38th Anniversary of the Orme Dam Victory Days Intertribal Pow Wow

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he's gonna help you that's our police that's the way we feel a whole thank you thank you sir you don't have to be native to share a dollar bill with our singers if you feel grateful thankful for this beautiful music feel free to come on in maybe they can get a nice warm drink is something to eat later oh thank you sir god bless you thank you ma'am [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's all about helping one another [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Thank You Pamela god bless you good to see you you still have time friends and relatives we're gonna leave this blanket up there one more song [Music] [Applause] [Music] well thank you sir [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you to all you kind relatives that shared a little monetary gift with our singers god bless you a whole best wishes [Music] rusty Cozad you're being requested on the dance floor at this time rusty I want to honor you come on up there brother [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] once again ladies and gentlemen on the floor we have an honor sir rusty Kosair the Cozad family of the Kohl's air drum want to say thank you to the dancers are coming on up oh thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] thank you all your kind relatives for coming out and dental of my seguir here rusty cold [Music] [Music] [Applause] at this time we have honoring over here on the northeast side for her Walker cozy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right thank you thank you that sir thank you singers ladies and gentlemen that will conclude our Gordon's portion for this very first night here at the 38th annual warm damn victory days thank you singers dancers man oh man that was beautiful alright man oh man I tell you what Daryl he'll put the Wow in Chow right there that guy he has more moves than Michael Jackson he was on point tonight yes sir yes sir Thank You Darryl and to the a gourd dancers and to those that honored while she and myself calling rusty out as well and some of the honors that took place on the dance floor just gonna remind you royalty registration up here the announcer Stan come on up and register your princess Scout little warrior little brave however maybe registration right here to my left J dusty Bulls at 7:15 drum roll call and I believe we're gonna go1 start to get us into powwow mood is that right J 1 start their drum groups to kind of get us in the mood to call the dancers and and I don't know if we're gonna go drum song or not or we're just gonna go right into drum roll call but we welcome each and there weren't even good people coming on out to the Friday night session here as we get underway would also like to welcome Derek Mathews in a house Gathering of Nations Albuquerque New Mexico Dee Matthews he's in charge of a little powwow over there in Albuquerque about the 4th weekend and now April right just a little powwow over down that way big worms in the house alright worm yeah one time worm was host John and his singers were there and they said I leaned over to their singers and I said where Jeremy go they said who I said Jeremy Jeremy dearly and they said 'who's that i said worm that's true story they didn't know his real name you okay good Jared brown calling eagle we're gonna ask you for a jump song to kind of get us started to go here and I kick things off in a good way to recognize our arena our spirit and our dancers and our veterans our elders and to all the good people that come on over this way and to even those of you that took a little time out of the carnival pekin you're headed over there for a little while we welcome you as well there's always some curious what's going on not on ease in the house anytime you say his name there's it there's the oyster some female that screamed did you hear that in itani I didn't even say his last name I just sitting itani and some some females like what's going on brother way back there I know it earlier I said Joaquin's in the house there was nothing I said Rubens I'm in the house there's nothing as soon as i said 'no thani is holy smokes what's that word they say in navajo somehow get it off somehow somehow that must have been his ship buddy or his ship baby way back there hey that they all right dancers start hitting over to the good entry area I believe we're gonna get into our invocation as well all we're gonna do a drum song and also youth council fundraiser they're selling seat cushions for $5.00 so if you're interested raise your hand this young lady will bring one over to you five dollars or I should say these young ladies and his gentlemen here yeah so if you want a seat cushion to their set up in the corner over there yeah it's good to see Alicia in the house Alicia Bell Darius oh my goodness it's been many years and we have Bernardin in the house I saw Pamela earlier I think I saw Russell Paul Russell's in the house huh oh yeah and I also want to invite the Fort McDowell royalty to come up and get did you guys get on the registration sheet here okay all right thank you I just want to make sure you're on there we can't leave the the hostess out oh yeah I remember you you signed him up I remember now thank you thank you we're about two minutes away from jum roll car J dusty boo if you could bring your drum list wheel up to me and but we're gonna go to our hosts drum calling a go at this time for drum song Jared are you ready to go drum song host northern Trump calling Eagle standby contest drums drum roll call right after this [Music] I let is a Germany the west side that area cleared as our granite so we'll be cutting through that side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you calling ego that was our host northern jump ladies and gentlemen Thank You Jared for that jump song and we're gonna go1 start with all of our contests drums for drum roll call this evening gets you kind of warmed up in the moon in the meantime we need all of our dancers to make your way to the grand entry area here we go medicine bull show tain RJ medicine Bowl one star stand by mandarine thank you medicine bull one start battery I know thank you there bandar-e jump number five medicine Butte one star dancers [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you jump number six standing horse make your way to the grand entry area thank you thank you jump number seven sharpshooter [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] all right thank you there were jump number eight buckwild Irwin you got a drum right down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you buck Wow jump number nine southern guns dancers make your way to the grand entry we're just about ready to go for Friday night thank you said guns and our final jump here the rotation southern style [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right thank you southern style ladies and gentlemen that's all of our contest drums 8 in the content we have to host ribs here we've heard Cozad with our Gordon singing we also heard from calling you our host or the German with jump song now are we going back and forth with the host drums or calling eagle has grand entry Cosette has the flag song and then back to calling a go for the victory also tonight Kobe said we're gonna be dancing the colors in and then during the victory song we're gonna be dancing them out from the doorway in from the doorway out Oh like that in a good way Oh pops yeah and also bring it in the Eagle staff tonight mr. Harold gadwall good to see there nephew alright he's there Eagle staff carry all the way from kihyun kihyun alberta canada and he was here about two o'clock this afternoon and he was the ones screaming around on that twill - world over there yeah I almost got hired to almost became a carnie on Friday night I know it that's my favorite part on Christmas vacation the older ones are preparing for the for their future the Big C College no carnie anyway uh okay I'm gonna turn this time on over here to mr. Kenneth cozy senior and he's going to be rendering our opening prayer this evenin time and he is serving as our lead singer as caretaker the host drum over here with the Cozad family along with a saggy Larry but these con said they come from a long line of powwow tradition song and dance and they learned a lot from their uncles their grandfathers and then - they've been also told to never refuse tobacco you call upon for prayer and tonight that gives me a good honor to introduce Kenny and I'm gonna ask that no one walked in front of him once he starts his prayer and that's just kind of some of the respect that we we have for when someone is communicating and same time he's a he's a road man - and he sits behind that chief Pio and takes care of a lot of prayers for a lot of people so ladies and gentlemen if I could I'm gonna ask you to please stand please rise join in a prayer of this evening and gentlemen remove your hats and we're gonna turn right here to mr. Kenneth Cosette senior Kenny I hope Bobby first he wanted to thank Coby track for asking me to say the opening prayer here again and I want to add on to mr. Darrell Hills prayer and he has said earlier has already been a prayer set it's almost gonna continue on to this prayer cuz throughout the weekend we're gonna that's all we're gonna be doing is praying and can add on to this prayer so bear along with me here it's good to be here once again and we want to thank the power committee for asking our family to serve as a host jump for this year celebration we always enjoy coming here to work McDowell every year so with that up what's gonna say my prayer huh Cole Baker donkey Jesus call upon your name here once again there god I ask you to forgive me for my sins and shortcomings you could hurt my prayer here to see you then they're gonna ask that you could all watch overs here today we're gonna come in here to this arena we're gonna come in here enjoy ourselves here there God you could be with this here once again here there God will put you first here because nothing's possible without you here there God so with God we ask that you just help us here through this time here bring your good spirit in here it's well tonight here maybe some of us st. fellow - well maybe we're worried about thanks her through this music here through this dance we're gonna be alright here to see them so do God he heard my prayer ahead once again hear their God as we come over here to this tribe here you must watch over this tribe or the McDow people here to yell Popeye Apache people here to God and while we're here here is celebrated here this year come on show them hearing from the elders to the youngest here their God we've said prayers over here do God so you must watch over this tribe here before us here today as we come over here to their lands here like that here enjoy ourselves here once again so again you must bless this tribe here like that hosting us here this weekend watch over each and every one of us in here once again fall anything out of my prayer must forgive me ask these things to your son Jesus Christ precious Holy Name Amen I hope oh oh Bobby thank you ladies and gentlemen we're gonna turn this time on over to walk in Hamilton here he comes to us from Shawnee Oklahoma and those of you that we hear while ago he introduced himself he introduced his tribes he represents about five or six different tribes and he's an ambassador of the Chicago Blackhawks and he serves from the from the yellow earth people out of Oklahoma of the Sauk and Fox Nation and he's a natural teacher historian he's a father and we used to run together here arena director and emcee work alone time now he's up here with me and he's one of the up-and-coming MCS he's the newly Gathering of Nations emcee out there in Albuquerque so ladies and gentlemen let's have a big round of applause for Waukee and Hamilton thank you brother Reuben ladies and gentlemen are you ready to power it's about that time we got the high side from our rinna director over there mr. Kobe the fate of his tracks he's getting things all set up all right we're gonna turn over here to call an eagle for our Friday Night Live grand entry song call it all better [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] we say welcome treasurer mm ah we also want to say welcome councilman mr. Reuben we all say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] shooting a 71 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen teeny categories ringing in the tail intervention to you boys [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen how about a round of applause for all of our dancers and singers on this beautiful Friday night live at this time if you would please bear with us as we turn it over to the Cozad singers for our flag song we want to say thank you to those veterans men and women who have served for our safety and our freedom we honor you welcome home Cosette flexo [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right before we get into our victory song it's my honor and privilege to introduce you to our color guard this evening Kiernan or Eagle staff coming to us from kakyoin Alberta how about a round of applause for Harold gadwall take one step forward please Karen in our United States flag how about a round of applause for Mike oh gosh it to walk one step forward please Karen in our Fort McNair Yavapai nation flag a US Army veteran how about a round of applause for Robin Russell turn in our well upon nation flare United States Army veteran how about a round of applause for random Mahoney Karen in the Army flag United States Marine Corps veteran give it up for Frank him a Drake Karen in the marine flag United States Marine Corps veteran how about a round of applause for Danielle go shoot the wall carrying in the Navy flag United States Marine Corps veteran give it up for Joel court Karen in the airforce flag United States Marine Corps veteran Melvin Lewis Karen in the ghost card Coast Guard flag United States Marine Corps veteran Derek Jones Karen in the powa mi a flag United States Marine Corps veteran how about a round of applause for Gerald Pell Z so at this time we're gonna turn it back over here to call an eagle for our victory song [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You Colin ego for that beautiful song at this time we're gonna get into some introductions serving as our hit Gordon dancer this weekend how about a round of applause for darrell hills and our coordinators thank you for being here this evening you may be excused thank you thank you ahoo ladies and gentlemen it's always an honor and privilege to introduce you to our dignitaries here they serve on our tribal council here at the Yavapai nation first off introducing our tribal chairwoman how about a round of applause for our president Bernadine Burnett serving as the tribal treasurer how about a round of applause for Pamela Maude serving as our councilman here for the of upon nation how about a round of applause for Ruben Bell Darius serving as a secretary how about a round of applause for verlan eNOS and we also want to say thank you to our grand marshal how about a round of applause for su6 killer thank you to our topic council for being here I'm gonna turn the microphone over here - brother ribbon to introduce our royalty and we need all of our drum judges over to medicine bowl we're gonna turn this microphone on over to chairwoman burn it in right now for a welcome address at this time if you would bear with us dancers give us a few minutes of your time good evening everybody welcome to Farmingdale again I'm president Burnett maybe some of you heard me spoke last night but we welcome you to our tribal n6 on our leadership and little under 900 members 24,000 square acres the land you're standing on right here would have been under water so thank you to all of you for your strength your prayers coming together with us 38 years ago and we've been fighting armed dam since 1947 so I wasn't even born there yet but some of our elders and leaders were here and we marched to the state capitol took us three days and I told the story yesterday I I walked from 52nd Street in and Washington to the State Capitol that was a long walk you know but it was worth our fight we had the public we had Indian country we had the Audubon Society with us and I always thank them because all the all of you that have eagle feathers that you're dancing with we have a lot of eagle nests along the river and that's what helped us fight and keep our land so again thank all of you for coming out and we have a lot of people or tribal leaders and our elders that marched at three days to the State Capitol that are not here today so if everybody could stand real quickly and let's get a moment of silence for them thank you we appreciate it so we hope you enjoy your weekend here always come back to to Orem them celebration in victory days it's always the third weekend in November so put it on your calendar so I hope you stay cool and be comfortable here be safe enjoy all the festivities make new friends you know break bread with one another keep your hearts in love with one another and in a true meaning of what Powell means to you what Indian country means to you and strongly what prayer means to all of us again Hana gum in our language thank you and God bless all of you and have a safe rest of the weekend ladies and gentlemen thank you for that applause president Bernardin Burnette thank you oh right and I'm glad she shared a little bit of the history of the Orem dam celebration because I know in years past it was always a great honor too to include that bit of history of how the celebration and why we're here and to educate of the fight that they stood for of the Yavapai nation and to to stand and protect this land so with that we're going to ask Tyrell Johnson gray your wallets been found and these $20 bills in here we're just going to go ahead and donate that to the drum for that awesome grand entry song so Tyrell Johnson great take those 20s J you're the head jump boss put it on that northern jump for good music let's shake hands with one another dancers shake hands with your neighbor to the right give him an Ajo shake hands with the neighbor to your left give them an i ho and you are excused people in the crowd you may be seated royalty stay right where you at their princess royalty we're gonna introduce you in a proper way on behalf of the Fort McDowell arm down celebration we just heard while ago and president Burnett and all the council reps and all the individuals we want to honor and welcome our royalty these are our ambassadors the crown they wear the sash they hold so hold on there let's introduce them in a good way introducing miss Fort McDowell melody unis Junior Miss Fort McDowell tatianna [Music] Fort McDowell princess Tinnell low raise that right to Nellore excuse me okay we're gonna introduce our second attendant Fort McDowell princess liliana Custer Nita I see that right all right introducing our Fort McDowell girl iris ray Lopes introducing Little Miss Fort McDowell Millie Rose do Nez Nelson duenas Nelson thank you I believe that's all for Fort McDowell okay now we move on into some of the visiting Red Mountain Eagle power princess lasagna vest and reducing miss Wulla pie Jordanna what cha well I don't know what a home what homey I don't know don't I say it okay we're gonna introduce elder pie Goldy our habit own littleness first attendant TRAI posse miss Wulla pie Jenelle POW ski miss top Yorta bear clan princess introducing cheyenne little cedar ban first attendant miss Western Navajo power princess Aisha Carmona and Miss gallop intertribal into the ceremonial Queen autumn Pilcher and there are two that are not on my list I knows it's SIDS arrow white representing Northern Arapaho princess and we representing from NMS tea princess with okie oh right they're New Mexico State for a princess Tiffany singer ladies and gentleman that is my fault I apologize Tiffany I was jumping around introducing my Fort McDowell first and I overlooked her name so Tiffany singer I apologize that's my fault sorry so with that all of our rotary let's give these royalty another round of applause show some love appreciation they are ambassadors tomorrow tomorrow I believe Kobe are we gonna give them a little time before grand entry so before grand entry tomorrow before drum roll call we'll give you guys a year time slot to introduce yourself and say a little something on the mic 12:30 at 12:30 tomorrow afternoon okay all right Chad brownie go if you would please come on over this way come come see Cornelius singer judges you know who you are report to medicine bull good evening ladies and gentlemen we're gonna go into something here for two of our veterans Gwynn ball he came up to me and expressed herself in a good way and you see these two gentlemen here standing to my right you know they got their family here with them in support for what they stood for and what they're here for all like that but uh tonight they were asked to carry carry in a flag for our grand entry it was their first time to be called upon for something like that and they feel honored they feel thankful tonight for the powwow committee and the the color guard for asking them to help them out and these gentlemen here I got a little information about him that I want to share with you there are two brothers the gesh - whit - our brothers our Hopi with family from Holt Villa and both are members of the Fort McDowell Yavapai nation where they both reside brothers served at the same time during Operation Desert Storm they were each approached to return back to their home bases as these brothers here were serving at the same time during Operation Desert Storm they each declined to return and asked that the other brother be returned to the States that's that brotherly lived but first off I'd like to introduce you to Michael Ivan gosh wit the wall served in the United States Marine Corps from May 1986 to February 1996 the 8th regiment 2nd Marine Division first FS FG combat veteran fighting in the Gulf War 1991 Operation Desert Storm honorable discharge as a sergeant Wow we want to say thank you for being here how about a round of applause for Michael man oh man and also his brother Daniel he served in United States Marine Corps from September 1988 to August 1993 with the third Platoon third marine first marine battalion combat veteran fought in the Gulf War in 1991 also known as Operation Desert Storm honorable discharge as a corporal how about a round of applause for Daniel and the family here they want to call up call upon two veterans that served in the Desert Storm and Desert Storm combat they want to honor you at this time with these Pendleton blankets you know ladies and gentlemen as native people we honor our veterans all the time they served for our country for our freedom we're very appreciative of them and for them and when our veterans come home we welcome them with the homecoming and there's things like this that make it all worth it we bring them home we we honor them we introduce them to you yeah so we have a I see a veteran over here coming so we need one more Desert Storm veteran okay we have another one over here just come on up here gentlemen shake hands thank you for coming up here you could shake their hand so that's the what the family here wanted to do for their loved ones that served they say thank you and win hi thank you thank you okay and we're in here in the family they want to say thank you to the power committee and the head staff for allowing allowing them this time they want to put some money on the drum they say thank you whoo all right drop judges back to you brother Ruben all right thank you well can't thank you to the veterans for your service thank you to the family ah whoo we're gonna come on downstairs to Jade dusty bojay dusty boo gay not be okay we ready to go all right let's get started with some inner travels we're gonna open the dance floor to everybody here the dance floor is open we're starting here at Medicine pool whenever you ready boys Shh air some medicine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good some medicine bull and those tweeter boys sure came a long way from just a couple singers kind of heavy recruiting over there RJ I tell you what boy you got some guns speaking of guns let's go next door to man Dury singing judges come on over that wage a dusty boy let me know when you're ready on the floor the dance floor is open we're inviting each and every one of you this is what you came for you come to dance on the the grounds of the Yavapai nation here fort mcdowell [Music] [Music] ooh Thank You Mandarin mods get ads good one signature just move next door to medicine boot medicine mute standby [Music] we're gonna go a full round of intertribal singing here in the contest round of je dusty boo j-just EBU coming to us from Browntown Montana USA J is a world-class singing champion with numerous jump groups including Blackfoot Confederacy alright here we go medicine Butte [Music] Stephanie go Hassan Ridgeway come on up to the office down [Music] [Music] [Music] medicine boo man you guys didn't sound like that during jump roll call hey sounded good boys sounded good all right we're moving next door to standing horse and we're gonna see if we can get some people that are just standing around come on out and dance the standing horse maybe stands with fists all right she here stands and with stands with fists hug oh hey here we go standing horsing around [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right standing horse good sound gentlemen good song good singing we got about four more drum groups left in the rotation here in the contest round but we are gonna come to our hosts drums for Friday night intertribal as well so stand by there Kenny Cole we still need Chad brown Eagle and Hasan Ridgeway report to the registration or come and see Virgie so see ASAP singer dentists on over to sharpshooter J dusty bull how we doing can we let Jeremy worm daily rock the house on a Friday night I think so [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right thank you sharpshooter right on there boys good song man I heard that song way up in Saskatoon worm and that one there singing judges moved next door to buck wild and when we get over here to close that I guess they changed it up no I tea for you instead you're gonna sing for exhibition holbox and we need these judges to to be kind of start making your way over here to virtue so see Tish Thompson Yvonne dinner doll did a deal on Terry Arroway ad Stevens Nathan Largo Sam slick pool Kimberly how to pop am I saying it right Alyssa Phillips Sean table rate Ava gluttonous alright buckwild we're ready to get buck wild on a Friday night [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] right on buckwild yeah boys thank you we got two more jump groups in in or tribal first round singing contest and then juniors and teens we're gonna go to your exhibition and also I've been corrected on the name that that's a H o WT o PA et which is Kimberly how to Pat I thought it was a no but I it was written real fast so Kimberly how to Pat I have corrected myself thank you Sam slick pulla Lissa Phillips Sean cable retailer garden is nathan largo ad stevens ontario arrow white Yvonne did it all Tish Thompson alright southern guns we're ready to go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll write seven guns it's a good one there well little blink the misfire there but we're gonna come on over here to southern style stand back for the next time I t-there boys Chucky good to see you in the southern style boys and juniors and teens your exhibition is next J dusty boo are we doing all right here we go southern style [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] right on thank you southern star big all right dancers in the arena look around shake hands with somebody that you don't know if you don't know I'm introducing yourself yeah she can say hello oh yeah yeah hey yeah let's clear the arena dancers except the juniors and the teens I asked about the tiny tots and they said no tiny tots tonight probably tomorrow right Coby tomorrow afternoon tiny tots so I know some tiny tarts come to look forward to Friday night tiny tots cuz the carnival is right over there the carnival is free oh man Jay that's where Jay was earlier Jay was over there on the tool - well he wasn't riding he was just standing outside throwing the pixie dust he was a carnie in his former life I know juniors and teens come on in your exhibition are they gonna get points so you're gonna get your points recorded tonight you need to be fully dressed and now we can officially start Harold again while brought in the Eagle staff and now he's selling earrings it's got double duty Cozad exhibition song here we go dance judges come on over here and check in with Virgie dance judges [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right thank you singers dancers excellent over there on the west side all right we need all of our judges to come on up here and check in with Virgie we need tissue Vaughan Ontario ad Nathan and sim Kimberly Alyssa Shawn and Retief come on over here we're gonna get started with our dance competition starting with the golden age women northern make your way into the arena come on up ladies all righty come on out ladies all right we're gonna start over here with calling eagle and then we're gonna stay in rotation so all the singers uh-oh okay for our golden age categories we're gonna keep it up here with our hosts drums when we get in to the women northern traditional we're gonna start over here with I think that's a medicine bull right yeah we're gonna start with medicine ball and we're gonna go around the horn all right you got that singers so so call an eagle you'll be singing for a golden age women northern Cozad you'll be singing for our golden age women southern all right I think I said that right real quickly while keen I just want to give another shout out correction to Yvonne Dannette dil de Nair dil right my cigarette and also rate Ava golden Ayers godinez alright I got it right right back to you Joaquin hey sometimes as an announcer you have to pronounce these words and sometimes they get tough or I should say names not words come on out ladies golden age women northern you should be in the arena standby Golden Age men you're up next so get in moves lined up and ready to go cuz we're coming at you here in about three minutes oh it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood alright we've got the high side we're coming over here to call an eagle take it away [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] how about a round of applause for our Golden Age ladies come on over here to my left and line up and face south Oh whatever bye brother Kobe face over that way face towards uh to song hey at this time we would like to call in the Golden Age men northern dancers make your way into the arena standby colony go for a real good song we're calling ours our group be judges come on in gentlemen it's time to shine I tell you what we have dancers from all over Indian country representing many different tribes from both the United States and Canada all right let's see we're gonna be coming over here the medicine bull as soon as we get the high sign I believe we have all of our judges ready to go so soon as Kobe gives me the the high sigh we'll be under way all right we got the high side we're coming over here to medicine bull show us what you're working with [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how about that ladies and gentlemen let him hear head on over there light it up on the south side and face medicine bull Thank You dancers Thank You singers at this time we'd like to call in the Golden Age women's southern make your way into the arena all right we're gonna start with Cozad you're gonna be singing all right come on in ladies that was a good song thank you all right I believe our judges are ready Cosette already how we looking Kobe I got the high side Cozad let's swing and sway the hog creek way [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] how about a round of applause for our golden age women head on over there to my left light it up and face south at this time we'd like to call in the Golden Age men southern come on in gentlemen I believe we're gonna be heading over there to southern style we had a change of plans here we were gonna keep it up here on top but uh we've got a new plan and stand by women northern traditional you're gonna be up next buckskin and cloth combined followed by the men's northern traditional so get ready they're dancers yeah I believe the juniors and teens are excused for the evening and then we'll be getting right into the adult categories here so while keen after this uh we'll get right into it and mandarine I believe is on deck to sing for the women's northern traditional buckskin and cloth combined so stand by there mister all right help me looking Kobe we got the high sign we're coming over here to southern style take it away [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how about that ladies and gentlemen let him hear it Denton hit on over there to the south side and face Kobe thank you thank you that was awesome women northern traditional buckskin and cloth come on into the arena [Music] all right manda I get us a good one lined up men northern traditional you're up next I believe that'll be medicine Butte standby farm in northern traditional come on in ladies we're gonna count you out see how many's out here come on down I say one two three four five six uno dos tres cuatro seis siete all right we got the high sign we're coming over here to meander ease [Music] [Music] [Music] round of applause for our women northern traditional dancers thank you ladies that was beautiful all right men northern traditional it's time to shine come on out gentlemen these guys here they're going to share their stories with us the way it went down on the battlefield come on in stand by women's southern you're up next I believe southern guns you're next in line so get a good one ready come on down gentlemen I see some more coming in over here to my left my left what are you calling native with one shoe not even [Music] all righty good dancing ladies thank you remember grand entry is scheduled for one o'clock tomorrow yeah I believe gourd dance will be the 11 o'clock sharp tomorrow morning how we looking Kobe all right you got your judges ready I believe we're waiting on a couple of judges already burgees hard at work all right we got the hi son we're coming over here to medicine Butte take it away [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] nor their traditional dentures lining up over there on the south side man oh man thank you thank you all right I'm gonna turn the microphone over here - brother ribbon he's gonna finish this out I hope thank you what keen one keen Hamilton ladies and gentlemen ah ho what that means we're inviting in our women's southern traditional southern traditional cloth and buckskin combined and and normally we stand rotation this way but you will you started this wing going down this way or what all right so that means we'll come on over the southern guns Quanah we're gonna come out over to you for a contest song and uh I don't know if you're gonna let ray redeem himself or not or what Neffe yeah back in the day you had to put your hand out like that and the lead singer you get to get to swap it right across the top yeah right Quanah old way that's why cuantas hands are like that [Laughter] let's give these dancers a big round of applause as they exit the floor thank you gentlemen we're ready to go seven guns contest on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Thank You 7a Goods we're gonna line you up right in the front here Virginie wants you up here because it's a larger category number and probably one of our larger categories so we're gonna ask you to line up at the front of the announcer stand by way of virgin by way of Kobe so they're gonna figure things out up here under the lights this light right here though it's I don't know if it's motion-sensored or or feeling censored cuz feeling real good it's bright and then we get kind of kind of kind of tired a little bit it goes back down are you touching any more tonight Jay no more okay let's bring in the men's southern straight come on in there boys do get to be dancing to buck wild buck wild standby for a contest song for the men southern straight and after they dance their contest Kobe they are excused right I believe you are excused and you can hit the carnival how late is the carnival open till I mean not for me I'm just asking for a friend but you know how that goes I already confess I can't ride rides no more I don't have the stomach for it I can barely ride my horse to the old town road and I'm gonna ride it till I can't no more anyway buck wild stand by ground we lookin good cope nope we got one more judge right after this the woman's jingle I don't women's jingle will be ready to go there might be two groups I don't know but women's jingle be ready to go alright the dance judges are there how we doing okay come on into the arena men Southern's straight woman's jingle men's grass women's fancy men's fancy do we have chicken tonight no chicken all right but quail contests on please [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] rather the pliers for the southern street dancers here thank you buck Wow come on I'm here line up in the front gentlemen line up here make sure your number is visible buckwild good so near Weston good some and whew that was a contest song right there tens across the board woman's jingle come on in ladies women's jingle that was a good tune singing judges report to book Wow yeah it's good to see Rudy Bob tonight Rudy Bob's been a while since I seen Rudy good to see over there with the hornbills aho it's rocking the hornbills we need to dance judges those that were called upon come back up and check in with Virgie and the meanwhile we need the women's jingle take the floor and singing for you we should be at standing right standing horse stand by there gentlemen standing horse women's jingle Jess come on in if there's looks like one group Kobe I don't know but that's up to you and it's up to virgin and we'll see where we're at 1 o'clock grand entry tomorrow 11:00 a.m. gourd dance and and but if there's a 5k run to write corn Kobe wins the 5k we're gonna find out what time the 5k run it's a fun run I don't know how much fun you're gonna be have running a 5k but it's called a fun run some of us don't have too much fun we just like to go for the one-mile walk yeah give me that 2x shirt I'm really a three but over the mic I like to say two so 2x all right there's the sign standing horse contests on please for the 2x extra husky [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you standing horse round of applause for the women's jingle all right where are we lining up over there or over here okay we're back over here come on over here ladies in line I'm in front of the announcers Stan thank you I talked to Cornelius and he said the fun run starts at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow at the Fort McDowell rec center registration at 7 a.m. and Cornelius had to look on his phone and and give me the info yeah so so 7:00 a.m. tomorrow morning Fun Run 5k are they giving out any prizes for that or first place will receive its money right I think it's cash prize tomorrow first second or third place maybe some t-shirts yeah I don't know what men's grass come on in there's kind of quite a few other we're gonna see what Colby wants to do Virg here we go in one group stand by there sharpshooter worm we're coming to you for the contest song are we going to groups all right listen up here comes Colby one two he don't need a mic there it is group number one sharpshooter group number two calling eagle we're back to the top calling eagle you'll have group number two we're back to the top kopi how are we doing group number one you should be out there sharpshooter we're gonna come to you for one of them sharp shooting songs in the meantime group number two alright here we go a worm contest saw [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] put your hands together for coop number one ladies and gentlemen thank you sharpshooter and I was a good tune and it sounds like that one song that Jai dusty Bumi good one group number two come on in we're gonna come on over to calling ego for group number two we're gonna utilize the same judges too so take your time take your time you know we found out that this light above us here is a motion light so we watched a little bit too much it goes off you know kind of like some of them bathrooms that are motion light - you're sitting there Facebook and Facebook and - still too quiet that light goes off yeah legs get tired and go to sleep numb - I mean that's never happened to me I'm just asking for a friend you know yeah I'm talking for a friend I mean yeah then you have to wave your hand in there that's never happened to me but I guess it's happened to Cornelius oh oh well Cornelius you're right here yeah ever you need to report back over here let us know you're ready to go - so are we good corn or coke how are we doing man I know what it looked like brother you guys are brothers though right I know I Kobe's got just a little bit more Amish fuzz there here we go calling hey go [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah uh-huh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] give these testers a big round of applause group number two man I tell you what for the grass dancing is alive and well here at Fort McDowell pretty awesome boys pretty awesome women's fancy come on in we're gonna come back to calling ego for the contest song women's fancy come on in ladies and then we got one more category right Kobe and then we are through for the evening Kobe said he wanted to make sure everybody got a good night's rest get checked in set up your tent however it goes and mr. camping area around here somewhere along the river or door or do or do Indians even camp anymore nobody camps no more yeah but some of us real tradition and still hang up a Pendleton or a star quilt in our hotel room over the window real tradition that guy woman's fancy you should be on the floor we're gonna come back to calling eagle for a contest song and I just now learned they're doing a brand new recording CD live arm dam celebration Kobe says we are ready to rock and roll calling eagle we're calling upon you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] put your hands together Lisa Tillman make some noise for the woman's fancy oh you know I I kind of had a hunch that song might stop there and sure enough my hunch was true speaking of hunches come on in men's fancy come on in boys we're gonna come on over here to a we're gonna see how many dancers we have are we stay in a rotation Coby or we're gonna go to Kosair all right I like your thinking cozy we're gonna come to you for one of them championship songs there Howard Kenny Co stand by yeah nothing against Medicine Bow I know you boys got fancy dance songs I know you got em RJ I know it's true however Cosette is uh you can get to sing all night just except gourd dance and exhibition song so we're gonna make sure that make sure that Wells Fargo is good to go yeah you work with head staff long enough they come to the meeting they check in make sure they're present then they say they got to go to the bank man Kenny Cooley that's how old move left the rest of us they're too easy I gotta go to the bank yeah old Indian trick he learned from a white guy all right here we go coos dad who's got the fastest pair of moccasins afford McDow [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] man every one of these fancy dancers will be at the 5k run at 7:00 a.m. maybe listen like it yeah I think I burned 130 calories just watching them good sound Cozad thank you good dancing boys and they want one more the crowd wants one more all right I know it shake hands boys ladies and gentlemen come back tomorrow for some more action you'll see some fancy dancers tomorrow there's a special contest I believe we have a unity unity special around supper break I believe and then also tomorrow we have scheduled specials on behalf of the power of committee women's back up singing we have a women's switch dance we also have a mother-daughter father-son and also a men's switch stance and singers team dance those are going to be on Sunday right so but we are gonna be taking care of those tonight and don't forget that 11:00 a.m. gourd dance one o'clock grand entry we are done calling Eagle you want to sing one for the for the CD Cozad you're excused jump groups are excused calling eagle are we gonna come to you for a song or what all right grab your microphone walking give them an introduction for the CD something loud something proud something good from sawmill something like that all right here we have mr. Everett more hitting on over there to clock in yeah as soon as you're ready Everett give me the high sign [Music] alright ladies and gentlemen represent the Navajo Nation we're coming over here that Colin eagle [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Thank You cigarette for that fabulous song haha thank you thank you moving over to the next drum group hey time to make it so not cool dancers you may clear the arena Hey you all right alright ladies and gentlemen that will conclude our evening here we say thank you to call an eagle thank you to all you good people head staff committee be safe good night and we'll see you at Gordon anta eleven o'clock
Channel: PowWows.com
Views: 2,545
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: CjIi3hvO2HI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 50sec (10250 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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