3.3 Earthquake Central Calif... Yellowstone swarming.. West coast pressure increase. 9/15/2022

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what's going on there guys good afternoon it's the earth master here on this thursday almost friday september 15 2022 date it is about 103 p.m california time latest quake shows a 1.5 up there on the earthquake 3d globe right around the alaska area we have been seeing a little bit of movement kick up there overnight also off the coast of oregon seeing a 4.4 earthquake out in the pacific they're kind of past the cascadia subduction zone let's go ahead and check out the latest activity here on the usgs map there is that quake off the coast of oregon uh usgs reporting that as a 4.4 earthquake that one kicking up overnight uh cascadia megathrust subduction zone sits right around here this is at the edge of the blanco fracture zone so overall though seismic activity has been somewhat uh increasing along the cascadia and surrounding areas looking further down south this is a 2.5 and above so there's not a whole lot up here on california we're going to bring up the all magnitudes map here and look at some of this micro quake activity uh occurring i did have a 2.2 earlier this morning uh off the coast of northern california now this one sits right smack dab on the cascadia megathrust right at the subduction zone about 22 kilometers uh down there though and it's kind of uh that's yeah right smack dab on it uh and then we also had a 2.4 coming in yesterday up north looks like about 22 kilometers as well so overall a little bit of seismic increase in pressure along the cascadia the bay area some micro quakes around the region of course this is the clear lake high clear lake volcanic field where the calpine hydrothermal operations are the the power plants but looking at the rest of the state things are very minimal here across california and southern california as well nothing showing up here in the red circles we did have a query blast looks like just outside of the corona area um not for sure what's going on out there but a little bit of explosions it looks like up there in the mountains see what else we got for the uh western states washington oregon this is all majority of this activity here from yesterday looks like we did have yeah all of this is actually from uh yesterday no further new movement to take note of there and those were just some small micro quakes around the area of mount rainier and mount saint helens yellowstone national park uh listing a few earthquakes up here on the map today about 10 of them so let's go ahead and check out the yellowstone raw data here on the seismograph and as you can see here well basically over the last looks like it kicked off just earlier this morning time frame i think it's starting to ramp up in the earthquake swarm type fashion again here yellowstone uh nothing major as you can see there on the map the largest one so far looks to be a 2.4 coming in earlier this morning but these guys are definitely uh on the ball today with producing these uh earthquakes into the catalog now there is something over here let me look here and see exactly where this earthquake's picking up we're looking for the very last earthquake and it's not going to be this 1.0 uh that one came in at 1949 utc time which is a 1949 could be that one possibly but i'm kind of curious about this one right here this signature showed up pretty prominently over here across the eastern portion of yellowstone national park notice over here at parker peak it's a little bit more well defined a little bit more prominent here on the map far as the signature goes and it showed up across quite a few eastern stations and less so on the western stations over here so i'm not for sure exactly where that one struck at i it's not the one pointer because it's definitely showing up more stronger than the uh all these little micro quakes so we'll we'll check back on that maybe it'll take them a little bit to issue where that earthquake is occurring but uh my guess is it's somewhere a little bit further east here and occasionally we do see earthquakes here along the eastern section of yellowstone national park that show up like that and they just don't report it due to the limited seismic stations around the area far as determining a correct location and depth in the yellowstone area so but for now uh definitely seeing a little bit of activity kicking up here at yellowstone far as the swarming goes and we'll continue to watch that throughout the day today down in texas we got some movement outside of pecos texas it looks like in the cluster fashion out here around the virginia draw area pretty good pretty good swarm going on out there looks like uh quite a few twos low grade twos uh see what we got for satellite imagery out here and you know what it is definitely is within an area of uh pumping operations you guys see those little ponds out here um that's about as close as i can zoom in here on this area but that's a pond uh injection wastewater occurring out here in a uh in a field some of these may be some older operations out here from years past uh that have been you know eroded away from the weather the wind sun basically erased off of the map so to speak of the topography of the land but you can still somewhat see some of these old roads out here uh that used to be roads but i'm not seeing any uh i'm not seeing any of these little squares that we normally look for these are the newer ones but uh i think they're out there and that's kind of where the swarming activity is occurring today and around pecos texas area that's just been a an ongoing event here for a while here's another little separate swarm check out the satellite here and you can see these little squares those are this one here kind of looks like an older one not too many uh not too much operations going on there in recent times but the damage is done below the surface there between six and eight kilometers down uh that's the uh injection well or injection uh wastewater process they're creating those uh um well the earthquakes that's that's that's uh more so than not a lot of people tend to say well they no they don't they don't cause earthquakes well yes they do look up historical data look at statistics it's very prominent on any graphs that you look at okay uh backing out of there oklahoma uh this movement here let's see what we got uh this one coming in yesterday that's right some of this older movement out there in the uh the north dibble oil fields pain oil fields oil fields galore south of the okc area new madrid zone that looks like a little bit of movement uh today 1.1 in the 2.0 latest one there 1.1 earlier this morning time frame uh the caribbean plate and areas around the puerto rico area got one more earthquake up here on the puerto rico trench itself a 3.6 kicking up at uh looks like about 28 kilometers down there south america the quiet zone again just haven't really seen too much activity ramping up here in recent days uh latest quake looks like one earlier way earlier late last night time frame just got a notification of a 3.3 coming into the california area right now see what we got near los banos looks like that is on the o'neill fault or let's see there's a bunch of faults here up against the uh coast range espanol's valley section so a couple different fault systems running here but either way a 3.3 just coming in minutes ago at 9.6 kilometers deep it has been review or it hasn't been reviewed it's on automatic status so let's check out the let's check out the origins here uh real quick and see what we got yeah it's probably going to equal out right around the uh 3.3 or 3.2 range just getting a couple stations in there right now putting out uh some some of those source parameters there so oh man my birds are going crazy today not for sure maybe they're predicting the earthquake that may be coming who knows or maybe they're just being crazy i got a couple a couple birds i've had them for a little while so they make they make some good pets when they're not super noisy uh 4.6 out there in the southern mid-atlantic ridge that one coming in uh looks like uh early this morning how about early this morning time frame see what else we got here across the globe not a whole lot happening if you look at the western pacific here adjacent plates the philippine plate up around the java trench things are very quiet it's backed off uh tremendously from yesterday and overnight uh so now we're kind of tilting that teeter-totter here up around the west coast north american plate and it might be something to watch pretty closely again we haven't really seen too much activity here around the western pacific and that only means one thing that kind of puts us on target for now unless we see something major uh making adjustments over here and those were some of our quiet zones from uh the past couple days considering we've seen quite a bit of activity uh throughout the region you know including a 7.6 and a 7.0 and a bunch of sixes uh some of those quiet zones consist of the solomon islands up around the mariana trench and of course the curlcom chocka trench has been quiet for months as far as any large-scale activity goes so those are a couple spots to watch for some larger scale activity which would limit and release some pressure out here along the west coast but for now i think we got to watch the west coast lighten up like this again latest earthquake 3.3 near the los banos area all right let's see what else we got hawaii not a whole lot not pop nothing popping up here within the last hour anyway and if you look at that jump in the time frame um there was a pretty good area of quiet activity from last night to this morning so things are just somewhat very very quiet there at the big island up in the alaska area about the same a couple small micro quakes up there kicking up and some movement out around the aleutian trench but uh overall things just kind of mellow there for now but that's it's possible could pick back up now that we're getting lit up on the west coast yellowstone's swarming you guys notice that we we get very quiet over here and uh a good indicator of some pressure out here along the west coast not only around the plate boundary right but we start seeing these inland quakes there at some of the oil fields fields they start popping off under pressure from the plate the plate movement and yellowstone sometimes swarm swarms as well when it comes to the increase in pressure out here along the plate boundaries here along the west coast so uh not all the time though um sometimes yellowstone just you know does its own things but uh today's one of those days where we're seeing it light up along with the west coast all right what else do we have here um space weather i got to do a drawing here for our members in a couple hours um we are giving away some earth master merchandise for our members only you still have a chance to get in um up uh pretty much up until the drawing which is going to be here we'll set the drawing at uh we're going to do it at three o'clock my time uh right now it's 1 15. so in just about oh about an hour and 45 minutes or so we'll do that drawing and we'll do it live here on the channel of course in person it'll be a separate live stream um and that will be for the um for the members three o'clock seven o'clock eastern and so on all right space weather uh not a whole lot of flares popping off but we do have an extended uh period of some possible storming kicking up here on the three-day geomagnetic forecast that is from a glancing blow so to speak of a coronal hole number 23 that had been facing us the latest imagery right here shows that coronal hole kind of scooting off there towards the western limb of the sun but we are still feeling some of the effects from that from the high winds the high solar wind stream that's flowing out of that hole and it could elevate some conditions here at the higher latitudes with looks like between 35 and 50 percent chance for the folks up at the higher latitudes lucky them all right far as space weather goes uh sunspots i mean uh well that's it they're just there no major dynamic uh complex fields that we're looking at here amongst any of these sunspots so we're not really not forecasting anything major to pop up these guys are still showing a 99 chance of a c flare 35 percent chance for an m flare with a probability of five percent for an x flare but i believe that was based off of 30 98 uh that's going to be this large sunspot over here uh and that that's about a day old so if you look at the most recent image here it's kind of a decaying and it is will be facing away from earth and not visible here very soon so that will probably be adjusted here by tonight's update um but yeah that's about it folks um just be on guard out here along the west coast uh things kind of lighten up out here when things go quiet along the west right here it's time to watch the east and vice versa but also don't take your definitely don't take your eye off of this area along the western pacific and those quiet zones um you know i still think that the strain is there to see some larger earthquake activity and it's just a matter of time how much strain is going to be built up here uh in the curriculum chocolate trench solomon islands area mariana trench all those areas really haven't been hit with any large-scale activity or any moderate activity for that matter over the last week so watch these areas pretty closely folks and yellowstone continuing to swarm we'll do a little bit further update on that tonight but uh till then we'll catch you guys a little bit later tonight don't forget members um drawing at 3 p.m west coast time here in about an hour and 40 minutes we'll do the drawing held live for those members alrighty guys have a good day out there and uh stay safe be prepared we will chat you guys very soon peace out everyone you
Channel: TheEarthMaster
Views: 5,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Earthquake, Earthmaster, weather, volcano, live, 4k, solar flare, volcano eruption, solar storm, CME
Id: Q_xx5HY_tLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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