39daph Plays Labyrinthine - w/ Aceu, Supertf, Kyedae

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all right who's hosting doc yeah yeah cause i got all you johnson's wait johnson's options who says that what what what options were you guys talking about oh yeah oh yeah well do voice activity but also if you go to the key bindings does toggle light and toggle equipment are alpha and alpha i don't know what that is but what is alpha i don't know is it left click this is one and two oh well i i you ready i just changed it and it actually goes to mouse zero and mount what the [ __ ] is mouse mouse zero maybe that's like vr controls and it just is scuffed maybe i didn't do are you deaf okay and i invited accepted i also have accepted this can take a little while it says air is that's what i thought too this is the only two characters yeah how plan is this guy wait you didn't discord a suit oh my bad yo what the [ __ ] we can all play this game oh i gotta change the [ __ ] game on which [ __ ] what is this game called [Music] okay just making sure everything's working select chapter chapter one start somebody help me yeah i have to my i literally set it to zero all right generators reporters while you're setting those stupid ghosts up you'll find them in lenny oh yeah big time shooting range can't afford to lose so many prizes for you guys a little bit i think i'm moving at like five wait try to jump it's like you're on the moon it has zero gravity what is that moon shoes oh the stream's lagging from like minecraft is your stream lagging i don't know is it because apparently mine is it's probably this one no mine's not it was like a bit it was a bit and [ __ ] devour or whatever generator should be running this hard either johnny got something we're hiding in this movie how do you swim okay oh [ __ ] this is the slowest sprint ever what is this okay guys are we going welcome wow what's going on wow all right everybody get one of these oh what is this a note first one to cycle between items in your hand so why is he why is that calling this a spirit gage what the [ __ ] this is called a level is he stupid oh what okay it's a level what's a level oh he does call it that just a standard spirit gauge what's the level level right that's also what they're caught even though that cowboy karate let's see what the [ __ ] is that we can now get a dopey oh my god i don't like this yeah it's so like choppy what's the level [Music] shut the [ __ ] up we good did she actually die oh nevermind i need to turn down my graphics settings holy [ __ ] i turned everything to low but it's still a little chalky the game runs yeah it's just the game i think vsync i'm turning it off oh [ __ ] godspeed and i'm turning quality level to medium we'll see how this is put into potatoes in the game but maybe yeah my my game runs okay i don't see a mushroom because everything is simple oh this is a big ass mushroom i don't see a mushroom that's true you must have eaten it or something marco that's a western european yeah i'm not believing that what if i turned it back high hello let's go all right on we go [Music] all right so that's a dead end it says so i'm going to go whoa what was that wrong path this time someone farted up this way right this way now oh my god your voice echoed that sound is so scary huh here he goes careful the ghost hit yep staff are you okay i got scared it was a ghost wait where'd they go guys okay yeah this way can you guys stop running off this is how we die when the duck walked up to the lemonade [Music] this is slightly better i think super okay you'll get to the right yeah i'm going straight good luck okay let's go okay thank you wait wait we just split oh my god i saw something run away what is a dog oh my god it was a naked man wait i saw that too i saw that too but ass naked are you sure we should be splitting up with them this is how people die in horror games yeah i saw him again oh [Laughter] i was looking at the naked man the ghost scared is running around in the dark it's creepy how about we just don't do that thanks maybe it's them oh my god okay those [ __ ] ghosts wait who just said that the duck okay oh dead end oh you think we're gonna run back into them i hope so it's just a little i don't like it i feel like we're running in circles yo yo hey let me relax oh we checkpoint we made it we did it yo we hear you hello e hi guys oh we found you guys wait did i not pick up the glue sticks i'm spamming too nothing's happening oh you have to put it away before you pull it out it's like 10 fps so if you want to open the glow sticks you have to right click and then if you want to open the compass you have to put it right click and then press the number did you see this how did you do that how did you do that i have an rgb gamer glow stick well how'd you do that right click with the glue stick out what no it just goes away oh right click yeah okay i got it no you just dropped it hey can you stop wasting these whoa wait do you see my rgb gamer glue okay because we are super rebinded use your alpha too i can't i'm gonna [ __ ] get upset wait they're unlimited oh you just dropped oh whoa wait that's actually so smart wait is this are they really unlimited do we have infinite ones well that's just cheating oh the note have you guys seen like the naked guy yet yeah i saw him oh yeah find him double cheeked up he was going crazy yeah how do you drop the ghost left hook i think oh true what's this way nothing was it a note i was told not to enter this part but i need to know the truth okay oh [ __ ] this got very haunted very quickly what the [ __ ] is that zoo's all coming to us you know it's a zazel right [Music] it's locked please eat internet with the cryptex um crossed out giant maze the word what's the password the word was on the statues deeper in the maze e s e and then s e s wait how many underscores i can figure this out you gotta i had to shift some stones plates further in to get this thing working now who the hell has the password maybe there's a clue somewhere okay daphne can you meet yourself on discord you're ruining my immersion oh why would anybody tell me minus wait a dude went inside of me what a guy went inside of me well you just let a man inside of you he he just came at me you just say no he if you say no he can't do anything he just ran into me where the other two go i don't know i came here to look for you and now you're just give me some weird news oh my god there's kids maybe we wait for everybody so we have there's kids wait i gotta go find these kids i think we're stealing all the content how do you tell if someone removed all his teeth how do you tell if a skull is a male 1 the size of the [ __ ] i don't know yeah yeah where are you did they go the other way you're with them no i i followed your voice where they go i i don't know oh [ __ ] it good luck i mean i'm sure the paths converge again or maybe it's just one path the whole time or maybe they're just behind us and we are stealing all those jumps is that a teeth oh no it's not is that a teeth okay it looks like a tooth from this angle a tooth from who [ __ ] from this angle oh jesus chris oh dude this whole time i've been dropping my glow stick i thought it was making a sound but it was me turning my flashlight off and off and off and on and off and on and off and on wait can i undo this do you hear the thing can i alpha one alpha two how do i fix this guess what i want to set it back to default controls uh i do not know i do not know it's one and two do you hear something yeah like back yeah yeah that they're freaking me out we got pink ones wait is it working like our floor looks like every twitch streamer background wait i'm trying to figure it out yo oh you guys were just behind us uh yeah i told you what did you guys do we're just walking during the rave i'm getting the rave ready for us it's fine it only plays for her put my glue stick back out wait wait wait this beat goes crazy wait i got dmc where the raid's gonna be this is the rave right here oh my god how do i put my glue stick out i messed up my glue sticks yeah the two is close to the hell [Music] found some sort of mechanism back here imagine the whole thing blowing wonder if it controls anything somebody's having a bad day down here reminder to self give them some space and don't go near scary people what [Music] so what the [ __ ] is the point of this compass so you can oh checkpoint just saved good i can't get my glue sticks back out did you rebind it [Music] they talking about like [Music] what happened all someone to come and get this guy when i'm out guy here is twerking pretty bad thought he was looking something huh guys guys i think that's real life oh did we all three of us die yeah i heard you guys die and i was like i'm like what's wrong what i'm dead wait guys there you go go back oh i'm going to where he was oh so what are we supposed to do oh yo i get it so what are we supposed to do no no no no it stinks like piss and [ __ ] you know that wait super yeah what happened dude i think you're supposed to not move oh because you're like oh i get it on my screen and you just instantly disappeared just don't move yeah i think so that's exactly what he wants you to think he's right there where's kaidy stop moving i think that's the first part you think that's the first part of the don't move don't move okay i'm gonna go this way okay equ what words start with equ equinox you probably shouldn't split up just drop some glue sticks in case anybody wants to come this way was that what's this okay where are they oh i hear you did i wander back to spawn or something from the monsoon yeah sometimes he just says [ __ ] it and he just attacks you anyway don't really get it but we're gonna figure it out i think he's on the left side right now i'm gonna jiggle peek it is he there no i don't think he is wait hello michael did you guys find anything no i'm going in circles hi no unless i missed something i don't know i was added whoops i haven't gone this way all right oh i have i'll be here marco i must be yeah hello um hello hello don't worry i i know this no i don't oh i know this hey don't touch it you touch this what is this what did you find what oh it's a puzzle yeah we should step on it and wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah so anybody know how to do this puzzle yeah it's nice it's easy yeah it just touches the one that's nearby yeah it yeah it touches the adjacent ones yeah yeah yeah yeah well i think i can do this yeah yeah it's the introduction looks old i don't johnny set this up no way yeah it just touches the adjacent ones well i i can do this i can do this i can do that yeah yeah yeah it touches the adjacent ones yeah yeah yeah 39 yeah it's the adjacent ones wait wait see wait yeah it touches the adjacent ones why does it turn off when i'm [ __ ] stepping okay i think it just you just need a waiver to fully activate wait wait i'm on i'm on the case oh my god oh my lost brandon okay so we got the one in the middle that we need to get i need a little corner i'm doing a bit of trolling are we oh wait wait don't touch oh we're done we're done we're done we're done i got it i got it if i touch this one we're good i wasn't see i wasn't trolling but we did lose brandon yo we should probably go find him i was i was struggling i'll go find him don't worry i'll leave there's a guy that's not brandon yeah keep follow my voice the monster's there yeah you have to go past him you see him hello you gonna kill me no it's not okay yeah he's [ __ ] dead i'm out of here i'm out of here the weak do not survive i drop some glow sticks what the [ __ ] the dude's running oh follow their glow sticks it sounds cursed i'll do you hello hello wait wait did we go back we got back what did you do g gosh be cool what am i doing oh as the arrow there i'm [ __ ] dumb eat coin i'm gonna [ __ ] slam my desk i will do o and then you do x okay q r x [Music] yeah and then s and then s is the last one f g h i j ew n l m n o p q r s e movie [ __ ] hello um oh my god why don't we teleport i'd be i don't know my radio is not working oh we got an upgraded flashlight blaze what's that accent wait how do i i don't know oh look we got a lantern where's pick up the one on the one wait we didn't all get one we all get one i think i got one oh how do you oh yeah there it is you should first one redo alpha zero one alpha one and alpha two are numbers one and two you should fix that because it [ __ ] up your key bindings how do i go back to default yay i i just told you alpha one and alpha two are one and two on the num on the on the keyboard oh my god this stream my screen's so laggy yeah mine is two you're gonna do the powerpoint lagging i'm sorry guys the discord is my mind i don't know that's so dumb i'm gonna go right i'm gonna go left i wish i ran a little faster there's a gate i'm hopping what does it say oh 360. there's something behind the gate i can hear it another gate nice nice oh my god what's happening wait i hear that oh yeah but he can't get us no he can agree no way no way oh look it's empty pedestrial equals five seals oh the lever pull it what did that do what does that notice i find themselves left in here i'm sorry i need to get away from it what oh farm field oh we need to collect thingies and we need to find something oh lord there's a crabulon i guess it just disappeared [Music] hello what the [ __ ] you just want to kiss [Music] i wish we ran a little faster yeah we could refund this still i'm lugging it back don't worry wait so did you guys figure is there a trick to him i don't know did you stand still no did you throw a glow stick at him no okay wait there's gate open oh [ __ ] it did what does it say there's something behind the gates oh this is probably a shortcut we're deaf i lost you yeah well good luck with that oh found it what's that marco hello does it work it doesn't seem to do anything you step on it it spins wait step on it oh i didn't even see that wait it's not spinning wait what how do you spin it this one did oh you think there's like a waiter yeah but let me read this but there's something on here i can read but it's like start here next one is to the right did it work getting the wrong order resets it yeah okay done wait there's a consent be quiet this guy's name officer milf [ __ ] this one and then this one i don't know what they're doing then i'll touch this try yeah i tried these two oh is this this one is this one okay and then i'm going to try let me read this most of these things won't turn but one of them lit up a tile oh no we got to reset again oh she which one does this start oh this one is the one and then this one [Music] you get that one and do that one you think and then maybe this one no why are you korean okay i got this one get that one so it's not that one this one did you just want to throw 100 100 it was not that one oh here we go well we're busy we're figuring this out okay uh yeah it's probably um i'm gonna try this one i'm gonna try this one oh [ __ ] dude okay wait what's the objective of this do you guys know you you just guessed it that one that one that one that one that one wait and then which one wait listen to this huh yeah we already listened is that guys officer milf wait which one was it after that one it was one of these two was it uh no it was not it was not it was this one this no that wasn't it i forgot one of them lit up a tile then it's that one this one wait and then this one and then i think it's this one it was this one wasn't it or the middle one it was the middle one preachy uh yeah and then it was this one there's the side one and this one this one wait we messed up this one which one after the fourth one where's the fourth one where's the fourth one okay okay hold on hold on okay i keep forgetting which one the fourth one is okay and then this one i mean this is the fourth one okay and then the fourth one fourth one where's the where's the fifth though it was one of the it was one of these two i think it was i'm pretty sure there's one there's this one this one okay yeah then i'm pretty sure daphne tried this one and it failed so it's probably one of these two okay hold on okay okay hold on holy sh we can only be wrong so many times was the fourth one fifth one then we got it we got four we got the fifth the fifth one right right here oh yeah that's the fifth one okay where's the sixth it's the one have we not tried this one this one hit it i think but have we [ __ ] it isn't this just no okay wait okay run it back here bro let's one this one doesn't need to show the time on here or no no now the fourth one out fourth one i don't think so i think we're just we're just guessing the combination fifth one what the process of elimination six to be one of these two okay and now which one fit fourteen fifty fifty two point oh it was this one okay okay okay you guys got it yo dabs what are you doing huh just drop glow sticks the fourth one is blue fifth one which one was the fifth one i forgot now it's this one now it's this one and then this one no supers no isn't it this one no daphne oh yeah oh okay i almost [ __ ] it up holy smokes we did it you guys are very very smart we have the total iq the collective iq is three and a half that's pretty good five feet yeah wait huh that's one of the five things we need right uh-huh wait wait what do we need five things i don't know we gotta go back to the maze i'm seriously dying to know the word wait what's over here i don't know we should go though holy smokes monster left to right i'm going left i'm going right right okay it's a dead end okay what's that dude that is what we call a little ass this is a good ass everyone be quiet no i haven't listened to a single cassette oh my dabney well bye-bye have fun i'll see you i'll see you later there's a dude whispering down my neck wait i was here i'm lost is wait they're disappearing the glow sticks are disappearing i'm just breaking hello i found a fountain can you open up the gate please wait this is where oh wait this is where we started over here oh so i have to run all the way back myself hello hello [Music] that's not good you i don't like these noises hello [Music] yeah there was a big brolic individual that way we're having a crabby lawn the size of this guy's [ __ ] femur brothers is this shaq's corpse wait what happened to crabby lawn yeah he was over this way i'll show you where you want to see him did we did you guys see him on the way here i don't even know how he found him i saw him this way nice he was over by that gate but he's gone now i guess oh wait did we check the gate i didn't get hurt and then i [ __ ] off wait wait wait wait wait this is where we came from wait did we get anything from over there did we just do the puzzle the puzzle do we get something from it the other gate maybe the other gates oh [ __ ] wasn't there another gate was that red stuff over there oh that's a glow stick no i turned around to look at super i turn around and look at super i will just wait for them to come back here i think they might be winning maybe i should you know what i should just go they might be winning you might want to turn the other way oh why oh that's that's the beginning wait did they die i didn't see them spawn so they must be about to die so i i would sacrifice myself the monster went this way and so did they i literally i turned around for two seconds to look at super and then i died i love i love how when you die wait brandon is that me observe yo super when i died what did it look like you just [ __ ] vanished wait wait i found a trick though watch this watch this hide the bushes it doesn't see you really yeah where would it go okay wait when we see it everybody go in the bush wait here run past yo not in the bush hello first time absolutely you [ __ ] liar shut up i work the first time i'm sorry so it doesn't work do you think do you think it's because i was talking no i mean it sounded like it was running past wait maybe you can hear us yeah maybe wait let's try the bush again but then don't talk because i was like i was talking just to see you have to turn off the flashlight too i think oh maybe yeah which way was this way is it this way i don't know did you just hear that noise no wait did you guys find something i think i think ace is carrying yeah he must have found something but we don't know where he is no what what i just heard him yell [Music] i think you heard him through me wait actually wait is this new no i'm out i'm not i don't want to see this place again i'm going to get tilted i'm [ __ ] out this is so [ __ ] damn wait where were you oh god i found you guys all right okay so i i did i did a few backflips i backtracked i found a playground i found a thing that goes into the lever i found it at the playground and then i left and then there was this girl and she was gonna kill me so i ran and then i got trapped up by some vines and then i found you guys okay i don't know i don't know all right well she passed yeah that's wait is it coming after can you hide from it that i ran away from that one and it worked oh [ __ ] he's got some long ass legs i'm [ __ ] help help help help oh [ __ ] help why don't we just why are you just watching yourself why don't we just go all right i'm outta here i'm fed up let's go wait do you want to try hiding in the bush and see if it works no we just need to get to the lever you know where the lever is at nope well that's not good i feel like there's vines right here oh or back in the playground it's it's it's right there oh no it's not it's gone superb behind you super super we haven't seen you think she died what's over this way i don't know but we need to find the leopard do you know where the lever is at i was no playground then i heard a bunch of kids laugh and i got scared so i left yeah it's very cute we also yeah i think kai did pass we already [ __ ] what the [ __ ] we need to find the lever was the lever in the beginning it was at the big gate is that the beginning it wasn't the beginning beginning but it was like the other beginning is it was it the checkpoint friday yeah all right we found kai david oh okay but we lost super oh [ __ ] how do we always lose something i don't we are the know group ever thank you for the carry what puzzle did you do um we found a piece [ __ ] wrong we just did some cardio wait is this where where it is or no yeah yeah the lever was back here right oh so this is the beginning isn't it yeah this is where we got teleported to oh [ __ ] wait that's not the lever by the way those branches if you wait a while they go down oh yeah so i think it like splits up the maze all right well we need to find this lever so if you see it yell well i don't see it well right it's not right because that's another way this is like some euclidean [ __ ] it's like i bet we're like going to a teleporter that teleports us to some beginning of the maze and yeah uh new info monster can hear you oh so hiding does work um that's the playground there's a uh it's this way well the other no no it's this way it's this way it's this way yeah yeah keep going i'm gonna just run around this person for days wait why did the lights just go out oh that's fun okay maybe it wasn't this way but there's another path we can take yeah three paths okay you guys go that way i'm gonna go this way what um oh wait wait super super this is so funny oh my god it's at least one the person that's alone always does something oh my god oh no wait did we make oh we all made it oh you made it okay thank god what's it that is okay yeah yeah we're going the other way juker where are you guys it's naked it has a tube top it has a tube top i can't turn my flashlight off oh yeah what's up it's here we need a ride hello i don't think anyone's been here yet so this has to be the right way okay hello hope you're still there still there keep running oh still there okay uh how do i turn my flashlight off no i don't remember how to turn it off you can't hide like that why not it's not f i just okay super super hello i hear him saying maybe she died hello what do you do when you lose your parents at the supermarket you should just stay in one place right you go to the counter thing yeah but i keep finding the wrong parents hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello guys is there a path here hello hello i'm never gonna find them i think they already advanced i don't know where they went hello guys hello i was here hey hello all right i think it's me i'm gonna die alone i'm gonna die alone i'm gonna die alone they just left me and you all come back hello hello [Laughter] maybe it's the glow stick i dropped that there no that's red oh this is good so it has to be one of it's probably this way i think wait i haven't been here i think this is a new area hello dad hello wait i found it holy [ __ ] i was lost for so long okay now i just follow the glow sticks maybe there's a loot in here it's notes like i need to find them i'm gonna get i'm gonna cry i'm gonna frenzy if i can't find them i'm gonna get scared do they probably haven't even realized that i'm gone hello daphne holy [ __ ] i did like seven laps around the playground and shack's body you made it you made it so much i got lost nobody went to look for me i mean i i didn't know how to get back to you where did everybody go so we were we figured out the puzzle super did the puzzle where are they and then i got separated but yeah oh we need to wait for these vines to go down and then we can follow them and that's a dead end oh okay how they said that eventually if you wait that these will just go away yeah yeah they do i got so lost tell me what happened i did i told you i did like 10 laps around the other area did you run into any monsters yeah i think i ran into the same one ten times oh was it the crabulon was it though no the crabulon was different it was the weird [Laughter] [Music] pull you over jump ugh i can't do you hear that no it's okay well wait away from uh i'm not going to erase it no way damn why more laughs i'm all the way back here are you [ __ ] serious that's not the other checkpoint eternal cardio i don't remember which way it was yeah it's a playground right but i don't remember where this is this way is it find the playground maybe this way uh no oh god i haven't seen super archite in years what the [ __ ] um this looks right oh hello this is a circle oh maybe i'm hallucinating okay i lost my sense of direction i actually think i'm going circles now oh um [Music] was it this way or was it this way it was this way i think it was this way right is this way wait no it's not it's the other way oh my god it's not this way i'm i think it's this way what's it yeah yeah yeah it's this way you guys are wrong it's this way because i remember that altar oh my dude it spawned me all the way back there i had to do six more laps you made it okay i'm sorry i apologize for what happened we're gonna get through this all right okay all right we just gotta stick together so we don't get locked out all right we stuck together yeah but we got locked out no bueno no bueno okay are you crying are you okay i'm scared head up trooper we got this wait is this the right way i don't know well we just did a u-turn into a right here i think we went the wrong way we went the wrong way yeah i think we we're doing some laps okay we go to the right okay and voila have you seen them no not since i came back they've been just beating the game i'm pretty sure oh okay we'll catch up oh yeah we were here yeah we were here you were here all right yes okay so we have to hold hands stay on my butt are you ready yeah all right go go go go go go go go go go go okay they might even raise that time i guess it's random no way the devs are in our lobby they're purposely [ __ ] with me oh my god what the devs were the monsters they probably are holy [ __ ] do you know where you're going no i've never been this far oh [ __ ] yeah so this is all uncharted territory so low oh glow sticks are these mine i don't know i'm using pink but they're not mine i was also pink but they're not mine i feel like i did i did double glow stick before i think we did a u-turn oh i'm gonna check though okay i'm switching to blue okay oh dead okay i wonder what they're doing who knows maybe they died then we could all be friends again i can't believe i got spawned in the old spawn and i had to run all the way back that's fun oh my god i was worried i was definitely worried for you okay so we're back here okay okay okay so we did do yui i think i think this is the way we go okay i'm pretty sure this is it i hear breathing that's not it i give up wait red were you using red no oh it follow it what the [ __ ] no way we got debated it's there's another red down this way this place is like a maze it's crazy huh oh wait i've been here before hey yo hello [Music] oh my god super you would not believe where i have been i did like 20 laps in the in the other area the older area and then i finally found brandon and then i died and this spawned me back in the old spawn wait did you guys find the last thing no the only thing i found was hurry okay well there's there's uh it's called the clown table or some [ __ ] we got right here oh what huh [Music] so it's the furthest gate from spawn apparently oh [ __ ] all right let's go on an adventure why car day wait [ __ ] oh my god no she's gonna be doing laughs like me oh by the way i color coded the [ __ ] things so if there's a dead end i put a red glow stick oh that's like a stop sign you know okay we'll figure it out i'm just eating oh this is a dead end you're eating what earning japanese food okay [Music] super tf is a poo but someone said damn roasted i put in the five over there unless you guys found it i'm gonna be honest i just did oh what the [ __ ] it went down i did [ __ ] laughs for like 30 minutes i'm wait come back here come back here okay mate just [ __ ] everyone spam e on this [ __ ] maybe you have it i still have that one piece oh god is it a crabby lawn that's right this way maybe i put it in because it's maybe it's like universal but just try it no no i have myself in one piece look yeah oh wait no yeah university oh [ __ ] [Music] let's go we should go pick him up i think he died i'm not gonna lie actually you can outrun that one yeah yeah oh no [Music] oh the last piece i think he's gonzo's wait is this back in the other area this is back in the other area i i did la i did like 20 laps here i wouldn't know okay take us to the promised land if missed 20 lives oh wait no this is where this is where kylie was stuck wasn't it yeah look at these glow sticks and then that this is a dead end yeah this was where kathy was just stuck all right i'm gonna investigate yeah i i'm so [ __ ] [ __ ] right now oh my god oh is it dead [Music] i'm ready to call the [ __ ] helicopter to airlift me out honestly call the heli i don't know where i'm going ouch that was like very loud oh no [ __ ] oh my god i just died again wait if it spawns me back it better oh down here it spawned us back all the way here oh my god i you guys want to play garlic phone play gorgeous i'm [ __ ] done i i've i've done it yeah i'm done let's you guys want to do garter phone now you're breaking my immersion i have been doing nothing but laughs just don't die oh my god what was that i don't know i closed it i i did i i have been doing nothing but [ __ ] laps all that for nothing garlic wait was it did we only play one hour of that i'm about to get a fat refund i okay so that game was kind of mid but i feel like in vr that's probably 78 minutes you only under two hours can be refunded
Channel: 39daph vods
Views: 84,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 39daph, twitch, vod, with chat, stream, full, part 1, Girl, lets play, playthrough, streamer, daph
Id: jfS2TX3P51o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 2sec (4742 seconds)
Published: Tue May 04 2021
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