351 Windsor Budget Build, No Machine Shop!

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[Music] welcome back to the channel last video we tore down a 351 windsor we bought to do an engine swap this video we're going to continue to work on it cleaning it and reassembling it so let's get started [Music] this engine was disgusting i used a few different tools to clean it before i discovered that a drill with a wire wheel worked extremely well this made the process much faster and now it's one of my favorite tools to avoid taking this to a machine shop i took some wet dry sandpaper and i wet sanded all the surfaces now that the engine is clean we can work on honing it we were able to avoid taking it to a machine shop because the pistons were within the manufacturer's specs i honed each piston 30 times until i had a nice crosstalk pattern [Music] next up was the freeze plugs after removing each freeze plug and cleaning the hole i applied rtv to the new freeze plug and hammered the pins [Music] [Music] after installing new camshaft bearings we are ready to work on the crankshaft i remove the old bearings and clean the surface then i installed the new bearing and put some break-in oil on it we set in the crankshaft and put some plastic gauge on the main caps to check the oil clearance after torquing the main caps i removed the main caps to measure the plastic gauge the bearing clearance was within the spec so i torqued it down for good [Music] we have new piston heads to install so we take the old piston heads off the piston rod then heat up the piston rod to expand the metal slide the pin through the piston rod and let it shrink back down now we've assembled a piston once we've done that we can put new rings on the pistons and put them in the engine [Music] [Music] now onto the heads first i clean the dirt and grime off them with a wire wheel then i remove the rocker arms the threads for the rocker arm were very gummed up so i cleaned them with a die then i removed the valves and began cleaning the carbon off of them [Music] [Music] [Music] then i started lapping the valves i did this both by hand and with the tool but this took a very long time [Music] now that i have reseeded the valves i can put new seals on them and put the assembly back together [Music] [Music] we've we installed a high performance camshaft and new lifters i was careful to make sure that the lifters did not stick then i installed the heads and push rods i torqued the heads down to the manufacturer's specs [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] next video we will finish the engine paint it and put it in the truck so if you enjoyed what you saw please [Music] subscribe [Music] you
Channel: American Rebuilds
Views: 29,675
Rating: 4.8358207 out of 5
Id: SFBOZYnovsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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