeah you need to make sure that you cut it the same size right because he's got it nice and evenly cut and remember with this kebab you can put any vegetables you like you could even add fruits mm-hmm like pineapple yes pineapple with tofu bell pepper or onion okay I cut my root I cut my top and again onion has different layers so that's gonna help us out I cut the half in threes and now I'm just gonna cut it in half and that gives me the same size as my bell peppers yeah that's yeah I might have to make these notice we're using a lot of onions right because we're using food as medicine we have a lot of patients out or wellness and disease prevention center that are doing amazingly well using these same recipes we're using here that I have in my book Wow now what is garlic good for ah garlic garlic is good for many things right fight inflammation uh-huh garlic is good for blood pressure garlic is good for your immune system okay so I like to put garlic and almost everything because I want to stay healthy without medications yes yes and all the side effects exactly yes so my stop seasoning is on my tofu I have let that sit for a while I have let that soak in my potatoes I have blanched them and showed them so I didn't overcook them so they stay on my skewer also that is a great source of vitamins with your potato mm-hmm now for those at home what what is blanching the potatoes blanching when the water comes to a boil I put my potatoes in there until they're fork-tender I could get a plastic fork and it punches and goes through the potato that means it's cooked I bring that out I put it in an ice bath its water with ice I put it in there and it completely stops them from cooking and overcooking because I wrote if i overcook it my potato will just fall yeah yeah that's what I did we're gonna bake this when we're done so we don't want to overcook the potatoes okay and now I'm just assembling my my kabob any different way you want you could do and again like doctor said you could add fruits pineapples into this and that will be fantastic yeah that sounds delicious okay then of course he's gonna put all the spices on so we have olive oil we have lemon juice and we have salt okay all that's gonna be added here at the end and what is this this is rosemary this is one of the main spices here so just give it some flavor nice all righty okay sheffster is just gonna assemble a few of them yeah yeah yeah they're gonna be the last week and then we're gonna go into the marinade that I'll be putting into the skewers it's very simple very easy but it's very diverse very vibrant yeah in a it gives all these vegetables alive the rosemary once is a roasted once it is dried it just brings out aroma and the whole kitchen is gonna start smelling like it I think we should just do two then you go to marinade Soto viewers can see how to spice this yes I got my lemon here so I'm going to do two tablespoons each half it's gonna give me a tablespoon I got a tablespoon in there okay a tablespoon in here okay and this nice lemon is gonna help me bring everything to life I also got my salt gonna put my salt in here my paprika I'm going to sprinkle it over my my skewers that is for color gotcha and the lemon of course this packed with vitamin C and of course vitamin C builds the immune system and remember this is medicine here we prepared right here that's right that's right and and you know it'll add that nice citrus flavor my rosemary okay I got my rosemary leaves I'm gonna sprinkle these on top as well okay all right and you can also go with a lemon all across rotate and with the lemon it also helps it stick on to the skewers and to the vegetables now how long do we put this in the oven for let's put your olive oil there there's gonna be four minutes on each side and this is gonna be done on broil on broil I'll bake gosh we put in four minutes and we're gonna rotate okay all righty so let's get it in the oven all righty so this dish has multiple color lots of nutrients remember when you're consuming your meals make sure you have multiple color because each color will bring out different vitamins and different you're absolutely so what's next what are we mixed we're going to make an amazing quinoa salad this is gonna be one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil 1 onion chopped 3 cloves of garlic they're gonna be minced a 1/4 of a cup of quinoa uncooked 1 and 1/2 cup of vegetable broth 1 tablespoon of ground cumin 1/4 of a tablespoon of cayenne pepper and we're gonna have salt to taste 2 cups of frozen corns 2 15 ounce cans of black beans rinsed and drained have a cup of fresh cilantro chopped 2 tablespoons of lime or lemon juice 1 jalapeno seeded and diced finely and we're also gonna be using leafy greens we're gonna use that as a bit you know I see a lot of colors here and I'm wondering which one we're gonna start with well we're gonna start off with our quinoa that's our main main ingredient here so we're start cooking our keynote with their extra virgin olive oil you know that's the whole grain a lot of people probably don't know what Kino is that's it's a whole grain so it has the it's a brand and the external side of the grain so we have the fiber we have the nutrient and we use this a lot of the Wellness Center so we have a whole meal right here whole grain beans protein and vegetables Edgar Wow so olive oil goes into our pan jay-z me home yeah yeah there we go yeah that's right and then we're gonna add our quinoa we're just gonna stir that up a lot of people cook quinoa straight out and that's when you get that bitter taste of quinoa once you cook it out with some olive oil yes that sweetness out so it'll have a bitter taste if you don't cook your property slightly yes that's what other people prefer going to white rice or rice pilaf and you know that because they're like quinoa is just too bitter and that stuff's not good for you yeah this is the best thing this substituted rice and as I say this is a whole grain that gives all the nutrient the iron the fiber and good carbs all right so what next year Edgar so we're gonna click that off for a little bit and then we're gonna add some onion okay onion is amazing especially once you start cooking it off and it goes great with our quinoa here and with all the ingredients we are going to put right here we have proponent so I love using purple onion and we love to cook with onions because as I mentioned onions are great to build immune system yes even to fight cancer it's an antioxidant and they're delicious I'm time flama Tory ready so let's get our onion in here chef I can put this here for you don't want that that gets going we're gonna add our vegetable broth this is vegetable broth it's a low on sodium too humble to no sodium okay okay so add a little bit about a little bit yes go ahead and pour that how long are we gonna cook this for I was gonna go for 20 minutes on a simmer whilst we're gonna add our cumin our cayenne and a pinch of salt to get that going that Jason again that goes for 20 minutes on a simmer we get a to a boil we cover it up and that goes straight into and you set a pinch of salt a pinch of salt would increase the blood pressure so we just did salt to taste some pain she's just a small amount all right Edgar so we cover that up and we're gonna let that simmer for 20 minutes and then we get that nice nice fluffy quinoa let it reload and with that cumin that client it has that little kick vegetable broth it just explodes with flavor but you know on TV we don't have 20 minutes did you have some prepared we have right here these are gone this is what we call TV miracle boom that's correct all right so we got everything done we have our quinoa and we're gonna take it out again we have that cayenne we have that cumin that vegetable broth all in here it's almost like a rice patients love it let's assemble this together we're gonna assemble this now are you gonna leave the seeds not everybody likes spicy yeah we got Cayenne in there already so it gives a little kick as well uh-huh and we're gonna watch your fingers yeah again fingers always behind the knife always behind the blade and as we mentioned this is a whole dish mm-hm we have or legumes protein we have our corn vegetable and they have our whole grain right there all right then we've even got a little lemon oh yeah citrus flavor that's right a lot of vitamin C there too bitter in the yes jalapeno is in here okay we're gonna add our corn in here as well okay well you had our black beans in here as well okay and we're gonna get a little more of that onion okay just a tad just a tad we're gonna cut one little piece out no gonna chop this up right here alright and you know just would like to cook with a lot of onions because of their nutritional value there yes yes and onions are absolutely delicious delicious and just about any dish good good good and since this has corn this as jalapeno this has cumin this has all kinds of things it's only fair if we have cilantro it's so Texas yeah that's right we love cilantro so we're gonna chop the stems UNAM why many people take out the stands and use stems have so much flavor in there and people are missing out chop this up we got a rough chop it okay it's a rough dish okay so it doesn't need to be fine exactly now this is called Southwest oh you know I smell it there you go but for the viewers of whole at home if you do not like cilantro you could use any herbs that you prefer and lemon we are going to roll it now why do you roll it first is that add does it bring out extra we get all that juice out okay we're gonna spray it all over here we got that one tablespoon in there now we mix this up that's ready to go ready to go and we usually serve this over a bed of green leafy vegetables yes yeah you have Carol you have spinach you have a spring mix anything green this is fantastic with a nice I mean it's cold it's served cold serve hot if you this you could do so many things with it so it's nice and colorful we got everything mixed we're gonna drive it this after come on Jason alright there you want to trick we tried all right fine Cooper Warning Center we have to wait to the very right okay just go ahead taste it you know okay no we'll wait no we're wait okay what's the next recipe the next recipe is delicious it's so so good we have a papaya banana ice cream it's 4 cups of frozen ripe banana cut in pieces 3 cups of frozen ripe papaya pieces half a cup of almond milk 3 tbsp of non-dairy powder I love ice cream and I'm so excited about trying this so where do we start it looks like we got the blender out that's right that's a couple of fresh and green ingredients best ok ok this is one of my family favorites so we're gonna do banana papaya ice cream very very simple and easy recipe we're gonna pour our milk which is almond milk half a cup then we're going to add our frozen banana this should be very right you want it to be very very sweet then use the right banana yeah then we're gonna and then to get it to be creamy we're gonna add our none dairy powder last so let's see what we do here let's get this going make some noise [Music] that's really that looks thick is my scream look at the consistence you know we're adding a little powder there this is coconut milk powder all right let's go here okay making some noise here you're going to get this charlie mixed together it is delicious losing a nice healthy healthy dessert and if parents want to keep the kids healthy and you have friends coming over this is a good way to go so we're gonna taste this I know Edgar is shaking over there because at the beginning of it now I saw this in the refrigerator to keep it really hard and frozen look at the texture that's for Edgar cuz he's been waiting the longest alright and then Jason you're gonna try this I don't know if you could eat all of this in camera but it is so creamy and delicious try that Jason tell me you think here you go that's yours alrighty all right what do you guys think what do you think hmm that's good right and you know you can use any form of and it says it has that ice cream consistency it is really delicious yeah and we are getting a lot of vitamins yeah and no cholesterol so this is a healthier dessert a taste I mean it has that ice cream texture very smooth right mm-hmm this is great on a nice summer day looks like it feels like it tastes like it and it's not too sweet mm-hmm you know my kids I usually just make these ice cream and then mom what did you put in it I said I let me tell it why don't you guess what it is yeah and they just enjoy this my husband asked me can you make me some of that ice cream mm-hmm very delicious so Edgar do you have children my son he's about to be 8 months he's all kinds of veggies he doesn't like nothing else but veggies he likes eating everything that we do at the Cooper Warner Center why cuz it helps him grow he's eight months he has not gotten sick so he loves love's ice cream this is perfect for him why because secretly he's eating fruits so he doesn't know what he's eating he thinks it's ice cream he's eating fruits yeah that's right that's a very good point Edgar you know as well the kids don't like fruits so a good way to get them to eat fruit is to do what make ice cream ice cream makes smoothies yeah and just use or even vegetable blend everything together I usually put here peanut butter in my ice cream my kids be having good peanut butter so to have their protein right there in this blended fruit ice cream I could see this is becoming like a smooth-eeee yeah smooth-eeee but when you add those look here the Dairy Milk you see gives up creamy the the not are the non-dairy milk the non-dairy milk powder give that creamy flavor this is delicious so if your kids don't like fruits this is the way to get them to have their fruits and for our viewers if y'all think that is gonna overpower the papaya not at all this is delicious if you don't like what I try it out anyways it does not give you that papaya flavor this is delicious it tastes like ice cream you have to try this right yes absolutely it is delicious and I love papaya tea one of the things I used to get in New York City was papaya juice yeah paya juice is absolutely amazing and so to see the papaya well to taste the papaya and the banana and an ice cream this is a treat at our Center we also make up a Pyatt drink because we do nice organic raw juices and our patients love it not only that they love it they're getting lots of nutrients a lot of vitamins and they're losing weight they're lowering their blood sugar low in their cholesterol lowering their blood pressure and they're getting off medication what's good about the papaya my personal lots of fiber uh-huh lots of vitamin vitamin A vitamin C and as I told you vitamin C is great for the immune system so people are getting cold and cough and flus if they eat Maya and any fruits that's gonna build the immune system vitamin A is great for the eyes it's an antioxidant it's good to prevent aging slow death and help to protect your body against cancer so vitamin C's really good vitamin A is fantastic and lots of fiber in this papaya you know what can I can I be honest with you guys go ahead Jason I'm trying to get you guys to talk more so i can either banana we have banana here that's high in potassium and potassium will help to decrease blood pressure so plant-based meals are high in potassium and that's one of the reason why the blood pressure will drop in a patient who's more plant-based whole food whole grain because potassium lowers yes so sodium increases blood pressure because so then pulls water into though the blood vessels the blood pressure will go up potassium is a reverse so dyed high in potassium which are a plant-based diet will help to lower blood pressure now you also offer seminars and cooking classes with all of those those things we're gonna go to an address roll because we I want people to know how they can get the book how they can book you for seminars right and all of that stuff so let's go to that now if you would like to purchase dr. Cooper Dockery's books including their cookbook incredibly delicious vegan recipes or if you would like to find out more about her wellness seminars you may contact her in a variety of ways just call area code nine five six six two seven three one zero six that's nine five six six two seven three one zero six or visit her website cooper wellness center calm that's cooper wellness center calm you may also write to her at cooper wellness center three six zero four North McCall Road in McAllen Texas seven nine five zero one so let's take a look at what we just made we made delicious mac and cheese okay then we went to a meatless meatballs so we have there with our barbecue sauce marinara sauce on our spaghetti then we went to the kebab then to winter delicious out with Southwest quinoa salad ok and we went to her burger and then we came back to her ice cream Wow so we made quite a bit and we see that there's multiple different uses for the meatballs right and as you see Sparty hard to presentation so if you're having a party at home these are beautiful healthy guilt-free dishes that you can use at home yes and everything's festive and colorful what are you gonna say chef no no no I was just gonna add to what what you were saying and the doctor was saying the meatballs you can use them different ways and this is a food for family as you as you see it's a party feel you can make a lot and feed a lot of people at the same time now our are all these recipes in this book know absolutely everything here is in my cookbook ok alright so people can make this these at home it's not super labor-intensive it's healthy and most importantly delicious right that's right so nutritious and delicious yeah and you are trying to help people to get to the point where they can put that medicine to the side food is medicine food is medicine and we have a lot of patients with reverse your diseases mm-hm are on no medication or less medication eating like this delicious appetizing and healthy nice that I'll tell you what that ice cream was really good thank you guys so much for coming and showing me a couple things in the kitchen and thank you for joining us make sure that you tune in next time for some more delicious meals [Music] you
Channel: Three Angels Broadcasting Network (3ABN)
Views: 10,295
Rating: 4.7124181 out of 5
Keywords: 3ABN, Three Angels Broadcasting Network, yt:quality=high, Cooper Wellness Center, Chef Edgar Aguiñaga, Vegan Recipes, Vegetarian Recipes, Healthy Recipes, Healthy Lifestyle, Eat to Live, Plant-based Recipes, Healthy Plant-based Meals
Id: lrNcgbLFBrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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