39/45 : Les policiers dans la Résistance

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Collaboration. This word alone sums up the image, that we have from the French police during the Second World War. The four years of occupation, are generally perceived as the dark years of this institution. It is obvious that the police collaborated. She collaborated with the occupier, quite simply because we were in within the framework of state collaboration. People believe that the police, like a block, served the government of Vichy and the Germans. However, this is not true. It's not a block at all. Indeed, if the great majority of police officers, blindly applied the policy criminal of the Vichy regime, some of them also joined the ranks of the Resistance. In Nancy, the seven police officers from the foreigners service, risked their career and their lives to save 350 Jews. Their heroic behavior remained engraved in the memory of survivors. They took the whole list from the community and they shared the addresses. They will tell the families, "You leave your home, You don’t take anything.” This is the only example we have police resistance, of an entire service. Achille Peretti, a figure police resistance, achieved the feat of uniting all the rebel policemen, within the Ajax network. Responsible for overall security Resistance organizations, these agents will thus infiltrate the highest authorities, of the Vichy government. The Ajax network provided orders of battle. We knew who ordered what. They will do professional counterespionage. In August 1944, the Parisian resistance police take up arms, to liberate the capital. It was shooting everywhere. We have to be afraid. 177 police officers will die in the fights for Liberation. Without their heroic action, Paris would probably not be today more than a field of ruins. The Germans received orders of Hitler to blow up Paris. He had even started to mine Paris in several places. Who were then these resistant police officers? Why did they enter into resistance and how did they operate? 75 years after the end of the Second World War, here is finally the truth on these shadow heroes. June 1940, France is on its knees. In just a month, the French army was swept away by Nazi troops. Defeat is experienced by everyone of the French people, like a real drama. So there is a species psychological shock, of all citizens, of all the French people. On June 22, Marshal Pétain concludes with Nazi Germany, an armistice which will have heavy consequences for the French and in particular for its police. France is the only country to sign, with the winner, an armistice. And this armistice, that's the key actually, of everything that will happen next. An armistice binds a State, with his instruments, justice, police, army. According to article three of this famous armistice agreement, the French police are now obliged to collaborate, with the Germans. In short, this means that, if an action threatens security occupying troops, sabotage for example, a guerrilla action, the French must help repress, this kind of action. This German control over the police, she was still very strong and German laws, were directly applicable, by the French police services. Since the signing of the armistice, the country is split in two. The north is under German occupation, the south under control of the Vichy government. The diminished French state is on the verge of chaos. And for Philippe Pétain, the font therefore appears, as the only institution able to restore order. There is fear on the Vichy side, that the chaos that developed, at the time of defeat, with the exodus, with the collapse of the country, all this does not the game of the communists. And so there is an obsession of maintaining order. And here too, the police must be an important tool of this national recovery. And to get membership police officers, the Vichy government don't hesitate to put the resources into it. And so we will see hatching in 1941, the national police which brings together the melting pot, which were the different fonts municipal and other scattered services, which existed in the territory. We offer the police career prospects, more interesting. We are making increases salary. We are also looking to play on the police image. We see it when we look propaganda posters of the time, the reports French news, where we want to show a more modern font, more mobile, better equipped... This new police force, whose recruitment takes into account both moral values, intellectual and physical, is ready to make any sacrifices. It will help with backup of the nation. At the beginning, only a few isolated police officers, reject the new regime in place and begin to lead actions of disobedience. At that time, resistance does not yet exist. Everything has to be built. First, we start on our own, to make certain papers disappear, to do things like that, and then we get wet, to talk to a colleague about it. We probe ourselves and then we realize that we can do something together And so on. From the start of the occupation, the Nazis want to disarm France. They imposed by order that the French, come and lay down all weapons that they have in the police stations. One of the first acts of resistance for French police officers, is therefore to hide these weapons. The French must not have no more weapons, so they must, under penalty of serious sanctions, hand them over to the police. When you are a resistant policeman, you do not have to, to hand over 100% of weapons, you put some aside in a cache. And so on, of course. Among these resistant police officers from the first hour, a small group is formed at the end of July 1940, at the Ternes police station, in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. Gallic rooster. The goal of the Gallic rooster was clearly the fight against the Germans. It was to find the means to fight against them, especially weapons, as a goal, to take all possible actions, can lead to the liberation of the city. Under the direction of the secretary of police Albert Louis Lebon, the Gallic rooster group thus constitutes, a small stock of weapons and ammunition. But what the resistance had not anticipated, it is that, for his part, the prefect of Paris police, Roger Langeron, placed men in all services, to counter all the desires of resistance. The problem, it is that Prefect Langeron, he has one of his boys undercover at the Ternes police station, who will be approached by one of the conspirators. And so it will drive very quickly, for team identification. The main people responsible of the Gallic rooster are therefore arrested, after only six months, at the end of January 1941. The investigation is quickly concluded and the file transmitted to the German authorities. German court hands down sentences deportation and prison. 25 years in prison for Albert Louis Lebon, the deputy commissioner who had taken the lead of the group. Obedience in the police, it really is the ABC of information, of each police officer. From the moment we have police officers who dare to disobey, we must set an example, to others that we should not go that way. With the affair of the Gallic rooster, the rebel police officers discover thus the cost of disobeying. Despite this, everywhere in France, insubordination continues to spread within the institution, the police no longer hesitate to sabotage their work. Especially since in 1942, the Nazis plan extermination Jews of Europe and ask the government of Vichy to help them. We decide to raid the German side, the entire population French Jew, men, women, children, old people... And to save money, also to facilitate, the app of these different measures, the Germans will negotiate the fact that these raids, are organized by the French police. The head of the Vichy government, Pierre Laval, submits to the demands of the Nazis, but only to deliver foreign Jews. As a result, during the summer of 1942, French police officers are responsible the organization of large raids, everywhere in France. They don't know it yet, but they will thus become one of the cogs, of the Nazi death machine. The police are surprised of everything that happens and they say to themselves: "Are we there to do this dirty work? Is it ours to carry out these orders?" So at this point, we have more in addition to police officers, who take the initiative to disobey. Faced with the horror of these raids, French police officers are divided. Some of them will warn the Jews in advance, that they are responsible for stopping, while others will be content to follow, scrupulously follow orders. When we talk to people about police having saved Jews, very often, the reaction, it’s “Were there any?” They are surprised because the idea that they have in their skull, it's still 100% police, participated in the extermination Jews. But that's not true either. We can clearly see all the ambivalence there, the behavior of these police officers who must, on the ground carry out actions repressive measures that we ask of them, even if at the same time, they can try to act, to help a few people in isolation. Sabotage of organized raids by certain police officers, will thus have made it possible to save many lives. The overall toll of arrests, is well below of what the Germans hoped for. We can say that it is less than 50%, Jews who are going to be arrested. So it's a big failure everywhere, throughout France. The Nazis are furious against the French police. There are reports saying "We cannot not trust the French cops, they are not reliable, they never fulfill their objectives. In Nancy, the seven police officers from the foreigners service, behaved like true heroes. They achieved the feat to join forces, to save 350 Jews strangers from the city. They were all deeply humanist and anti-Semitic politics, imposed by the Germans, It really revolted them. So, on July 18, 1942, when the 7 police officers from Nancy learn that a large-scale raid, is preparing in the city, they decide unanimously to make it fail. It was a reaction which imposed itself on them. For each of the police officers, what they did, it was something normal. In fact, the police know intimately, community members Jewish from Nancy and count among them many friends that they want to save at all costs. These seven police officers knew perfectly foreign Jews, that there was talk of raiding since it was they who had established, their papers upon arrival, often before the start of the war. Maurice Quenet was one of the children of the Jewish community of Nancy. He remembers with emotion the good relationships that the police maintained with the community. Over the years, links are created, especially when kids, came with the parents. They were invited until marriage, what we call bar mitzvahs, that is to say the communions, circumcisions. They were invited, they had become close friends. The bonds of friendship are so strong that Edouard Vigneron, the head of the foreigners service, do not hesitate, even before the Nancy roundup, to put his career and his life on the line to help Maurice Quenet's father. Mr. Edouard Vigneron, always accompanied my father. Because every time there was an identity check, it was Mr. Edouard, who presented his papers to him, official papers and the Germans who were there or the French police, greeted him and made him believe that he had arrested my father and that he would repatriate it to Nancy. On July 18, 1942, the 7 police officers therefore organize themselves to warn the Jews of Nancy, of the threat hanging over them. Door to door, they inform each family without forgetting a single one. They took the whole list from the community and they shared the addresses. And everyone went in a specific neighborhood, the other in another neighborhood, and they knocked on people's houses who were also very frightened. They will tell the families: "You leave your home, you don't take anything and you will hide with acquaintances." If people didn't have of knowledge, we found places for them where to hide. Risking his life, the policeman Charles Bouy welcomes him home, Maurice Quenet and his mother. Mr. Bouy, spontaneously, at the risk of his life and that of his family, said: “Paulette and Maurice, I take them home.” There was no question to go elsewhere, while he was risking very big. During many days, Maurice Quenet and his mother live underground, fear in the belly. We stayed locked up, we didn't go To take a walk in the street, but behind, he had gardens, so it was done so that in the event of a problem, we can escape from the back. We stayed long enough, until the ardor of the Germans, or other police officers falls. On July 19, 1942, 32 people are finally arrested in Nancy. 21 women and 11 men. Despite the instructions given by the seven police officers, some Nancy Jews estimated, that they wouldn't run of real danger. My grandfather, Charles Thouron, who was part from the foreigners service, told of the great sadness and even despair, to have one of your neighbors whom he knew very well, who was on the list, that he went to find and who refused to leave saying: “No, I’m not leaving. You must be mistaken. It is impossible for the authorities French women can deliver themselves, to such action. For the Nazis, this roundup is a total failure. Not even 10% of people targeted. were arrested. Which means that the Germans, who had commanded a convoy, 3 days later for Auschwitz, must cancel it. This is the only example we have, police resistance, of an entire service, in the face of these anti-Semitic persecutions. The Germans know very well that it's their fault, but they don't have concrete evidence, to prove that the leak came from the police. The Nazis are convinced of the guilt of the Nancy police officers. From now on, the foreigners service is under close surveillance. The foreigners service is kept away, of a certain number of news. They had to do very careful, because there was always a German who was there. They therefore made sure to have an activity, but more discreet. The 7 police officers must in fact ensure that the Jews, who escaped the roundup, can definitely leave the town of Nancy. In the following days, they devote all their energy, to make false papers. And it happened at night. They were preparing cards so as not to wake up, German suspicions who were with them in the service. To make credible false documents, The Nancy police officers modify the names registered, on identity papers. The name was something of primordial. It was necessary in a way or another, Frenchify the name. My father's first name was Aaron. There was no more Jew. And so during the war, his name was Arsène, Paul. We had removed Aaron, obviously, and the name had been changed a little. The caution of the Nancy police officers is unfortunately not sufficient. On August 19, 1942, i.e. one month to the day after the raid, Edouard Vigneron, the head of the department, is arrested for providing fake ID cards, to a Jewish couple. They were irregular papers. They were not considered as false papers because they had, simply forgot to register, the word “Jew” on these identity papers. This is a pretty important nuance. because he is on trial, following this arrest and he is condemned to three months in prison, by a German court. Three months in prison for a simple mention “Jewish”, missing on an identity card. And it doesn't stop there. When he will be out of jail, Edouard Vigneron, is placed on early retirement. This does not prevent others police officers of the service, to continue their action aid to the Jews, until the end of the war. Several of them thus received, the title of Righteous Among the Nations. There were so many abuses, so many misfortunes in the 20th century, that when we can not forget, those who have done good deeds, I believe it is necessary to do. And that's why I worship, an inconsiderate love for these people. Like the Nancy police officers, 69 police officers and gendarmes received the title, from “Righteous Among the Nations.” However, they are exceptions because in the vast majority of cases, the reality is a lot more contrasted. So we have this police attitude who, when they can, they help the Jews. And in other cases, they are very obliged, to apply and the laws and orders from Vichy. After the big raids from July 1942, the allegiance of many police officers to the Vichy regime, gradually cracks. Four months later, in November, the police notice same as the Vichy regime, is unable to brake German ardor. Indeed, following the Allied landing in North Africa, the Nazis are invading the southern area of ​​France, without the slightest opposition. Vichy worked on the theme, we limit the damage, it's terrible, but hey, we do what we can. The myth collapses. We see that Vichy has done nothing, against the invasion of the unoccupied zone. Vichy does not protect the French. And at the beginning of 1943, the Vichy government further strengthens, this feeling with the establishment of the compulsory labor service, the STO. This new measure which requires All the french people, aged 21 to 23 from work in Germany, to serve the effort Nazi war, is experienced by the whole of the population as a betrayal. Here are some filmed images in a large German factory, where a majority are employed of French workers. Certainly, in the opinion of engineers, among the best workers foreigners currently in the Reich. The police meet at the heart of the problem, since they are them who will be brought, to look for refractories. And a lot of police have a lot of trouble, to carry out this work because perhaps they themselves, in their family, they have young people, who are affected by the STO. There is police sabotage pure and simple. There are files that get confused, things that have been lost, there are some bad addresses. They brake with all four irons, so as not to deport these young people in Germany. From there, many police officers come to grow, the ranks of the Resistance. A phenomenon that does not escape to the Vichy government. As a result, at the beginning of 1943, the government of Pierre Laval creates a new organization, to suppress resistance. The militia and its service of legionary order, Floor. GROUND ! On your knees! I commit myself on honor, to serve France and Marshal Pétain, leader of the Legion, to devote all my strength, to triumph the national revolution and his ideal. GROUND ! Standing ! So the militia, it's an extra step, in the fall towards nothingness of Vichy. Why do we need a law enforcement agency? Because law enforcement agencies like the police and the gendarmerie, do not repress enough. Unlike the police, the militia is an organization paramilitary policy totally subject to the Vichy regime, but also to the Nazis. Joseph Darnand, its leader, even directly sworn in to Hitler. He is an officer of the Waffen-SS. Under his orders, the militiamen lead thus a fierce repression and without any limits. This militia freed itself of all the rules. No rule of law, no procedure, no penal code. We stopped, we massacred and we shot. It is a new force which supports, 100% the policy of the Germans. It was considered by the police like traitors, like enemies. So that's how much they were hated. The militiamen arrest, terrorize. and execute without distinction the resistance fighters and their loved ones. During the summer of 1943 in Nice, the police commissioner resistant Achille Peretti, witnesses this news fierce repression. He imagines an ambitious plan, to counter the abuses of the militia. Bring together all the resistance police officers, within the same organization, the Ajax network. This network will play a major role within the Resistance. The Ajax network is a specialized network, in the infiltration of the Vichy police. This is its reason for being. Knowing the morals and police methods, by definition, since they are part of it, They will do professional counterespionage. This is exactly Peretti's idea. It is necessary to core police administration, You need an organization which is unofficial, and clandestine within itself, of the official body. And to infiltrate effectively the Vichy police, Achille Peretti selects his agents, among senior executives of the institution. You should know that it is a network which essentially includes, commissioners and police inspectors. When we know that the administration policewoman, is strongly hierarchical, we measure all the importance, to have for resistance, executives and management police services. Of course, it is preferable, to recruit high-ranking people, only basic police officers, not that they despise the rank and file police officers, but because quite simply, at a certain rank, in the police, we know a lot more things and we have a lot more entries too. To make operational the Ajax network, Achille Peretti even gets support from the BCRA, the Central Office intelligence and action, who represents the secret services of free France, of General de Gaulle. Free France sees everything immediately the interest of the network, what is being organized Achille Peretti. De Gaulle never hid, that he wants to reconstitute a State and avoid that at the Liberation there is a void. So the core public administrations, that is to say the emergence of a clandestine state, within the Vichy State, ready to take over, it's still important. In just a few months, from the summer of 1943, the Ajax network is established in all the big cities, South of France. Achille Peretti pilots the whole operations from the city of Lyon. This is where it is located the network center, the command body which transmits daily, information and reports to London. Transmissions in London were carried out by radio, according to predetermined shifts, secret, of course. And then we changed frequency during operation, we also changed location so as not to be spotted. So it was very complicated, very dangerous. At the end of 1943, the AJAX network covers the whole of France and has nearly 1,200 agents. Agents who will reveal themselves formidable adversaries, for the Vichy regime. Police officers have a mass of information, which reach them In all areas, economic, political, social, administrative. It was enough for everyone in their place, communicates information to agent Ajax, in his service, and the information could then go back up, very quickly to the BCRA. The anecdote exists where files processed, on Day X in Paris, are on the table in London, before they are on the Vichy table, quite extraordinary feats! The information collected the agents of Ajax, are strategic for free France, but also decisive for the safety, other resistance organizations. An Ajax agent stationed at the Directorate of General Information, thus makes it possible to avoid lots of drama. This is the commissioner police officer Germain Vidal. Vidal was an old resistance fighter, at Ajax since the very beginning. And then he arranged with his colleague from the PJ, so that all repressive operations, be communicated to him. The information that will come through the Vidal sector, will help inform resistance movements at the net in preparation or to say, so and so has been spotted, there was an investigation, we start to monitor... What will happen is that often, the actions that will be led by the militia, for example, will hit the void. Simply because people will have been warned. Ajax is a kind protective shield, networks of resistance. From 1943, resistance begins to take hold truly big. More and more French people join its ranks. In this context, the Ajax police officers, are responsible for sorting among the new arrivals. Among those people who, for the overwhelming majority, are completely sincere and indeed want, act against the occupier, you have the possibility, to have agents of the occupier, who try to infiltrate, or just thugs, or simply adventurers, who at the first hard blow, will go and upset everyone. It is necessary, if possible, test whether this or that person, which seems very well placed and who could make us, great services if this person is reliable. At the end of 1943, BCRA asks Ajax to give priority, to military intelligence. The Allies are preparing the future landing, from June 1944. They therefore need to know which types of military installations, the Nazis built on the French coasts. And to carry out this complex mission, Achille Peretti then constitutes a new independent subnetwork, of around a hundred agents. Micromegas. The coastal area, these are the prohibited areas. The Germans built everything a system of zones in which, you have to be able to penetrate because it's there, that we will have the information Most important. Risking their lives, the agents of Micromégas are therefore introduced regularly, in prohibited areas to spy on the Nazis and assess their strengths. The Ajax network provided battle orders, that is to say the organization of armies in the field of operations. We knew who ordered what. We also knew the movements of these units. They were followed practically day by day. Ajax agent, René Deterville, even achieves a real feat. This policeman from Rouen manages to identify, in the north of France, several launch pads V1 flying bombs, one of the secret weapons of the Reich. Deterville managed to pick up the plans, more than fifteen ramps launch of V1. It was something quite wonderful and quite exceptional, for resistance, because the V1s, initially, we didn't know what it was. Deterville risked his skin and it is recognized, as being one of the big names of the Norman resistance. Always in perspective of the disembarkation, BCRA charges Ajax boss, to put pressure on colleagues, to convince them to join the Resistance camp. Achille Peretti then writes a call that is broadcast, on the BBC. No one can claim, that he was forced to obey. If necessary, you will pass in a state of open rebellion, against the Laval government. De Gaulle and Peretti know that the font is a pyramid structure. Either, it switches to the resistance side, or she remains loyal to Vichy. And you should definitely not that she remains loyal to Vichy. There is indeed this pressing call to choose the camp of the Resistance, because the time liberation is approaching. More than ever, the government of Vichy also puts, pressure on the police. To bring the institution back into line, Philippe Pétain names on December 30, 1943, militia leader Joseph Darnand to the position of general secretary, to maintaining order. From there, police officers suspected of resistance, are now hunted like common criminals. Darnand will try to control, a police device which escapes him more and more. These resistant police officers will be the subject, research sheets like the criminals. So there are hundreds of photos, descriptions of police officers who are sought. And this will result in arrests of police officers, by deportations as well. The landing of allied troops in Normandy on June 6, 1944, now force the police to definitively choose their side. Vichy and the Nazis on one side, or free France and the allies of the other. Many police officers, who had not committed until then commit. Finally, we throw away the mask, we will be able to fight. That's enough of this story now. For their part, the Nazis understood perfectly, that the vast majority French police officers, switched to the Allied camp. Germans distrust the police. These are troops in uniform, with weapons. German services will actually write, that it is the structure which we must be most wary of, because she is going shoot them in the back. At the beginning of August 1944, the Allies continue military victories, but are always stuck in Normandy. The rest of France is on the verge of insurrection. The Nazis feel that the situation can escape them at any time. So they decide to neutralize the police. In the first days from August 1944, in the provinces then in Paris, police services will be disarmed by the Germans, because of this distrust. In Paris, it led to the explosion. This was felt by all, Parisian police officers, like a humiliation. This event will fire to the powder. The Parisian police will then take up arms, to liberate the French capital. On August 14, he launched a call for a general strike. The Gestapo has just given the order, to disarm the Parisian police and intern them. To this measure of provocation, All the personnel from the police headquarters, will have to stop work. Police officers who would not obey will be considered traitors and collaborators. So the police are going to strike, this strike will be followed by 99%. That's approximately 20,000 men, the police forces Parisian in 1944. So this defection Parisian police officers, is a problem for the Germans who would like to bring them into line. Robert Pinçon is the last policeman survivor of this period. At the time, he came just turned 20. These events marked forever his life. Among us, we said to ourselves: "You don't have to go there anymore, you don't have to go to work anymore." then that's all, then hide. The 3 big movements of police resistance in Paris, honor of the police, the National Police Front, as well as Police and Homeland, mobilize their 3,000 members to prepare this time, an armed insurrection. On the morning of August 19, 1944, resistant police officers take action. A general instruction is given, to gather in front The police headquarters and take possession of the police headquarters. This is what is happening from 7 a.m. Prefect Bussière is confined in his apartments, then put under arrest and a form transfer of power, is then carried out even that Paris is not liberated. It's Charles Luizet, the representative of General de Gaulle, which becomes the new Paris police chief. Prefect Luizet arrived and said: "In the name of General de Gaulle, I’m taking over the police headquarters.” From the police headquarters. Long live France, long live the Republic! Long live de Gaulle! Gathered in the courtyard of the prefecture, police officers at attention intone the Marseillaise, to everyone's surprise. The police took the initiative to launch the insurrection, without even informing the military commander, of the Parisian Resistance, Colonel Rol-tanguy. Rol-tanguy learned it at the time, while passing by on his bike, he hears sing the Marseillaise. He thinks something is happening. It appeals to him somewhat and so he will enter in the prefecture and it's from from that moment it takes, hand on the insurrection which started without him. Colonel Rol-Tanguy then asked the police officers to abandon their uniform, for the FFI cuff. One gesture all at once strategic and symbolic. The colonel of the Resistance, Rol-tanguy, requests that the police are in civilian clothes, so that they are not confused with the police, who could be the object of attacks because they were believed to be faithful, to the Vichy government. On the morning of August 19, the insurgent police officers prepare therefore to face the Nazis. But despite the enthusiasm, weapons are sorely lacking. We didn't have what we needed. We only had our personal pistols. We didn't have a machine gun, we had nothing at all. And only gradually, that the refueling in arms will be done. But we will never arrive, afterwards, to arm all the FFI. They will never all be armed. For their part, the Nazis still have in Paris, about 20,000 soldiers and several tanks. The imbalance is therefore total. To trap the Nazis, a significant part of the police then leaves the police headquarters, in order to erect barricades Citywide. They said to me: “Where do you live? I say: “I live on rue de la Huchette.” "You're going to take care of a barricade at rue de la Huchette to attack the soldiers Germans passing by. In the early afternoon of August 19, 1944, the trap set by the insurgents, closes in on the Nazis. In several districts of Paris, the police attack German convoys. This is where we are given the order to attack German trucks, and the tanks because the tanks, it was not convenient. It was shooting everywhere! The truck guys, they defended themselves at first. The Nazis will even lead a major counterattack. Three German tanks storm, the Paris police headquarters. This is a key moment. Inside, the police are a little desperate and one of the shells will smash the door, which is located next to Notre-Dame. A policeman will succeed, to sneak out of the prefecture, to throw in one of the tanks a Molotov cocktail. The tank catches fire and the other two leave. The heroism of the Parisian police officers, is somewhat slowed down at the end of the afternoon, because they no longer have any ammunition. He then decides to change strategy and tries a poker game by negotiating a truce with the military commander German from Paris, General von Choltitz. Each of the two enemies, don't know very well what is the potential in front. The Germans don't know that the insurrection is so weak, otherwise they would not have accepted the truce. And they say to themselves, we're going to make each other stuck in an urban fight... It might be better to procrastinate. The truce gave a little bit of breath, every minute saved was important, because on the first day, the police still lost 50 people. This truce thus allows the insurgents to rebuild their strength. But above all, it gives them the opportunity to contact allied troops, which are now located 200 kilometers from Paris. If the allies don't arrive fast enough, it could turn into a bloodbath. The Germans can commit a massacre, they are used to it. Von Choltitz is a good criminal of war on the Russian front, That’s not what’s going to stop him. The insurrection will change the plans of the allies. The Allies did not have their objectives of taking Paris, it was not a goal strategic in their eyes. It was therefore necessary to negotiate and General de Gaulle intervened, notably with General Eisenhower, to obtain that the circuit be inflected, to connect with Paris. After three days of negotiations, on August 22, 1944, the commander-in-chief of the troops Allies, General Eisenhower, authorizes French soldiers of the second armored division, of General Leclerc, to march on Paris. In the meantime, the fighting has resumed more beautiful in the capital, but no one knows if the insurrection, will be able to hold until the arrival of the Allies. Let's say the time is long because you don't know What will tomorrow be made of. It must be admitted that we have to be afraid. It's sure, it's farting everywhere... I was thinking of my wife. I thought : “I might not see her again.” We had been married for a month. On Thursday August 24, the second armored division of General Leclerc, finally arrives on the outskirts of Paris. General Leclerc, conscious, because the resistance from the police headquarters continued to feel isolated, sends them a message, flying over the prefecture police by a small plane. We bowed down. There is a nylon package who fell. It was a message that told us: “Hold on, we’re coming!” We now know that the army French woman arrives, so it obviously galvanizes, the defenders of the prefecture. The next day, French troops invade Paris. Police and soldiers engage then a final fight, with the Germans to liberate definitely the capital. Around 15h, General von Choltitz surrenders. And sign the surrender German troops. Paris is liberated. The Parisian police are extremely popular. We have testimonies from Parisians who shout “Long live the cops!” Which is still quite rare. I remember an old gentleman who was a police officer at that time, who explained that it was the police's happiest day. The popularity of police officers is all the stronger, that without their heroic action, the capital would probably not than a field of ruins. Von Choltitz received orders of Hitler to blow up, the main monuments from Paris, Notre-Dame, the Eiffel Tower, the bridges of Paris. A real wreck. Hitler had summoned Choltitz, to burn Paris and Choltitz had started to undermine Paris, in several places. And it's the anticipation of the insurrection, who made Choltitz could not finish equipping the city with mines. To save Paris from destruction, the police paid a heavy price. 177 of them lost their lives during the six days of insurrection. On October 12, 1944, in the courtyard of the Invalides, General de Gaulle pays tribute to their heroic action, by granting the prefecture Paris police, the Legion of Honour. The police headquarters, by defying the occupier, by his patriotic attitude, was one of the main success factors, fights for liberation from Paris. But this celebration was quickly forgotten after the war. Resentments return quickly. The role of police under occupation is pointed out, by a large part of the population, who even considers them like traitors. For many people, the police served Vichy, police resistance would not exist and would be an invention afterwards. They showed up the last 2 or 3 days. and then we pass everything to them. As a result, the police suffer severe purification. 20% of them are brought to justice and pass in front a purification commission. The police may be one of the institutions, where this purification was the strongest. We saw extraordinary things, decorated police officers for their resistance, in prison. Resistant police officers are not spared, by this expeditious justice, because most of them did not resign, during the war. They engaged in a difficult and necessary double play, who now appears suspicious. They were criticized after the war for but it's the resistance who asked them to play a double game. The very fact of continuing to practice their profession, put them in situations complicated. They obviously have to accept to create an illusion, that they agree to have a certain degree of efficiency, in their work. Some police officers were not rehabilitated only at the beginning of the 1950s, because of this ambiguity which has weighed for a long time, during this period quite long purification. The extent of the purification had for the effect of completely obscuring, actions sometimes heroic police officers, within the Resistance. However, without the help of these shadowy agents, resistance as a whole probably would not have, not been as important. This reality, remained forgotten for too long, allows us today to put back in question the image of Épinal, of a French police force, dedicated entirely to the service of the Nazis.
Channel: imineo Documentaires
Views: 58,765
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Keywords: reportage, documentaire, interview, témoignage, hd, 4k, enquête, investigation, guerre mondiale, histoire, conflit, pays, rebelle, rebellion, milice, civil, citoyen, évênement, lutte, police, sécurité, insolite, allemagne, Alliance, collaboration, yt:cc=on
Id: LF6o6JvHs04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 28sec (3208 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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