35 TRUE Terrifying & Disturbing let's Not Meet Horror Stories For Nightmares! (ULTIMATE COMPILATION)

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if you're interested in why I look like the make sure you check out my Instagram there Joe the insomniac okay so my faster is actually my friend story so during these times things took place when we were in high school I already know about skinwalkers in the like but when these things happen to me I wasn't sure if it really was a skinwalker at the time or something else I've noticed so most of the people who tell me they've experienced the same phenomenon live in the same area that I do and my friend is no exception let's call him Jay Jay lives maybe five minutes away from me she told me that in her bus there's this one area that they drive by to drop this kid off she said she doesn't know why I but it's always gives her the creeps she told me about one early morning when they were driving in this area to pick him up all the kids in the bus saw this deer running alongside the bus thus away from it but besides it she said it looks weird as hell you know the usual stuff about appearing humanoid and it didn't look riot like his limbs were awkwardly bent in a way that didn't seem human and this eyes are freaky this is my friend who doesn't know anything about skinwalkers or anything of that mumbo-jumbo so I basically get chills I tried being reasonable though because you know maybe she just saw a regular deer and since it was dark out she just got confused because it's Florida we're not supposed to get that kind of thing down here however Jay swore up and down that it was not a normal deer she said they all saw her and the bus driver slowed down to get a better look because everyone was weirded out by her it was basically something they've never seen before after a wallet ran off to disappear Jay could have made this up but like I said why would she and she's never seen anything like it so anyway I get freaked out because area I'm lying about this freaking skinwalker and my friend is literally clueless thinking is just a regular weird animal and she's just had a weird experience Oh God I asked her to even nought skinwalkers aw she just looked to me and said what sir I googled it and showed her the deceptions of skinwalkers and she said that's why I saw it had the head of a deer she kept on saying didn't look human or like an animal after a while - the kid from that bus stop didn't come back although that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with this I just thought it was weird so we were freaking out together because what she said reminded me about what I heard at night I've asked it not being animal or human see a couple of years back before she told me the story I found myself one night sitting in my backyard like really really early maybe 3:00 in the morning or so because I was thinking about fangs Reed's personal reasons now I'm kind of just chilling and enjoying the silence when all of a sudden I had this really freaky echoing scream from far away the only way I can describe her as though the woman and a cat were trapped together inside of a bag screaming like they're getting murdered I know mountain lions foxes and owls are a thing and they make the weirdest calls but I looked up that stuff and it's just not the same like usually you wouldn't be able to tell if it's an animal riots it's just common sense like my friend said but I don't sound like animal or human it sounded really unnatural and weird now me being me I was really upset at first now the thing was really far away and I actually fought other they might even be Ken in someone in the streets at free am laughing traveled so far so it sounded freaky as hell and it was getting closer as he got to the more weird and unnatural sound it only took me a couple of seconds severe lies that this isn't a woman and this ain't a cat because while this was going down I was going for it in my head like what the hell is that thing the first thing went from sounding like a good couple of miles away it's been in my goddamn neighborhood in five seconds it was so weird because one second it sounded far away and the next is on my strains I had a heart attack the second I stood up the scream just stopped just like it started and I'm really thinking at this when that it must be in front of my house I will kiss calmly as possible back inside lock in the doors and the screen was back again far away I also heard some scraping in tapping sounds on my windows but it happens at the same time now I'd say two it's four o'clock in the morning and seen some black figures aren't really affected by lights outside of my house it's about detail to those things so you can get a feel for it basically what happened is that I was doing a project for class and since I broke resonate like I'm a from off until 2 a.m. I go to wash my hands from all the grass fire and the waters running while I hear a scraping sound against one of the bedroom doors at least in my backyard numbers so the door is made off at these glass panes they kind of make everything appear distorted and like blobby ash lumps but then I see something pointy dark against the window almost looking ghost-like I turn off the water and waited there and there comes packing scrapes against a window again I'm not trying to freak out but my hands are shaking it's stupid but I actually whisper what's he doing while my voice trembled and it stopped I stopped and I don't hear anything except for what sounded like somebody walking by the window to the house every now and then it continued that way for some nights to off and on I would be hearing footsteps by my window and even it's half on the window sometimes I ignored them and other times I look out to see who's there I never see anyone another night had been outside in my backyard again after having a rough day it was maybe three or so I am in the morning I'm sitting outside on the trampoline relaxing I suddenly notice it's quiet like kind of uneasy silence it was like a vacuum I get this feeling of dread like I'm being washed and I snap my head to the left and catch glimpse of a humanoid dark figure under the side of my fence immediately I'm a little freaked out because I noticed that this thing is pure black the street light hits it we didn't do anything at all it's almost like cartoon here if that makes any sense cuz it's like the laws of physics don't apply to this thing see the reason I'm ranting about this is that I told both my friends my own story in psychology class at the same time a lot of kids I live around my area I mean like 5 to 15 max away and they all start screaming and the entire class went crazy when I finish because apparently they've all experienced the exact same thing as me one girl told me about also hearing the toughen on her window at night heads another one told me about a very dark figure that seems to follow her at nighttime also screaming from the woods pretty much everyone's heard the screamin it sounded the same for the surfing in completely different timeframes that's a weird part because everyone's voice sounds different so how could she describe the same thing I did you know like if people would really can in each other out there none of us thought it was an animal Eva we all agreed from that point our town is pretty haunted varda no I mean if there's any animal to sounded like that I want to know because that didn't sound like anything I've ever heard before I want to be enlightened I want it to be something normal but I just don't think it can be the only person I heard of who's seen anything remotely Pacific is my friend's best friend from art school he went on the bus and apparently like it's really bad talk about skinwalkers and even worse if you see them it's like bad mojo these things are said to be able to travel very quickly so thinking about that made it seem like we experienced a skinwalker okay so I had this saved in my notes for a while but today I just asked my coworker who was also my friend in high school who lives nearby er he golf's boots and said that he's hard and seen the same things by his very spiritual war and often has visions he told me that he believes her too in dark magic in the woods because of a dream he heard about some hood adult group sacrificing a woman and a car which is freaky because this also turns out the behind a local dog park there's a patch of woods with bloody stuff going down there I was shown this fire and equated astray in my freshman year who lives a couple of streets away down the path in the woods after some time of walkin there's this huge cross bang in the middle of nowhere it's basically raw some crooked old nail was struck together with a rope hanging from where you'd put your hands to be crucified it's huge - and whenever I decided to check it out I have this horrible feeling like I don't want to be there or something Bad's gonna happen anyway he says I'm not the first person that he knows has told him about experience in these things he's also had his experience while they're with humanoid figures he says that he saw one turn around and look at him differently in the ayahs as always trying to intimidate him before vanishing so we basically don't mess with anything in the woods near me my father died about five years ago unexpectedly from a heart attack to say it was hard on my mother would be an understatement our old house in Knoxville just didn't feel the same anymore and about a year later my mom and I made plans to take ourselves and an elderly dog ace to move further south to a small town situated about half an hour from Atlanta just a few days before we slated to move I had one of the most vivid dreams I've ever come to experience without was with him my dream was my bedroom a picture-perfect recreation of the real thing I sometimes wonder if it was asleep for alysus to further add to the dreams realism in the middle of the night the streetlights come on across the street that illuminate my window creating a reflection on the wall huff and it cooler in my dream as I lay there staring at the exact reflection on the wall I saw an orb of smoke fading from the shadows goosebumps chill across my skin as I lay there panicked afraid to move a muscle suddenly it stopped moving and steadily hung in the vise reflection as though staring at me without a warning explode to me and my dad's voice I'm sending something to watch you despite hearing my father's voice from the orb I'm terrified and I don't know why what I whisper the over main silence they even narrowly dead silence in the voice damn black I woke up almost Simpson taneous Liam I'm gasping for breath now the nightmare had killed me to my core I didn't attack be what to make her there especially the final words I chose helps and my dad wish him well on us mate Viva I couldn't shake the feeling with the next cop for the wigs my mom and I moved us of Knoxville and headed down to South Georgia she had managed to find a quaint little house for us it had only one or two neighbors down there and it's down the middle of a long gravel road in the middle with the words nice for us probably the best raven of our of all my stresses came with the move however was a neighbor's cat she was a petite older black hair they gravitated towards me almost in Sidney and I treated her as though she's my own I left out a can of food once or twice a week for her even if I didn't call out for her when she saw me outside she'd run up to me healthy knees my tensions less than a month into our new house I suddenly awoke into a faint coffin this sounded like it is coming from downstairs the important thing to know about her dog is that he has a collapsed trachea he needs medicine to calm the condition down so I'm used to walking off in the middle of the night to get his medicine I proceed downstairs from my bedroom to give him his cough medicine but I couldn't find him anywhere through the house he wasn't in his vet sleep in and he wasn't in the kitchen I mean nichy nowhere to be found I didn't check my mum's room however as I didn't want to wake her up besides I wouldn't have heard the coffin if he had been in there anyway so I just let it be that's when I heard the coffin again but it was coming from far away it's outside now I look over to the side door patio lead into the woodlands and realized I forgot since shutter there is stirred slightly ajar he go out I immediately ran outside with a flashlight and stop calling out for my dog ice ice I shouted out into the neighboring woods I heard another cough and shine my lights in its direction that's how I am it sad echoed from down the gravel road I swear a path had never looked so terrifyingly desolate before in my life I stared down that long gravel road that led us to our new home but in that moment I thought my dog was lost and chalky up to the new house jitters I got a scum on pressing on but then I heard the cough I'd been following almost fright besides me but this time it didn't stay a dry cough like he had been before instead it slowly descended into a low growl I shine my lights awards sound festered of bright red fox in the middle of the path for a moment a vigorous of Fox I've mistaken for my dog the whole time as I was processing what I was seeing it's dead frankly at me his eyes glowing however Estelle was broke when it tilted its head so the riots looking down and there was a neighbor's little black car staring besides me however it had completely changed as for Sona the longer happy affectionate not the cat I knew instead it's hard it's back up try it every fiber of her hair standing uneasily uttering the lowest growl I've ever heard from a feel iron and that moment I figured she's just scared of the Fox so I knelt down besides her in a bid to coax her away and avoid Fox hiding her but no matter how many times I tried to coax her out a fire mode she wouldn't that's when I looked towards the direction of the Fox once more but that wasn't a Fox anymore instead and the exact same spots at the gravel road was a-walkin what's in corpse of a coyote roadkill slowly moving towards me it took a step back I'm absolutely mortified of what I'm seeing its jaws hanging Lewis as a blood-stained wobbling now I've rubbed my eyes in disbelief open I'm imagining it but it was there and it was real and despite what was in front of us the black cat just kept on growing up me suddenly is stopped the creature had ceased its walk towards me for a moment it just stood there glancing back and forth between myself and this little black car that was trying to defend me I now realize that's when I'll mistakenly heard this bass mutter two words almost damn black in a flash the creature runs straight into the words I shine my flashlight in its direction but it's completely vanished even the brush it came from looked untouched that's when the carrot standing behind me calmed herself down versus oh nothing happened she rubs herself against my leg returning to normal now in a very loving state and manner despite technically not being Mayan I scooped her up and run back inside the house and upstairs with the little black cat snuggled up in my arms I decided to poke my head into my mom's room lying on the floor sound asleep is ace who had been here the whole time I quietly closed her door before bolting upstairs making sure the little cat slept with me that night from the research I've done I am almost certain that I was a victim of a skinwalker okay I posted a skinwalker encounter yesterday I found it helped me getting it off my chest and out into the open now this story goes into some of the details of our injuries the details are not too bad in my opinion but you've had your warning not for some background I was sixth in around 2016 when this happened I live in Massachusetts which is where this happened the day starts normally I went to school had a test in vet tech and I took the bus home both my parents were at work like normal but after three hours when my mom should have been home I got worried around 5:00 p.m. I got a phone call from my dad who told me that my mom's in a car accident and they're both in the hospital and they're gonna be there for a while he got very late almost ten and my parents weren't home so I decided to put my younger brother's to bed I stayed up waiting for my parents to get home I spent my time reading and writing an essay for school until around 1:00 in the morning I got a call from my dad who said that he wasn't coming home he was staying in a motel with that was closer to the hospital I just got off the phone and finished that part of the essay the side was on I gathered my staff and walk through the kitchen heading towards the stairs that leads upstairs when a terrifying loud moaning screeches through my ears the moaning came from outside I mean it's super loud but with stuff occasionally like whatever it was I had a voice crack almost sound and pained I turn on the outside lights see an ugly sight sitting in the yard just feet from my house is a coyote horribly injured his head's caved in his paws bleeding this was evident by the pool of blood it appeared that it had along the gash all down his back I reach in my pocket going for my phone I need to realize I left it on the table I'd been working on Oh God I turn and rush back to the table I was planning on calling a local vet clinic that I know was open 24/7 when I reached the table the morning got much much louder more pained then it stopped I grabbed my phone and ran back to the window at first I was confused as hell the Coyotes gone replaced by a common topeka it was odd the cat was sitting in exactly the same place at the coyote it was sitting in weird after the initial shock I had noticed that the tab' car had the exact same injuries same parts of the head caved in same bleedin and gashes now I couldn't pinpoint the difference for a good few minutes but then I realized that on the right shoulder plate is exactly the same I dropped my phone as soon as my phone hit the floor the cat starts meowing loudly I'm now stuck here terrified as it meows at me it's not even blinking after a good 10 minutes I solely pick up my phone off the floor I straighten back off and look out the window and the cat is gone it had only gone for a few seconds and in that short time it vanished some unknowing feeling come over me I don't know what it was worried for the animal curiosity maybe how I might have been something that Yan will made me feel I have no clue now outside I first walked to the blood puddle and looked for a trail of blood and I found it I started to follow the trowel and found that it ended as soon as it got past the gates to make sure that I just couldn't see it in the dark I pulled out my phone and illuminated the ground I looked for five minutes and don't find anything like the cat in trouble had vanished I hold the veterinary clinic and they sent out a car they look around for things but they can't find anything at the time I didn't think anything could this but thereafter I realized there's no trail of blood bleed into my house I have no idea of what this thing was none of my searches have come up with anything I want to see completely dumbfounded as to what this creature was only hope it was in a skinwalker attack in these my wife and I were driving through the northern parts of Arizona on highway 89 between Flagstaff and Page it's about 1 a.m. as we're on the third shift at the time and often drove at night to avoid traffic I saw a few set of eyes glowing in my headlights a little ways up the road so I let off the gas slowing down to avoid hitting an animal in the road when we draw a buyer we see several dogs or coyotes on the side of the road and I hit the gas in drove aya after we passed my wife said one of them was running next to my car and I looked over and saw it probably 20 feet off the shoulder of the road I floored it and I see that it stood up on its own hind legs and kept pace of us for a cup of the seconds before turning away from the road and disappearing the whole event probably lasted no more than 15 seconds but God is the most terrifying 15 seconds of my life this was probably 20 years ago and we still furedi talk about it we live in a rural community on the Navajo reservation my aunt and her two brothers will home alone while my grandparents had left of the evening to attend a chapter house meeting they were in the house and like many people from the reservation they don't have electricity and like many people there they've been outside in the dark for about an hour and my aunts and uncles are getting ready for bed outside they hidden Lisa's as though someone is moving things around them my oldest uncle then went outside to see what's going on and he saw a figure outside the truck this was immensely out of the ordinary because the closest neighbor his mom's away whatever it was opened the truck door and began to dig through personal items monk was an answer frightened by the science and knew they must take action they took out the rifle and steadied themselves to hold us up they flung open the door aiming the gun at the figure in the dark they're shaken at this point the figure then turned and starts to Ward's in totally unfazed by the weapon my uncle pulled the trigger but nothing happens the figure drew closer and my aunt began to smell something like a rotting corpse it's so strong she began to gag my uncle continued to pull the trigger and our luck the figure came closer and closer but now off in the distance headlights are approaching my grandparents are returning the figure looks towards sublayers and starts to move away and tucks itself behind a tree near the home my oldest uncle ran towards a truck with the gun my grandfather got out of the car a my uncle pointed to the tree that thing was poking out his head to observe what they're doing my grandfather ran into the house and over to the stove grabbing a handful of ashes and rubbing it over the gun and placed in ash covered bullets to the chamber he walked onto the porch and fired towards a tree whatever that thing was did not expect the gun to go off the gunshot echoed and the figure began running my grandpa chased my aunt inside and my uncles and grandfather went after it there were many roads or paths so as my grandfather and uncles chased after the figure the truck was bouncing and the headlights were not fixed on one particular spot my uncle swears whenever the headlights would hear the figure he saw a woman not only that whatever it was was running on his fours like a bear my grandfather must stop now it's in there in a ditch with a thirty feet drop he got her and began to yell and of joy monk who says that he was yearning about a local woman yelled that he wasn't scared and he knew it was her to leave the family alone after a few days there was a news that the woman that my grandfather was yelling about hood passed I've always been told that if you know who the skinwalker ears say their name and it will kill them out on the Navajo reservation we don't have the city come and collect our trash so we have to burn the trash out in these huge burning barrels not very eco-friendly I know that's what we have to do now if you don't like the trash properly the fire will go out and the trash will sets in the barrel this is important because we are told to dispose of personal hygiene items if you removed all your hair from your brush make sure the trash burned if it was at time you had to make sure everything was burned they tell us things because skinwalkers have been known to dig through trash in order to find out things they can use against us the use of things were briefly connected to bring misfortune on to others some of my family members take part in the sport of rodeo so it's practice they have a dummy rope and faretta things and tried to bring them in by to male cousins were enjoying themselves outside taking turns swinging the rope at the fake off the olders are always adamant that we shouldn't say up past sundown whether it's pitch black for miles but my cousin's aren't superstitious and are under streetlights my cousins a joking and laughing having a great time that changes when the oldest cousin looks over to a burn barrel but dark figure is bent over rummaging through the garbage that's foul to burn my cousin's devise a plan that they can't grab weapons and chase it they move strategically so that they are able to flank the figure they run full speed at here and begin yelling and swinging my cousin states that they kept this up for the most part and sealed the figure ran under the streetlight but that's what my cousin see there what they fought was actually a person is actually a guy why would they think as a person the goat was running on his hind legs fear run through their bodies is a faker runs off into the darkness now feeling nervous and not entirely accepts in what they've just seen they become rope in the dummy again there's an awkward silence and monks of boyars who just saw something unnatural but it's working about it now would just make it seem real the boys roped in silence until one of them looks over to a tree there's a head peeking out at them if they then pay attention to it whatever it was were poked its head out from the tree to stare when they would look in the direction of the tree it would move quickly arts of science this was a final straw my cousins ran back into the house they told their parents monk will come out it was still there poking his head from behind a tree monk was loaded up his gun and starts walking towards a tree lion he aimed it and pulled the trigger the gun jammed whatever it was began to roam so far she appeared to be a blur when it left monk who came in and gave the boys a for a lecture about staying out late one of my cousin's then told one called that whatever it was had been digging through the trash barrel they went to investigate the creature whose Hall did lots of things out of the barrel which was odd there were tracks all around the area they followed the tracks far they suddenly vanish that in the middle of nowhere with no possible way they could have went the Navajo Reservation is the largest reservation in the United staes it goes into New Mexico Utah Colorado in Arizona this story takes place in the Northeast region of Arizona near Indian Wells this was told by people from around that area if you're heading west on state highway 15 Arts Awards still cone you come to a stretch of road that goes into a small valley i remember going down this road in my youth if you ever look to the horizon it would seem as if the road kept going then suddenly you're cold be pulled down by gravity as Obion followed by the road it would always give me butterflies when we would get to the drop when I heard about this story made my stomach feel different a man was driving home one night and it's very late it was a drive that he had done before so he wasn't bothered by it when you're driving on the reservation sometimes there isn't any way to keep cattle from getting on the road no fences means you need to be extra aware I always get told to look out for black horses if you see a black horse and you'll be I would see anything else that may wander into the path of your vehicle so this man is driving home and already paying much attention he drives down the slope but when he gets to the bottom of the valley he sees it he doesn't have time to react suddenly a horse comes out of the darkness he sums his brakes but can't stop the impact is enough to deploy the airbags the man is tossed around a bit he turns on the emergency lights and gets out of the car to assess damage if Huns of the cars crumpled and one of the headlights is destroyed he cursed out loud this was the worst place to have an accident he didn't have signal for help then he thinks of the horse this man went into his cab and got small keychain flashlights he starts shining around looking for the animal he heard noises but they don't sound like a horse but he was absolutely positive that he hits a horse as he approaches the sounds he could see the animals fur moving from his ragged breathing as he got closer he began to realize what it was an elderly woman wrapped in a large explodes she was moaning her from pain the man stopped dead in his tracks due to fear he stumbled back to his truck although it suffered plenty of damage he was able to drive off once he got signal again he called the authorities an ambulance drove out there recovered her she's undriven to the local care facility due to the fact that many of the health care staff another Joe no I wanted to touch the woman the woman known in the community was fought to be bedridden this was shocking because she was so far from home and the stage she was in was off footing she had on her attire when she arrived the nurses called her family to come in when she got there they removed her jewelry when her family got there they were frightened but there was some non navajos staff in there that provided care she only had bumps and scrapes which didn't make any sense at all she's able to get up and walk around the same even and she went home with her family that night but apparently vanished after a few days in a virtual culture if you find out who her skinwalker is you have the power to destroy them after the community around India wells found out or more fittingly who she was it was certain that her end come I had pet rabbits as a kid they lived outside in a cage a really big cage inside like a bigger shed so they had a pretty good life but I went out with my older sister to feed them at the time we're about 5 or 7 on the way out to the cage we both saw what appeared to be a really tall man running and humanely fast for our backyard we live in what is basically a swamp and had to have cleared this giant downed tree and run over modern phones but regardless he seems to be crying through at least 20 miles per hour we both dropped what we had and bolt inside the tire my parents are able to convince us as Adair we wanted to believe them but it just wasn't I convinced myself for over a decade that that's what we saw fast forward to a few years ago I was at a parking in my house with my friend late at night I pulled into the dirt road drive in my outback and parts facing the old practice fence now we go to the field that was too foggy to see across except for a split second we can see what appeared to be a very tall man running across a field we drove as fast as that Subaru could take us out that park now a couple of years ago I was at the same park under similar circumstances this time it was clear but very windy now from across the field and into a field we heard a crashing a scream not a crash then a scream for simultaneous it was the most shrill terrifying god-awful screech I've ever heard more human than a Fisher cat but far louder a more sinister again.we notes as hearts of there as quick as possible so for context I live in Southern Maryland on a large plots of land we have free large farm dogs two of whom a German shepherds they're very used to the various animals that pursue our property and very rarely gets food for upset we also have lots of livestock and it's uncommon for us to lose a random animal or find a pile of chicken feathers in the corner of our property however we've always been able to explain it or add extra protection for our flocks around eight months ago we started losing chickens at an alarming rate they would disappear even our Shepherds couldn't send them anywhere on the property for a while we figured it's just a ballad owl or some other bird of prey the main problem with that fairy is that literally ten would disappear at a time rather than the normal one or two we decided support a trial come up to watch her most Eastern flock almost immediately the problem stopped so we took them down for the niggler stranger I've always gotten sleep paralysis and it's like to believe I'm pretty comfortable with my sleep paralysis demon it's never really been something to concern me however around the same time as we started losing chickens I would see something different in my sleep paralysis whereas my demon would chill in the corner and not move this thing would hang around and move back and forth almost like a sloth it had long fingers and was really skinny like weirdly it didn't appear human and then notice it constantly stared at me what type of parts of the room I was in at the time I decided not to worry the figure it's just anxiety which brings us all to September 2018 one night around 2:00 I woke up completely able to move my body everything seemed normal no one else was sleeping in the house at nights but thus pretty standard around that time of year a glance star per my rafters and sawed the long thing good thing moving and looking at me immediately I turn on my bed lamp it's gone yet again I talk it up to stress and decide to go downstairs to grab a cup of water so all of our dogs are happily asleep and I went back to bed turning off the lights the second it was dark I could see it again without my is having to adjust this reads me out enough but all of a sudden I heard a rock while they get off and start growling he barks and growls I call out but he kept going he got louder and louder until the other dogs join ten and now I turn the light back on grabbing my hunting rifle I went downstairs and took two at the dogs outside and I swear to God I've never heard a silent night like here I move my flashlight slowly around the perimeter that came through the shine of wires or anything all of a sudden the chickens are going haywire like so loud they distract the dogs who sprinted out towards them I followed them only to find no chickens and our friends is torn down there's no animals in the area that could even try to do that so we quickly get inside and camped out for the evenin it was quiet after there and when the morning came the chickens are safely back home I stupidly figure the problem solved and decided not to worry about it the only thing was uh I started seeing the long-fingered rafter thing every time I turned out the lights eventually I get so freaked out I decided to call a shaman she told us that we have a Wendigo problem that she would come and sage the house we opened every single window and door letting her do her thing but since then we've had no problems the issue now is that when we walk our dogs at night or put the chickens inside I swear someone's watching me I've had a couple of other people bring up that they feel weird that nights and nobody goes outside alone anymore whenever we walk our dogs at night they get so paranoid and don't want to move especially not towards the forest the creepiest part that is sometimes an ayat we hear scream and we assume it's often coyotes but every once in a while it's just off enough that we get scared a couple of times it's been a long shriek which is very uncommon for foxes or coyotes and a few nights ago we're asleep in bed when we heard a scream from directly outside our window my partner says that he's worried that someone was hurt so he opened a window and yells is anyone out there and we hear a lot of shuffling like somebody scrambling off sounded heavier than a bird of prey but way lighter than a person a dog stopped barking and within a minute we hear another scream a good Marvel way I was 17 at the time I just got on my first job I lived in western Virginia in a small mountain community my mom's best friend owned a camping resort not far from my house that had a general store she said she'd pay me to help her in the store during the busy months in the summer it was a pretty easy job and I met a lot of out-of-towners which was nice because our community gets so isolated most of us are they're very far from each other now one day a big burly mountain man come into the store he's in his early 50s and probably six feet five and about 280 pounds he looks dirty like he worked outside a lot his clothes are tattered and he wears a long beard he looked like a woodsy Heimat person he brought some basic items one of which was a homemade soap bar when he came to the register now he looks at me carefully and says did you make this soap possibly yeah I do sometimes you make a lot of your own stuff yeah kinda I like that a lot he said nodding to himself I honestly didn't know how to reply I quickly ran up his items and paid with the crumpled Emani that he had right before he left he said you cook too sometimes though the boys are on parrot itchin to marry you he said as he smiled to himself I was puzzled as to what I said that Siddhartha's wife material I told my friends boss about the bizarre encounter and she laughed at it but then the mountain man started turning up more often than not we chatted a little here and there and as I found out he had a cabin in the woods he claimed he built it with his bare hands he said he hunted and lived off the land other than the things he brought to the store over time a chatter escalated with him making comments about how nice it would be to have a woman like me up there making things for him one time he even said buffing hips and then lust after God so creepy he even started inviting me to fish with him hunting cetera I politely declined but he got more and more insistent and I told my boss how weird I felt the intensity with which he said things really started to scare me she actually said to me that when he came in go get her and she would bring things up thanks I said I start speaking to him less and I forward that I wouldn't have to deal with him anymore but one night I have his closing up in it's late around 10:00 and night the other work on that before I was fight myself the only two colors in the front of the store were an old blue pickup and my end I was immediately alarmed because I knew the mountain man drove one but I didn't see him in the parking lot just his car some maybe just maybe it's okay so I quickly will cops in my car and check the backseat before I starts her up but the very moment I turn the ignition I got nothing but shutters and my car won't start is weird that I had a weird feeling as I was doing so and the car didn't starts of all nights why is this happening now I remembered asking myself angrily just as I was reaching for my phone's call for help there's a loud pounding on this driver's side window I'm shocked so I done wet myself I don't even want to look cause I know it's him but I did and my suspicions are confirmed he has a huge grin on his face try me his teeth which miss in and need some help he said loudly through the window I shook my head furiously um my dad's on the way I said hoping to scare him off and his folks my 13 years a small comes across his face her noise not open the door the hairs on the back of my neck stood up straight did he know I was bluffing no I said firmly leave me alone suddenly he's angry he pulled the handle hard but I locked the door first he kept furiously pulling the handle and started pounding on the window leave now or I'm calling the cops I screamed he doesn't get the message so I pulled out my phone and called 9-1-1 I must have sounded hysterical to the dispatcher I knew she could hear him pounding she said that they would have an officer out there ASAP but that could be a while out here the cops are here leave now I screamed that mountain man it didn't seem to let anything to tell him but after a moment of you he stopped he suddenly walks back to his truck and I watched him go hopefully he leaves me but then he started walking back towards me with a crowbar in his hand no go away from me I scream he started swinging at the driver's side window at the crowbar I ducked down into the passenger seat of the floor and covered my head but dear life I hear the sickening crack the window and I'm seconds away from death now but not for long I heard a male voice shouting telling him to get away from the car I see two men approaching one with a shotgun I instantly recognized them as people camping nearby I free for sigh of relief and get out of the car telling them the police are coming I find them profusely and wait for the police surprisingly Manson men didn't make a move the cops appeared quickly after so he didn't have much of a chance they took him away and I gave my statements I was pretty shaken up thereafter after a few weeks I finally got the scoop on the man apparently he had a history of mental illness and had been in and out of institutions he had really been living in an old cabin in the woods where he didn't take meds my cousin Luke is a cop and later told me more about the case the police did a search of the cabin to see if there's anything interesting apparently he kept a journal on me how he wanted me to be his wife he mentioned my name a lot and Luke said there's lots of weird things he didn't want to share with me about what he saw but tried putting them simply by saying that he had a detailed plan of how to abduct me starting with sabotaging my car engines get me into a vulnerable position when Luke told me that I burst into tears thinking just how horribly things could went that night thankfully he's been put back into a state institution with any luck he'll get the help he needs when I was 8 I went camping with my mom stepdad and my little brother ruining the same tent I remember getting up in the middle of the night to go for a pee when I was walking back to the tent from the tree line I heard Mike Mike do you want to go for a walk in the woods it sounded exactly like my mother's voice whispering and I could see the silhouette of whoever it is whispering it looks like my mom but I knew she hadn't left the tent where she's sleeping I remember my heart pounding like I knew it wasn't my mom and something more sinister but I respond yeah one minute let me grab a coat because I didn't want to upset them I then heard hurry up I got inside the tent and woke up everyone in a panic my mom and stepdad told me that I must have sleepwalked but I remembered it so vividly I knew what happened and it wasn't in my head I'm terrified of the woods Nell this is actually true by the way and I try and tell my mom every now and then that I saw and heard it but she kind of dismisses it I don't really believe in Supernatural like ghosts and such what side genuinely believe I almost got kidnapped that night and my parents didn't want to accept it happened in some ways or maybe they just didn't believe me I was car camping with friends on the Oregon coast or the designated sites in the woods while I was carrying firewood our camp neighbor came up to me offering to help and then introduces himself to the group we invited him over for a beer and it turns out he's called James and he was a retired boat cook who used to work on fishing ships in Alaska for now he's traveling the west coast in staying in campgrounds James was the kind of quiet guy apart as the night went on he started acting suspicious not really interacting with anyone staring off into open space and getting up taking a step or two than sitting down again now it started getting pretty late and we're all getting ready to go to bed I usually sleep outside in a sleeping bag without a tent unless it's raining or something so I get up in my sleeping bag and move away from the fire before passing out I then wake up to Jason standing over me with a weird look on his face and my friends start freaking the hell out it turns out that they will fall he stumbled back over to his camper science but no instead he went over to me and started stumbling and rolling around I was angry and tired we kicked him out while I went to sleep of my friends tent know this when I feel I have to say that these things might seem like warning signs for I didn't really think too much of it at the time maybe he was drunk and lost who knows now the next day we all pile into a car to explore the town and as we leave we saw James sitting in the campsite just staring at a lantern across from him we're gone for about three hours when we get back and Jason's still there staring at it now rule making dinner late at night it's when he stumbled over with a bottle of vodka and apologize for being so weird the night before my friend accepted his apology offering him a visa and James recedes to start drinking the vodka and eating with us completely different Guiana Meridian Paris for the night before and sorry but Susan diets regression hairs I fought he's going to do something weird he was acting a little wolf but maybe it was due to a touch of alcoholism and probably he's just harmless now after dinner I was sitting on a log with my back to the woods facing the fire and my friends are all arranged around the campfire on chairs on the other side James is actually still with us and sitting on the log next to me on my riots between me in the group we're all having a great time laughing but as the night goes on James is getting more quiet and seems really angry around midnight I glanced over and notice it is actually mumbling to himself no I'm the only one close enough to him to senses change and I started to try and figure out what he's saying I follow his gaze and no scizor he is staring intently at the axe to the left of me I had don't want to spook him by moving but it's about this time that I hear what he's saying and he's talking about stabbing us with his knife over and over again talking about killing every one of us with this knife he has this horrible glazed look I lock eyes with my friend across a fire and he notices too that something's really wrong and stands up I grabbed the ax and run as fast as I can to the other side Jason gets up and starts running towards us my friend who's a big guy grabs him and holds him world marva friend takes his knife we debate about packing up and leaving but end up escorting him back to his campsites and sitting in the car until the morning when we can report it the next day at sunrise when I head over to the camp ranger station I notice that James has actually completely gone with all of his staff even though he already paid for more than a week now I've done my fair share of the foot backcountry staff and same bears heard weird noises and even food Sora wendigo once but to this day this is by far the most strange thing that's ever happened to me I won't come and with a group of friends on some public land that I knew quite well I spent a lot of time out there trail riding and camping most weekends for about three years while there we set up campus what we used a couple of times on this trip there was six of us or four of my friends decided to go to a party we found out about one on the trail earlier I was tired from digging my Jeep out of a sandwich shelter I had no business diving NC anyway my friend's girlfriend decided to stay at the camp with me when everyone else left for the party we watched a fire died down and listened to the animals I got a kick out of her being afraid of coyotes making noise on the other side of the swamp I sure heard it's fine they're miles away they can't hurt us after a bit we get into our sleeping bags as I saw it dozing off she asked me did you hear that I just ignore her and try and fall asleep a minute or two later she sits up again and asked did I hear it I say no goes bird then not even a minute later I hear what sounds like an ice cream truck on the trail we're on go by it this trowel is on of one way about three miles long that ends in a clearing and we're a good half mile into the woods we also went to the end of the trial after we ate dinner and there wasn't anyone on it I wonder oh pastor seva I didn't hear any engine noises only creepy music not to mention the trail was a ruddy mess so even a vehicle with a reasonably quiet exhaust would be revving high enough to be heard throughout the woods I didn't tell her this because I didn't want to scare her but just get the hell out of me why the heck was there a jeep thing or ice-cream truck driving past at this time in the night and why the hell they actually have sound coming out so obviously nobody wants ice cream now my fear is it was actually something much more dark and menacing some weird people out there trying to luring kids or maybe just try and get attention to kidnap someone I've heard of people using recordings in the woods before to try and capture people and I think that this is the same situation where we just got lucky that I knew how to handle it now I have a pretty good thru-hiking crew we've done pieces at the 80-some Florida swamp and a good amount in Maine we consider ourselves Fritzie experienced two of us are in the military the other two is just wanted to have around so that being said we emphasize preparation this was probably 2015 we planned a 10-day trip in wva along a river the week after Christmas this is probably our favorite time to camp because one we're all alone there's not too many people around - no one is stupid enough to actually camp what we do from free bugs on surround we've done this trial before and felt comfortable with the forecast the highs are in the forties and the lows are in the teens nothing we can't handle so we set off weather's great the trail we run is a 26 mile loop with hand railing most of the way we eventually got to the spot we mapped house on the second day about 14 miles in and get ready to kill and doom and stuff for a week we rock out into the woods doing the usual for us got in word often in the river hunting fishing writing etc now we've been out there before and had explored maybe a 3x3 grid square radius and we didn't see hear or sense anyone else things start to get gnarly though I'll get into the paranormal first it is 5:00 a.m. and we getting into our morning routine one of the guys heads down the ten meters to the river to catch breakfast once I was checking on the NOAA forecast over the radio one starts to unfreeze our water filter and I'm pulling out the mornings firewood I'm reciting our file as he as fry saw and then notice says this gorgeous pair of black labs running around our campus science pleasantly surprised we're all pumps find some parts because radius' none of us questioned where they came from and within seconds this raggedy looking guy appears out of nowhere behind a tree shotgun on his shoulder sweet jean jackets on and a cowboy hat he says mornin be great to have a fire ha the way he said it was chillin I felt like we could see right through him we asked him how he got here when gee the Sun is birdie peeking through the woods we're 14 miles into nowhere no Park Rangers around or anything we've not seen a trace of anyone for five days the man says well nothing Makino's and I'll turn into walk far into the woods alone and we said that dumbfounded when we find our pulse we immediately start looking for where this guy come from which direction was he heading obviously we find nothing not even tracks from the dogs but now the survival parts we had snow in the forecast for most of the week which we had almost every day not too much maybe only four inches through the week but we noticed it started to get warm are we laying down for the night checking out nightly and Oh a a forecast and that's walking about snow coming in for the night no worries an almond alesis not rain force we had limited cloud cover the day before and he I was still pretty warm that night it snowed and that turns to rain we hadn't taken rain for cautions because we bedded down since which is to expect in snow so we wake up at 3 a.m. Tamm flooded firewood soaked packs and boozed rafin we get half and saw getting an emergency plan together temperatures drop him with where precip turns to iose and a parent is gonna be like that for the rest of the day so we pack off everything trying to sanitize our area but what if the guy starts going down he's really lean so his fritti susceptor woods cold weather injuries we all get high dry clothing off and gets him warm we propped up a makeshift shelter a trap and emergency blanket while we finish getting ready to step off we rock 40 miles back to our car this morning and drive the four hours back to Nova the weirdest thing was how that guy got out there on his own I don't understand how there were no tracks around him or he could have went for all I know he could have died out there but that's what confuses me no one in their right mind would be out there with just dogs with summer cloven on we all realized after what was pretty sure though he was not from this world and belonged to the ghost world but I don't want to say myself because hasshu but I think that is I don't believe in the paranormal but I don't know what else it could have been I do a fair amount of archery hunts and when the web nets it and trap-trap it's about three times a year but I think the craziest thing that Evans happened to me was while I was following some deer tracks I've been tracking the herd for a couple of days not planning on capturing one just to observe one so I'm hauling around a tree stand with my tents and bare essentials that's before my pot gone well I bring her but it had to be a solo trip this time because she's poorly I generally let her tell me when I wasn't noticing something but without her it got fairly creepy pretty quick I notice I'm losing the lights and rub my face in frustration I wake up suddenly I was just laying down with my tent and everything set up firewood under me and a riff in my jacket nothing else to show for it except that it was way darker than before I checked my watch I've got roughly three hours to sunrise I wonder who set up my tent I don't understand it they did it differently from how I normally do but it wasn't in my usual formation all of the zippers everywhere are opened it truly unsettled me I decided to leave immediately I don't know if I was drugged and this made me fall asleep then somebody start my tent trying to make me not notice anything was different or what but it was more than enough for me to leave the area immediately okay so my faster is actually my friend story so during these times things took place when we were well in high school I already know about skinwalkers in the like but when these things happen to me I wasn't sure if it really was a skinwalker at the time or something kelvis I've noticed sir most of the people who tell me they've experienced the same phenomenon live in the same area that I do and my friend is no exception let's call him Jay Jay lives maybe five minutes away from me she told me her in her bus there's this one area that they drive by to drop this kid off she said she doesn't know why I bought its waste gives her the creeps she told me about one early morning when they were driving in this area to pick him up over the kids in the bus saw this deer running alongside the bus thus away from it but besides it she said it looks weird as hell you know the usual stuff about appearing humanoid and it didn't look riot like his limbs were awkwardly bent in a way that didn't seem human and his eyes were freaky this is my friend who doesn't know anything about skinwalkers or anything of that mumbo-jumbo so I basically get chills I tried being reasonable though because you know maybe she just saw a regular deer and since it was dark out she just got confused because it's Florida we're not supposed to get that kind of thing down here however Jay swore up and down that it was not a normal there she said they all saw it and the bus driver slowed down to get a better look because everyone was weirded out by her it was basically something they've never seen before after a while it ran off to disappear J could have made this up but life has said why would she and she's never seen anything like it so anyway I get freaked out because area I'm lying about this freaking skinwalker and my friend is literally clueless thinking is just a regular weird animal and she's just had a weird experience Oh God I asked her to even nought skinwalkers aw she just looked to me and said what sir I googled it and showed her the deceptions of skinwalkers and she said that's why I saw it had the head of a deer she kept on saying didn't look human or like an animal after a while to the kid from that bus stop didn't come back although that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with this such as false it was weird so we were freaking out together because what she said reminded me about what I heard an ayat of a sin not being animal or human see a couple of years back before she told me the story I found myself one night sitting in my backyard like really really early maybe three in the morning or so because I was thinking about fangs due to personal reasons now I'm kind of just chilling and enjoying the silence when all of a sudden I had this really freaky echoing scream from far away the only way I can describe her as though the woman and a cat were trapped together inside of a bag screaming like they're getting murdered I know mountain lions foxes and owls are a thing and they make the weirdest calls but I looked up that stuff and it's just not the same like usually you wouldn't be able to tell if it's an animal riots it's just common sense like my friend said but I don't sound like animal or human it sounded really unnatural and weird now me being me I was really upset at first now the thing was really far away and I actually fooled her they might even be Ken in someone in the streets at free am laughing traveled so far so it sounded freaky as hell and it was getting closer as he got to the more weird and unnatural sound it's only took me a couple of seconds severe lies that this isn't a woman and this ain't a cat because while this was going down I was going for it in my head like what the hell is that thing the first thing went from sounding like a good couple of miles away it's been in my god damn neighborhood in five seconds it was so weird because one second it sounded far away and the next is on my strains I had a heart attack the second I stood up the scream just stopped just like it started and I'm really thinking at this when that it must be in front of my house I will criss calmly as possible back inside lock in the doors and the screen was back again far away I also heard some scrape in in turf and sounds on my windows but it happens at the same time now I'd say two it's four o'clock in the morning and seen some black figures aren't really affected by light outside of my house so I've detailed to those things so you can get a feel for it basically what happened is that I was doing a project for class and since I freaked resonate like I'm a far off until 2 a.m. I go to wash my hands from all the grass fire and the waters running while I hear a scraping sound against one of the bedroom doors at least my backyard numbers so the door is made off at these glass panes they kind of make everything appear distorted and like blobby ash lumps but then I see something pointy dark against a window almost looking ghost-like I turn off the water and waited there and there comes packing scrapes against a window again I'm not trying to freak out but my hands are shaking it's stupid but I actually whisper what's he doing while my voice trembled and it stopped I stopped and I don't hear anything except for what sounded like somebody walking by the window to the house every now and then it continued that way for some nights - off and on I would be hearing footsteps by my window and even a tap on the window sometimes I ignored them and other times I look out to see who's there cuz I never see anyone another nights had been outside in my backyard again after having a rough day it was maybe three or so a.m. in the morning I'm sitting outside on the trampoline relaxing I suddenly notice it's quiet like kind of an uneasy silence it was like a vacuum I can't this feeling of dread like I'm being washed and I snapped my head to the left and catch glimpse of a humanoid dark figure under the side of my fence immediately I'm little freaked out because I noticed that this thing is pure black the street light hits it we didn't do anything at all it's almost look cartoony if that makes any sense cuz it's like the laws of physics don't of - this fing see the reason I'm ranting about this is that I told both my friends my own story in psychology class at the same time a lot of kids that live around my area I mean like 5 to 15 max away and they all start screaming and the entire class went crazy when I finished because apparently they've all experienced the exact same thing as me one girl told me about also hearing the toughen on her window at night heads another one told me about a really dark figure that seems to follow her at nighttime also screaming from the woods pretty much everyone's heard the screamin it sounded the same for the surfing in completely different timeframes that's a weird part because everyone's voice sounds different so how could she describe the same thing I did you know like if people have really can in each other out there none of us thought it was an animal Eva we all agreed from that point our town is pretty haunted via Donna I mean if there's any animal this sounded like that I want to know because that didn't sound like anything I've ever heard before I want to be enlightened I want it to be something normal because I just don't think it can be the only person I heard of who's seen anything remotely pacific is my friend's best friend from art school he went on the bus and apparently like it's really bad talk about skinwalkers and even worse if you see them it's like bad mojo these things are said to be able to travel very quickly so thinking about that made it seem like we experienced a skinwalker okay so I had this saved in my notes for a while but today I just asked my coworker who was also my friend in high school who lives nearby er he golf's boots and said that he's hard and seen the same things by his very spiritual war and often has visions he told me that he believes that doing dark magic in the woods because of a dream he heard about some hood adult group sacrificing a woman and a car which is freaky because this also turns out the behind a local dog park there's a patch of woods with dodgy stuff going down there I was shown this fire an acquaintance during my freshman year who lives a couple of streets away down the path in the woods after some time of walkin there's this huge cross mukbang in the middle of nowhere it's basically raw some crocodile now was struck together with a rope hanging from where you'd put your hands to be crucified it's huge - and whenever I decided to check it out I have this horrible feeling like I don't want to be there or something Bad's gonna happen anyway he says I'm not the first person that he knows has told him about experience in these things he's also had his experience while they're with humanoid figures he says that he saw one turn around and look at him differently in the eyes as I was trying to intimidate him before vanishing so we basically don't mess with anything in the woods near me my father died about five years ago unexpectedly from a heart attack to say it was hard on my mother would be an understatement our old house in Knoxville just didn't feel the same anymore and about a year later my mom and I made plans to take ourselves and an elderly dog ace to move further south to the small town situated about half an hour from Atlanta just a few days before we slated to move I had one of the most vivid dreams I've ever come to experience all that was with him my dream was my bedroom a picture-perfect recreation of the real thing I sometimes wonder if it was asleep Freud Isis it's a fervor add to the dreams realism in the middle of the night the street lights come on across the street that illuminate my window creating a reflection on the wall - dick Euler in my dream as I lay there staring at the exact reflection on the wall I saw an orb of smoke fade him from the shadows goosebumps chill across my skin as I lay there panicked afraid to move a muscle suddenly it stops moving and steadily hung in the vise reflection as though staring at me that's a warning explode - me and my dad's voice I'm sending something to watch you despite hearing my father's voice from the old I'm terrified and I don't know why what I whisper the Overmind silence they even nearly dead silence in the voice damn black I woke up almost instantaneously I'm gasping for breath now the nightmare had chilled me to my core I did not attack be what to make her there especially the final words I taught her ups and my dad wish him well on us may Viva I couldn't shake the feeling with the next cup of the wigs my mom and I moved out of Knoxville and headed down to South Georgia she had managed to find a quaint little house for us it had only one or two neighbors down there and it's down the middle of a long gravel road in the middle of the woods nice for us probably the best rave lova of all my stresses came with the move however was a neighbor's car she was a fatty older black car they gravitated towards me almost in Sydney and I treated her as though she's my own I left out a can of food once or twice a week for her even if I didn't call out for her when she saw me outside she'd run up to me healthy knees my tensions less than a month into our new house I suddenly awoken to a faint coffin this sounded like it is coming from downstairs the important thing to know about her dog is that he has a collapsed trachea he needs medicine to calm the condition down so I'm used to walking off in the middle of the night to get his medicine I proceeded down stairs from my bedroom to give him his cough medicine but I couldn't find him anywhere through the house he wasn't in his bed sleeping and he wasn't in the kitchen I mean nichy nowhere to be found I didn't check my mom's room however as I didn't wanna wake her up besides I wouldn't have heard the coffin if he had been in there anyway so I just let it be that's what I heard the coffin again but it was coming from far away it's outside now I look over to the side door patio lead into the woodlands and realized I forgot cent shutter there is turd slightly ajar he go out I immediately ran outside with a flashlight and stop calling out for my dog ice ice I shouted out into the neighboring woods I heard another cough and shine my lights in its direction that's I am it sad echoed from down the gravel road I swear a path had never looked so terrifyingly desolate before in my life I stared down that long gravel road that led us to our new home but in that moment I fought my dog was lost and chalky up to the new house jitters I got a scum on pressing on but then I heard that the cough I'd been following almost fright besides me but this time it didn't stay a dry cough like he had been before instead it slowly descended into a low growl I shine my lights Awards sound festered of bright red fox in the middle of the path for a moment a vigorous of Fox I've mistaken for my dog the whole time as I was processing what I was seeing it's dead frankly at me his eyes glowing however Estelle was broke when it tilted its head so the riots looking down and there was a neighbor's little black car staring besides me however it had completely changed its force owner the longer happy affectionate not the cat I knew instead it's hard it's back up try it every fiber of her hair standing uneasily uttering the lowest growl I've ever heard from a feel iron in that moment I figured she's just scared of the Fox so I knelt down besides her in a bits coax her away and avoid fox hunting her but no matter how many times I tried to coax her out a fire mode she wouldn't that's when I looked towards the direction of the Fox once more but that wasn't a Fox anymore instead and the exact same spots of the gravel road was a-walkin what's in corpse of a coyote roadkill slowly moving towards me it took a step back I'm absolutely mortified of what I'm seeing its jaws hanging loose as a blood-stained wobbling now I've rubbed my eyes in disbelief hoping I'm imagining it but see it was there and it was real and despite what was in front of us the black cat just kept on growling at me suddenly is stopped the creature had ceased its walk towards me for a moment it just stood there glancing back and forth between myself and this little black cat that was trying to defend me I now realize that's when our mistakenly heard this beast mutter two words almost damn black in a flash the creature runs straight into the words I shine my flashlight in its direction but it's completely vanished even the brush it came from looked untouched that's when the carrot standing behind me calmed herself down versus oh nothing happened she rubs herself against my leg returning to normal now in a very loving state and manner despite technically not being Mayan I scooped her up and run back inside the house and upstairs with the little black cat snuggled up in my arms I decided to poke my head into my mum's room lying on the floor sound asleep is ace who had been here the whole time I quietly closed her door before bolting upstairs making sure the little cat slept would meet that night from the research I've done I am almost certain that I was a victim of a skinwalker okay I posted a skinwalker encounter yesterday I found it helped me getting it off my chest and out into the open now this story goes into some of the details of our injuries the details are not too bad in my opinion but you've had your warning now for some background I was sixth in around 2016 when this happened I live in Massachusetts which is where this happened the day starts normally I went to school had a test in vet tech and I took the bus home both my parents were at work like normal but after three hours when my mom should have been home I got worried around 5:00 p.m. I got a phone call from my dad who told me that my mom's in a car accident and they're both in the hospital and they're gonna be there for a while he got very late almost 10 and my parents went home so I decided to put my younger brother's to bed I stayed up waiting for my parents to get home I spent my time reading writing an essay for school until around 1:00 in the morning I got a call from my dad who said that he wasn't coming home he was staying in a motel with that was closer to the hospital I just got off the phone and finished that part of the essay the site was on I gather my staff and walk through the kitchen heading towards the stairs that leads upstairs when a terrifying loud moan and screeches through my ears the moaning came from outside I mean it's super loud but with the staff occasionally like whatever it was I had a voice crack almost sounding pained I turn on the outside lights see an ugly sight sitting in the yard just feet from my house is a coyote horribly injured his head's caved in its paws bleedin this was evident by the pool of blood it appeared that it had a long deep gash all down his back I reach in my pocket going for my phone only to realize I left it on the table I'd been working on Oh God I turn and rush back to the table I was planning on callin a local vet clinic that I know was open 24/7 when I reached the table the morning got much much louder and more pained then it stopped I grabbed my phone and ran back to the window at first I was confused as hell the Coyotes gone replaced by a common tabby car it was odd the cat was sitting in exactly the same place at the coyote was sitting in weird after the initial shock I had noticed that the tab' car had the exact same injuries same parts of the head caved in same bleedin and gashes now I couldn't pinpoint the difference for a good few minutes but then I realized that on the right shoulder plate is exactly the same I dropped my phone as soon as my phone hit the floor the cat starts meowing loudly I'm now stuck here terrified as it meows at me it's not even blinking after a good 10 minutes I solely pick up my phone off the floor I straighten back off and look out the window and the cat is gone it had only gone for a few seconds and in that short time it vanished some unknowing feeling come over me I don't know what it was worried for the animal curiosity maybe how he might have been something that the animal made me feel I have no clue now outside I first walked to the blood puddle and looked for a trail of blood and I found it I started to follow the trowel and found that it ended as soon as it got past the gates to make sure that I just couldn't see it in the dark I pulled out my phone and illuminated the ground I looked for five minutes and don't find anything like the cat intro had vanished I heard the veterinary clinic and they sense how a car they look around for things but they don't find anything at the time I didn't think anything could this but thereafter I realized there's no trail of blood leading to my house I have no idea of what this thing was none of my searches have come up with anything I want to see completely dumbfounded as to what this creature was only hope it was in a skinwalker attack in these my wife and I would drive him through the northern parts of Arizona on highway 89 between Flagstaff and Page is fart 1 a.m. as her on the third shift at the time and often drove at night to avoid traffic I saw a few sets of eyes glowing in my headlights a little ways up the road so I left off the gas slowing down to avoid hitting an animal in the road when we draw a buyer we see several dogs or coyotes on the side of the road and I hit the gas in drove via after we passed my wife said one of them was running next to my car and I looked over and saw it for a bleed 20 feet off the shoulder of the road I floored it and I see that it stood up on its own hind legs and kept pace of us for a couple of seconds before turning away from the road and disappearing the whole event probably lasted no more than 15 seconds but God is the most terrifying 15 seconds of my life this was probably 20 years ago and we still fairly talk about it you we live in a rural community on the Navajo reservation my aunt and her two brothers will home alone while my grandparents had left of the evening to attend a chapter house meeting they were in the house and like many people from the reservation they don't have electricity and like many people there they've been outside in the dark for about an hour and my aunts and uncles are getting ready for bed outside they hear noises as though someone is moving things around them my oldest uncle then went outside to see what's going on and he saw a figure outside the truck this was immensely out of the ordinary because a closest neighbor is miles away whatever it was opened the truck door and began to dig through personal items monk was an answer frightened by the science and knew they must take action they took out the rifle and steadied themselves to hold us up they flung open the door aiming the gun at the figure in the dark they're shaken at this point the figure then turned and starts to Ward's in totally unfazed by the weapon my uncle pulled the trigger but nothing happens the figure drew closer and my aunt began to smell something like a rotting corpse it's so strong she began to gag my uncle continued to pull the trigger and her luck the figure came closer and closer but now off in the distance headlights are approaching my grandparents are returning the figure looks towards sub-layers and starts to move away and types itself behind a tree near the home my oldest uncle ran towards a truck with the gun my grandfather got out of the car a my uncle pointed to the tree that thing was poking out his head to observe what they're doing my grandfather have run into the house and over to the stove grabbing a handful of ashes and rubbing it over the gun and placed in ash covered bullets to the chamber he walked onto the porch and fired towards a tree whatever that thing was did not expect the gun to go off the gunshot echoed and the figure began running my grandpa chased my aunt inside and my uncles and grandfather went after it then one many roads or paths so as my grandfather and uncles chased after the figure the truck was bouncing and the headlights were not fixed on one particular spot my uncle swears whenever the headlights would hear the figure he saw a woman not only that whatever it was was running on his fours like a bear my grandfather must stop now a near in a ditch with a thirty feet drop he got out and began to yell in love Joe monk who says that he was yelling about a local woman yelled that he wasn't scared and he knew it was hard to leave the family alone after a few days there was a news that the woman that my grandfather was yelling about hood past I've always been told that if you know who the skinwalker ears say their name and it will kill them out on the Navajo reservation we don't have the city come and collect our trash so we have to burn the trash out in these huge burning barrels not very eco-friendly I know that's what we have to do now if you don't like the trash properly the fire will go out and the trash will sits in the barrel this is important because we are told to dispose of personal hygiene items if you removed all your hair from your brush make sure the trash burned if it was at time you had to make sure everything was burned they tell us things because skinwalkers have been known to dig through trash in order to find out things they can use against us the use of things were briefly connected to bring misfortune on to others some of my family members take part in the sport of rodeo so it's practice they have a dummy rope and fry sit things and tried to bring them in by to male cousins were enjoying themselves outside taking turns swinging the rope at the fake off the olders are always adamant that we shouldn't say our past sundown weather is pitch black for miles but my cousin's on superstitious and are under streetlights my cousins a joking and laughing having a great time that changes when the oldest cousin looks over to a firm barrel a dark figure is bent over rummaging through the garbage that's fell to burn my cousin's devise a plan that they can't grab weapons and chase it they moved strategically so that they are able to flank the figure they've run full speed at here and begin yelling and swinging my cousin states uh they kept this up for the most part until des figure ran under the streetlights but that's what my cousin see though what they fought was actually a person is actually a goat why would they think here's a person the goat was running on his hind legs fear runs through their bodies is a faker runs off into the darkness now feeling nervous and not entirely accepts in what they've just seen they began rope in the dummy again there's an awkward silence amongst the boyars who just saw something unnatural but it's all keen about it now would just make it seem real the boys roped in silence until one of them looks over to a tree there's a head peeking out at them if they didn't pay attention to it whatever it was were poked its head out from the tree to stare when they would look in the direction of the tree it would move quickly arts of science this was a final straw my cousins ran back into the house they told their parents monk will come out it was still there poking his head from behind a tree monk who loaded up his gun and starts walking towards a tree lion he aimed there and pulled the trigger the gun jammed whatever it was we can serve rum so far she appeared to be a blur when it left monk who came in and gave the boys a for a lecture about staying out late one of my cousins and told one called that whatever it was had been digging through the trash barrel they went to investigate the creature there's water lots of things out at the barrel which was odd there were tracks all around the area they followed the tracks far they suddenly vanish that in the middle of nowhere with no possible way they could have went the Navajo Reservation is the largest reservation in the United staes it goes into New Mexico Utah Colorado in Arizona this story takes place in the Northeast region of Arizona near Indian Wells this was told by people from around that area if you're heading west on state highway 15 hour toward still cone you come to a stretch of road that goes into a small Valley I remember going down this road in my youth if you ever look to the horizon it would seem as if the road kept going then suddenly you're cold be pulled down by gravity as though being followed by the road it would always give me butterflies when we would get to the drop when I heard about this story I made my stomach feel different a man was driving home one night and it's very late it was a drive that he had done before so he wasn't bothered by it when you're driving on the reservation sometimes there isn't any way to keep cattle from getting on the road no fences means you need to be extra aware I always get told to look out for black horses if you see a black horse and you'll be able to see anything else that may wander into the path of your vehicle so this man is driving home and already paying much attention he drives down the slope but when he gets to the bottom of the valley he sees it he doesn't have time to react suddenly a horse comes out of the darkness he sums his brakes but can't stop the impact is enough to deploy the airbags the man is tossed around a bit he turns on the emergency lights and gets out of the car to assess damage if Huns of the cars crumpled and one of the headlights is destroyed he cursed out loud this was the worst place to have an accident he didn't have signal for help then he thinks of the horse this man went into his cab and got a small keychain flashlights he starts shining around looking for the animal he heard noises but they don't sound like a horse but he was absolutely positive that he hits a horse as he approaches the sounds he could see the animals fur moving from his ragged breathin as he got closer he began to realize what it was an elderly woman wrapped in a large flowers she was moaning her from pain the man stopped dead in his tracks due to fear he stumbled back to his truck although it suffered plenty of damage he was able to drive off once he got signal again he called the authorities an ambulance drove out there recovered her she's undriven to the local care facility due to the fact that many of the health care staff another Joe no I wanted to touch the woman the woman known in the community was fought to be bedridden this was shocking because she was so far from home and the stage she was in was off footing she had on her attire when she arrived the nurses called her family to come in when she got there they removed her jewelry when her family got there they were frightened but there was some non Navajos staff in there that provided care she only had bumps and scrapes which didn't make any sense at all she's able to get up and walk around the same even and she went home with her family that night but apparently vanished after a few days in a virtual culture if you find out who her skinwalker is you have the power to destroy them after the community around India wells found out or more fittingly who she was it was certain that her end come a hug Petrov is as a kid they lived outside in a cage a really big cage inside life a bigger shed so they had a pretty good life but I went out with my older sister to feed them at the time we're about five or seven on the way out to the cage we both saw what appeared to be a really tall man running in humanly fast for our backyard we live in what is basically a swamp and had to have cleared this giant down tree and run over mud and ferns but regardless he seems to be crying through at least 20 miles per hour we both dropped what we had and bolt inside the tire my parents are able to convince us as a deer we wanted to believe them but it just wasn't I convinced myself for over a decade that that's what we saw fast forward to a few years ago I was at a park near my house with my friend late at night I pulled into the dirt road drive in my outback and parts facing the old practice fence now we go to the field that was too foggy to see across except for a split second we can see what appeared to be a very tall man running across the field we drove as fast as that Subaru could take us out that park now a couple of years ago I was at the same park under similar circumstances this time it was clear but very windy now from across a field and into a field we heard a crash in a scream not to crash then a scream for simultaneous it was the most shrill terrifying god-awful screech I've ever heard more human than a Fisher cat but far louder and more sinister again we notice its hearts of their as quick as possible so for context I live in Southern Maryland on a large plots of land we have free large farm dogs - of Houma German shepherds they're very used to the various animals that pursue our property and very rarely gets foots were upset we also have lots of livestock and it's uncommon for us to lose a random animal or find a pile of chicken feathers in the corner of our property however we've always been able to explain it or add extra protection for our flocks around eight months ago we started losing chickens at an alarming rate they would disappear even our Shepherds couldn't send them anywhere on the property for a while we figured it's just a ballad owl or some other bird of prey the main problem with that fairy is that literally ten would disappear at a time rather than the normal one or two we decided to put a trail come up to watch her most eastern flock almost immediately the problem stopped so we took them down for the new got stranger I've always gotten sleep paralysis and it's like to believe I'm pretty comfortable with my sleep paralysis demon it's never really been something to concern me however around the same time as we started losing chickens I would see something different in my sleep paralysis whereas my demon would chill in the corner and not move this thing would hang around and move back and forth almost like a sloth it had long fingers and was really skinny like weirdly it didn't appear human and then notice to say to constantly stared at me what type of parts of the room I was in at the time I decided not to worry though and figure it's just anxiety which brings us all to September 2018 one night around 2:00 I woke up completely able to move my body everything seemed normal no one else was sleeping in the house at nights but thus pretty standard around that time of year a glance stop at my rafters and sawed the long thin good thing moving and looking at me immediately I turn on my bed lamp is gone yet again I talk it up to stress and decide to go downstairs to grab a coffee also all of our dogs are happily asleep and I went back to bed turning off the lights the second it was dark I could see it again without my is having to adjust this reads me out enough but all of a sudden I heard a rock while they get off and stop growling he barks and growls I call out that he kept going he got louder and louder until the other dogs joined ten now I turn the light back on grabbing my hunting rifle I went downstairs and took two at the dogs outside and I swear to god I've never heard a silent night like it I moved my flashlight slowly around the perimeter that came through the shine of wires or anything all of a sudden the chickens are going haywire like so loud they distract the dogs he sprinted out towards them I followed them only to find no chickens and our friends is torn down there's no animals in the area that could even try to do that so we quickly get inside and camped out for the evenin it was quiet after there and when the morning came the chickens are safely back home I stupidly figured the problem solved and decided not to worry about sir the only thing was uh I started seeing the long-fingered rafter thing every time I turned out the lights eventually I get four so free Tower I decided to call a shaman she told us that we have a Wendigo problem that she would come and sage the house we opened every single window and door letting her do her thing but since then we've had no problems the issue now is that when we walk our dogs at night or put the chickens inside I swear someone's watching me I've had a couple of other people bring up that they feel weird at nights and nobody goes outside alone anymore whenever we walk had dogs at night they get so paranoid and don't want to move especially not towards the forest the creepiest part though is sometimes an ayat we hear scream and we assume it's often coyotes but every once in a while it's just off enough that we get scared a couple of times it's been a lone shriek which is very uncommon for foxes or coyotes and a few nights ago we're asleep in bed when we heard a scream from directly outside our window my partner says that he's worried that someone was hurt so he opened a window and yells is anyone out there and we hear a lot of shuffling like somebody scrambling off sounded heavier than a bird of prey but way lighter than a person a dog stopped barking and within a minute we hear another scream a good Marvel way my first encounter was about ten years ago I had set up along the flaring and was a good 20 feet up in a tree as dawn was approaching I had a large 12:00 p.m. bark slowly coming into the clearing about 400 yards off that's it come closer and so came and shot in the kill zone through the heart with a free point oh six one nine five gram ballistic trips around after watching it fall through my scope I slung my gun getting ready to climb down and then I watched this deer get up on him back into the woods on two legs I have no idea what happened but I'd heard of skinwalkers in my view from my grandmother so I know tarted there immediately a few years later I was in the same hunting area I had set up my stand and ladder the previous day and around midnight hiked hearts and West and so I could be ready for dawn I got into my stand as around 2:00 a.m. and was waiting patiently after a couple of hours around 6:00 a.m. 30 minutes till sunup I heard something grab a hold of my ladder then it sounded like something was climbing my ladder I points my rifle straight down and fired I hit something on my first shot and heard a scream so I naturally emptied the fryer for heel pointing straight down the ladder I didn't dare look down for fear of what I had heard in stories of locking eyes with these beasts I pulled out my point three five seven Mike revolver proceeded to empty the cylinder towards the sound of movements again once that was fence I've reloaded continuing my barrage there was still something out there and I could hear it I had one bullet left I pull out my 9 millimeter that I kept with me I fire a few rounds towards the noise then I wait till the morning a few rounds left in my 9-millimeter clutching it for dear life when morning came the confessor round ends and climb out of my tree around my tree stand was a darkish blood and it went south difference of the words I hate to the trial as fast as I can when I got there I saw someone else in the distance he was going in the same direction I was he also looked scared I've reload everything while he was closing the distance once he got closer I asked him if he said in art - he told me he heard a lot of gunshots in a scream I asked him where the post was he points in the direction where the blood trail goes he said he heard something running by ahem laughter the gunshot stopped and when Dawn he saw something and a mist running around on two legs I got his name we'll call him Jim and he told me that we should get out of the woods he was a native to the area and half Cherokee and told me if he saw what I saw he would leave immediately so we got out of the woods surprising me we both walk in the same area and share a beer and around noon we summoned up the courage to go back for our things after a slow hayek when we went to my stampers my steel ladder that was secured by ratchet straps and bungees to the tree isn't they truly ripped from the tree it was bent and torn up my tree stand is still in that tree to this day I assumed he looked at the blood trail and went quiet the tracks are a mix of human and canine we made it to history stand after Abids he was only 800 feet from where I was amazingly his gear strewn across the forest floor like Mayan a bent ladder but unlike my tree stand he's being ripped from the tree we both left the area and went back to our vehicles so after that encounter Germany traded phone numbers and hung out whenever I went to hunt we'd do this but it kind of become a thing to go hunting together now he knew the words better than I did he was good company and about two years after the incident that caused us to meet we posted off in a blind cage in a clearing we generally put our stands closed or hunted back-to-back and a blind over the two years we hunted together if one of us had a shot when were in a blind we would signal to the other with a tap from our elbows that morning we both had his shots be both fired I had to die I was aiming square in the chest as it went down its hands and runs on his back legs that's rinsing into the woods jim's quarry did the same thing after he hit her we went to investigate and once the animals turned the hooves friends has got larger and then changed his human tracks Jim said we have to leave and I'm not gonna disagree with him we both stopped hunting in the woods after that encounter I have no clue to this date what happened in those words I've heard a skinwalkers before but from what I can tell they're far more durable I mean I used a 30-point o-6 with one known five gram ballistic tip rounds every time I go hunting nothing should be able to survive that especially where I hit them but those are my stories I hope to god I don't get any more the area that we lived in initially was to slightly out of town neighborhood near a park that was a sacred site to the tribe of that Anssi before them because of its location it was a bit isolated in the homes oral company-owned I mean most of them had stood empty for quite a while to be honest but the company that my Esso worked for at the time had just started opening them up for their employees there were maybe 15 homes in this little pocket neighborhood with lots of space between them and only three of them had anybody actually living in them including ours on our streets there was a single empty house across the street some basketball courts next door an empty house next door to that in an occupied home at the very top of the road with his back to the park now the streets out on the Navajo res are pretty dark even in neighborhoods for this long road there were just two streetlights one at the bottom and yet one at the top so being in the middle is quite dark pretty awesome sicyon at the same time our house is nestled at the bottom of the steep slope so the road in front of us is off a six-foot ridge I've been out there for less than a year when it's all started I was a smoker so I'd go out in the evenings to smoke and not sit outside on my bench smoke a cigarette and bounce between them looking at the Stars checking around my feet for scorpions idea the first thing I ever noticed was hearing a kind of mad in chaotic flute sound it sounded like somebody had a recorder and told a toddler play it now some poor parents in this practically empty neighborhood are given their kid a recorder and were being tortured with it god damn I kind of laughed at their imagined misery and didn't think much of it the next night it's around 9:30 again I heard the same flute sound laughing at the four parents I don't think much of it there's the same after that on the 4th nights however I was up later than usual and went outside to smoke a cigarette I heard a whoop sound coming from the basketball courts where the next-door neighbors are but I can't figure out where the sounds coming from it's appears to be a small pocket of trees but I'm not certain it sounded distinctly human so I decided to call it a night and go to bed the following night I went outside for a cigarette and was sitting there when I saw something small indistinct moving through the trees but on the road I said they're smoking watching it trying to figure out what this thing was I wasn't too worried because my ass Oh was awake in the front room with the front door open and if anything was gonna whoop me at the time he would be there in a second whatever it was so it doesn't look human it was far too small and low to the ground so I just watch it curious to see what it was now it's far is very light-colored when it cleared the trees it actually started to casually continue up the road in front of my house I figured that yes a car because of the size and color now I think to myself there's no way it can be anything else I mean it has to be a cat to me it looked like somebody's carts gotten out of their home and just got lost or something I started to get worried about it though because the house at the top of the road has some big dogs living there so I fought my cigarette are and decide that and investigations in order I made my way up my driveway and slowly tried to catch up with the cat because I don't want to scare Ian's and send it running straight into the dogs or it'll meet its fades they didn't seem to be much of a rush though as a cat had taken a Mandarin on the road ahead of me so I start calling it softly trying to coax her over to me so I can rescue the poor thing when I get within 10 feet of it however I realize there's something seriously wrong with it it had no towel its body is lumpy and odd it looks as though it's floating above the ground instead of walking on it and its legs swung back and forth rhythmically instead of stepping the head didn't even appear to have ears I feel absolute terror I have no idea what's him looking at because this is not right it's something about the whole situation is just off I've run down the driveway having my hand on the screen door to go inside when I stopped myself and turned to look at it one more time the not cat had stops where I'd been sitting with the bridge and a chain-link fence between us no ID then run inside I figured it was safe to keep watching it because I must figure out what it is at least surely I let the screen door go and turn to watch after a few seconds the not cat started working its way up the road again towards a house at the top just before it got to where the lights from the streetlight Sean down low he stopped in the dim it and sought its rolled around furiously in the clay all I could see was fire and dust but then it stopped and rose up this time appearing much larger than the cat before it moved into the lights and that's when I saw what appeared to be an elderly woman she slowly walked on all fours and quickly positioned herself directly under the streetlights then crouching down to stare at me I don't know how long we started see cover for but to that point my Oso spotted me outside the door totally frozen coming out to investigate I don't say a word and he looked over at where I was staring I'm now uttering some weird scared of scene it is he grabs me and dragged me into the house closing the door behind me he was Navajo so it was pretty upset this I was going at a skinwalker a set of running inside and locking the door behind me like a sensible person he was even more livid when he found out that I had actually thought it was a cat trying to capture it I didn't sleep for the rest of the night and had to deal with my gaming friends and even my mother who knew I never done drugs or drank before implying that I was somehow even drunk or higher from this experience thanks mom the rules totally changed after that night I wasn't allowed to go outside anymore without Maya so and never after he went to bed on our next visit shortly after this we're eating dinner in the kitchen when my cat very uncharacteristically jumps on me he's never done this before he climbs on my shoulder and starts hissing and growling at something behind me the only thing behind me was the laundry for a live is small little window at my eye so an elder saw the past gloopy white face of a skinwalker peering through it watching a seat then our this can't be real or we could really do is shut the door to the laundry room and not go outside out on the rez where we were at the garbage cans were kept in these elevated cages to keep animals especially wild dogs from knocking them over the next morning we came out to find our garbage cans are completely fryer food when we put them back we spotted dusty Mountain Lion tracks on top of one of the lids to me this is really interesting because it wasn't a random collection of paws like you'd imagine from an animal working up there knocking it over no they were neatly lined up like the mountain lion was a bunnies growing across the top of it they were definitely not the jessamine animal tracks far more like somebody stunts at the top with a mountain lion poor it was at this point that my eye so decided that we need to contact a medicine man what we didn't know at the time was a during all of this my oldest had woken up in the middle of the night and thought he heard me so turned on his light to come and see me it took him at least 15 years to tell me about this but apparently when he come out of his room he realized a door was shut and the lights are all off in the house he looked down the hall and saw two dimly glowing red eyes he did what any six-year-old does and closed the door and hid anyway Maya so called his uncle whose father was a medicine man and told him what we were seeing a medicine man was a crystal gazer and singer and was really interested in we didn't tell him and think about what we had seen at all but somehow he knew everything he knew that I had seen this very unusual colored fur and told us that the skinwalker that I had seen was actually the head of the locals she's very old and the ones who wear the fur her purpose out there that night was to teach her Yonkers how to be better predators unfortunately for us because I reacted the way I did the only skinwalker decided that I must have power that she's not seen before so there was nothing we could do she's not interested she wanted to find out what my power was and if I posed any threat to her if I don't then she's gonna try and kill me and take my power luckily for me I didn't have a power other than equal measure of abject stupidity and curiosity and lucky for us because of this she never figured out what my power was and she's maybe resentful for the fact that I got completely duped and rushed inside thereafter it didn't matter what the house we lived him from that moment on the flu started off at night and thereafter skinwalkers would appear my father owns a small delivery service this operates out of farmington NM we mostly deliver small packages out to the middle of nowhere there's a too much of a hassle for large delivery companies to bother with but that is the only employee and we have a few pickup trucks in a trailer one day we got a delivery out to Window Rock Arizona on the Navajo reservation about two hours from Farmington my dad gets a call for the job while he's chillin with his Navajo friend so his El with Travis and his girlfriend Travis mentions how he's got family in Window Rock and he hasn't seen them in ages in search as to go with him it was about six or seven at the time and it was in the summertime so my dad decides that we'll go down together he can do his delivery really quick then while Travis sees his family we can go check out the window rock which is a big rock with a large hole in it it's pretty cool now we had to go in separate trucks because my dad says weighed down with friends we decided to bring along some walkie-talkies so we can communicate with one another we spend our time in Window Rock and everything is generally uneventful and we start heading home along the old highway with my dad and I in front and Travis and his girlfriend in the truck behind us now I only see don't remember most of the window rock trip but this next part I can never forget now we're somewhere along the highway between Window Rock and gallup NM it had just rained earlier in the day and the rock was kind of slick so we're taking it slow on the left of the highway there's nothing but sandstone cliffs and on the right there's a huge field separated from the road by us or fence we cross it off at the hill and go towards the bottom and see what appears to be a really large dog sets him back on its own in the middle of the road facing the cliffs but that calls over the radio and says hey trav you see that big dog Travis saw Shannon off and says that's not dog speed up now and hits here almost and in hysterical he just keeps screaming hit it please hit hit now so my dad saw speeding up and as we got a bit closer I can begin to see a bit more clearly is covered in this brown wiry matted hair the appears to have blood dried over it if he's still facing the cliff spot the moment her headlights hits it it turns and sees us and it has a face I don't know how else to describe her other than its a mix between a bear and a human's face it looks twisted and distorted almost in pain as we get closer to the thing we start to realize it's actually huge though it was sitting on its back legs it's still massive we literally get inches from hits in there when it lets out this scream that sounds like somebody's filling up their lungs of water trying desperately to get sounds out it then leaps towards a field landing just on our side at the barbed wire fence then left over another and it's gone Travis comes on over the radio again saying please keep driving we have to get out of here go faster he kept repeating the last part we have to get out of there and go quick pretty soon we're speeding like crazy and just as we start to get near somewhere we got pulled over Chavez pulls his truck over with us and naturally this makes a cop another ho man himself very on edge and he immediately asked why Travis felt the need to pull us over as well Travis says dude we just saw a skinwalker a few miles back and it's been following us the officer turns white and says he's got no problems with us and just says make sure we keep going we didn't see anything else at nights 4 when we got home Travis refused to let us go of our taking home some kind of Navajo totem thing they're supposed to keep it away so I live in a weird neighborhood and the oldest house sir originally I built this house here is a hunting lodge in the 1800s now before it become a little tucked-away shrub within the house in bloom post-world War two maybe his wife mentioned in that my parents brought the home from the last year remaining descendants of aforementioned rich guy oh you both promptly died after the cell now this neighborhood is known for having weird things happen here even in the town I mean strange lights ghosts even cryptic creatures a lot of a cold cysts exist in the area too no it was weird about the neighborhood the coyote is there's a giant pack of coyotes in the area normally in a wooded area that's fine because the Coyotes are on steroids huge muscular things and they look monkey the benign to track and follow hikers and often people's pets and livestock sket mordor killed by them at night that is huge to someone who isn't local they think their Wolf's a night they howl bark scream and Yelp starting almost like clockwork at 12 there's rumors that they aren't exactly coyotes just because of how strange they lurk and behave now I actually spoke to a native friend of mine who said they sound an awful lot like his childhood stories of skinwalkers or Wendigos I did some research but I didn't know if it could be related really he told me to remain inside at night and don't investigate sounds normally I've avoided the packs trouble makin I have no animals that go outside as my foreign door cats always stay in the main hangout seems to be the farm or ranch up the stream however until the oven is now full disclosure I've been smoking not really enough to trip this for regardless there was a single coyote in the neighbor's yard across the street it was barking howling and yelping at the Coyotes like they do every night it's once again completely alone it didn't sound right it sounded like a very good coyote impression but not good enough to be believed a hundred percent I suddenly remembered what my native friend had warned me of and slowly closed and locked my window shall my blinds and hidden underneath my comfort are the howling and yelping abruptly stopped now there's some really tense silence for minutes and it starts westerlyn it was some piss-poor attempt to call in a bird at that point I knew it was exactly what I've been warned of but what can I do get off and run risk making more noise I'm frozen then I heard scuffling across the roof near my bedroom window which is right above my head there was some racket breathin yes quiets but it sounds like the wind that my ear starts ring unbearably loudly enough to sit hurt it became louder like something's coming closer to me as the sounds get louder I become more terrified now I started to hear scraping against a glass on my window like somebody with long fingernails his place in their hands on the glass dragging them across it or the while I was still under my blanket holding my breath trying my damn best I convinced myself to stay still whatever was out there please leave me alone like my prayers are being answered suddenly it stopped and the howling and barking resumed though as usual spot near the ranch down the street God add us next day I've walked it a bit sage bundle indoors and ours and sprinkled saw to every entry point nothing's happened yet but I'm not safe I never saw that thing outside the window again which I'm so scared it's gonna come back I'm sure it stalking me now I just pray it stops I was driving home from work I work nights on an Air Force Base and stop by McDonald's to shrink myself after my PT test I had to drive extremely far from my home to find an open McDonald's at quarter past 2:00 in the morning when I finally found one about 30 minutes from home after getting my food I start driving home the entire way home I felt an extremely accidential dread like something was off but about the road I was on and I felt like I was alone I would never see my wife again I was on a stretch of highway with trees on both sides and zero cars passing after about 10 minutes of driving with Nava cause I saw a spotlight the light was green but there was a deer standing under the lights now it had been raining a hell of a lot and there's a part of one that they're making it appear as though his legs are conjoined in a weird way and that it's around a foot taller than it should have been when I drove out to here I realized it wasn't a reflection and that's just how it was I went to drive around it and as soon as we're front bumper got past a deer my radio suddenly blasted static I turned the radio off and floored it when I was around the deer the radio come on again nothing's get worse but there seems to be running right alongside me Oh stupid speeds I went 20 over the speed limit on my way home because I had to cut through private housing over speed bumps and whatnot I had to lose this thing I got to my driveway sprinted inside just hauled the curtains and locked the doors and since then I've been too scared to even drive at night again let alone go out on my own now when I was a child my Friday night Ursa sponsor a program called celebrate recovery Co for short the program was for recovering addicts and child care was provided my mom was the ring leader at the Grove for my dad attended as an alcoholic and drug the user this ving said my whole life I've been surrounded by people who have questionable pasts and avoids being taught to love every single one of them equally this is great like this one time it might have backfired I was six or seven and I knew everyone at CR and they knew me and now before the program started people would come early bring food as a messed-up family we would eat together now whenever someone new arrived I would always introduce myself I didn't know this one guy would take it way too far though during one night there was a new person and I ran up to introduce myself he told me his name was Bob and began a very suspicious friendship from that week on Bob would bring stuffed animals for other kids but would leave me the biggest one without foul every single time he would also bring candy for us I found out a few years later that is actually dipped in gasoline now this went on for weeks and Bob and I gone pretty well he gains my trust my parents were naturally suspicious evolved and cautioned six-year-old me to be careful around my new best friend one Friday night Bob came to see our telling me he had a surprise to me in the backseat of his car and for me to follow him stupidly I followed him and once we reached his car Bob told me that he had a bad back and if I wanted my surprise I need to climb in to get it now right before I was about to reach into his car my mom my hero was walking out of her office so the interaction and screams this guy's name and tells him what is he doing to get over here now my mum screams at me to come here I run to my mom and we walked back to dinner apparently after the incident my mom found out Bob would go to large gatherings but would not attend the breakout sessions instead he would come to child care the workers did not think this was a red flag when my mom found this out she went to the church and hired security the officers told Bob he was no longer allowed to come to see our and posted officers outside childcare sadly it didn't stop him though he would come to the Saturday night service at church and would give the kids a gas cover candy stuffed animals in attempt to get them back multiple times one night my friends and I were playing when I look up and there was Bob staring directly at me I'd been told by my mom if he was there to show up to miss Jamie a reporter I did just that and even went as far as hiding until he was gone 13 years later I'm so thankful to my mum for being so vigilant because they stopped me from being kidnapped this literally just happened right it is the only thing that keeps me sane so here we go I've got a new neighbor a couple of months ago really nice founders may beat up dude he's older maybe in his fifties lives alone as kids I see come and go on the weekend sometimes all around normal guy I thought he poor my husband and my chocolate and joined for Christmas he left a bunch of random cat toys at a doorstep for my cat you've been venturing into this yard for a couple of weeks we told him occasionally but never got more than a couple of minutes he has cancer I'm starring that was a shock and immediately we both fell for him that was until tonight last week we get home from work around 10:30 oh yeah thirty minutes later there's a knock on my door yes a police officer this is really odd the PO asks us have you seen your neighbor recently when was the last time you talked to him of course I thought the worst Oh God he must have died or something right wrong this guy called the cops on us saying that my husband I've been stalking him peering into his windows and whispering harassing threats to it I was dumbfounded and honestly her it's not a good feeling to know that someone is thinking these things of you immediately the cop suspected something mentally wrong like we've gotten on with this dude he'd be not flight six days and his new medicine might be messing with him and he also said that I was propositioned environments I would say like I was staring at him through the windows and mouthing words like why what would I do that for you can't even see through this guy's windows from my house my husband was livid he told the cops please go and take away his guns because something is not right with him the cop did nothing and just said not to bother him well that sounds like good advice if that already wasn't what was doing already we packed up clothes and a dog for a couple of nights and went to stay out of town I felt really noisiest thinking about how this old pervy dude having creepy subconscious sexual thoughts about me I mean to hallucinate this entire fabricated story of stalking and harassment means he's thinking about us all day after a few days we came home and I chalked up to this guy's died and he doesn't look good and his meds a property messing with him hopefully he gets help tonight I happen was just like any other nya I bought into my driveway and I was coming home from work but this time I noticed immediately that my neighbor was in his car in his driveway just waiting there and he immediately said yelling ass well I called from him was incoherent yelling was something about stalking and threatening his kids by the way his kid looks about seven to nine why would we do that all this built-up anger spewed out of me in that moment and I started yelling you're insane what's wrong with you you need help my husband yelling - we were all Yelland within 30 seconds Flanders was walking towards my house from his lawn what comes my husband's head he pointed it and quickly moved his hand to the ground shooting my grass twice and then shooting the air twice needless to say we rushed inside and called 9-1-1 the SWAT team came along we were like 30 cars and showed up all along my block my plan of action is to file a restraining order against him in the morning I'm in such shock and I would never imagine anything like this would have happened it just scares the living daylights out of me that you can't really seriously trust anybody no matter how nice and a husband you think they are I think the strangest experience of my entire life happened when I was fish him once so I wouldn't say me and my friend are big fishes I'm definitely not at spot he's much more of a fishing guy than I am so he has a votes and we like to go fish in on some late evening's there's something very relaxing about it you can kind of just get away from everything and the lack of technology surrounding you and the peace of the waters is very common now the setting was just riot on this one particular Thursday the waters calm the sky is clear clouds nowhere to be seen it's beautiful I'm spending more time looking up all the stars talking to my friend about them then I am concentrating on my fish in Lyon my friends not as interested in stars as me but I saw his Hawkins him about all kinds of things like hey drink there's actually life out there and there's God be so many stars there's no way it can't be the case I mean it doesn't make sense yeah yeah whatever but my friend says to me he's more interested in fishing than he is alien life and the planets out there whatever we start talking about his work and girls then suddenly I notice all the hairs on my arms they begin and stand up I say hey what's up with my arms he then says yeah asking to ask the same thing but with my arms he then shows me his forearm and all his hairs a stander not to I think this is really odd he then says ice weird it's almost like a storms coming I can sense the electricity in the air I say yeah me too actually but there's a no clouds anyway we have an uneasy silence for the next 10 minutes but neither of us can shake the feeling of electricity and energy around us it was I'm lying back in the boat I look up and I can see what appears to be a shooting star but it stops in awe and just seems so well over there for a second I tell my friends turn his lights off and look at this he doesn't reply I say it again he's caught in a blank stare at the lake I go to sit up then I realize the lakes almost illuminated not very bright but just enough that you can notice it then fish begin to rise around us now all of the fish in the lake of all simultaneously diet as though they've been electrocuted and floated out to the surface I look up in the sky just in time to see the flash of light beam away I don't know if this is some kind of like insect I've never seen before or what but I couldn't believe my eyes I look to my body and he just said it's time to go home now I've never seen anything like it now I know calling it alien life may be a far stretch or some kind of divine intervention but I wanna see have no idea what it was it was literally like somebody electrocuted everything inside the lake and I'm sure that thing in the sky was the source of it I just wish more people were there to see it for a bit background before it's almost dory the place in which these events took place all there is all about your eyes away from where I live I've been going there every summer for years and do so with many of my friend from home the area isn't too big it consists of a few housing days I'm better off than others and some restaurants are barns and grocery stores the main attraction is the base and the golf course if you don't play golf and not do any watersports then as a 15 to 17 year old teenager the only thing there to do is to get drunk your friends in the night I fell into this category obviously we're all minors we'd drink on the beach when a dogs were there nearly every teenage kid did this the golf course as I mentioned earlier runs onto the beach so it also iCal over to the golf course and get into the beach out in the night for a shortcut anyway on to the story so this happened a few years ago and it was just a normal night we've gotten our drink and we headed for the beach so my friends I'd left a couple of wooden pallets on the beach I love that day so we could light a fire to keep us warm so we went looking for the palace in the pitch-black dark which is the moon as a source of light and in the distance we saw a fire liar we assumed some of our friends from the neighboring house in this day had gotten the pallets earlier as we got close to the liar we notice the people gathered around here one anyone recognized they were about 9 or 10 guys and not one of them I could see well from the area I know this because as I said the holiday is quite small and a close-knit so everyone knows everyone even the locals they were older kids probably about 1920 they were using the post we broke down for a peach fire they were definitely drinking heavily one of my friends were confident and stupidly decided to shower them not knowing what the consequences would be and then looked at us and began running towards us from the beach we all scared and started running away knowing they were after us I remember vividly hiding in a bunker of my own I only realised now how stupid it was to hide alone in a phone car I could hear them shouting and said they'd find us in gallus I hid beneath there for around 2 minutes until the four guys found me they gathered around me and the mind if I follow them I tried to run but they grabbed me I remember I began tearing up but the terror left me emotionless it broke me down to the beach and threw into the sand one guy had then said give me your phone and any money you have I didn't want to get hurt so I complied fortunately I had only had a bit of change and we had already brought our drinks so I had no phone because we could misplace things we were too drunk which in hindsight was pretty dumb the fact that I had very little money really annoyed them after accusing me and not giving them everything I had on me one of the older guy said let's throw him into the bonfire he said it thinking it'd be fun as if it was some sort of sick joke before I could think to run two guys grabbed me by my arms I'll never forget how terrified I was I shouted please no done as if it would help i squirmed and tried to fight their grip as they dragged me closer and closer to the fire I could feel the heat gradually getting more intense I really thought I was gonna be locked into the bonfire then out of some miracle I managed to escape one of their grips and I shook three of the other one and I ran for my life they ran after me as far as a golf club I think the only reason didn't catch me is because they were very drunk and I was sober and more aware as soon as I realized they weren't telling me anymore I sat down on a warm side crying I was so scared I was too scared to even get up I didn't even have my cell phones call my friends I didn't know if they were okay I left my pipe from the golf course so I had to walk home that night I taste my friend and explain what happened we all look short one another we were okay the next morning my friend and I decided to stay home for the remainder of the holiday we never told our parents our fear would get in trouble for drinking I regret not having told them considering these guys could have done to someone again the next night and maybe that person would have been as lucky as I was so when I 16 I got my first job and that's how I get it most of what I would do is walk around the store tidy enough in stocking shelves pretty easy job to do one day I was stocking food when a guy comes up to ask me where product is I told him an offer to show him where it was so I walked him over and then started to leave he was like wait ashaming he needed more help I went back over and he immediately started grinning me with questions how old year where furnace see are you I made him but he starts against my country where do you live do you always work here and to my dismay when she got like today he had a really creepy unsettling smile he was vaguely Frossard which in the situation adds to the creepy vibe I just said I didn't know when I would get off work and deflected most of his weird questions and began walking away a few days later he appeared in the store again and found me I was scared when I saw him and he asked again when and where do I get off work and what am i doing I said I don't know and he started to walk away again but he followed inside to telling me I'm beautiful just like his wife now I'm getting really uncomfortable so I tried to find a co-worker to talk to them to try and get away from him or at least have some other place to go where other people can witness his weirdness I couldn't find anyone so I had to go work at the cash register instead there's more people there at least I got him to go away but gives me the creepiest ever smile and said I'll see you after work I was scared at that point in case he stalked me home after work and waited in the parking lot I didn't want to tell my manager since I just started my job and didn't want to make her a big bill super decision but luckily nothing happened after work the guy stopped showing up and I never saw him again around a year maybe a year and a half ago I was using an app whisperer to help with making friends after getting out of high school I was 19 at the time had a really nice boy for an xhr I had used whisper before and actually made talk through friends during my senior year and also found a friend of Mines boyfriend cheating on whisper so safe to say this app can be a handful sometimes I put out whisper asking for someone to talk to and of course I got a ton of replies but I couldn't get to them all but I've messaged some of the interesting ones back this guy named Jack stop messaging me he seemed really nice he said he was 23 and actually lived 8 minutes from my house if you use whisper you would know that you can search by area or go into the general section and see thousands of whispers been uploaded that you could reply to you can also send photos instantly after 4 messages for some reason as soon as we message 4 times he sent me a selfie and I was surprised but I didn't really respond about it Jack was telling me how he works with Souren company in a neighboring town oh he would have to use the interstate and go to these places at the time I didn't have a job because my mum was sick so I'll use my laptop out in the kitchen at the table to watch streams and play some games in case you need me at any point I remember watching my friend stream talking to my friends and generally having a good time until I got a text from Jack now I never gave him my dress and he never explained where he lived I didn't mention the church in the stay or anything near me but he texts me saying hey look out the window I thought maybe he saying what I've happened on the interstate but then I remembered I never told him how close he was to me but I assumed he guessed I live nearby I see a tow truck we're outside my house with a car that broke down or something my blood ran cold he was at the truck waving also very inappropriate while working but that's beside the point I started shaking dudes having some bad anxiety I ended up happening as I attack how did he know where I lived I replied awesomely men and he said oh you're home aren't you I didn't respond I went back this dream I had up and started talking to my friends freaking out to them and causing them to panic as well I didn't want to call the cops because my cousin is one and so as my friends as soon as anything was heard about it I'd be in deep trouble for it so I ignored him then he sent me a disgusting pic on the app of himself I was disgusted and deleted the post and messages from whisper I also blocked him the next day and I know number text me and I figured it was him I ignored there and then I got a restricted phone call and I picked up big mistake I was out in the garage with my cat she's Australia and this wasn't your friend said how you look great right now when I come for an ice-cream down the road I looked at the door and he was next to me and I see him in his car driving slow locking his eyes on me I jumped up and ran inside after hanging up run into my room so I could feel comfortable with my blankets in my bed I was petrified I've got a job soon after that subway and he would come in and start harassing me texting me on random numbers since I've blocked more I felt paranoid all the time no and he seems to know where I was at all times one day my now ex-boyfriend ended up taking him I had given him his original number that I got just in case anything had happened to me since I blocked it fiercely he told him to leave me alone stop stalking me and everything I never got message after that but I'm still paranoid he's watching me just yesterday I had collected my son from school or drive him back it was a white health services van reversing quite fast onto the road I come to stop as this driver didn't seem to care about oncoming traffic great I couldn't move my car as there were cars behind me and cars coming towards me plus I was irritated that this driver had such a careless attitude so I give a gentle beep so friendly that another parent who was walking her daughter for I was given her a beep so she gave a wave the driver stops a van as I beep and proceeds to drive on as I do so the van followed after I don't think anything curved that continuing on to the main road the traffic was quite heavy due to the school collections so I decided to take a detour for a housing estate to make my journey home quicker the van decides to follow I notice a van was coming up quite fast on me I remain calm but my son kept on looking out the window no comment in he looks angry mom I assumed that he's just going the same way but I find it very strange the detour through the neighborhood that I took was not to a place I'm very familiar with I'm trying to find roads that I recognize all the while the van is driving behind me picking up speed eventually come back to the main road by my home but I'm afraid to go directly home because I'm sure he's following me I indicated fry up a quick vehicle left and the van does the same I decided to drive to my local petrol station and stay there as I Drive towards a petrol station the van speeds up besides me almost forcing my car off the road I pull in goss for a breath the van drove on freakin many fred liars I have no idea what this van wanted or who they actually were this terrifying knowing they got that angry and all I had was a six year old in the car with me he's obviously not actually a healthcare worker or anything too like this so I just know it was one dodgy situation I'm glad I got out of for a little back story I was 17 at the time when I was 12 my stepfather moved off from the city it's at the small town where he grew up let's just say it was not an easy transition most kids have grown up there and everyone had a very tight-knit social group and boy they sure didn't like me some of you may get why me and any friends I thought I had in the beginning was simply looking for ways to make my life hell this is one of those everyone knows your business towns so anything that I've always got manipulated and then became public knowledge I was heartily depressed and contemplated suicide many times kids can be so mean so as far as a high school I had a small group of people I could talk to and I decided that I couldn't care less about what's being said about me during my sophomore year I struck up an unlikely friendship with one of the most popular girls in school KC she was a girl that all you guys wanted to be with and all the girls and beads she would defend me if anyone said anything I worship this girl and she liked me because I wasn't fake like the other girls in high school and she had a nasty temper fortunately never directed at me that some people didn't know how to handle I've always been good at adapting to personalities and no one is better leave people alone so we always got along very well but KC had a wild streak and we'll get into lots of trouble when she wasn't with me I didn't care too much and lived in my mum as long as I was involved looking back I was naive and honestly believed that she intentionally kept me away from this because she was quite territorial over me I was want to play real friendships and she didn't want to risk losing me that was until she met Rex towards the end of the summer before my senior year I began to see less and less of KC she had met Rex and was doing whatever she could to be where he was it was in his 20s and was having parties I worked and had a strict curfew so it wasn't like I have to go out with her but I had other friends now and didn't give her a hard time about yet two weeks into the school year KC and I made plans to having all weekend sleepover we were gonna color her hair and watch the movies and I'm solve every bit of Sun we could was the weather was good so that Friday she picking up after my shift we dropped her stuff off in my place and went to Walmart's why hair color well there she got a call from one of Rex's friends apparently he's having a huge party and invited her to be honest I expected I said blow me off rather than their butts at my surprise she asked if I was cool if I hadn't over there for a little bit I agreed and told my mom we couldn't drive around for a bit there's no way my mom would have been farmers there and we just told her we were back in a bit this pie it was out by the lake and it took a series of country roads to get to her when we arrived I only knew one of a person there and we spoke briefly before they left after this I was left to my own devices KC it disappeared Rex and I didn't see her for another hour she and several killers were making her way to the door when I caught up to her she said they were gonna go get cigarettes and we're back in 20 minutes as if she could drop me off home but she said there wasn't any room needless to say I was upset but I parked myself on the couch and tried to socialize with the two who left see I was like ah she hadn't returned and was ignoring my calls I was angry her and most of all scared those who were left about 15 people will gather in front of me with a large mouth meth pipe and syringes they offered me some but I politely refused but no one pushed me into where my phone had 2% battery and I couldn't reach my sister or her boyfriend who sadly knew where I was now it's been four hours since she's gone and I'm sitting alone with this guy he's been alternating between meth and weeds in tonight once were alone he insists I joined him I may not be excused that I had a brain aneurysm which I find out to be true recently told him that I didn't want to risk it I also said my job with drug test me for weird there's dentists home for long as he was completely gone he always stopped long enough to help me and beg for you know I told him no and begged him to stop he went back for one last round of meth before trudging off to the bathroom most of your thinking you would be walking home at this point I'll tell you that I was at least 20 miles from home and at least five miles to near his house I had no idea where I was and fakemon you do stupid things I tried looking for a landline but no dice then I don't know where I'm being pulled up my hair to the couch Brad was that angry too I turned him down screaming did no good cause we was the only ones there he sounds off my legs held my arms above with one hand and blew smoke from adjoining my face I've never liked the smell or taste not judging it anyone who enjoys a cannabis it's just not for me as I choked over the smoke he's trying to remove his baseball shoes and filling me up I'm crying and begging tell him no just then the person bit there run through the door and hit some of a baseball bat apparently he has acted as a decorated driver to his inni braid buddies he heard my screams in the driveway and got in as soon as he could unfortunately he wasn't quick enough to catch my assault but I was grateful had he been another minute things could have been considerably worse for me he begged me not to call the police because he was already on probation and doesn't want to go to prison for paraphernalia so I stupidly agree this guy saved me and I didn't return the faithful of incarceration he offers take me home and just be getting in his truck Casey pulls up with rags and the girl she left with she's messed up I've never seen her that way before I later found out they had gone two hours away from f-score even though there was plane to go around at the party the guy who lived there filled her Rex and the others on that transpired she wouldn't even look at me she asked one of the other girls take me home and left with Rex all for aya never a fire or have my sins been so betrayed to make matters worse the girl who drove me home for answer harmed me if I ever talk to anyone about what happened there I know where you live I arrived home shortly after samurais apparently case I sent my mother text she pretends to be me and said my father died and that we decided to stay at her place my mum had no reason to be worried about me it took me day to tell her what happened my boyfriend's sister beat the crap our Brides case and I were never the same after it took me too much to reach out to again some of you might want a wire to me as much she betrayed me it was worth me to write her off when she needed me the most even if she had done the same my mother had seen her around and told me that she was in bad shape I was obviously using hard drugs her and I are now live stays apart and we talk occasionally she's doing much better as far as Brad is concerned he did eventually go to prison on drug related charges I don't know where he is now but I get anxious when I go to visit my family it's a small town and it wouldn't be hard to run into him if he were there back in 2007 or so we moved to a new home that had been off the rental market due to the previous tenant thrashing out all good there was still a blood stain on the carpet I was in the wall was far they were trying to fix it up my half heeds find some new people to live there but strange things kept happening underwears and browser missing off the lion we kept seeing someone walking for a backyard someone moved a bench into the yard under our son's bedroom door and tried to break the security screen we've had locked the gaze but we kept seeing this person walk him through then one night when my husband was on his way to work I could hear someone outside the house they got to the fuse box and there I am sitting in the dark with a two year old little boy there was some maniac laughter and hittin on the door needless to say I called the police where they talked six hours to arrive they wave it off as a prank and do very little it really shook my trust in the old police in three months we had free attempted break-ins and we couldn't work out why're we honestly been young parents had very little it still we talked precautions changed us ons curtains from Winnie the Pooh it's a normal once and he slept in our room we were very afraid and never felt secure one night we could hear someone at the window we focus in and can see a face they begin punching on the glass we called the police I give a description that they take hours before they turn up we're chatting with them on the line the whole time eventually some female police officers turn up when they arrive the first thing they say to me is where's the lights on under the house now there's a storage area under the house where we put the things on the day that we moved in but no one had turned the light on they'd gone on to investigate basically found a nestled bed made out of moving boxes some of my underwear and bras a stack of our son's toys and our outgrown clothes this guy had been living under the house the whole time the police told us to padlock the door into the storage area and left telling us just to keep an eye out for him the landlord ended up finding out it may have been the old tenant who had been evicted it took maybe another six months to feel safe even hanging out clothes on the lion to be honest I've never felt right since ER and have always been far more paranoid of little things and I should be I was recommended suppose this here I'm not really sure what to do the past two nights Wednesday Thursday at 11 p.m. and I know man has stood in front of my house gay for roughly five minutes a little explanation my house is layout I'm a college student rent in a small two-bedroom house my roommate we have a small courtyard that is walled engage in front of the door the doorbell was on the other side of the guy so that is kind of our puppy front door the first time I saw him was Wednesday night I had been in my room playing apex legends and went down to the kitchen to fill up a walk-up the lights were off in the main area of the house and I noticed a figure out the window the face of the courtyard gay since of dark inside the house I don't think he saw me I call my roommate over and told me to be quiet we watched him in silence until left not really that long we were creeped out for a while but we eventually went back to our rooms I couldn't stop thinking about who he was and what he wanted and the next night a thursday sat in living room my laptop nobody see if anyone come back my worst nightmare came true I look over my laptop and saw the figure in front of the gay this time I was the only one in I couldn't make out who he was he was mouth tall wearing a dark coat and blue jeans he wasn't moving just standing in front of the guy looking in my direction he left about five minutes later at this point I'm extremely free towel and waiting for him to come back I'm not sure what to do if I see him again Taniya maybe it's a neighbor hopefully so don't give me some plausible explanation update just finished reading all your comments thanks for the response is last night my roommate and I waited until 2:00 a.m. with the phone British caught he returned happy to report he didn't come back last night we made sure all of our lights outside Ron and that may have deterred him I think we'll stop again tonight and see if he returns I'll update with any new information thanks for the advice hey guys as of yet there hasn't been any update on this situation hopefully they're all okay who knows that the man could have wanted but it's extremely creepy to think
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Views: 4,268
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Keywords: true stories, scary stories, true scary stories, lets not meet, reddit lets not meet, horror, horror stories, middle of nowhere, cabin, cabin horror stories, forest stories, woods stories, stories compilation, reddit horror stories, skinwalker stories, 15 true stories, 30 true stories, 30 horror stories, real stories, ghost stories, woods cabin stories, true reddit lets not meet, stories told in the rain, stories told in the dark
Id: lx2nKrtL6C4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 24sec (11784 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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