360 Degree View of Podcast Episode 19: Part 3

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but it doesn't make a difference anyways because they're not going to lose money they're not losing fans or just there's no place just wanna be deep showing up at will lose you more fans exactly exactly I mean if they wanna what are they going to do manually have an auditorium that has 5,000 people they're going to they're going to make sure that nobody has a cell phone nobody has a violet dacono nobody has nobody has those glasses or a CMOS camera in a hat a secreted in hat who love cares I don't know I'm um I'm calm yet I I honestly don't give a that anything that comes out of Fox is going to be that big of a deal except for maybe spider coin and that was a Mets fan then so am so it's not even right exactly so all right so I think we're all in agreement that out fan lock inhale yeah their loss okay so onto better Fox can kiss my bear you unto uh more pleasant news it was announced last friday that the punisher yeah own netflix yeah yeah we moved ready to go so blue hair has seen daredevil season to mark I know you watched it worse I got it because I subscribe to netflix i started watching it and like he was never why he was probably the best part of the show and it was a great show all around so i can't wait for that and so giving him his own show it makes sense again it's a good decision yes yes somebody was saying that that that it was actually already shot and that they're getting ready they're actually releasing it six weeks early or something and they're going to release the whole thing in the summer because it's really already done they hadn't ago she sure yeah maybe i'm sure i just read something about because you get you got news page you've got jessica jones diversity there's gonna be some big names tied to that yeah I thought I thought I maybe it was maybe a speculation maybe it's gotta be because they've got so many other shows they still have to do Iron Fist bouquet and yours is this is what it is no that's 2017 they're gonna do with our made up our man is a membrane so what is a day 90 they rated right and so Derek so the punisher is not going to become a show I thought they shot it i thought i read that they they had shouted and that's going to come out maybe it's going to come out after luke cage but it's like a christmas thing because they already shout it from because of that they're double shots yeah i don't think so okay um that's alright whatever it comes out i'm sure we'll all love it today being a monday the the new comic book store vault of midnight opened up in downtown Detroit yes isn't it a shame I'll ever go there just in time for free comic bluesy the donuts no police authority sorry go ahead I beg apartment yes saturday is free comic movie my favorite day of the year you got to just take it off schedule it take a long lunch when does the grand opening today new granny opening yes so if you're in if you're in downtown to turn up at a couple places and where you're located in don't worry Brad seems to know where is it located it's in midtown is it right next to that like third man records pumping that looks great it's right off of Cass and oh it's on the other side oh is it on the other well if it's no I'm saying if it's on cast that's not meant on this yeah that's the other side of the street that's like Aunt st. Antonin between back and work count I don't know that a time cast but I'm just a suit because then I there are no third man records is right there brandon s that home kind of revitalize their area well there's other years anywhere around there I I don't even know I mean I used to go down to Detroit when there was nothing going on because you could find someplace they've already parking down there you do get the runs on seven I work out yeah well that's not was then walking just have to take the people who take the people knew then you walk by couch asportation broad-shouldered out the Holy he has free parking his last victim you know just another okay we talked about last week she was in here but exact wit maybe if I listened we talked about a game of thrones yes we drank a little I'll Iron Throne ale and their honor well the first episode I have to say was awesome was it you know what happened to john snow it's a must-see okay well last night this is a massive spoiler so I don't know everyone who doesn't want to hear that Jon Snow as everyone suspected and anticipated no big surprise was brought back in the very last seconds of the show brought back to life by a bee evil witch so oh no falls again it does indeed and Hillary Clinton is not on the show so anyway they made you watch the whole show and then right before the last commercial they brought no commercials isn't HP oh-- mainly watch the whole thing to the last goals are very the library yeah the internet police mark thanks how'd you all do the interlibrary promos Reading Is Fundamental check out the biography section in aisle four let me tell you let me tell you that I had unlimited access to the force awakens on DVD and I didn't have to buy it was brought home for me for my own viewing pleasure for a whole week all I had to do is take a swipe your card yeah that's right so i'm not really complaining that much about the library they give me what I need okay thank you it I just will give one other TV recommendation besides game of throne the last several weeks of agents of shield has been awesome they're going full tilt on in human story line okay they had this side this villain the hive who really like mostly dead until they like suck the life out of like three or four people ago took over what the flames Ladia agent Warren Warren yeah war grant Ward yeah well he will again he's because he's now it's not him yes buy something yes yeah I've only been able to catch the first couple of episodes I was like I can't wait to see how this ties into Captain America though what is really like it's gonna be mentioned in the movie someone that knows a shuttle all xolo something about Cara Maria bleeds into series yeah i will say that about aids to shield every time a movie comes out it picks up it gets really good really really good and then the last few episodes are always the best and then you gotta wait till another movie comes out for to get good yeah agents of shield is very hit or miss but right now it's the siren awesome movies all cylinders because well could see that's the nice thing about five being in charge plaguey whatever it is is this he's got a lot of people may he's got it all you know what to dodge good God God if they have something to say about it they can come and talk to me at a comic con or sophomore in the library seriously the guys got it under control he's he is really managing Marvel entities really well the movie Alton it's too bad that DC doesn't have a guy like it you know you're right well speaking of DC now second i bark and I'm fine and now it's time for Hughes DC 10 minute episode but rain not yet I was gonna say you're not ready for the fire was really in the rough day I don't know I think your tendons have already started okay that I do feel like that on I think that actually hurts the TV shows from are not there devil and because they really don't have anything because they're cinematically motive right but the fact that like we just said it picks up when the movies are about to come out so I think that they're so busy working on the movies that sometimes they forget about agents of shield those are two separate entities there's there's a TV Department and I can't believe that but I need Olivia say that the questions you want but every time a movie comes out it takes up no I can't I can't I agree with you in the sense that most people that are into agents of shield are only into it because of the movie so if they're not directly relating to the movies in some ways in humans are going to tip the balance in Civil War no no no and I honestly believe that kinda counseled a human movie because I don't use it right yes you listen for the last week's episode you would have heard exactly that commentary and with this Laura what you learn here because you're does it stand for quiet okay Jim
Channel: Comics, Beer & Sci-fi
Views: 15,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WQfYqwYNyls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 59sec (599 seconds)
Published: Wed May 04 2016
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