343 Have Done the Impossible | Halo Infinite First Impressions!

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey everyone i hope you're all well today i want to give you my first impressions of halo influence and it's multiplayer now i'm someone that played quite a lot with hale influence multiplayer especially against the bots but i did also play during the two hour player vs player period which i'll definitely talk about in this video i streamed this game for four days in a row whilst on lockdown here in sydney and i had an absolute blast i honestly was blown away by the amount of fun i was having especially while streaming and i constantly found myself playing that one extra game instead of hopping off because the gameplay was super addicting it keeps you coming back for more and after playing my first couple of games it was safe to say that i was hooked now while i have mainly positive things to share i will just say that of course the experience wasn't perfect there were hiccups here and there which i'll definitely talk about but for a build that was two months old it was far better and smoother than most of us ever anticipated so with that said let me give you my first impressions of halem that's multiplayer when i opened the halo infinite technical preview build for the very first time i was excited but mainly anxious because the gameplay had to be good it had to be better than good but most importantly it had to play and feel like halo i can confidently say after playing infinite multiplayer that fifa 3 have succeeded in doing just that for the very first time since taking over the franchise don't get me wrong i'm a massive fan of halo 5's multiplayer but it lost the halo identity due to its super fast nature but halo fit is the perfect blend of classic and modern with elements from halo 3 and halo 5 which is why the gameplay works so well 343 had the impossible task of balancing sprint in a way that would both please the halo fan base but also keep the gameplay interesting because i'm sure you all know how divided the halo community is on sprint ever since its introduction back in halo reach halone sprint honestly feels perfect yes i said it 343 managed to create a specific role for sprint in infinite instead of constantly using it to run around the map you're using it to set up short bursts of momentum which can be further enhanced via sliding but this comes at the price when you use sprint you show up on the radar signaling your movement to the enemy team however when you move normally without sprinting you don't appear i'm a big fan of how infinite's radar has been implemented as they help slow the game down and promotes more mindful movement flanking will be a viable tactic and infinite again where you don't have to sprint to get the better of your enemy but if you ever want that increase in speed it's there ready and there are some really cool things you can do with sprint and slide and halo influence to increase your top speed definitely check shy ways video on it if you want to learn more it's worth the watch i've got to say the halo community has reacted very positively to halo infinite's implementation sprint i really hope 343 notices that and takes pride because they truly have done the impossible i can't tell you how many posts i've seen on both twitter and reddit of people praising the sprint mechanic in halo inferno now during the tech preview we were able to test out the assault rifle battle rifle sidekick bulldog needler commando sniper plasma pistol pulse carbine ravager heatwave skewer and gravity hammer i've gotta say i really enjoyed all these weapons with the skewer and ravager being my two personal favorites the assault rifle was a blast to use and it finally has a place in the sandbox it doesn't step on the power weapons toes but in the close to mid-range fight it will definitely do the job it feels beefy and sounds great plus with the headshot bonus it makes it all the more viable against precision weapons whereas in halo 3 you would get destroyed by anyone using abiya mid range even sometimes close range so i'm very happy to see the assault rifle shining here i do understand that not all fans are happy with how strong it is but i personally am a huge fan of how it currently plays so i hope it doesn't change the battle rifle feels incredible to use i couldn't stop commenting on how good it felt during my first time playing it sounds fantastic and has the same time to kill as the halo 3 br which is quite interesting the sidekick felt great to use but not too overpowered compared to the halo 5 magnum the beauty of the sidekick is that it will not win against the other weapons in the sandbox like the commando mbr and that's okay because it does a damn good job close to mid-range it sounds awesome too and i always enjoy using it the bulldog was a weapon i originally thought i wouldn't like but once i got my hands on it my opinion quickly changed i didn't use it too often but when i did it was devastating up close and i really love the spray effect once you start firing ah the needle now this was the weapon i really enjoyed using during this flight i'm so happy to see it's more usable now with a faster range of fire and much better homing for the crystals whenever i had the chance i would pick it up because it did such a great job close to mid-range with that said i am not a big fan of how it sounds the halo infinite needle just doesn't sound right the crystals aren't loud enough and they don't pop like we're used to it's a really small gripe i have with the needler because i really enjoy using it and if it had a better sound one that was closer to the classics i would be telling you that it was my favorite weapon to use during the flight no joke so i hope to see its weapon sound changed but the way it performs during gameplay is great and especially during player vs player it was my go-to weapon on bizarre the commando has an awesome sound and weapon really kicks ass on both botslayer and pvp it has some crazy recoil especially while aiming but that may be a thing we just need to get used to i really enjoy using it even though my aim can be terrible at times it also feels like an automatic replacement to the dmr however i think post launch there will be room for the dmr to make a return the sniper was interesting to say the least i loved the design and sound of it but it was unusually difficult to use i got my fair share of kills with it with no scopes pre-scopes and just regular scoping but i've got to say there were plenty of times where i missed a lot of shots because the aim assist was non-existent now i don't want to have as much aim assist as halo 5s however it's got to be much better than what it currently is at its current stage the sniper felt like more of a liability than a power weapon so i hope to see that improved because i always loved the sniper the plasma pistol had a visual bug where a child shot occasionally phased through a player which definitely was not good during pvp combat especially when trying to do combo the charge shot definitely needs better tracking in my opinion as there were many times where i fired when the reticle lit up and it simply missed without actually tracking the player like a plasma pistol should i will say that i'm in love with the charging sound it comes straight from halo ce and i'm so happy 343 brought it back i can't wait to be that annoying player running the noob combo when infinite launches because hopefully all those issues will be addressed the pulse carbine really intrigued me i couldn't tell if i enjoyed using it or not throughout the entire flight there were times where it was incredible to use and it would track so well during a mid to long range fight but close to mid-range left much to be desired it's definitely not a close range weapon as some assumed it's meant to be used at a distance while leading your bursts but i would like to see have a faster rate of fire or at least better tracking on the plasma bolts now this next weapon i had a total blast using and that was the ravager after trying out while plane and recharge it very quickly became one of my favorite weapons to use the red plasma bolts at fired were just stunning and i really liked how the melee did more damage due to the blades on the front whenever i played on recharge the ravager was my go-to weapon and on pvp it shredded the heat wave i really enjoyed using i know it wasn't everyone's favorite but whenever i picked it up the dream pvp it did the job especially at close range its alternate firing mode is cool but i think i found myself using the standard horizontal one more often i'm a fan of the four runner design and i like the way the bullets ricochet there were instances where it seemed like some of the shots were doing zero damage and then some would instantly kill the enemy i feel like that was a visual glitch but it's something worth noting it's certainly a weapon worth picking up really quickly if you are enjoying the video please consider subscribing we are so close to 8 000 subscribers so if you could subscribe that would be just awesome and for everyone else subbed just know i really really appreciate you the skewer was one of my favorite weapons to use because simply it's a beast of a weapon besides sounding fantastic it was super satisfying to get kills with it however i know a lot of people thought it was difficult to use similar to the sniper i personally thought it was much better but i do think the radical was a little too small overall i loved using it even though there were times i totally missed shots i do hope through the three can make the skewer pin spartans to the wall once they're dead i'll pin this skewer shot to the wall while sending the spartans flying that would be so cool to see the gravity hammer feels very vicious to use inhaling and i'm a fan of its slower swing speed since it now has a larger area of effect which helps to differentiate it from the energy sword my only wish is for the hammer to send everything flying as it used to but other than that i'm a massive fan of infinite's gravity hammer those are my feelings towards the weapons at the moment i'm very impressed so far with how they all stand out i can't wait to test all the other weapons in the game i've gotta say the bots were pretty awesome to fight against the marine bots were of course very easy to kill with odst and spartanbots being a notch higher i will say that these spartanbots need to be harder to kill because sometimes they felt like just odst bots to me i never really got bored while playing against the bots with many of the matches feeling different to the one beforehand of course there were situations where the bots did the stupidest of things and occasionally looked at the sky while spinning but all in all the bots were really fun to fight against and i never thought i'd say that few things to require tweaking but that makes sense since it's their introduction to the series with infinite player vs player was a lot of fun and i've gotta say the maps played quite differently when versing real players compared to the bots which was interesting the weapon sandbox felt the same to me with every weapon still standing its ground against raw players i'd say occasionally the pulse carbine was useless alongside the plasma pistol but like i also said earlier it sometimes came in clutch with those homing plasma bolts landing at the right time the starting few matches were really sweaty but it got much better after that and the game felt a lot slower and this is thanks to the radar like i mentioned earlier in the video there were some pros for stacking while playing other people during the flight which was a little crazy but of course the average halo insider is going to get smacked against pros but i had a really good time playing personally i felt recharged played the best dream player vs player with bizarre playing the best against the bots very quickly i want to say that i really enjoyed playing on bizarre recharge and light fire they felt very well designed and balanced but if i had to give a rating i'd give recharge a 9 out of 10 bizarre an 8.5 out of 10 and live fire an 8 out of 10. i know what you're all thinking why are the ratings so high well honestly i had a great time playing on each one i think visually recharge looks the best with bizarre being nostalgic and symmetrical been perfect for capture the flag li-fi felt like a standard halo map with not an awful lot going on but i still had a blast playing on it and in my opinion the simple maps play the best so it's safe to say that these three maps have already made a great impression the grapple shot was so much fun to use i had no clue how much fun this thing would be until i tried it and wow it works really well within halo sandbox i kept wanting to use it and whenever i paired it with a gravity hammer i was unstoppable comment down below some of the cool moments you had using the grapple shot the drop wall takes two seconds to set up but it's useful in pvp while moving side to side i got the drop on a few players while doing that and every situation i came out victorious so i don't think it needs a nerf or buff the threat sensor i used the least but it seemed good to scoop out the bots i think during pvp it will be good to indicate to your team when the enemies are and its animation is pretty cool again it's the one i use the least so i can't really make a sound judgment on it the pinky system introduced is great to tell your teammates where the enemies are but often i found myself not using them it is very useful though to indicate to your teammates where to push especially if you're not talking a game shot now a few things you want to see added are friendly fire collisions with your own team and grenade jumping the lack of friendly fire and collisions made the game feel quite grenade spammy especially against real players as it took away a lot of the decision making usually required when choosing to throw a grenade grenade jumping is something that's always been on halo so it needs to come back in terms of the player outlines i've gotta say i really liked picking and choosing my own fire team and enemy outlines with some of my favorites for my fire team being mint and blue and for enemies i loved pineapple and purple they looked super clean i know it's not everyone's cup of tea but maybe 343 will add a toggle where only your fire team has outlines with the enemy spartans not needing one i'm fine with either all but i know some people have been asking for that i think the metals on the screen need to be bigger and for some reason they don't have that illustrious feel that they once had i believe some are far too similar in style and shape it's just a small graph i have but i would love to see reach's metals get used because they were very unique the spartan ais were pretty cool and i've got to say i think it was a good addition to the halo franchise i seemed to use butler and lumu the most and i liked how they all seemed very different to one another of course that's the point but it felt good to hear them talk in my ear about the cool things i was doing i don't think they need to talk when i'm picking up a weapon but that's just my opinion i don't want to talk too much about halo influence ui just yet because eventually i want to make a video on it with my detailed thoughts and how it can improve but overall i thought the ui functioned well most of the time i think the customization layout can be improved as it feels kind of basic at the moment the main menu itself looks awesome and i love seeing my spot on the outside of the pelican just chilling before a match the main menu music is just gorgeous and i can't describe it in any other way if you want to listen to it and the rest of the infinite soundtrack so far make sure to click on the card above seriously i can't stop listening to it the progression system needs some work because i felt we weren't really rewarded for just playing the game you only got xp fire challenges so i think 343 needs to change that so you receive xp the game like mcc and halo 5. however i do expect that to change before launch to wrap up i had a fantastic time playing halon from this past weekend the game exceeded my expectations and honestly i'm so excited to see what's next for infinite before launch fifa 3's transparency is something to admire because they were willing to let over 100 000 of us test infinite and give feedback knowing that this first flight would be critical in terms of public reception and it appears that majority if not all halo fans are pleased with infinite gameplay so far there are things to improve and fix which 243 would be well aware of right now but i've got to say i'm very confident this game will be a success when infinite launches i'm currently in withdrawal right now since i can't play infinite anymore and i'm sure that's the same for most of you who played it that's a good sign for three for three and proves their game is a lot of fun and it makes sense it is a fantastic halo experience one i'll be recommending to as many people as i can when it launches so all i've got to say right now is well done 343 bring on the next halon flip fly alrighty guys that's going to wrap it up for today hope you enjoyed the video this game is shaping up to be something special that's for sure i really hope more of you will be able to experience it during the next flight make sure to have all your details correct and up to date on the halo insider program be sure to join my discord in the description if you want to talk more about halonfilm or just halo in general it's an awesome community anyway fam thanks so much for watching please like the video if you enjoyed and subscribe if you want to support me that little bit extra thanks guys have a good one [Music] you
Channel: FootedGhost
Views: 9,783
Rating: 4.9337015 out of 5
Keywords: FootedGhost, Halo, Infinite, Reach, MCC, PC, halo infinite, halo infinite news, halo infinite first impressions, halo infinite video essay, halo infinite multiplayer review, halo infinite multiplayer first impressions, halo infinite first impressions of the multiplayer, 343 have done the impossible, 343 Have Done the Impossible | Halo Infinite First Impressions, halo infinite sprint, halo infinite sprint reaction, halo infinite multiplayer is amazing
Id: mQJnFOR64yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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