39daph Plays Hitman 2 - Part 4 (Final)

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it's time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my eyes burn [ __ ] man time for some [ __ ] man thank you super metallic campagna a bad hand the arts I know I have there's three more missions Oh No get access hell no that shit's not on sale okay wait what did do you watch these did we watch this [Music] how did you not see this coming my god we came this close the old man could have buried us all our families do you think you feel more betrayed than I do is ginger some derogatory please Janus is dead Lucas gray is about to join him and a cornered animal is twice as dangerous let's be perfectly clear we were not exposed the threat is neutralized we are back on track even so from the debilitating slap them there is no the killer doing formally how can you be rescued by loyalty in case treachery is contagious do you really want to do this to me is there a problem secretary secretin sick no problem whatsoever madam how do they do that wait so you're telling me they actually built a triangle in the middle of nowhere why they just have the meeting in like a house here's to loyalty I don't understand oh it's not a real location my man on the island confirms that the constant has arrived did you just die here in case the crew get idea he killed him are you doing this mr. grey you had a chance to walk away why didn't you a year ago I'm working security for this banker cob only to find out he's a Providence soft that's a guy he'd bashed in the car Sean running for decades only to wind up where I started he's not really cutting clear picture videos mostly volumes acknowledges what narration 47 told me about your parents how did they die car bomb sorry 1989 company named blue seed didn't care to pay for the mistakes but I like to think no one's untouchable I'm I'm sorry for your loss you feel it don't you unlike him you feel at all everything you've done it's a dangerous thing having a conscience like [Music] blah blah attention gentlemen our source on the island just made a critical discovery the constant has a poisoned chip embedded in his oh that's where he put in a fail-safe in case it's compromised damn it he should have expected something like this how do we know so how do we find out do you the constant before how do they know no the device is remote triggered and during his stay on the island to kill switches have been entrusted to twin sisters Zoe and Sophia Washington to Yoshi's Providence operatives and newly appointed chairwoman of the arc society apparently even the constant is unaware of this arrangement right change of plans we divide and conquer 47 takes out the Washington's what I figure out a way to get the constant off the island it'll be tight and once we're back at the ship we should be able to surgically remove the chip before the partners have time to react what does Evan tell me about the targets I know them from the archive Zoe and Sofia's father is president of a powerful conservative think-tank one of Providence's prime assets the apples don't fall far from the tree no saint either according to ica files the twins are pampered socialites who get their kicks from treasure hunting come on I'm a band of trigger-happy mercenaries Zoe and Sophia proud the world in search for ancient relics with little regard for what the cotton is very rich in life yet they stop at nothing to claim their prize well collateral damage they may be but safe to say they have coming listen what does some rich people [ __ ] why do you try so hard to be funny why do you try so hard to be a [ __ ] [ __ ] I didn't even realize being funny he's not trying he just is come with me brother let me get my fish stop emoting emote why the Isle of skin at Quail the arc society I'm sorry it's plutocratic man that saw downfall of civilization and they are willing to pay huge sums to me you shouldn't say anything ever once a year they gather here to shop the latest survival products and to showcase new initiatives and parishes that they're like bricks that astonishes realistic so we have limits on and what to expect on the other side of the walls the Washington twins are hosting their first annual gathering is chair women of the arc society and the constant is known beyond that good luck achoo I daresay you're going to need it while we're wearing a mask do they know when we look like swim yeah everyone's wearing masks some rich people [ __ ] - do we even have the invitation well what's that so fish who's this go so you gonna come out there's no locker inside I want to take that okay whatever I got a crowbar we can open doors now is this you can't throw things around can't put him in that box no I think that's for exploding hold on I'm gonna go get some popcorn chips [Music] I'm out here what's this guy don't mind if I do who's that release what does it do was it really fat then kill someone no one gave a [ __ ] oh my god no one cares well there we go go pick it up there's another what and this guy's just gonna stand here okay the doors not closing which is a little bit concerning hold on I want to close the door hold on can't now close this door is it cuz I broke it [Music] hey fellas is that ammo a muffin right over there I'm gonna pick up as much stuff as I can oh that must be Janus is casket where it's like the archaeans really admired him I don't see it oh thank you for conveniently leaving this you cannot blend in how blendin how drop this let me see how I can blend in lie down boy I could dress up as him okay hold on mmm so far so good I have been planning the founders week for over a month I have some of the world's most prominent people waiting to pay in their last respects their bling Ava Marie okay wait play the boo I am planning the founders week for over a month I have some of the world's most prominent people waiting to pay them their last respects I have the star of the Prague Philharmonic onstage here is Zoe Washington chairwoman of the Ark Society and professionally treasure hunter and Providence not gave me a crate I was told you people would have it under control fighting fine I'll go and have another look see that you do and when you do more pressure as we know Zoey Washington will host Genesis week but now it seems an antique ceremonial dagger which Janus is supposed to wear during the service has gone missing from storage I suggest you locate for disputed dagger 47 this wake could be a chance to catch the target unaware that seems Li the constant Providence's top controller everything depends on capturing him alive what is she wearing it was like a peacock on her head do you think that I can see do you think you can see me break open this door that guy right there did he just say [ __ ] you can hide as an Armour tonight just chillin wait if you break open a door you can't close it anymore Oh Lord break open box was that do nitroglycerin you're proud of my pronunciation I don't know what I don't know what that is no okay night roguelike her in uh trespassing so I'm a low-level guard I guess push-button do you think I can learn him all the way out here Lee or him trust he's gonna come up he's gonna pick it up okay he's not okay he's gonna pick it up all right he's gonna pick another one and then he turns around I'm gonna knock him out okay this is fine he walked so fast or more like I walked so slow I mean my coil oh [ __ ] I need an outfit I can't go there actually I'll shoot that oops dude standing right there dude come on over here please don't come down [Music] they're no containers here so many dudes there we go [Music] okay we're good yeah it's a little bit far though the bin I'm taking this guy home yeah that guy was sloppy what I didn't see that guy no roblox is down um all right um let's try something new really dated ooh there's a box down there yeah that's where I was trying to go all right this guy's a little bit concerning okay I'll take it just sit back and relax okay take a gander fam squad take a gander take that gander we're good take a cup take a point was this French take it what's this custodian why do you why do they need custodians hey coin box [ __ ] private key card can I open it with this why can't I open this good because is it because it's - um it's - it's like - well they care and give me if I climb through the window actually let me check downstairs because it's - reinforcement okay let me check down sir roblox is down there might be a key card lying around there's a camera avoid that I don't think this is anything oh I thought the cameras on me oh there's a bin here okay there's no way I could oh there's no way nevermind I don't think I could have gone to that one though let me see if I can shoot this without anybody seeing a little bit further okay their dumbest [ __ ] let's see where this goes hey you gotta stop that right now you can't go down here okay sorry now you find a key card so are there the VIP investors while our patrons are the lowest clients exposition exposition [Music] special bye chairwoman retrieved priceless dagger prices last will he wears it hey wait excuse me I think you forgot something now I gotta find the servers wherever that is I haven't even looked at the map holy there's no basement level so the servers are probably level air Oh me this is a very large casino that's probably an escape route Thank You Ana working [Music] just hold a screwdriver I think this is like another way in this is where I saw earlier wasn't it thank you you did you desert wait they're right here I just shoot it thank you I wanna believe hi Daphne Biggs da I just shoot it good I need a keycard I haven't seen a peek hard you see a keycard is that a keycard that's a key though nice I think we're going up no way it needed a keycard I don't think you can open with the key [ __ ] this was definitely another way in any key cards any key cardio's a bazooka no a captive Anja a mate I'm just taking all their [ __ ] how are we supposed to handle the scrolls without inspection gloves it's lists of donations priceless works of art blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah what do they do with all the stuff what is that what are you rich people do with all these like historical artifacts that are priceless they just look at it and marvel at it how did it have kinky sex with it what's upstairs I basically have everything clearance because I have the Elite Guard uniform that's a dot man I'm trying to find a keycard sir do you even know who I think I am can I go up dude I'm actually I'm biffed out I should gonna find someone's keycard somewhere that's an enforcer it's no it's a dot man does anybody just happened to have a keycard lying around let me take this thank you any is that a keycard that's a letter over here this a key card data key card Intel so according to its Charter the Ark society collects priceless art and historical artifacts in case of a global disaster they survive this year world famous treasure hunter Blake Nathaniel has donated an Aztec necklace called the cloud serpent to the ark society's growing collection however Blake fears that Sofia Washington his former lover and rival who has hunted the cloud serpent for years will attempt to steal it for herself before it goes into storage hmm it belongs in a museum each we need so this one's for Zoey and this one's for the other one we're still doing uh we're doing this one because I want to I'm not going to casket I'm looking for a cue card whoa what's that any dots no absolutely zero faith in the vault have a key card what the [ __ ] kind of like dinky ass Chappell uses key cards no I could go down this way sir hello hello sir did I play that stealth game with a goblin as a main character what hit man there might be a key card up here that's a doll man though and he knows what's this push your key card inside hmm are you serious I thought this room would have a keycard Thank You sis eg quickly look if there's a keycard over here oops I accidentally alt-tab there's no keycard seriously throw another one over here he turns around and I'm over here so the guy doesn't see us no key cards though he's trying to play I'm trying to strap the guard I can sit down as a counselor excuse me don't mind me maybe in the washroom there's sometimes in the washroom climb Oh perfect seriously yay whoa oh [ __ ] okay I need a climb up and go through that door before he turns around but he's probably he's probably gonna go to the other side and then stand there for a little bit so all he does that we're just gonna sneak in like this just he'll be a keycard in here gotta be kidding me huh well she looks over there take this feeling better hide from the dot okay perfect through a newspaper the other way again move move move move move sure that way is that okay [ __ ] all handling don't come towards me wait wait wait wait wait wait I'll show you we were I was it a keycard no that's a bit a situation okay I got Intel what was that council contract all right so there are original five was voting on proposed she recommends that we're all I felt stop fighting the global climate agenda and transition to green energy this is the only way it must be there's a key card are you serious where oh oh [ __ ] that's not he card though it's a key this is why I got to pick up everything cuz I'm just a [ __ ] choking show laughing right but where's the key card oh this was the room that I couldn't enter and now it's locked hold on mmm look here did I pick up castle master key unless you can't find the key card excuse me everybody I'm not sure I don't think this accomplishes anything actually all right how do I know how I don't know how I know who to take it off of let's knock someone out explore it all here just bust with crowbar it doesn't work as a door is he reinforced unless I could look for another way in I've been here too okay let's just go back oh oh Apple that is Sofia Washington chairwoman of the arc society professional treasure hunter and Providence operatives I'm gonna hear me you hurt it's a dot man just have to avoid his line of sight [ __ ] there in the security guard get up don't how did he even recognize me I haven't a mask on I thought I going the journal before you turn around he [ __ ] he smelled it on me he said he sniffed me he was like I don't recognize the son he recognizes my body oh yeah I'm sure he knows the bodies of every security guard very intimately there we go I think cuz I ran one a private Journal KGB spymaster it didn't Bob Loblaw he genuinely yearned to leave a positive fingerprint on humanity's future are you a good guy no man over there photograph of Janus and the constant thank you k clay no we can sneak around his arm night and can I have her socks we should really check their go overlooked seat please to block the signal to the poison ship the Providence controller it resents this humiliating loss of control what's in the briefcase he's not checking it out say why go look at it are you gonna pick that up okay so we know there's a safe [ __ ] okay okay okay so I have to find a safe combination somewhere it's probably on the same floor though it's probably on the same floor okay okay damn I gotta [ __ ] do that again uh-oh I'm just teasing oh I'm just teasing Oh you and then we'll leave out the door yeah where does this go penthouse whoa a Satan summoning circle give me that and someone just left a piece of cake here oh there's cake in the fridge as remember yeah I'm captain we got to go back there she's talking to the dead guy that's a little bit weird disguise wait I can take his robes [Music] I gotta take everybody out first though I want to take his ropes what does this do was the point of this if I didn't know any better I think could you oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no do you think you're doing that's a human being [Music] he's trying to fool us no dude okay but if you wear the robes you can't walk around anymore so how am I supposed to do that hey change clothes so fast thank you sir munchkin fuckabishes you got the dagger holy thank you sir munchkin gifted a tier-one subterranea they have given six gift subs in the channel you munchkin you sure you don't need a keycard this is where it was am I in the room already nice day sir hold on oh it is it's in this room so might be in one of the boxes I don't know which one all we found it what's this joke no it's not that how am I supposed to break open boxes without them noticing I think you know bacon bought what if it's this one alright we found it but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to open that without withheld I'm finding out [Music] okay hold on we need a we need to make a plan here we need to devise a plan I don't think you can break open the boxes as anybody these guys is a worker workers are okay I just take everybody on the room they didn't care what there's no boxes you can't put him in the street you can't put him in this box the box up here there's one over there when you're trying to drag him up here no there's no way these people would see I don't know hey what's up oh you're not supposed to take it oh [ __ ] okay so you're not allowed to take it [ __ ] you're not have to take it no not the face too late wait a hole do they die if they get dropped down the hole though they do maybe they just sleep come me let's find out hey excuse me did you have anything to do no I was I was being shhh diddid then Dean - ding - ding ding ding - ding ding ding - ding did it do they die if we throw their body down that hole this hole right here do they die now stay on okay let's let's find out yeah they die you can't drop them in here they'll die you can't okay I have a plan I plan my plan I have a plan I'll get a custodian from know you can use that Korea it's not for bodies maybe a custodian from here let me take that guy out first no there's already a body in there sheet no if I throw someone over they'll die okay new plan new plan take my wife she's a woman can i still wear her stuff how did he see me through that corner [ __ ] I thought I could take one person out there and oh [ __ ] okay [ __ ] this guy can't use these bins what's in here forbidden here aha well use this pew please to oh come on can you just go see what it was all right please get you actually can't wear the woman the woman clothes you know what I don't think anybody comes in this room you should be fine waste of a perfectly good muffin I know it had to be done for the mission I hate how stubborn I am like every time when something doesn't work out I always tried the same thing over and over until it works instead of just checking another room that is usually a lot easier okay now we have this outfit we're gonna so when this guy's not looking we'll open the box but we can't take it can I take it I'm an elite guard oh my god I can all right this guy's and I still have his Janus now I gotta actually wear his burial robes 5head oh no some guy told me in chat okay thank you soft Handa okay we're good it's this way - I'm not lost for once isn't that amazing okay all right so we're back here and we need to take literally everybody out to wear those robes we don't have to hide all the bodies assuming that nobody comes in here [Music] [Applause] close that door this out of the way put them in here last one thank you for for when you dropped a key whatever key I already have them investigating distraction old a fuse box I guess we're taking her out too I already have all the I have the master key okay file file she's coming over okay good good oh sure d turn it on what the [ __ ] she was so fast well use an apple I think I found a weapon I'm a professional no need to worry I got this Oh perfect no put that away will you you're making me nervous is that he'll come in this room please don't come in this room oh [ __ ] dude he had no reason to was I being too suspicious he goes being a little bit too suspicious you stay here I'll take a look to the door I don't think she's gonna look at us i borked it when I threw some phone oh she's looking nice another one now the last one nice place for remote explosive I don't know if anybody's gonna come in here I don't think so I'll just put her in here all right and then signal the harvest what hello what but what I'm so confused aren't I supposed to be dead how do you signal her we're all sad cue the music you playing dead hmm this takes me back good thinking 47 [Music] [Music] [Music] it's bugged [Music] stand up okay now I don't do that again he's alive okay now I gotta wash it again it's bugged it's do is bow let's go again we're all set cue the music you playing dead hmm this takes me back good thinking 47 it's three head shots for a revived [Music] [Music] thank you all for coming as Genesis successor and it falls upon me to say a little I can say Janus was our family and like all true visionaries he was far far these shoes while we the privileged class blissfully toast in the end of history Janus saw as a veteran Janus knew better than anyone then when true disaster strikes the rich charged and as everyone else unless we work together Jana's never got to see the collapse but died peacefully and yet what he started in 1991 well one day did I shoot him dawn of a new age what were the best masks I think I knocked him out with like this is Janice's legacy long screwdriver is memory and now you are welcome to pay the founder your last respects where is this an accident [Music] [Music] [Music] scared save bears looking even in death let me see your hands oh my god we saw his panties not bugged it's not bothered he's not bothered everyone's dead okay that's enough that's enough tomfoolery we can do that when we play titanfall the partition isn't genius I once wrestled a brown bear to a time anyway Godspeed mr. Janus sorry I never do you what it's just so weird the budgets odd how you helped shape the 20th century and yet nobody knows your name stand up no they'll shoot me does Fatah Jew was I mean you were always the best of us I still can't believe I never meant to be even Jess it means goodbye dasvidaniya so long my dear I can't believe you're gone lost the grapes da svidaniya no you fools if replaced you wouldn't miss things up to you that does what does with Tanya da svidaniya kill kill oh very very convenient that our target is the last one and though I'm guessing we put her in the casket - you started but then they'll find the body what if they find the body - I'm trust our restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant restaurant hi dragon the bushes I guess so here we are you didn't want me and Sofia taking up her fought us tooth and nail but a fat lot of good it did you the partners they turn to death let's see I want to see it okay if I don't if anything I why because for all your smarts you're just breaking file pedestrian little blast we have what akane spy [Music] that's right good old-fashioned pedigree but what's what that is why is the enemy one day partners profits and you'll spend eternity as a wax figure [Music] one target down nice work we got a key card Sophie oh [ __ ] oh that's not a keycard trigger no I did get some card I bet this roommate the constant come quietly but first things first what is it focus on the talks she's okay all right oh my no she's dead oh yeah she's dead oh well yeah I forgot the killer jeez I could look over there okay thank you okay all right give me my offer back so the music's stopped okay let me I'm I got the key card right uh-huh oh ye William blim bleep we got another mission story no one's done this one lover's quarrel [Music] wait I have to steal this no no they're gonna deliver it some but they're gonna move it somewhere I think what is this what is it what's that guy called the guy that goes what's what's his name in a fridge No Indiana Jones that's you partner like Han Solo what about Han Doble DubLi wait steal the necklace are you [ __ ] serious how the [ __ ] am I supposed to steal this arm senses you'll need to disable the system to get at the necklace 47 what oops well I guess I'm just oh [ __ ] all right did I save damn it's okay it's just Janice's corpse sneaking away don't worry about it Jana's nor Janice I don't know I remember there was his item in maplestory yeah that's right however the I remember there is this a next weapon item called like did the Janus something something and it was a really expensive feel his presence even stronger hello sir come on hey where's it safe that way they say it belonged to Montezuma himself but there was lost 500 years fern telling them Dino unsealed the serpents - well I'm just gonna try going up here again oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay [Music] hey you okay let's take the stairs I didn't I don't know where the stairs were oh I know there's this way steps why would it change maybe I was like one inch more to the left and you didn't see or something oh [ __ ] I didn't see the dot on his face hey you you're finally awake [Music] hey dude I thought he would turn around but the guy the guy I actually locked on the guy's head and I couldn't throw it as soon no watch watch it work let me let me show you what I was trying to do it'll work just trust me that has to be a better way no trust me trust me trust me trust me give me the Apple yeah let me say that's load save okay trust me see I throw it he turns around I run this way see [Music] that's what I was trying to do but the old man going my way that it bin that's a very handy bin well I could have gone this way oh hello sir excuse me dude I I forgot I do I don't know I wasn't really thinking when I did that hold on I forgot he had a he could detect okay wait gotta be kidding me I need the other guys uh is that damn so now that's their that feeling better why is he not going over there to pick it up what was that noise hey hey guard I get work how did he see me I usually get away with that remember that time I went in that person's house dude why he suddenly turned to look at me Janice's house no that was that wasn't Janis said okay weird you move around like somebody just kicked your ass real bad I don't like the sound of that can you please check oh I just okay this is messed up this one is not gonna work out and deserve drawing I need these people to leave these two wait that's that's the [ __ ] go with her go away boy okay I'm gonna try wine get the hell up or I'll knock you down permanently I heard that yes there did I I couldn't subdue him wait I'll try to subdue it wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there we go oh dude oh wow that's reckless behavior so we'll just come in are you serious how what the [ __ ] that was so unlucky okay I have an idea oh [ __ ] I have to I actually I have to do this flawlessly or I could throw something okay we're good on time we're going on time we're good on time right now he's coming he's coming he's coming go go go okay we're good [Music] alarm systems up and running okay so he just checked it and then turned it off hacker man [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it's wrong key [Music] turn it off go Coco Coco Coco Coco Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co Co get a Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go and then throw you know this person keeps looking at me that's that [ __ ] the the orange hair girl keeps looking at me I can't take it what that she keeps looking at me she doesn't even maybe you should pick that up the people behind me turn around to its the guard if we take out the guard nobody else looks at the necklace are there two guards there's two oh she's not looking at me right hey you [ __ ] the trash can has been invented you should try it sometime just oh my fury god I need them okay look what they didn't turn around oh [ __ ] this guy's right here I this guy turned around wait wait wait wait wait oh [ __ ] okay I think I can do it I have to do it like right away no no I can do it I can do it yeah I can do it really fast we got to do it really fast 47 I don't know why he didn't move hey wait smooth 47 the sparrows first dry hell yeah disguise myself as Blake Nathaniel we only took a million terabytes of saved yeah you well what if I threw it what if I had it oh and I threw it wait what if I have it oh and I stand next to them do they know is respectful patrons neither maybe one of the custodians took it to be polished he's the culprit all right I'll take care of this back to work or whatever the hell it is you do around here you can't I can't throw it wait I can put it down can i no I can't let's see I trust you sportsmanship yeah yeah what a sore loser you are howdy Arianna Arianna yes he thinks he thinks his his former acts lover took it [Applause] she's right there it doesn't make sense why is he coming over here can't talk sir Oh what's this now Blake you backstabbing son of a [ __ ] oh why hello to you too Sofia I can't even hide his body even if I knocked him out here Wow what killer oh my coin she climing out what turn around he's bummed Oh of the earth security system what good evening sir Oh I can talk them out here you feel cute you will hear it now wait until he goes to the window another one I should have my mercs toss you out on your ass haha nice tries to feel but you can't expel a narc member of a person issues okay I can't put his body in the bin so we're just gonna have to put his body in the corner here and hope nobody sees it can I put it more in the corner oh that's good that's good that's good that's good oh we don't know shield eyes we're pushing out Sofia Blake I messed up I see that now can we talk this should be good follow me gladly Titan project fall Thanks titanfall excuse me big-big we these people actually want the world to be better why are you talking all down excellent 47 let's give Sophia her heart's desire shall we I did wrong by you Sofia I see that now and I want to make amends here this is rightfully yours Wow why are you dressing a mushroom yes yeah leave us that's right well what's this pick up Imperial okay she won't like saying like it if I pick that up Jayco fell into a pit trap and me we only escaped arrows by using one of the local guide both targets down impressive 147 lead your rotator winston's mr. gray what's your status the helicopters about the place is crawling insecure oh let's do the optional 47 you better bring the constant to one of the boats in the harbor where it's quiet you can use the kill switch to coerce constant the Washington's are dead I have the kill switch did you say how could you know about that you will head towards the harbor no sudden moves no signs oh yeah I will trigger the device if I want to I know you are not an egg what's this sorry yeah I know you the boy the picture yeah open it underwater a reason she don't swim in this game move what was that he has a look he's balding my gosh I had a notion something didn't sit right with my mentors betrayal you murdered him like to get to get to me not just that he had it coming interesting it was my impression you were cute if such sentiment the good doctor built his serum specifically to target the seats of your emotions as miss Byrne would sense of justice rubbed off on you I wonder I found and to do was that oh I threw this my Apple save it for later I was he so rich and you don't maybe he doesn't know he's balding there's it's bruised now I hate green apples I actually despise green apples of the for passion worse janus always found art where's project distasteful not to mention inefficient she's still harping yeah and the apples are good so you gonna pull something you better not do like a triple backflip and then knock me out I take it this is not an ICA sanctioned operation what exactly does Miss burn would plan to achieve by targeting her clients violating her own code she's doing it for us us Morsi I didn't even come here the penny drops I should have known how does a man Leave No Trace by not existing in the first place Lukas gray reflected subject six he died when they Institute went up in flames but no body was ever produced and unlike you his rage never faded oh no you want the partners behind why does he talk because he's trying to seduce agent 47 dude my normal walking speed is slightly faster and then my slow walking speed is slightly slower look he's faster than me I don't think these waters are safe [Music] and clean off talking you will do the plaintiff we're here get on the boat [Music] [Applause] dun-dun-dun-dun all squares I didn't get that many squares this time we got ranked 20 28,000 out of 200,000 Wow not bad that makes us talk what talk like 25 percent 14 nice lalalala top 15 are they coming with him answering [Music] [Music] mr. Edwards still think this is maintenance Oh best burn would what have you done changing horses midstream truly unprofessional oh you know what we want where is the carrot no carrot you're useless to the partners compromised even if we let you live you can never return why die protecting them when I can drag them down with me it's a bad hand but it's all you've got thank you ask Malik every youth families that's all it took the engrams the Carlisle's the Stuyvesant's three dynasties secretly pooling their resources over generations creating a singularity so dense that nothing escapes its gravity never heard of them well they've heard of you in fact you just became the top of their agenda go I can't give them time to retaliate don't take your eyes off him be careful well here we are again I must admit I am disappointed miss burn wood i had such big plans for you save it I know the truth now you're up late you have nothing left to bargain with you're so certain so sure of the people closest to you he never fails does he he never misses his mark you found a window into his past and yet something else remains hidden a simple truth you learned long ago [Music] no one miss burn wood is untouched in his defense he doesn't remember [Music] well now he does so he probably wants to make it up to her maybe [Music] his conscience he feels bad [Music] that's why he's helping unless he wants revenge wait why would he want a friend she wouldn't want revenge well he doesn't give a [ __ ] yeah oh well that was abrupt oh yeah they're tuned emcee mission gaben continue story [ __ ] dude okay let me see let me take a look-see hit man to store page what is it where's the which one is it someone why did someone give this a down thumb I cannot give this game a positive review when a huge chunk of the game requires to go online no I gave a thumbs down because you have to be online okay where which one is the DLC hitman hitman two and two expansion pass it's fifty dollars for two more missions that's a [ __ ] scam wait what if I is it possible for me to play the expansion under two hours you know under one hour and get it no I don't think I can do that we just play let's just get the thieves in the path no there's a Gold Edition that's for 130 dollars you can't refund DLCs well I mean I don't I'm not that invested it's DLC let's do the sniper map no oh jesus [ __ ] christ Bloomberg whatever her name is um you know what let's just wait for it to go on sale and then we'll play it again alright let's wait for it let's wait for like the summer sale that be on the and then we'll play what's her name a blood burn blood bloom bloom and bloom bloom what's her name burn wood that's what I meant wait what's multiplayer what have you ever wondered what it would be like to face off against another assassin why are you talking like this oh you're not killing each other in ghost mode the first player with five eliminations is the winner targets are randomly well that's [ __ ] stupid I thought we're killing each other why does he talk like a youtuber do the exclusive contract this good morning 47 your target is Vincente muriĆ³ a fascist militia leader thought to have disappeared oh my god the killer we have Intel that he has returned he only get one try of creating a new one for in South America starting in Colombia Intel provided by our client tells us that he is a narcissist a liar if you fail it you can how do you fail to fulfill his dream of starting a fascist uprising he could let the world oh like no say substituting back in the ages client's needs their past mistakes so good luck 47 oh [ __ ] okay let's try it if you die you can't really you may not retry it once you you may know your dies if you cannot save your game okay fines try it Thank You general M if you fail he'll visit you at your RL house I mean he's kind of cute I guess kind of the eyepatch adds character I'm ready where the [ __ ] we don't even know where he is oh [ __ ] no saves mom Oh Shaq see all tabbed I didn't mean to kill him oh you can restart now you can restart you just can't save I forgot okay okay okay okay okay okay okay I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready already greetings to Colombia we're in Colombia right now I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready already I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready I'm ready this is like a hitman test how do they see oh this guy okay let's just kill everybody yellow shirt anniversary's Daffy shirt - shirt - shirt - shirt [ __ ] I'm running out of ammo I'm running out of ammo I know I know I know I know love letter Oh ouch do they spawn I'm dead I'm dead all right let's play titanfall exit sniper assassin what's this welcome to Austria agent 47 your targets are Dorian Lange Leo Mazzone and Doris Lee three remaining members of the international gang of thieves known as The Yardbirds The Yardbirds were famous for the daring heists in particular one that took place against Shamal casino in Las Vegas however the money proved to be the property of organized criminals who enjoyed this only also one try do I have to can I just snap right away how do I know which one they are forty-seven someone's on to you lungs have gone off any dimension targets or event all they're marked look confirmed Kayla amaze them how do I know where they are what does haven't Lange is getting for an exit take him out before it's too late I don't know where mission is important all right good good good good good one good one good one good one good one good one good one also my mouth since Curie was really low
Channel: 39daph vods
Views: 13,141
Rating: 4.9851303 out of 5
Keywords: 39daph, twitch, vod, with chat, stream, full, part 1, Girl, lets play, playthrough, streamer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 52sec (7252 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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