36 OZ Ribeye

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[Music] what's going on folks we're back with another one you know what i'm saying and today we taking y'all to class man steak 101 and what better steak to do it with within a 36 ounce bone and rib eye steak yeah that's right thick look at this bad boy we ain't gonna do no intro man we cutting right into it right now okay so look i've already dry brined this steak you can already see how some of that liquid is starting to pull up on there we got a little bit more on it before it's actually ready but um i've already seasoned this with salt the whole way around this okay that's gonna make the flavor amazing and we're gonna have some other spices in here uh but first what i'm gonna end up doing is i'm actually gonna end up contradicting what i said and i'm just gonna go ahead and towel dry some of these juices that's on the top how long do you dry brine it for you know you can drive riding this up to 24 hours two hours hour how much however much time you have um that's what you use okay but the longer the better because it breaks down the fibers and it makes it a lot more tender okay so what dry brining is you just want to go ahead and put salt on this uh i like to use the fresh ground salt if that's not what you have i would not recommend using the granulated salt this is a breakdown the same you want to use a kosher salt and put that all over this all over the steak even in size and then just let it sit um like in your fridge on the plate or you know just on the plate uh and let that sit for 24 hours if you have that amount of time if not then you know so what does it do it breaks down the fibers in the meat and it makes it a lot more tender and it makes it a lot more juicier okay so our next step is what we're going to do right now is one more question before we continue what's up how big is that cutting board because i want to like really emphasize how big that steak is i mean if you want to be technical i can get like a tape measure no it's just a 12 by 12. i think it's a little bit more than 12. maybe 14. if that i'd probably say about 14 by 14. so now you all know how big that steak is i mean yeah i mean like i said 36 36 ounces man that's a big steak right there and when this is done it's gonna be all amazing crust on the outside i'm telling you but you guys you got after this video you guys are gonna know how to make the steak because if you don't you're not paying attention did you get it here close to home i got this at butcher's blog if you checked out my video on the uh ribs three ways that's where i actually got the steak that's where i get all my meat from because you know i'm all about local even though i'm a pittsburgh fan i'm still on about my local uh local food marts you know i'm saying businesses in ohio yes okay so anyway enough talk let's get to it so what i'm going to do is i'll make this steak a little bit different okay i'm gonna actually add some ancho chili pepper to this you don't have to this isn't gonna make you overly spicy but it is gonna be some spice to it it's gonna be like a little like uh like a like a smoky note to it okay and that's what i want so we're gonna add this on all to the all over the steak okay and once we put this on you wanna season this generously okay you don't you don't want to unders season this because as soon as you start seasoning the steak um i'm sorry as soon as you start cooking the steak you lose about 30 of it as soon as it hits the pan so you want to make sure that you you really heavenly season this heaven heavily there you go okay you want to make sure that you're doing that to the stake okay you're doing heavenly i wouldn't want it that way unless it was the veggies huh all right so i'm just gonna rub put some on the outside of the steak here okay because you want to season the sides up too i'm just going to mop up all of that flavor all over the steak because i'm telling you this is going to be amazing when we're done with this make sure this all handles season and no i haven't put pepper on this yet but i'm going to i need some of this right say what you know i'm eating some of this right i'm telling you you're still putting this is what i was saying and so chili pepper chili pepper you've had that before a lot of times okay so i need to add some uh some pepper into the mix which is luckily right here salad has to reach over you so that's what's up just already grounded pepper you know what um you know what hold on a sec drop that over for me there you go boom i'll have to use i was using the butcher prepper because that's all i had uh because i was having trouble finding some whole peppercorns at the store but you know i kind of broke down with the uh i mean do you have to use the whole peppercorn you don't have to but fresh ground pepper is always best on the steak i don't care if you're doing like uh i don't care if you're doing like um like onions with a steak it's always best that you just got that cracked black on there man because it just adds a different element of taste on there rather than the stuff that's already ground up that's just my personal opinion but i mean i mean i can smell the freshness when i'm grounding this up right before my eyes so let's get back to the steak what's going on here this isn't for operating like i wanted to you gotta steal that one no it doesn't i don't wanna let this gussy it's not much coming out it's not even that much you know what let's cut to the chase all right so we gave up on that other pepper mill you know that's temperamental and i'll deal with that at the later date where you know i have more patience because with you right now okay i just recently got done with playing elden ring and uh yeah caught on edge right now so shout out to the gamers out there who's watching this um elden ring is not no joke okay and no i did not just start that game so um anyway back to the food so you see how this is heavily seasoned heavily yeah i said it right heavily seasoned okay i cannot wait till that's cooked man you have no idea okay so i got my oven preheated to 350 okay and i want to activate this [Music] pia um temperature thing that i have here that won't don't know how to shut up so i'm hoping that i can and see your experiences [Music] so we're going to set this to 125 degrees because uh i'm going for a medium well with the steak okay and then what we're going to do now is we're just going to go ahead and medium well uh medium medium sorry medium not well done i didn't say well done you said medium well i was like wow more for medium yeah oh gosh okay so once again like i said we're gonna go with the 125 we're gonna take this out we're gonna let it rest okay for about eight minutes and then our steak should be good so you wanna put this in to where it goes about halfway in to about the center okay so that's when you know that the center is going to be cooked correctly so now we're going to put this bad boy in and if you didn't know it's done if you've never seen this method before i did this when we did the steak uh i think two different ways or three different ways well we're doing the reverse sear okay so we're gonna put the inside first and then when it comes out we're gonna sear it and i'm gonna show you guys how to do that okay so let's just cook and we'll see when it's time for the skillet okay folks we pulled this out of the oven at uh 125 give or take 125 130 okay so that's the reverse here you already see it has kind of has some color on there and that's from that ancho chili pepper that we put on there but now we're gonna show you guys how to really elevate the steak and put it over the top okay so i already have a cast iron skillet if you don't have a cast iron skillet you need to get one okay because it's the best scene that could be staking i don't care if you're doing over the stove top if you're doing over a fire out back whatever this cast iron skillet is universal and it's very detrimental for the steak because the flavors will be amazing okay so anyway we're gonna take our steak we're gonna sear it in there we're gonna sit it in there and sear it ahead of myself you already hear that i had the pan uh preheated okay so now we're gonna doing this we're gonna take some garlic i got three cloves here uh normally if i was using another like a uh if i was using the steak that wasn't as big i would use two okay but i'm gonna throw three in here i just smashed them you don't want to take the peel off because uh with that peel being on there it prevents them from burning okay so we're gonna throw that in there and we're also gonna add a little bit of butter here okay this is probably really light i think this is a half a stick we're going to add a little bit at a time you see it's starting to steam up that's exactly what you want nothing's going to be burning here because we started off with olive oil okay you always want to make sure you start off with olive oil because if you don't that butter will burn and that's not a flavor you want for your steak okay so we're letting everything kind of melt up here okay i got my heat on high heats are wondering let that butter melt and i'll probably add a little bit more one more gonna have like that nice caramel color to it once this starts breaking down i'm actually going to bring my garlic a little closer here into that butter because i want that to start eating up and you see when i tilt the pan all the butter is right here okay so what you're going to do is you're going to start basting that butter or baking steak my bad okay and what that's doing is it's helping to cook that steak even though we already got the inside cooked this is helping to make that crust on the outside like we want okay add a little bit more butter let that cook down but we're just going to continue to add that but you already see it smells great am i right put those garlic pieces on there okay start spacing that thing you want to do this and just keep doing it until you get that nice crust on the under underside we're going to flip this a couple times this isn't affecting the temperature inside of the steak at all okay this is just creating that nice steer like you want like that which is the whole point of the reverse here all right so now we're going to put the steak over and garlic cloves off the it a flip and top at the color that's what you're talking about right there if you do this man your whole your whole house will be it's going to be sounding like a steakhouse i promise what are you doing out there i'm going to be like creating magic okay wait till you eat them you're gonna be like oh my gosh this is the best so you might go through more than just a half a stick of butter which is just fine how are they doing the uh to the restaurant now i'm going to add some aromatics to it i've got some rosemary fresh rosemary and some fresh thyme i'm going to sit that right in there let that start coming up to uh here it's starting to sizzle up a little bit just give it some nice aromatics and that's exactly what you want so i'll let that sit in the butter and just let those uh fragrances come out once they come out then i'm going to add them right on top of the steak okay once again get that garlic up here and then we're just going to start we were before basing our state getting all those flavors incorporated in that beautiful steak now if you see you're running out of butter like i said you can always add a little bit more because you want to make sure you keep doing this because you want to have a crust on both sides okay nothing's burning as you see that butter has that nice golden color to it gonna have to move kind of fast because like i said you don't want anything burning here but my smells amazing am i right yeah the best thing about cooking the steak man don't matter for 36 ounces or it's just 12 ounces okay or eight ounces you can make all steaks smell and taste the same i promise a little bit more here this is such a big steak all right oh man i can't wait to see my piece of this this is steak 101 folks like i said man if you were here smelling these flavors or these smells you would be like keep basting that steak oh yeah and you see how that butter it's just a nice golden color okay there's nothing burning here that's all flavor okay just like the restaurants do folks same way if they're not doing it this way they're doing safe wrong and you shouldn't be going there so yeah that's why i always when i go to the restaurant man i love to sit by the kitchen because i like to hear what's going on and i like to see the dishes coming out am i right love it man i have to see it all right that crush looks pretty good to me so let's show you show you guys what happens next hey folks you see our steak is done oh man you see the steam coming off it i'm telling you it absolutely smells lights out okay so one thing if you don't know about a steak like i said this is one on one okay take you off to the classroom is you always want to cut a steak against the grain especially your steak like this because when you do that it tastes a lot tender or it's a lot more tender when you cut it against the grain okay so we're going to do right now is we're going to come down this bone and we're just going to cut down this bone just like this okay step one off to the side that is actually really good eating that off the bone okay so we're gonna turn this okay and as you see the grain is running this way okay see these grains just running like this you want to cut it against that okay oh so hot okay so we're gonna cut it like this oh i should be cutting this your way huh uh super hot pork will help you hold it say what fourth will help you hold it all right let me let me grab four there you go that looks really good let me tell you what that fat is going to be everything that gets eaten right now we not know the steak that i'm going to eat and i promise because since we uh we did that that dry brine oh man i'm telling you there we go let's give this a little taste shall we i want to hit this garlic too oh my god i almost have to sit down man this has been this is bananas okay um like i said at the end of this video you guys should know how to cook a steak if you didn't you pay attention or you don't watch the whole video okay um thank you for all the new subs that subscribe thank you for the ones that's already been subscribed okay we got some special things in store for you coming up next okay gonna be some nice bike rides it'll be some nice grilling outside whole bunch of stuff man it's gonna be happening okay appreciate everyone every last one of you who's watching this video slap a like on the video give us a thumbs up give it a thumbs down keep it real around here okay until then see you the next one [Music]
Channel: culinary biker
Views: 65
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9-eFCE5-gI4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 43sec (1183 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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