360-degree video! That’s why seat belts were needed! [How to]

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[Music] traffic accidents happen suddenly even if you do your best to drive safely you could be involved in an unexpected accident it is said that people not wearing their seat belts are 14 times more likely to die in an automobile accident than people wearing their seat belts this graphic shows the results of Jaffe's joint survey with the National Police Agency on seatbelt usage the seatbelt usage rate on surface streets for backseat passengers is a low 39 percent in other words three of five people in the backseat are not wearing their seatbelts so what happens to backseat passengers during a collision with no seatbelts to crash dummies were placed in a minivan the dummy in the driver's seat has its seatbelt fastened the one in the back is not wearing a seat belt now we crash the vehicle at a speed of 55 km/h high-speed camera was installed in the vehicle to record the movement of the dummy when the vehicle crashes the video you're about to see is from the perspective of a passenger so you can witness what happens to an unstrapped passenger during a collision let's roll the vehicle collided head-on into a wall at 55 km/h the rear dummy is thrown into the air by the force of the impact let's see that again in slow motion the crash dummy not wearing a seat belt is jolted forward at the moment of impact and slams into the front seat violently after that it's thrown into the air and back over the third row the driver's seat is deformed due to the rear crash dummy hitting it with such force the dummy in the driver's seat becomes pinned between the seat and the steering wheel due to the impact from the rear not wearing your seat belt may result in serious injury not only to yourself but to others in the car as well make sure everyone in every seat is buckled up for your sake as well as everyone else in your car don't forget to use your seat belt [Music]
Channel: JAF Channel
Views: 118,024
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 360 video, 360 vr, vr video, vr experience, JAF, The importance of seat belts, Traffic safety, 日本自動車連盟
Id: VydKGOQ1mxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 32sec (212 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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