3.5" TFT Color TOUCH Display-DRIVER ILI9488 for NodeMcu ESP32

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hello all this video is on 3.5 inch Spa DFT color display with 480 by 320 pixels and it has got a driver ili 9488 this is best suited for esp32 and node MCU 3.3 volt devices touch with SPI let us go to touch driver IC xpt2046 on board and 3.3 volt Regulators are there on board it supports its SD card to the left hand side of the SD card pins to the right hand side total 14 pins are there for spa interface as well as touch interface this is a ground chip select reset mosa miso and then five pins for touch on board there is a there are two pads for uh five volt operation if you shot this pins it'll work with 5V logic level but the IC will heat up so it is always suggested to use this module with node MCU or esp32 3.3 volt devices in this video we are using esp32 esp8266 nodemcu module let us collect the TFT module on breadboard like this and then do the connections for spin of nodemc is 3.3 volt and second pin is ground let us first connect the 3.3 volt on the ground no separate puzzles is required we can take the supply from nodemc itself this is the PIN connections VCC ground chip select and then USB connections and touch connections these are the pin definitions of the tfd display let us see the connections first the first pin of DFT display is VCC and pin 8 is backlight LED both goes to 3.3 of node MCU on second pin is ground which goes to ground pin the third pin is Chip select CS which goes to d8 Fourth pin is reset it goes to D4 of node MCU fifth pin is register data select High means register low means data it goes to D3 [Music] D7 and pin 7 is D5 goes to D5 sck Spa clock and it also connected to the clock of the touch we need this led backlight connected to VCC pin 9miso SBI bus read data is not used here on the touch pin last trq is not used TDU is connected to D6 so as per this we are connecting the OS so a lot of wires are there conversion pcbs are available you can make use of that in PCB to avoid this much of wired connections we are using a library TFT underscore espa Library the link is given in the description below go visit the site GitHub site and download the zip file as we'll be installing the zip library and then modify the library according to the ila948 this is library is best suited for 32-bit processors like esp32 RP 2040 Raspberry Pi and then stm32 nuclear boards but modifications to be done inside the setup file let us see the modifications as it supports most of the drivers ili 9341 ili 9488 which is server is our display driver and then STV double seven eight nine it supports most of the drivers let us download the zip file and then visit the Arduino IDE go to tools and then install the zip Library include Library add zip library and then go to the download folder select the zip file you can see at the bottom the library has been installed the library is found inside documents Arduino and then libraries it is TFT underscore espi open the folder you can see the example folder and other setting files under example folder you can see the examples for different resolutions 480 by 320 and different drivers first we have to modify the user underscore setup.h header file open this file it is defined for Ila 9341 driver so first comment out this Ila 9341 driver and then look out for the ili 9488 and then uncommon uncomment this ila94 double eight underscore driver so we are enabling for ili 948 as our devices using ili948 driver further scroll down and then we have to uncomment this touch underscore CS pin underscore D2 this is a chip selection for the touch screen so you have to uncomment this then only touch will work and then save this file next go to the user underscore setup select file open this file and then verify that include the user setup.h file is included and then uncomment the user underscore setups setup 20 file of ili9488.h you will have to uncomment this and then save the file now go to the user underscore setup folder and select this setup 20 file open this setup 20 file delete all the contents and then replace the condenser the one in the description below link is given in the description below you can copy and paste this contents this is for particularly for uh touch function and Spa touch frequency settings otherwise touch will not work so save this file we have done three modifications use an underscore setup dot h and the setup underscore select and then this finally this file now open the Arduino IDE select the board as node MCU under select the proper port and then from examples select the first example that is a graphic test TFT underscore graphic test example open this file and then click on upload as you have done all the modifications in the library the you will not get any error the compiling will be over and then the file is being uploaded once the upload is over you can see the graphic test on the screen different colors and different designs you can see and finally some text characters next example let us select the free underscore font demo open this example this example is for different types of font under different sizes will be displayed you can make use of this score in your project also upload this code you can see the different sizes of fonts and with the different colors and in different directions thank you for watching
Channel: Saravanan AL
Views: 29,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TFT 3.5, NODEMCU TFT, ESP32 TFT
Id: NidjZOxMMxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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