393 Windsor Ford Stroker Build Part 2: FloTek Thumper Heads 393W

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so this is a small block Ford  Flotek Cylinder Head [Music]   greetings fellow DIYer and welcome to my video   now before all the haters leave comments at  the bottom telling me what a bad head this is   I'm gonna concede this aluminum head is probably  not going to outperform an Edelbrock an Airflow   Research or many of the other aluminum heads  on the market this is a budget friendly head   it will significantly outperform a stock cast  iron head and it will significantly outperform   every head on the market aluminum or cast iron  in the horsepower to cost ratio there's been   a lot of Articles done by various hot rod  institutions and they'll do a head shootout   where they have all these different heads on a  small block Ford or on a small block Chevy and   they do a comparison you know the exact same  motor which one produces the most horsepower   and which one is the most horsepower at the  lowest dollar price all the Articles I've   read everything that I've seen Flotek heads are  always significantly better than a cast iron head but worse than all of the other aluminum heads  on the market however Flotek always wins at the   cost to horsepower ratio because this is  a very very budget-friendly head you can   get a head like this for right around $500  where a lot of those other heads are eight   to twelve hundred dollars for just one head so  one other thing to keep in mind if you're going   to rebuild your cast iron heads or you're  going to buy remanufactured cast iron heads   you're looking anywhere between three hundred and  five hundred dollars to get the machine work done   to replace the valves to replace the Springs to  get them milled if they're not true all that kind   of stuff and with the flowtech heads being right  around the 500 price range to me it's a no-brainer   why wouldn't you pay for something brand new  that is guaranteed to outperform the stock head   for roughly the same money I have a basic set of  flowtech heads on the 302 that is currently in   my Galaxie and I'm very happy with them I have  a basic set of Flotek heads on a 351 Windsor   that I've been playing with that's sitting on my  engine run stand and I am very happy with them   this is not the basic set this is actually Flotek  newest creation it's called the thumper head and   it has a larger intake runner volume and it's also  got what they're referring to as a W Exhaust port   and the flow numbers on this are significantly  higher than the basic Flotek head I purchased   this head to go on a 393 Windsor Stroker motor  that I'm putting together and the reason I decided   to go with this particular head is one I've had  good luck with the other Flotek heads I've had   but two when I put the specs the flow specs for  the basic Flotek head in my digital Dyno I'm using   Dyno 2000 a windows program and plugged them into  a 393 Windsor that I specced out uses compression   ratios it uses flow measurements it takes your  cam specs it takes all of that into account and   then it spits out a nice curve for horsepower and  torque and it also crunches the numbers now I've   found that that program doesn't exactly translate  to the real world it tends to be optimistic on   the the super efficient side of things and is  anywhere from 10 to 20 percent higher than the   actual numbers that a person gets if they've got  the motor hooked up to an actual dyno but what's   really nice about the program is the shape of the  torque and horsepower curves are fairly accurate   so that allows me to play around on the digital  Dyno to change out the specs for a set of heads   to change out the specs for a camshaft and get an  engine that performs exactly the way I wanted to   have it perform so when I put all the specs in and  ran it with the stock heads gave me a decent curve   tons of torque I mean I'm building this motor  for a 62 Galaxy so torque is extremely important   but I also wanted to have you know a little  bit more get up and go in the four thousand   to five thousand range I don't see going much  above that for this particular application so   I went online to Flotek's website and I got the  flow specifications for this Thumper head which   were significantly better than their normal head  and I punched those into my digital Dyno and my   curves increased significantly I really got it in  a good place to where I'm still maximizing low end   torque I lose just a little bit but overall it's  going to perform a lot better with this head and   so that's why I decided to go with the thumper  over the standard Flotek head so what makes this   head interesting is what Flotek is referring  to as a W Exhaust Port now I don't see a w   there I see more of an M but you know it's their  head they can call it whatever they want it's   definitely a little short and I'm not sure why  this this Ridge is here in the middle but I'm   also no expert on Flow and things like that so I'm  sure someone who's a lot smarter than I spent some   time modeling this out and coming up with the  best possible exhaust numbers that they could   I am a little concerned with a stock gasket if  you place it over the ports we definitely have   a mismatch down here and there's actually a little  bit of a lip here felpro 1487 is the gasket that   Flotek actually recommends for these heads and  that may fit these ports a little better I also   need to look at the ports on the headers and see  exactly where they're at and how they're going to   fit up against this but that's a little more than  I'm going to go into in this video for right now   this is your basic setup with the exhaust ports  and I'm hoping that it will flow as well as the   flow numbers indicate on Flotek's website so here  we have the Flotek thumper compared to a cast iron   Ford e7te head now the e7te was very common on  Mustangs and pickup trucks and explorers a lot   of the late 80s early 90 vehicles came with  this head it's one of the better heads that   Ford made now it's no GT40 head I'm not going to  try and spin some web that oh this head's amazing   but for easy to find easy to get performance the  e7te is actually a pretty good head it's got the   solid mount non-adjustable rockers obviously  this is stud Mount so I'm going to be able to put   roller rockers on this valve train fairly similar  on the top half obviously you can see the massive   difference between the exhaust ports here and  the exhaust ports here it's going to make a huge   difference um good or bad I can't tell you yet  I'm hoping that this works as well as advertised   but we will see so this right here is clearly  the source of some of those improved flow numbers   comparing this to this that is a massive intake  Port this has been gasket matched and is fairly   small little Port work has been done there  so a stock head is going to actually be even   smaller than that so you can see where this is  definitely going to flow a lot more air so this   right here is another major difference between  the stock e7te head and the Flotek thumper head   so these are stock valves I believe they're 1.78"  and 1.48" whereas these are 2.02"s and 1.60"s now   on a 302 unless you were revving it up into the  really high range I don't know that I'd go with   valves that big but where I'm putting these on a  393 I think it's going to perform extremely well   these normally from the factory are a 64 give  or take CC combustion chamber I actually had   these milled down 35 thousands to bring them in  right around 58 CC's and these are right around   60 CC's so it's a good size chamber for getting  a good compression ratio obviously depending   on the Pistons you're using and the total  displacement of the motor also flowtech talks   about this chamber design being very efficient  and working very well to produce power so I'm   hoping that that is the case in this particular  setup overall I've never been disappointed with   the quality of my Flotek heads they are a good  quality unit and a couple of times where I've   had a question I've got an excellent customer  service from Flotek just so we're on the same   page I paid for these heads I'm not sponsored by  Flotek so this is not some ad that I'm putting   together for their heads I'm just telling you my  experience with them has been nothing but positive   now will they perform as well as  my digital Dino says I hope so   but at this point I don't know I've still  got to get the 393 put together you can   come along with me as I build a 393 and I put  these flowtech heads on it if you like what   you've seen please click like if you'd like to  see more please subscribe thanks for watching
Channel: DazeCars
Views: 8,562
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Id: MeXiX-R7ClI
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Length: 10min 43sec (643 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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