360° cockpit view | SWISS Airbus A320 | Geneva – Zurich

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Holy crap this is cool! Getting to see patrole suisse first like this and now a Swiss flight is awesome! I'll never make it to the cockpit but I can dream!

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/SpudSpears 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2015 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/TotesMessenger 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2015 🗫︎ replies

oh man.......one day i will be in that right seat....then left seat.....no other job like it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cost_optimise_my_ass 📅︎︎ Aug 14 2015 🗫︎ replies

Wow thanks for posting. This new trend in 360 aviation videos is awesome!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/alloyd555 📅︎︎ Aug 16 2015 🗫︎ replies
[Flugbegleiterin] On behalf of captain Wolfensberger and his crew, I would like to welcome you aboard this Swiss and Star Alliance flight to Zurich. [GVA Tower] Swiss 57 Papa-Uniform, behind landing Airbus 319 on short final, line up runway 23, wait behind. [SWR 57PU] Landing Airbus 319 on short final, line up runway 23, wait behind, Swiss 57 Papa-Uniform. [GVA Tower] Correct. [RAAS] Approaching 23 [First officer Radinger] Check. [GVA Tower] Swiss 57PU, wind 190 degrees, 5 knots, runway 23, clear for take off. [SWR 57PU] 23, clear for take off, Swiss 57PU. [First officer Radinger] Clearance, checked. [Captain Wolfensberger] Ready? [First officer Radinger] Ready. [First officer Radinger] V1. Rotate. [First officer Radinger] Positive climb. Gear up. [GVA Tower] Swiss 57PU, contact departure 119.525, «au revoir». [SWR 57PU] Departure 119.525, «au revoir», Swiss 57PU. [SWR 57PU] Departure «bonjour», Swiss 57PU, passing 3600, climbing FL90, KONIL 4J. [GVA Departure] «Bonjour» Swiss 57PU, identified, climb to FL150. [SWR 57PU] FL150. Swiss 57PU. [ATC] Swiss 57PU, turn right, direct SOSAL. [SWR 57PU] Right turn, direct SOSAL, Swiss 57PU. [Captain Wolfensberger] A9, that is just... ...just in at JULIET. Perfect. [Cockpit door bell] [Captain Wolfensberger] Look at this. Isn't that beautiful? Splendid Views. The Bernese Alps. Lovely, isn't it? We land at 5 past... 6 past 12. That is in 20 minutes. [SWR 57PU] Swiss 57PU we established ILS 14. [ZRH Approach] 57PU, roger, and you should reduce to 180 you are closing up. [SWR 57PU] Roger, we are reducing, Swiss 57PU. [ZRH Approach] 57PU, reduce to 160. [SWR 57PU] Reduce 160, Swiss 57PU. [ZRH Approach] 57PU, connect Tower 120.225. «En schöne». [SWR 57PU] Hop to 120.225, bye bye, Swiss 57PU. [SWR 57PU] Tower this is Swiss 57PU, established ILS 14. [ZRH Tower] Swiss 57PU, Zurich Tower, «grüezi». You may vacate taxi H2 [SWR 57PU] «Merci vill mal», Swiss 57PU. [ZRH Tower] Swiss 57PU, Airbus 319 about to vacate, wind 230 at 6 knots, runway 14, clear to land. [SWR 57PU] 14, clear to land, Swiss 57PU. [GPWS] 300. [GPWS] 100 above. [GPWS] 200. [GPWS] Minimum. [GPWS] 100. [GPWS] 50. [GPWS] 40. [GPWS] 30. [GPWS] 20. [GPWS] Retard. [GPWS] 10. [ZRH Tower] Swiss 57PU, contact Apron, 121.850, «ade». [SWR 57PU] Apron 121.85, «schöne», Swiss 57PU. [SWR 57PU] Apron, Swiss 57PU, runway 14 vacated, H2. [ZRH Apron] Swiss 57PU, «guete Mittag». Keep it rolling, JULIET. Hold short runway 28. [Swiss 57PU] We keep it rolling, JULIET, runway 28, Swiss 57PU [ZRH Apron] That is correct and give way to outbound Turkish Airlines Airbus 330 crossing right-left on taxiway CHARLIE. [SWR 57PU] Giving way to the Turkish on CHARLIE, Swiss 57PU.
Channel: Blick
Views: 24,816,497
Rating: 4.7646718 out of 5
Keywords: Swiss International Air Lines (Airline), Airbus (Aircraft Manufacturer), Zürich (City/Town/Village), Geneva (City/Town/Village), Switzerland (Country), Landing, Airport, Airplane, #360video, 360, 360 Experience, cockpit, cockpit view, 360 landing, landing cockpit, landing cockpit view, takeoff, cockpit takeoff, blick, blick video, official, pilotseye, 驾驶舱看法, 驾驶舱, 瑞士, 苏黎世, 日内瓦, 空客A320, 360视频, 運転席, 360ビデオ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 24sec (684 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2015
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