350 - Fix Your Broken Linux with chroot

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welcome to category five technology TV episode number 350 we realized it's episode number 350 tonight so we want to do to do something extra special for you so we decided just before the show that this is going to be the best show ever of course you don't want to miss out on this tonight we are gonna break Linux we're gonna break it and then we're gonna show you how to fix it using chroot from a live linux CD don't miss that it's going to be incredibly nerdy that's how we like it incredibly nerdy around here fortunately Hillary Rumble is here to kind of bring us down lose some of the nerdy edge to the show too seriously if it was just me chroot from the next live Booton into the system hacking away luckily I'm also here to tell you what's coming up in the news room brilliant the NSA is harvesting pictures online to build its facial recognition system whoa let's give them one the universal translator is real and will be coming to Skype the modern car is a computer on wheels just waiting to be hacked by someone like and lastly Google is building satellites to provide Internet service to the world at large stick around kazi's stories are coming up later in our show heavily you have to be careful they have my picture now all right give me a fun show don't go away this is category 5 technology TV starring Sasha dramatis pillory Rumble Kristen wells Eric kid and your host Robbie Ferguson introducing Beltone first a revolutionary new hearing aid so small you can hardly see it so comfortable you can hardly feel it for the first time ever you can control hearing aids directly from your iPhone pick up the phone listen to music and use your hearing aids like wireless headphones hear everything that matters try Beltone first for a free trial call 1-800 Beltone now this is category 5 technology TV I'm your host Ravi Ferguson I'm Hillary okay I'm just gonna just gonna tell everyone that category 5 TV is a member of the tech podcast network if it's tech it's here you can check that out at cat 5 TV slash TPN and we're also a member of the International Association of internet broadcasters cat 5 TV slash by a IB and that is what I have to say at this moment I'd also like to say at this moment hello to the world wide web tuning in oh hello welcome everyone reactive tonight hi stripe to see everybody the chat room is so wild and fun and full of fun people and I'd also like to give a special shout-out to Flo Tennessee Frank has roped you in to watch the show and it's about time that's all I gotta say so we are so glad you could tune in with us and I hope you enjoy the show it's really perfect flow because tonight is the best show ever kiyo she ninja is in the chat room yes I've always wanted to know about chroot this is an exciting topic and to that I say you sir are a nerd and so this show is for you I'm very excited too so yeah this is gonna be a lot of fun a lot of fun you know speaking of fun I got to switch the parody Drive in our unread server you heard about it last week thank you to everybody who contributed some some money basically how else do I say thanks for sending them some money because it costed money to replace the drive appreciate that very very much and it helped offset the expense so we put a 4 terabyte parody Drive in there we cleared it pre-cleared it and got a building I did and then one of the data drives in our array so one of the drives that actually holds data and not the parity Drive remember I don't have a parity drive right now because I'm in the middle of building it one of the data drives failed Oh yikes here's where I'm so thankful to be using on rate well there's two things I'm thankful for one I use on raid not a standard striped array where oh no I've lost one Drive now everything is gone no with unrated only the data on that one individual drive could be lost but thankfully here's number two I have good backups of course you do we encourage you to have I see it all the time people who have a hard drive crash we had a power surge last night here in berry huge storm came through yeah it was massive it was fierce and it lasted 18 seconds but long enough to take down trees long enough to take out computers through power spikes and just you know computer after computer coming in with failed hard drives unable to get that off of my hard drive because I had a good backup we were able to finish building parity replace the failed hard drive copy the backup over to the new hard drive well the old parity drive which I had moved into the place of the old or of the failed hard drive and then copied the data back we've got parity we're good to go didn't lose a thing thankfully whew but thinking about how a traditional raid works had I lost two drives and say you know like a standard raid set you could possibly lose everything on all of those drives yikes so once again on raid saves the day we've got lots of information on our website category 5 TV episode 103 while it's old it's a must view yes and if you're on roku you know that i say probably don't go back to some of the old episodes because at least not right at the get-go when you're getting to know us because they're old they're very low quality but that's one of the ones content-wise you need to watch that thanks big thanks to John who was in the chat room and knows quite a bit about on raid and and this is one of the unique things about our community not only can you go into our chat room and say guys I got a problem ladies I've got a problem because we've got some ladies as we know in the chat and you know can you guys help and I do that I went into the chat room when my drive failed it said anyone able to help and John piped up and said here and gave me resource after resource links to the forum threads that were appropriate to download for the pre-clear script and that's our community and you know even I tap into this community because we're so much more than just a TV show here folks so get on over to our website become a part of this great community it's a category 5 TV absolutely free for you to participate in the show it's interactive and we'd encourage you to register on our website category 5 dot TV do it do it I am excited Battle of the Bands is coming up this Friday night we've shown some video clips on the show in previous years but Sasha and I are actually going to be there judging battle bands this year just a fun little you know it's a fun event for the youth that are involved I guess it's basically young people who are aspiring musicians and have got their bands together and practiced a bunch of songs and they get up on an awesome stage with a big old sound system full lights and smoke machines and everything LEDs these days lights are getting smaller cooler so it's a fun event and Sasha and I are gonna be there if you're in Barry drop me a line we'll give you all the deets come check it out do it people yeah well coyote ninja is on the edge of his seat what do I do I have purposefully broken Linux oh no even me I know okay there are a few times where you can break Linux doing configuration stuff a good example would be working on your ex configuration for your graphics drivers something like that upgrading your graphics drivers and all of a sudden you can't boot in because your graphic drivers are botched so you boot up your computer and you boot up your computer and there's nothing there and you can't boot it and oh my goodness in that well in that scenario here's another scenario that falls under this category FS tab you've edited your FS tab file you forgot to do a pseudo mount - a to test it first and instead you've rebooted and as you rebooted you went oh no Robbie said I'm supposed to run sudo mount - a first but I forgot yeah and I accidentally typed boat in my FS tab file so now my computer won't boot I've got no access to my hard drives I can't do anything so in those scenarios here's where Linux is great hell you can boot up from a Linux live CD you can browse to the hard drive you can edit the FS tab file you can edit the XOR comp file you can edit those configuration files and fix your computer by simply editing them and rebooting hmm easy right there are scenarios where that just isn't good enough would you like to hear about one of them sounds frightening yeah I was on site at a customer's site for lack of a second words I was there in person mm-hmm cuz Robbie does this stuff so I was sitting at their server which is a very comfortable server room as they all are and I ran an apt-get update and it worked great and I ran an apt-get upgrade because we're upgrading this you know upgrading all the components I'm there might as well do that yeah everything went great somewhere in that script I've never had this happen before okay I've never had it happen since but it does and can happen somewhere along the line it tried to do a kernel update and failed I was left with a system a server mind you so their whole company infrastructures based on this server running Debian with a hypervisor in the hypervisor was all their domain controller their web server everything is in a virtual machine separate individual virtual machines the hypervisor is the one that I was updating so no kernel means guess what can't boot your computer oh there it is folks well what am I gonna do with minimal bash like lying editing support okay for the first word tab list possible command completions what anywhere okay so well what do you do LS o start X no that's an unknown command you're stuck I've got no kernel on my computer because something happened during the update I'm giving you extreme case because this actually happened to me this could be anything say you updated the package your graphic drivers is a good example of course you go into X or comp and fall back to envy or something like that that's a good fix but in our case we want to actually fix the graphic drivers or we want to actually fix the fact that I have no kernel on my computer and literally when I boot that's all I get I've got no way to do anything you can mount the drive and try to figure out how to get it going it's just not gonna happen so what I'm gonna do instead I'm gonna pop in my live CD I've got now this particular computer I'll just say is a point Linux three point no two point three point one pardon me I had to think about that point Linux two point three point 1 which is Debian demyans seven point one I think needless to say one of the first considerations as I'm doing this is I want to use a boot CD that is of the same architecture at least but so if it's a 64-bit computer I need to use a 64-bit boot if it's a 32-bit yeah not computer pardon me if it's a 64-bit installation that I'm trying to fix or if there's a little bit installation that I'm trying to fix I need to use the same architecture even better is to have the same version of the distro itself because then you know you're gonna have all the dependencies all the stuff that you need on that particular boot disk now that I've got that disc in the drive I'm gonna try restarting my computer okay let's see let's see what happens here okay so now with the point Linux CD in the drive it gives me the option to try point Linux without installing here we go so it's gonna boot up point Linux into this computer so keep in mind right now what I'm actually doing hill is I'm booting that broken computer so my kernel is completely botched or whatever is broken I'm booting into a live CD Linux has got this great thing where you can boot the CD you can get a fully functional Linux desktop without ever having to install it it also works really really well for fixing things yes we can see here you know it's booting up I'm not getting any errors this time that's great but I'm not actually booting the computer per se I'm not booting the the installed installation of point Linux I'm actually booting the basically temporary point Linux operating system that is installed on this CD which I've downloaded for free from point Linux org I should mention that the processes that I'm showing you today are perfectly cross distro compatible so if you're using arc if you're using Debian if you're using a boon to if you're using Manjaro whatever you're using these methods are going to be the same now if you're on Fedora say for example or you know something like that obviously when I do an apt-get update you're gonna have to you know modify that command to support your package manager yum or something like that but in our case we're gonna be using apt-get but the process itself to chroot into a system is going to be the same so this is booting up you'll notice that booting from a CD is incredibly slow I had a lot of time to talk a whole lot of stuff right because you're booting from a CD CDs are really really slow media but we're in ok did it but if I go home folder you'll notice that I'm looking at nothing there's nothing here if I go into anything my user doesn't even exist you know my home folder contains a user called user that's not me if I go into my terminal you'll see that I am user at point Linux so I'm actually booted on this point Linux computer so to speak using this boot CD now my computer is actually called narf dog just so you know narf dog so that's the computer that we're going to fix being that we're booted from a live CD now I can browse to the computer I can see that there is an 85 gigabyte file system and if I browse to it and mounts it and then I can see my real home folder oh there's the Robie folder and I can do data recovery I can start copying my documents and my desktop and my pictures I can I can simply do that to copy these things I could copy that whole folder to a USB Drive just to know that I have a safe backup now so live CDs can be used for that where we run into a snag here is it's not the file system per se I mean the operating system itself is not broken we didn't edit our you know FS tab file which we can do here let's see FS tab there so I could edit that I've got to be route in order to actually save any changes but if I broke it I can edit it and I can save it to that hard drive reboot and fix it no problem that's on my hard drive in the e.t.c folder right where we've got a problem is if I go into the boot folder guess what I have no kernel where's my kernel you're gonna see a package called Linux - image and then the name of your kernel well I don't have one my systems been botched during an update I'm using this as a scenario to give you a case scenario this isn't necessarily exactly the problem you're gonna have and that's why I want to show you that there are other things that you may be able to fix you this method good to know alright so what we're gonna do and this shows also should say this is gonna show you why Linux is is cat's pajamas is that still a thing do the kids say that these things no but all right it's really groovy Oh Linux at least you stepped it up a couple decades but still not quite there anyway keep going boss man all right okay okay so let's close out of this because we know that we've got a bunch system what do we gotta do it's actually really really easy this is gonna take us five minutes but it's gonna take us about a half hour because I'm gonna explain everything sudo becomes super user fdisk yeah - el is gonna show us a list of all our hard drives in the computer our partitions on those hard drives ICS da one that is really really tiny I know that that is my swap drive because it's so incredibly small SDA - on the other hand is rather large 83 gigs and I know from here that it's an 85 gig file system than my computer's detecting so I know that is actually my hard drive brilliant okay so let's make a folder that we're gonna mount that hard drive to I'm gonna put it in the mount folder so I can go CD /mnt and if I do an LS there's nothing there I'm gonna go sudo because I have to be the super user in order to edit anything in the MNT folder I need to make a directory make sure - P and then you're gonna know why I do that in just a second I'm gonna go my drive slash boot okay so what I'm actually doing there is I'm saying create a folder within mmt because that is where I am and it is called boot but it's going to create boot in a folder called my drive that folder doesn't exist yet so we're gonna do - P to make sure that we create folders that are missing and it's gonna create my drive slash boot if I hit enter now just for the sake of accuracy because I don't want you to accidentally put this in the wrong place we're gonna actually do this longhand I can go make derp - P /mnt slash my drive side food with the psuedo at the beginning hit enter now if I do an LS you're gonna see that we've got a folder called my drive that can be called anything but we're just using that for the scenario if I LS that which is to do a directory listing you'll see that there's a folder called boot and the whole thing is empty because all I've done is created a folder there's nothing mounted to it now we want to actually do the mounting process so we're gonna go sudo mount and notice what did we say it's dev /s da - in my particular case okay so because I did the sudo fdisk - L and it showed my list of hard drives and I determined that s da - is my actual hard drive show you another way to determine that we've double we've clicked on the hard drive on point Linux so now it's mounted remember I said that when I double-click on it it mounts it so if I type sudo mount and hit enter it will actually give me a list of all the mounted file systems and you'll see that SDA - is the very one that is mounted in slash media slash and then the UUID which is this particular hard drive if I go ctrl L you'll see that the file location is in fact that you UID in slash media so that's another way to determine that this is in fact SDA - because I've mounted a ton point Linux so now that I've got that folder okay we're gonna mount it sudo we have to be a super user in order to do these operations mount dev slash SDA - that is the partition okay SDA is the hard drive SDA - is the partition you notice that there was also SDA one but that is our swap partition that's why it's so small you know that if you try to mount it it'll give you a warning that that's actually a swap drive now we're gonna go slash mount slash my drive without a trailing slash okay so I'm gonna take SDA to that hard drive I'm gonna mount it on slash my drive not sure if I can do that while it's mounted somewhere else let's see it worked okay LS my drive there it is wahoo just to be safe I'm gonna right-click on it and go unmount from the desktop so it's removed it from media and if I do an LS my drive that unmounted it there - cool okay so let's remount it and so I would do that first normally there we go okay so it's mounted I can't chroot to it yet because I've got a lot of stuff that's gonna break if I try understanding the CH root means change root so I'm actually gonna basically trick my running linux into thinking that this hard drive SD a2 is in fact the hard drive for the running Linux then we can do all kinds of things as if we were able to boot it but we weren't able to boot it you're gonna see that in just a second so what I need to do and now I'm working with a very very simplistic installation here I'll just note if you have for example your boot partition things like that on separate partitions on your hard drive then you need to go through the mount process individually so for example I might if I've got a separate home drive I might have to go SDA through three sorry home partition and I might have to put it on home for example that's just an example I don't have that scenario so for me we've got our proc which is the proc file system it gives a file like structure to all of the processes that are running on your computer we've also got your dev folder on your host computer the one that's actually running on the CD those are the devices that are detected in your computer right so if I do an LS / d DV those are all the devices that are detected I need to port that over basically pipe it over to my new chroot environment there's also a folder called / run which we also need to do the same thing because these are the running processes this is actually used by you dev as far as I understand and it's part of the it's like a temp file system for for it to use very very important to pipe these things over if you don't understand at all it's okay just follow the steps sudo mount okay so what I'm gonna do is - T proc that's the filesystem type is proc and none and we're gonna put mount my drive / proc so we're actually popping this into the prot we're mounting it on proc in my basically mounted environment right so that's all there is to that command okay so now if I do an LS mm slash mount slash my drive /proc I'll actually see all the processes that are running on my current install right now I need to do the same not to install the live CD sudo mount - oh oh yeah okay just what we're doing is we're binding this particular folder what was it / dev we need to bind that to mount my drive dev because we need to be able to see your dev devices all your devices from within our chroot environment so if we don't do that step we're gonna lose access to all our drives all of our hardware all that stuff we need to do the same thing what did I say the next one was slash run rum I almost typed rum yeah I'll say it was I was thinking Hillary Rumble oh hell yeah okay so there we go that's the command that puts the temp file system for the slash run in there now the moment of truth here we go look at all that we now have this crazy mount point in our MMT on a live CD what have we done we have mounted the proc file system into that mount point we have mounted the dev folder and we have mounted the run temp file system into that mounted environment okay now what we can do it is now safe to actually chroot into that environment sudo CH root and now here are the two things that we need MNT my drive the name of the mount point where I created this magic okay whatever you called it you're gonna use it every time my drive is fine and then BIM Bosch because we could actually set it up as a chroot environment for bin Bosch and there we go now all of a sudden I've become route sorry what but I'm still on point Linux right let's do CD /mnt because in /mnt that's where we created my drive right so let's do an LS it's gone what happened wait a minute I'm not actually on the live CD anymore CD /boot LS no kernel CD slash home LS Robbie nut user so I have actually successfully ported my session into that mounted hard drive in my computer I can fix anything and I'm not talking just the typical traditional live CD fix and FS tab file and reboot and hope for the best we're talking about being able to actually run things on that hard drive from this environment let's try just for example apt-get update I'm route remember so I don't need to type sudo anymore because that's only to give me temporary root access okay I'm getting my apt-get update here we go okay done no errors apt-get let's let's do an app let's just do it let's just fix this bad boy app cache search Linux image okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna search for Linux headers there we go this is what app get tells me about all these headers available to me so let's pick one that's gonna be good let's say three point two point oh four okay so that's the kernel header that we want let's see if there's a meta package that will just let us select 686 let's do you're gonna need the kernel that's appropriate for your system and I'm gonna make the assumption here that you kind of know a little bit about systems and architectures so I know for example that I've got a modern modern system that's 32-bit right so I'm gonna go with a 686 kernel with PAE extensions because my brow and my processor supports that if you're not sure you can go with a different kernel MD 64 is the 64-bit kernel right but I know that I'm running a 32-bit system with PAE so I can grab that one so let's copy that to my clipboard okay and now apt-get install and then I've hit alt e4 edit and then I can hit paste okay so it's gonna actually install that kernel but where is it installing it it's actually installing that kernel on my real Linux installation it's not doing it on my live CD yeah there you go and it's working there it goes just kind of let you see this in real time updating now this is the one thing that's gonna take a little bit longer it's gonna create an init Rd image file for the kernel itself so let's sing a song because this is the moment of truth this is some advanced nerdiness here folks some advanced enhanced on there dienes oh I'd say some people in chat room are are little they're into it but they're like man this is intense but that's the beauty of the show you watch it again and then again and again you can pause it watch it again until you get it right it's meant to be intense we have intense music yeah all gonna think I'm giving away a prize now when I do that no story no prize just free knowledge you can do your goes it's coming along hey you know when it happens to you you're gonna look back at this video and go I am so glad I know how to chroot because it's gonna happen where you need it you know it exists you're gonna go to category 5 dot TV you're gonna do a little search on the right hand side therefore chroot you're gonna find this video and you're gonna get a step-by-step tutorial with copy and paste text in the show notes all the commands over here genius user friendly people he said it so I'm allowed to repeat it I'm so kidding okay so that's done okay so now remember that I'm still on the system we did us you know we did CD slash boot and we did it in LS and what did we see no colonel now let's try oh we have a kernel hooray and I'm not talking about chicken or popcorn no popcorn stuck in our teeth all right can I reboot this system and we're gonna see what happens so back in my my you know this drive on my CD I'm gonna just simply do a restart there we go let's let it boot up and see what happens magic for our very eyes people it's called Linux folks there it goes it's gonna need me to remove the CD so I need to do that as soon as it's ready real time magic where if I have to wait you have to wait hey Carol copyright really good to know yes everyone recognizes remove the disk there's only like a few notes of the musical alphabet okay yeah especially if you're a modern band there you go look at that it's detective now I'm booting from my hard drive now it's detected the kernel which I installed that's the 3.20 - 4 686 p IE let's hit enter and ladies and gentlemen no error message booting right up it's gonna come up oh yeah I have full confidence in my abilities I have confidence in your abilities as well working if I can be fair it was a lot more complicated the first time I had to do it I can imagine so I had to I had to relay this knowledge send it down the internet waves to you well the world appreciates and I know they do mm-hmm you will when it happens to you yeah hopefully Booton the black screen right now but it's coming well there's my cursor oh there we go and it is narf dog dog in the house there you go there's my computer folks raring to go it's up and running beautiful disaster averted thank goodness does this work on Fedora does this work on Ark does this work on man general or Debian or Ubuntu or any other distro absolutely oh your commands may be a little bit different you need to be familiar with your own package manager I used app get right because I'm on a Debian based system Lubuntu it's the same thing so boom - exactly the same commands just where I put SDA - that's why we ran fdisk - L the first command so that you could get a list of your partitions it's gonna be different with your computer most likely ok so keep in mind there we go systems up and running beautiful back in the game perfect that is how to chroot your system folks now we know you learned it here on category 5 technology TV and it's time this time it's time for the news the top stories in the category 5 TV newsroom the National Security Agency is harvesting huge numbers of images of people from the communications that it intercepts through its global surveillance operations for use in sophisticated facial recognition programs according to a top-secret document the spy agency's reliance on facial recognition technology has grown significantly over the last four years and the agency has turned to new software to exploit the flood of images included in emails text messages social media video conferences and other communications the NSA documents reveal agency officials believe that technological advances could revolutionize the way that the NSA finds intelligence targets around the world the document shows the agency's ambitions for this highly sensitive ability and the scale of its efforts have not previously been disclosed hmm remember when this guy was up behind us the technology exists folks remember when he was up on the shelf just behind us he was kind of back here there it was okay we get pictures of the show which we put up on our social media profiles we have an intervalometer up there that takes picture every 10 seconds so one of these times it's gonna get a smiling but I uploaded one of those pictures where our Spock bobblehead was way back here I uploaded it to Twitter and Twitter when it uploaded yeah asked me do you want to tag Leonard Nimoy excuse me and it was his official Leonard Nimoy account account on Twitter it was back here our cameras are not that crystal-clear harm on the technology exists the NSA is just stepping and stepping up their stuff they've seen person of interest they want it's freaking me out I'm just saying that did kind of freak me out and I thought freaky weird oh man because everything that you post is permanent you can't delete leaves from the internet anymore folks nope sorry it's out there be careful what you post but they're talking about actually monitoring telecommunications on online I don't use a telephone anymore not that voice over IP has been compromised or it's in bed with the NSA or anything like that but do we have to fear as we're going more and more that way that we're no longer on landlines we're using everything through the internet who knows my face is all over the place you know is just all over the place I'll go google robbie ferguson and see what you come up with all good things i well I hope so whoa speaking of telecommunications our next story and NSA involvement here we go like TARDIS or universal translator Microsoft has unveiled a real-time language translation feature for its Internet phone service Skype chief executive Satya Nadella said the firm would launch a test version of the service dubbed Skype translator for Windows 8 later this year the move comes as competition in the internet-based phone service sector because it's been rising forcing firms to look at the ways to attract more users according to Microsoft skypes currently has 300 million users o monthly users globally and as we know from SharePoint Microsoft never fobs the numbers Microsoft did not say if the service will be offered for free or if users will have to pay a fee hmm what people don't realize Hill is that we are actually speaking French these microphones are Universal translators we're from Canada right Canada you know then all we do is speak French namely a universal translator though a la TARDIS or I think about Star Trek's Universal communicator pins the fact that you here if I can have a Skype video conversation with you they've had it in the chat you know typing right shot for quite some time and it's been revolutionary but imagine somebody's voice being morphed into your native language that's amazing and then does that technology then say now we can take category five to Germany in your native tongue could we use that kind of technology can we as in the industry use that kind of technology wouldn't that be crazy amazing might not be good as hiring actors to do our voices zoomit up Dave Ferguson that was a really bad actor we fired him he was horrible interesting stuff to think about I love that line of technology mm-hmm meaning stuff but it does rent it raises so many questions when we're afraid of privacy obviously the communication has to be monitored in order to be translated by superfast computers yeah hello which can do how many operations per second how real-time is that what's the latency who is listening in on our discussions no freaky guys we're gonna have to go back to the days of carrier pigeons carrier pigeons that are probably monitoring NSA would shoot them down who knows in other news imagine driving down the highway at 30 miles per hour when suddenly the wheel turns hard right and you crash then this accident was because somebody hacked your car yikes freaky it's not a far-fetched science fiction notion it's the near-term future today's hackers are warned about most people aren't aware that their cars are already high-tech computers realistically and now we're networking them by giving them wireless connectivity yet there's a danger to turn your car into a smartphone on wheels it makes them a powerful target for hackers Adams is a researcher at security innovation a company that tests the safety of automobiles referring to the computers and software used to power today's cars he says auto manufactures are not up to speed they're just behind the times car software is not built to the same standards as say a bank application or software coming out of Microsoft the nightmare is scenario hackers access your car's core controls by breaching its internet connected entertainment system and tamper with your brakes but cars are going wireless and that means wires won't be needed to hack them hmm that's a scary thought petrifying absolutely we brought up on the show a couple weeks ago about how they were developing a system to safely get you off the road an event even whatever right but now and now we all know we didn't even have to bring it up in the newsroom because everybody knows about Google's autonomous cars you've seen those have you so like they've actually developed cars no steering wheel no pedals just a bubble on wheels that drives by itself so what is to stop somebody from I mean it's obviously a good target for hackers or governments or you know control or organizations no not movie we're not conspiracy theorists here find we're did it's a it's a potential that's news people need to consider right and I think where things fall apart is that with vehicles we're looking at an industry that has has accelerated no pun intended it's technology at a rate faster than they have the understanding of those technologies in such a way if that makes sense in such a way that your car while it has incredibly sophisticated technology like they're developing and the Wi-Fi technologies and things it also incorporates things that are so old as far as the technological advancement goes right so why couldn't somebody who can get into your sound system say through wireless then tap into your brakes which are incredibly unsophisticated in comparison right why can't malware get into your dashboard computer and then take over some of the things that normally you would control but then taking it to the very far extreme are those Google cars and any other autonomous car where you don't even have control where if something goes wrong you can't grab the wheel interesting I'm just visioning a made-for-tv movie in my mind let's start making it made for the internet movie trying to drive my car it's not driving the way I tell it to and then you'd be like ah controlling you with my iPod sounds good to me I'm creative in other ways don't be a hater this little story was sent into us by Tennessee Frank okay Jim Frank Google's plans for satellite-based internet access just got a little bit more concrete The Wall Street Journal here is that the search firm is preparing to build 180 small high capacity satellites not ventured here that will go into low orbit and provide interconnections to um sorry underserved areas while details aren't forthcoming about these machines there may be more on the way reportedly the company could double its vehicle count if all goes well a spokeswoman didn't confirm or deny the efforts but did note that having an internet link significantly improves people's lives yeah okay well what was the news a month ago we're bringing the Internet to the forest right well the campground yeah like campgrounds in the middle I don't know if you've heard this where you're from but here in Canada it's a big deal where people go to places like Algonquin Park specifically to get away from tech we're there to see the Moose great and there bring an internet Wi-Fi well this and people are outraged and people you know don't want Internet where they are in the middle of the woods hiking and things this is going to be unstoppable well it doesn't matter where you are now we got a satellite over your head cool owned and operated by Google all right they've got these new cars coming out that are internet connected so that's convenient hmm monitoring of positions through satellites 180 of them what's Google's involvement with NSA I said we're not a conspiracy theorist but this is getting crazy I don't know and they've got all these robots that they're building which are gonna be internet connective before about yeah can somebody please bring this to Hollywood cast a company that makes robots and robotic cars is going to have satellites in their control that we'll be able to communicate with every device on the face of the earth no matter where it is freaking myself out cue ominous music well you can get these full stories online if you're interested in learning a little bit more category-five TV slash newsroom the category-five TV newsroom is researched by Rory W Nash with contributions from our awesome community of viewers if you have a story thanks worthy of on-air mention send us email on newsroom at category 5 TV from the category 5 TV newsroom I'm Hilary Rumble oh thanks Hill no bad I'm just responding in the chat room that's okay there's lots of interesting stuff going on I mean we just had a different show and I've been busy we got 30 minutes to save the world here what can we say hi to a couple of people we certainly can hello hello everyone hello hello Flo again for watching hello stripe hello big red 1275 who else we got here today let's take a look at our line viewer location map I love this it's so interesting to me Washington in Baltimore nice to see ya in Monterrey and Munich huh we got viewers we have viewers we have viewers all over the world all over the world and in fact I've been you know even just even just hearing from you in Nigeria and realizing that you're watching the show in Nigeria and from around the world our viewers in China and of course our viewers in the United States we have a very large viewership in the United States in Canada we are you know taking over the taken over the whole northern hemisphere oh yeah that's pretty cool you can go to our website category 5 TV if you want to see that or it's just map dot cat5 dot TV gives you a nice overview of where people are watching from that there we go that's the zoomed out version and yeah we see you see their world I see Ethiopia there and of course you know you guys can't even see your country names everybody know Germany is in there somewhere Ireland we get in there we go oh look the Czech Republic has appeared in Switzerland and France so we love you all cool very cool thanks for watching category-five TV we love you speaking of kind of you know the the overview of our world and looking at our viewer location map something that NASA has been doing and something that I find incredibly cool and I've maybe I think it's NASA maybe it's not but it regardless have you seen the video live from the International Space Station yet I have not to be honest I have been wanting to mention this on the show and so what I've actually done is I've made up a quick little hot link for you just to get there real easy cat5 dot TV /i ss cam for the International Space Station cam what it is is that they've actually put HD webcams internet-connected probably to a google satellite who knows it's embedded testing on the space station and so you can actually see you know when it's gray that means that is currently connected to a camera that's not connecting or it's switching between cameras so hopefully we'll get to see something but you can go there camp five dot TV slash ISS cam blow it up full screen right now it's an incredibly boring gray window earlier today I can see the flyover of the earth and it is really really cool and it's interesting to watch the chat room too and realize that this is really bringing people together on a global scale and the example here tonight as you can see is really unimpressive but if you can imagine I'll leave it up just for a couple of moments just in case and of course because of the way that the space station goes around the world orbits the earth you're gonna see a Sun up sunrise sunset like a couple times in our kind of so it's it's really really neat and especially if you catch it during daytime their time so that you can actually see everything that's beautiful so kind of puts things into perspective in a lot of ways so cat five dot TV slash ISS cam incredibly boring as I tried demonstrated tonight because it's gray as we know from reading over the quick notes that if it's gray cameras down which is acceptable considering they're in space solid their internet may not be as reliable as here on e pluribus unum there you go we'll stay tuned I'm eagerly and watching the corner of my eye waiting for something happen or aliens yeah well we're gonna jump into viewer questions just for ya you know I know that we have a couple there tonight's show is brought to you in part by Beltone you can learn why Beltone is the choice of millions of users when it comes to fantastic hearing care checkout Beltone first it's a revolutionary made for iPhone hearing aid visit Beltone dot-com or call 1-800 Beltone now for your free trial very cool I like that I also like questions indeed this one comes to us from dawn hey Don and I think he might have written to you before but I said I couldn't find a way to connect yet in pidgin I don't know if this is this regards to the chat room for chat right yeah okay I can watch the show weekly live on my Roku and use my laptop's to connect a category-5 chatroom from the website so we'll try that next time awesome I guess that was no question all right well in the meantime go over to category 5 TV click on interact chatroom and you'll see that there is some help there that will give you some instructions on how to get pigeon setup also there's a video and if you click on help you'll be able to watch Eric and I demonstrate how to setup pigeon he also has a nice little comment here I went back to the beginning of this year to look at the prior shows and he's using Manjaro no and it's been loving it who else it's a rolling release and it keeps me current with stable updated software and he's a self-taught user at age 66 and it's had no technical training so we enjoys trying and testing new ideas so thank you for the show way to go Don thanks for the email and that's so nice to have you as a part of our community here at category 5 little comments really I think so yeah we've got a fanfare five and a half minutes ok so um where did it go I had this book ok sees you Tony hey Tony says I started watching category 5 of my Roku at Easter and it was coming through well he is a Roku 2 watches an SD in composite video nice I do the same that's what I love about my Roku 2 is you can connect it through the RCA cables it doesn't have to be HDMI and when you do that it automatically detects that you're on an SD screen so it streams to you the SD signal rather than the HD signal down sampled so you actually save bandwidth that way and it looks great on a CRT TV looks fantastic no Rosie well he's just just commenting that started with the Roku intro and then went ahead to episode 342 yes I got flicker but I think everyone did but it was not very distracting Oh back camera guard yeah we're raising money to get a new camera tonight we're using a webcam again and it's looking pretty good tonight but we get this crazy thing where you know we have this crazy fisheye effect almost it's like a super zoom so if we put our hands out we basically look like crazy hands anyways just a nice little comment here about watching us on roku cool another way to tune in very much love having Roku as a part of our you know way of watching category-five TV in I know that there's a lot of people that are watching the show through real coup so we appreciate you we do and I'm sorry I just I got a lot of cool comments and comments coming through and you guys always write such nice like essays here I'd appreciate maybe like a one or two liner but that's okay here this comment actually comes to us from orange man from Ireland hey lunch man and I guess he wrote to you before about I'm using Microsoft Virtual XP on Windows 7 right go ahead found a box from Maplin electronics cat 5e inline coupler for networks oh yeah and when I want to use Virtual XP I take the cable out of the cat 5e inline coupler so disabling the network and internet external wireless this makes it safe to use when using virtual XP so I guess it's just how to follow up yeah yeah so he's physically unplugging the cable from Windows XP I'm gonna show you something really really quick orange man here's a virtual box and here's XP what I can do rather than having to physically disabled the cable I can actually go in here to my settings I can go network and I can just disable it by unchecking enable network adapter then when I hit okay there's no more networking in my computer Windows XP no longer has network big news in the chatroom they're letting us know that we've got video over at the ISS this is cat five dot TV slash ISS cam and as you can see it's beautiful HD video coming off of the International International Space Station you got to check that out I mean it's I want to put on some classical music or something and just check out what's going on with our world it's just like look at that that's the view that Mark Shuttleworth had when he was up there so you just can't beat that cat5 dot TV slash ISS cam it's all the time that we have folks thanks for joining us tonight this is category five technology TV in our website as you see down there it's triple W category five TV follow us on Twitter get all the links off of our website we're on Facebook we're on Google+ sign up and follow us on those social media platforms you get notifications when the show is gonna go live and all that kind of stuff plus if you register on our website category five dot TV will actually gladly send you an email at your request just with the helpful little check box that says remind me don't want miss the show remind me I said an email an hour before the show and and after the show they even send you all the files that you watch it if you miss it very cool we don't want you to miss out shirt on well thanks everybody thanks oh thanks for the memories guys and I hope you learned something today we've got lots of your questions have been coming in lately we do our best to keep up with it keep them coming live at category 5 TV or head on over to our website you see on interactive and ask a question button usually what happens we will put together a viewer question extravaganza to get through the mailbag if if we fall too far behind and that's kind of looking we're like where we're headed so thank you everyone for sending in your questions you haven't heard from us yet thanks for tuning in and I'll see you next have a great week everybody we hope you enjoyed the show category 5 TV broadcasts live from Barrie Ontario Canada every Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. Eastern if you're watching this on demand or through cable TV checking the local show times in your area at category-five TV and find out when you can watch live and interact in the community chat room category 5 is a production of prodigy digital solutions and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada we'll see you next time thanks for tuning in
Channel: The Archive
Views: 9,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chroot, linux, kernel, apt-get, mount, fdisk, sudo, hillary rumball, robbie ferguson, Linux Kernel (Software), Computer
Id: D8DsR1P7cbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 54sec (3594 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 03 2014
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