35F Intelligence Analyst

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what's going on guys people back here for another video before we jump right in I want to let you know the reason I'm in pts I had to get up this morning and go to CIF so I really I already had the video planned out so I didn't feel like changing or anything in it it's an army video so I'm in an army uniform so it fits whatever in this video we're doing a breakdown on my MOS 35 Fox intelligence analyst let's get right into it now everything I'm gonna talk about in this video you can find online it's unclasp because I know somebody's probably gonna watch this video and see if I took give away any information I'm not going to this is just stuff from my perspective that you can't find on the internet but I'm gonna give you a breakdown on you know yes the information but my perspective on it and what's you know what you can expect from a soldier level so you're thinking about signing up as a 35 fox all-source intelligence analyst you've signed up are you thinking about signing up just like any other soldier you're gonna start out you're gonna go to basic training it could be anywhere I could I went to Fort Jackson South Carolina but you could go to Fort Sill or for Lynn or wood I think I even know some people that went to Fort Fort Benning for basic training so you're gonna start up just like every other soldier and go to basic training and then when you get done with basic training you are going to leave basic training and go to Fort Huachuca Arizona for AIT for advanced individual training no I've done a bake a breakdown of AIT on my channel so you can go check that out but so I'm not going to talk about AIT I'm gonna talk about AIT 35 Fox AIT and the specifics of that so for watch you come this is the home of you Seco United States Army intelligence command of excellence or something like that for chicken general is nice it's a nice clean post it's pretty new pretty modern so I I would not mind going back to Fort Huachuca as a permanent party soldier I thought Fort Huachuca was excellent it was it was a great post I enjoyed my time there as much as you can as a as a student and but if it would be nice as a regular soldier so breaking down some of the AIT rules you know you've basically got your black phase in gold phase black phase you can't where civilians gold phase you can and you can go off post black phase you can't go off post or anything like that but like I said I've done an AIT breakdown on my channel so a i.t for me and a lot of people especially that we're in Bravo Company B Co 3 or 5th what's up hey 90 was more stressful than basic training not physically physically for a ite as an analyst it's pretty easy you know you've gonna you're gonna take 3 or 4 PT test and you're gonna have PT every day but it's not hard the it's stressful more psychologically and I'll get more into that as we go along in this video but it's psychologically is very stressful because the fear of failure is always right there always with you you see it a lot of people around you are failing and that is a very stressful part of 35 Fox AIT is the fear of failure so now I'm going to break down basically before we get into what you're going to be covering in school we're gonna get into the schedule that you will have at Fort Huachuca so you're gonna get up every day so in Beco its Biko and Seco Charlie Company and Bravo Company I was in Bravo Company their schedules are a little different they have a little bit of different timeline but in general it's the same so in Bravo Company first formation of the day every day was at 5:30 in the morning 0 5:30 so I would get up at about 510 and throw on my PT uniform and run out there you're gonna have to schedule in time you're gonna have to make sure your camelbacks fill and you're gonna to take care of your trash every day before PT so that's a thing that's just a little tidbit of information you're gonna go PT PT you last until about 6:30 6:30 6:45 depending on the PT field and then once you're done with PT you're going to have to go you're gonna have to go to the defect so you're here at 6:30 your next hit time to march to class at 7:30 you've got to go to the defect they're gonna force you to go to the defect they're gonna watch you you're gonna have to run down there you're gonna yes a lot of us would just go in grab like a bagel and go out and skip the lawn you don't have time to really eat a great meal to be honest a little trick uh-huh we there at the a we started going in the exit door if any of you have been to AIT at Fort Huachuca you know the Weinstein defect we would go in the the exit door and that way you don't have to sit in line and just go grab a bagel and come and then head back to the barracks and that way if they sit the drill sergeants are the platoon sergeants when I was there stopped you you could show them a bagel hey I went in and I got my stuff it's a bad thing to do I feel bad about it looking back but you do what you got to do right so you're gonna run back shower clean up your room if you didn't do it the night before and then you've got to be at first or marching formation at zero seven one five really because they're going to give you a ten-minute hit time prior but you're pg nobody's ever going to get there on time so you're pg is going to make it zero seven one five so you're gonna have people late to the 7:15 formations which they're really there ten minutes prior to the 720 formation but they're going to get in trouble and it's going to be a big ordeal and then you're gonna have the people that don't care and you're just gonna show up whenever so you're gonna march to class at 7:30 you're gonna march off it takes 18 minutes I think was the exact time it took every day it takes 18 minutes to march from the barracks we formed up behind the battalion HQ and we've marched a class we would march through alpha come behind alpha company and it was always a race to see who could get out first because you're gonna march behind alpha companies barracks and they're gonna come off their drill pad and we would always try to cut them off first so just some I'm gonna give you my little extra tidbits of information so you're gonna have to get to get to class about 750 class will start about 8 o'clock and then you'll go through your day you'll you know you'll study or do whatever y'all are doing you'll have a break at about 9:30 10 o'clock depending and it'll be a 20 to 30-minute break my instructor love to give us longer break so we were out there for an hour sometimes which is really nice and then uh you've got a lunch at about 11:30 and then be back well you'll form up for lunch at about 11:15 and then you'll be back eat lunch form up outside the DFAC at 12:25 and then be back at the schoolhouse by about 12:45 and the school resume at about 1250 you get another break in about 1400 1430 and then you would March or form up back behind the schoolhouse at about 1500 and not 1500 about 16 30 but you would never leave before 1700 because your platoon sergeants loved to just be late and that there will always be you know you would get in trouble for something a lot of the time you get back to the company about 17 15 17 30 stand around till about 1745 doing mail call between sergeants we just love to make you stand out there and then you get off at up closer to 1800 go to the defect and you'd have about an hour hour and a half of free time generally a lot of the time so your platoon sergeants will throw in random stuff to do at 18:30 you know they love to have random formations so yeah and then uh yeah like I said personal time bed check in Bravo Company is at nineteen fifty seven fifty and then you know chill in your room after bed check bed chicken last sometimes 30 minutes an hour that's a real pain and just to put it on you know there's three floors plus an overflow building so it can take the wall if he doesn't come to your floor first and then especially in Biko I don't know about Seco I know Seco was a was really known for their bed check parties Bravo Company that was not a thing if you weren't quiet they were gonna smoke you and skip your floor and it really sucked so yeah that's your schedule once once you're done bet check you just go to sleep do whatever and be back in formation and then act today so yeah that's your schedule of a EIT I know I'm rambling on but there's a lot of information that's you're you're scheduled now we're gonna get into the schedule up your classes and what you're gonna be doing in school all right so your schoolwork the the curriculum is always changing gets changed since I've been gone it will change right before I got there and it's gonna change again but this is a basic breakdown of kind of what you can expect you're gonna have five modules total I'm not gonna give you the names or anything like that because I don't want to push the line or anything but you get five modules the first two are analog so you're just gonna learn how to build basic products work on maps basic basic things the first actually the first module is an introductory just an intelligence introductory you know terms definitions and the first two tests are just multiple choice questions an AIT you can only fail a test twice so you can fail but if you pass the retest you're fine if you fail and fail to retest you get recycled that's it you get recycled to Charlie Company or Bravo Company like into the next class that's closest behind you so that's what's really stressful about it you can only fail twice and if you if you can double tap you can you can fail but you can't double tap is what they call it double tapping if you double tap you're done but you can fail every test once and be fine but if you double tap on any of them your recycle and then the next two modules are gonna be a multiple-choice test the first two multiple-choice tests are like out of 50 questions the next two are only out of 30 so you have to get like 23 correct I don't know if that's the exact numbers but you can only miss like 7-7 questions which is not hard to do you get you have a computer and you can literally look in the books for the answers so that's not but the you'll have a multiple choice section of the test which will be the first half of the day and then after one she'll come back and you'll take a test where you actually have to build the product now if you're smart you'll you'll use the product that you use that week in class and then you'll just kind of copy and paste and switch the units around accordingly to what the question is and then you'll turn it in and be good to go and that that next the annal not the analog the product portion of the test is very subjective your your instructor will give you a grade sheet but each instructor it's very there's a lot of discrepancies in grading criteria so it really depends on your instructor at Fort Huachuca what you're gonna get and what kind of grading scale they're going to use but if you if you're lucky and get a good instructor you'll be you'll be squared away and you'll be good so if you're in school if your instructor squares your way for the ANA for the product all you really have to worry about is that multiple choice and the second half the last two modules are the same multiple choice tests from modules the first two modules but shorter and condensed so they take the hard questions from the first two multiple choice tests and put them on the second two so that's pretty stressful so that's your first four modules your last module is your FTX you're gonna go out your it's gonna be 12-hour shifts now that sounds easy twelve hours that I guess means I get twelve hours off no you're gonna get up in the morning like an hour and a half formations could be like an hour and a half before you have to be out there you're gonna draw weapons you're going to mess around make sure everybody eats do a lot of dumb stuff then you're gonna go have to go get on the buses and they're gonna have to drive you out like 20 minutes to the site where you're doing FTX and then you're gonna do your 12-hour shift it's pretty easy to be honest I was the radio man and you're gonna do that and then after you're your 12-hour shift you're gonna come back they're gonna make everybody go to the DFAC they're the platoon sergeants are gonna have a formation with you and talk to you and give you mail and to just take up a bunch of your time and then you're gonna go do paintball you're gonna do similar simulation like battle drills with paintball if they still do that you're gonna do battle drills so by the time you're done with your 12 hours your day you've only got like six hours to sleep and there's going to be people late to formation because you're only giving them six hours I don't know why you can't get back but there's gonna be people late and you're gonna get smoked and it's just gonna be a bad start of the day so it's a stressful time you're getting very little sleep and then on the Saturday when you're done your platoon sergeants are gonna make you clean all the paintball equipment and clean all your gear on a Saturday until like 1400 in the afternoon so you waste an extra day there at the end but yeah you've got four modules of classwork and then you've got an F T X so you're AIT your total AIT is your classwork is 15 weeks long your 14 weeks long and then you got your ft X and then you've got graduation week so in total for watch you've got 35 Fox intelligence analyst AIT is 16 weeks long but keep in mind you've got hold unders and holdovers so I am I am qualified to give you information I'll hold unders and holdovers because I was both I hold under I got there in November I hold under is somebody that doesn't make it into class so there's like a certain amount of seats and the you only get so many people into class the people that get screwed over and are not gonna make it into class people that do make it into class are National Guard and reserves that no matter what you're gonna make it into class the first time and then it's active duty alphabetically so if you're active duty and half end of the alphabet you're gonna be a hold under you're not gonna make it into class the first time so I got there too for what you can November and I didn't start class until January 7th so that sucks a hold over is somebody that graduates but for some reason is not leaving it could be due to UCMJ or something like that that was not me I got hauled over because my orders were not ready for my orders were not ready to come here to Fort Riley yet so I was a holdover for about a week I know people one of my buddies was an airborne hold and he was there he grad we graduated in May and he was there until well into June like MIT close to July cuz I would remember I was on home home on leave for fourth of July and he was just now getting to Airborne School so that sucks that's what a whole donor holdover is and there's nothing you can really do about it that's another stress so you you can't control it they're just gonna tell you hey you're not making it in a class and that sucks you're going to Bravo Company that's what happened to me I was originally in Charlie Company right guys I know I'm kind of rambling in this video but there's so much information I want to give you now we're going to move on into your unit quick recap of thirty-five Fox intelligence AIT it's it's not that hard the curriculum itself is not that hard but the environment that your platoon sergeants create is so stressful and so toxic the especially Bravo Company was very stressful I love like it made me a better soldier but it was so stressful but you look back and that you are kind of thankful that your drill sergeants prefer your platoon sergeants made it like that because it does make you a better soldier but the curriculum the school work itself is not that hard there are several sub reddits and pain forums online that I read that say like they were up studying until like for two hours every night and it was so hard if you're I guess maybe if you're not that smart but you have to be pretty smart to qualify for this MOS ASVAB wise I never studied once and I did fine on every single test I was never even close to failing in the first test I passed all tests on the first time go basis and I never study once and I'm not that smart so if you're if you have some intelligence about you you know common sense you will be fine the hardest part about Fort Huachuca is the the TRADOC rules and your platoon sergeants the school itself is very easy so that's Fort Huachuca AIT in a nutshell I hope you've got some good information on that thirty-five Foxx when you get your unit the cool thing about thirty-five foxes it really depends this MOS and this job varies greatly like I'm doing a different job here offal rally at the division level then some people would be at the brigade level and that's how it is for everybody because an analyst can be it you know a company level and a Maiko they could be at a battalion a brigade level or a division level and then once you've been in your career long enough you can be even higher than division but most privates from what I've seen unless you do like quixtar or you have you know get assigned to a special forces unit most you know first term soldiers being an analyst you will be at a a force comm unit and you will be doing generic and intelligence on you know units but I don't know what what else to say you'll be at an infantry or an armored unit and yeah so after that you can do some cool stuff you can go you know if you go to Airborne School you can do you be attached to a special forces unit or all all that cool stuff but yeah this job varies greatly based on what unit you're in what level you're at you know division Brigade etc my job is very exercised base so when we're not in the field I'm not doing a whole lot of intelligence there are people that are but I'm more of right now as a private I'm more of once we're in the exercise do your job and then when we're when we're not in the field it's a lot of school like extra classes you're gonna always continue to learn you're gonna they're gonna be times you feel like you're an AIT again because you're gonna sit in on classes you're gonna you're just gonna learn you're gonna get ready for boards you're gonna do a lot of army stuff when you're not in in the field but you could just like I said this MOS varies greatly you could be doing anything anywhere at any time depending on your rank your time in there really cool postings and job opportunities once you progress in this career field you're just gonna have to do your time as a private and a first-term ER at you know what force comm unit most likely but later on in your career you could do some cool things so I know this video has been long and it's been rambling my final thoughts on this MOS is that it's really cool you get the great lots of great opportunities it looks great on your resume it can be boring at times it can be very boring at times but then it can also be very fun but it comes few and far between in my opinion oh man the cool stuff is the non cool stuff but you get to work with you know great people you don't deal with a lot of dump army stuff at least in my experience it's like I said it varies greatly but like the people you work with are pretty intelligent people so you don't get people making dumb decisions and all that kind of stuff but I I do recommend the cimolestes are you know like working off computers and using your brain more than your body you're still in the army you're still gonna have to do PC and everything but it's not physically like strenuous at all but if you like to think and you like to be you like to analyze things I guess this is a grave MOS I do recommend it it looks great on paper so yeah good mos I do recommend it I've been rambling on in this video this video is probably 15 minutes long at this point or maybe longer so I'm gonna leave you with that I hope I gave you some information that you can use I wanted this to be more of a raw video so take that information for what you will I'm sure there's gonna be questions on this MOS leave them down in the comment section below or come on over to my Instagram happy Wilson 3:5 you can ask your questions over there yeah I I'm sure there's gonna be a lot of questions I'm sorry but I wanted to give you them the the best advice I could that is 35 fox intelligence analysts in a nutshell I hope you enjoyed it hope it helps you out and I will see you in the next video
Channel: P Will
Views: 36,720
Rating: 4.8310709 out of 5
Keywords: ARMY, MILITARY, 35F, BOOT CAMP, MOS, BASIC TRAINING, 35F Intelligence Analyst, Intelligence
Id: pqp_KgwPq48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 4sec (1324 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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