[3.23] x3 Endgame Scion Armour Stacker Builds! - Path of Exile 3.23

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this is not a battle you can win energize the Spears [Music] confume [Music] you [Music] disintegration [Music] cing but I am not alone [Music] [Applause] [Music] l [Music] [Music] incineration the other chall for hey guys uh back with a new build guide for 3.23 and this video we're going to be going over some Scion armor ster builds we have three builds to cover so the video might get a little bit long but I'll try to cut it up in a Time stamps so you can jump around to the build you want to look at but um basically the gear and items are pretty similar with all three so we'll go over the first build which is going to be a Transcendence uh build um and then after that we'll go over the other two builds which use pretty much similar gear but we're just gearing them uh using doing a few different things and we'll go over those differences uh like that so basically just watch the Transcendence version and if you're interested in the other ones just check out what I'm doing to get them working all right so let's jump in and first of all let's go over the different builds we're going to be going going over these builds here these are my three um High budget builds for the uh Scion armor stacker first we have a Transcendence armor stacker version this is using Comm spirit and original sin uh and then we have a two uh what do you call it grasping male armor stacker versions these aren't using Transcendence but instead we're using some charms um to get a mini Transcendence so the charms we're using is the uh 3% of Elemental uh of armor applies to Elemental damage taken from hits right so this is basically mini Transcendence and then we're using one of them uses a AIS Aurora and the other one just uses two swords to get just like Max DPS right so here we are in game um we're I'm running the Transcendence version and going to say Transcendence this league isn't really as good as it was in previous leagues uh mainly because there isn't really a lot of support to get Max res so basically your base Transcendence build is going to be able to get 75 all reses uh which is a little bit low right usually I'm at like around 80 or so in other leagues so but you could get a little bit more with uh you know some things you can do to get like 76 77 Maybe um but for now this is what it is and a lot of the gear in uh that I'm using now is not mid maxed at all basically I've just got everything I needed to actually get the build running so uh basically defenses are there but um damage wise it is a little bit on the low end I would say I mean it's not like really bad we have about uh about like 100 million combined DPS if we're doing the double hit with Smite right so that's really not that low I would say but for me it is kind of low you know I'm used to having about 200 plus 200 million plus DPS so but anyways that will all come when we get better gear upgrades um this is sort of an advanced build guide and I expect that most people who are interested in this build already knows the Bas basic concepts for armor stacker so we're not really going to get into that and um basically um not going to really explain a lot of mechanics we're just going to go over the gear and how I built it so first of all uh let's go over some of the gear in order to get Transcendence running we have to um negate the downside of basically us not having any physical damage reduction from our armor and the way we do this is we convert all of our U physical damage Tak it from hits to Elemental and the way we're doing that is there a couple of things and let's go over the passive tree first what we're doing first we have this armor and energy Shield Mastery it's 10% over here we have another 20% on the Watcher's eye you can get a little bit higher uh and then we have 18% on the helmet and we have 28% on our shield and then we have um 15% on the uh flask right so when the flask is down we're not at 100% so we are a little bit vulnerable to Fizz damage but even then when the flask is down let's go take a look in p real quick all right so with the flask up we're about 680k Max hit taken flask down 100 but this is with molten shell up right so if we take molten shell off uh it is going to drop down by a bit so 46 but even with this um 46k max hit taken is enough to actually tank most things in the game I think a shaper slam did like it's like 18K or 20K Fizz so yeah it you could still you're still it's not like you're going to like die from anything with this right but you are a little bit vulnerable and for some of you guys thinking well it's kind of awkward what happens if you don't have flash charges and all this kind of stuff but I took a build similar to this last leag down to 6,300 depth and I was killing Crystal Kings all the bosses at that depth at 6,300 um and it was not a problem I I was never in a situation during my whole delve push all the way down to 6,300 where I was like oh you know I don't have flash charges I always had flash charges um in all the Del biomes you're always killing mobs you're always getting flash charges and the Crystal King died before I ran out of flash charges so uh wasn't really a problem all right so that's kind of how we are converting and there's there is one thing to note that um you don't actually really want to go over 100% converted and we are I actually am over 100% And the thing funny thing is if you go over 100% of Fizz converted to Elemental right you actually start taking increased damage right and this was confirmed on Reddit by one of the g g staff that yeah that's kind of how it works so if you go over 100% then well you're taking increased damage but thing is um for me I think the increased damage you take is negligible right um it's for for me it's better that I have a lot converted um enough converted that when my flask is down my fsmax hit is still a decent number so right so um it's kind of something you have to kind of balance around I guess right um with your gear and all that kind of stuff all right so that's about how we are converting all of our Fizz damage let's go back in game aside from that let's go over some of the gear pieces um so you're going to need a helmet similar to this with a this is uh this leag I decided to use the delve uh fracture instead of the Betrayal one so there is um other there's two of these um mods here uh the Fizz taken from hits as right so there's one that comes from delve you can get this one is very hard to get item level 84 helmet so most of them are going to be item level 83 um and what you do is uh there's another one here let's see if we can find it uh there is a uh so this one from delve is a suffix right and the one from there's another one from betrayal right it's a Corel and this one is a prefix F taken as fire so it's up to you which one you want to use um for me I this league last League I was using the Corell one this league I wanted to get a plus two AOE on my helmet so I decided to use the Del one basically so if you use the Corell one you get an extra suffix that you can use for like intelligence you know get uh some intelligence like that if you're using that but then you lose a prefix so that means you have you can't get a plus to AOE well you can't even because this is a veiled mod and you can't have two of them right uh so with this uh delve mod you can actually get the unveil for the plus two AOE and still get a decent amount of energy Shield see we're at 301 energy shield on this helmet which is pretty nice all right so um yeah and then so we get 18% on the helmet we get 10% from the uh um delve mod and then another 8% from the eater worlds implicit I do have a video on how to craft these helmets you can go check those out uh but I guess it it is a little bit different if you go for the delve one you basically just go you do the uh suffixes right you do with the defining essence of Loa until you get a uh you can only get tier 2 cold res if you have an item level 83 item and then after that you just use uh Eldridge currency exalts on the prefixes until you get a tier one um energy Shield right so you can get a tier two increased or a tier one flat ideally you get the tier one flat I didn't well I did a few times about three times but um Ashling wasn't very kind it took about I think 11 or 12 tries to actually get the unveil so this helmet ended up costing me about if we count in all the failed fractures which was this was like the fifth one I think that worked so it was about maybe 150 200 divines to actually make this helmet uh so pretty unlucky I would say okay so for the um I guess the sword is just the replica dream feather nothing special going on here and see so the grasping mail so minimum grasping mail you want is going to be um well ideally you have a global defense and a cold or you know a cold a double overc cap cold fire is going to work as well it's going to give you a bit more damage or you go for a c uh Global defense and Fire you know all of them will work you just need one of the overcap mods um and if you're on a budget you can just go for a single overcap right so a single evasion or a single fire uh that'll work as well um okay yeah so that's pretty much the graspic mail for the amulet I still think eternal struggle is going to be best in slot either this or a very good Simplex amulet still haven't really looked around on the Simplex amulets but you know something like that and then um it's kind of sad ashes is I think ashes is still very good but all of the um gem qualities are just complete trash like it's there's nothing really good that the quality is going to give us really I mean we might get some more resistance because purity of ice and purity of elements do give resistance right so you get you will and I think in po it was actually a little bit more damage to put ashes on but then we lose Global defense we lose um attributes and we lose Aura effect so H something to consider but for now I I'm liking the eternal struggle also gives you calling strike which is pretty insane as well all right so after that uh we're using the dawn breaker because of the uh we need to convert our Fizz uh damage taken to Elemental right so you want to get one with a Max roll on the TW on the physical damage taken as fire on the explicit and the implicit you want to get it one corrupted um preferably with fizz taking as chaos because you know we are immune to chaos damage so basically it just makes makes it like it just removes the damage right so okay so original sin why are we using original sin well I mean obviously uh I think you know most people know original sin insane for damage right especially we use it when you use it in conjunction with the uh balance of Terror over here so whenever we cast despair we're now inflicting uh with Wither on hit so we get another source of another mo more multiplier in you know the Wither Stacks right um but you know uh one one huge thing about this is the um nearby enemies chaos res is zero so you know for me I like consistent damage right that's why I like dorian's prototype on builds like that because it's just consistent damage right um most monsters bosses have resistances and these resistances can be increased by like M mods or uh AR NE arch nemesis mods or alter mods and all these kind of things and all of a sudden you know you're doing 100 million DPS but then you run into a m with like a billion resistance and then your 100 million DPS all of a sudden becomes 10 million DPS or 20 million DPS and it just feels bad right so I like consistent damage and uh the original sin does provide that because you know their resistances are set to zero uh same thing with dorian's prototype you know we set their resistances to what we have have so everything feels consistent nice it's like if you have 100 million DPS in plb you're going to have 100 million DPS in game it's just you know those things don't really change so original sin uh very nice we do have an extra button to push so now we have to do you know Smite uh and then we do Grace Aura despair for some reason it is double casting maybe just my cast speed is so fast uh Necromancer Aura Amazing by the way all right so for the boots still on uh March to the legion boots Bo let's see so mine aren't very good like I said I'm was focusing all of my currency into creating mostly these two rare items to get the build running so you know the boots are still pretty bad we still need to get a plus4 pair of boots that kind of stuff right um yeah all right so talk about the gloves uh we're using calm spirit and calm spirit is one part of the build that I'm not really happy with right so why is that well first of all of all well Comm spirit is performing um very well um you can see our rage regen when we have Grace up is actually it's better if we look in pob 118 rage every 4 seconds so and that's with that at about five 3.5 million armor and well you probably s like rage is not a problem rage regen is pretty much infinite at this point once you get a lot of armor the armor Invasion Mastery over here is enough to um basically us unlim limited rage and permanent berserk basically well basically permanent berserk right so that sounds great and all and um well why aren't you happy with it well main problem I have is well is es recovery so we don't have a lot of es recovery we do have um es on hit and a bit of leech um but you know this is like all based on when you're attacking right if you're not doing anything well you're not regenerating energy Shield you're not doing this you know and um I just don't really like that kind of um the way that kind of feels right in game uh damage is pretty nice when you have the berserk and depending on you know what you're doing really like if you're just going in one-shotting the bosses getting out then um these uh you know the col Spirit you're not really even going to notice the downside because you know everything's just dead right away but if you're doing like extremely Juiced Maps or if you want to do like strong um ghosting and you know a lot of other things you do want to have es regen otherwise it's not going to really feel that good right so I think in the future I will be dropping the calm Spirit gloves in favor of a pair of um rare gloves like sorcer gloves like I crafted last league and if you're interested I do have a video on how I crafted those so we'll probably be going over to those gloves in the future um and dropping berserk uh and C Spirit entirely so one thing you can do to actually get a little bit of es a little bit more es regen is um go over to ghost Reaver maybe this might help if you have some leech right right doubles the amount of leech you get so that's pretty nice um aside from that yeah I do have uh leech charm over here um and then I do have yon hit on the Watcher's eye okay so you know it is um it it's good enough I'm doing smac room wave 30 no problem and yeah so I just don't really like not having passive es regen I know maybe it's just a personal preference but I don't know um tell me what you guys think you know the calm spirit with the uh permanent Rage or permanent berserk is insanely powerful um very nice too actually having like 300% increased movement speed if I like slot in this like Quicks silver flask you see we are just like you know breaking the speed limit and about to be pulled over by the cops all that kind of stuff right so it's very nice having calm Spirit but the downside of no es regen is something something I just don't like personally all right so after that let's go over some of the flasks um not really much uh anything special here just evasion armor um so I'm going for additional Elemental resistances um you could actually get attack speed on here and attack speed uh did give me a little bit more damage faster attacks also does um increase the amount of Wither Stacks you get or like the speed you get them right but uh first of all I didn't really have a lot of Elemental resistance so if we take this off you could see well you know I'm at a little bit overcapped for lightning um but then also it does impact how much armor we have so 3.3 million 3.1 million so you know having a little bit more resistance gives you a bit more armor and why is that important that is because uh first of all for more armor means more fiz max hit or like Elemental Max hit and it also does impact our rage regeneration right so that's something you consider with your flask aside from that uh Jade flask with reduced Mana cost of skills I did try a like a bismuth flask or those kind of things but the Jade flask overall was giving more damage right okay aside from that taste of haste try to get 28 quality with um hilock hilock if you can and that's pretty much it so gem links there is nothing really special to say about the gem links um except for I guess this setup here have the boots so I'm not linking my Defiance Banner to the Empower setup over here just because well I just don't have Mana for it right but aside from that just Grace uh Empower inspiration and then we have Defiance Banner because this does get um Defiance manner does gain the levels you get from the march of the Legion but since it's not an aura we can still cast it normally right so it's kind of cool Tech you can use there okay so gem links uh just look looking the PO nothing nothing special going on there and let's see passive tree let's go over that uh real quick so pretty much standard um not really much to say here if you don't have these one passive voices then um you see I do have an extra point here that you could fit you could fit everything I'm doing now in with three three passive voices um you just won't have this one point here which is not really a problem um aside from that if you did have to drop points you would have to drop the energy Shield Mastery um maybe get some better small clusters so you can drop this reservation here right so that's three points you'll probably be able to get back once you have good clusters so I don't know if you don't have voices it is going to be pretty hard to pull off Transcendence um this league and I think you probably be better off trying one of the other builds okay so that's it basically so uh militant Faith let's go over this uh we have uh the main thing you want for Transcendence is going to be conquered by um High Templar marxis and then we have 1% reduced Mana cost of skills and increased effect of non curse Aura so we have 170 devotion right now with the Timeless Jewel and our uh anal instinct which actually gives us devotion you see we get all the devotion from here and the good thing about this is It's first of all we're getting 17% increased Aura effect very nice and then we have 17% reduced Mana Costa skills which basically means it's easy to get Grace all we need to get Grace going is the inspiration the flask and then this Tim stroll and we don't have to get it on any of our gear see why on my ring I don't even have reduced Mana cost of skills on my ring because we have so much reduced Mana cost of skills coming in from this Timeless jeel okay so uh after that uh balance of Terror you want to get the main mod you want here is inflict withered on uh for 2 seconds on hit if you've cast despair in the past 10 seconds and if you can get the second mod for despair which is immune to curses is well then that's just um you know Perfect Right other Jewels we're using is the Watcher's eye so you do want to have um you do want to get your um Fizz taken conversion here you'll have to go in Po and pull out a calculator and see add up all your gear pieces together to see how much you actually need on the Watcher's eye this is going to be extremely expensive as a Watchers like this can go for you know one to two mirrors probably uh so you might have to either drop the es on hit in favor of like leech or just get a single mod and um I think you might be able to pull it off with just single mod and Es on hit and then um you basically are going to be reliant on your like FL you might you know you might be able to pull off I'm not sure but you'll have to calculate this you know with all of your gear add it all up together and see how much you need all right and if you can't really get enough to convert to 100% Fizz then do not try Transcendence okay so you you need to be able to have 100% converted at the end of the day when your flask is up or it's just I don't play it uh go play the next build we'll talk about which is going to be a non-trends version which is actually um very tanky as well and I'm not really sure if you can tank a lot of uber one shots and all this kind of stuff but it can definitely uh do quite a bit of damage and does have quite a big uh quite a lot of ehp and Max hit taken okay aside from the other Jewel we are using melding of the flesh right to get our all reses and that is pretty much it for the passives okay let's go over the U pantheons and then we'll do the charms after that in ascendency so for pantheons we're using soul of our coli because this build does um suffer I mean it's not suffer but its weak point is damage over time so we're using the damage overtime Pantheon and then I am also using soul of abath um for Less uh ignite well ignite doesn't matter cuz we have Pur of elements but uh the burning ground right so we're immune to burning ground now usually I am using the soul of rtha because of no no the soul of relakes sorry guys so this one basically makes um you like bleeding does just doesn't do anything to you when you have this right but since we are pretty much always having our flask up and when we when you have 100% of Fizz taken as something else right so if you're not taking any physical damage bleeding just cannot be inflicted on you you cannot like it just doesn't happen and if it ever does happen I am using a charm so it's a good time to go over the charms right one of my charms has removed bleeding when you use a flask so if we ever get bleeded uh inflicted on us we just use our flask and that removes the bleed and then it also makes us immune to bleed because we're not taking any Fizz damage right so so far this has worked out pretty good for me uh after that like I said we have some leech here and cannot be stunned while fortified since we're Sion we have 50% chance to fortify on hit with attack skills so our leap slam when we're leap slamming around the map we're going to get fortified we're going to become immune to stun so we no longer have to use unwavering stance so we get one extra point so that is kind of a nice um what do you call is this a suffix I think it is right yeah so very nice suffix to get um uh on your charms over here and then we just have one magic uh utility flask um applied to you at 15% increased effect so ideally you would want to have more of these right so if you could get frenzies from somewhere else like something like poacher Mark I just do not have the gem slots right now but if you get poachers Mark then you can have another magic uh flas gear it's going to give you quite a lot more damage and if you get Lee from somewhere else too or if we um switch over to the rare gloves and use ell oath for ES regen well we don't need the leech anymore so we can get another one here and then I think end of the day having three of these magic utility flasks is going to be the goal um it's going to give us in quite a lot of armor and more damage right all right so that's the charms let's go over the ascendancy ascendancy I mean pretty much always going to be using the same ascend see we go to Champion we go path of dualist we go Necromancer so a lot of people ask why Necromancer and uh let's go take a look in po but the main reason we're using this is because ARS from your skills Grant 2% increase attack and cast speed now this is an aura it's skilled with aura effect now let's see so that's 2% right base let's go look in po let's go over to um Smite now let's look at the attack speed why is one of them eight but that 2% is now 6% so I don't know why one of them is showing up as 8% okay that is very weird but yeah because we have 300% R effect or a little bit over 300% so that 2% per AA is now 6% per Aura and you can see we do have quite a lot of auras and that's an pretty much uh pretty um insane amount of increased attack speed so that is why we go Necromancer and it also gives cast speed right so casting despair very fast casting Grace very fast um yeah all right so that is the ascendancy and that'll be it for the Transcendence uh build now let's go over one of the other ones real quick all right so let's go over the next build is going to be a um AIS orora variant now this one isn't uh running Transcendence but uh you can see our ehp is pretty insane effective hit pull is infinite well that's just because the agis of our recovery and our Max hit taken is still pretty respectable now this can go quite a bit higher and the way we're getting this is with uh 90 all reses and then we have these 3% of armor applies to fire cold and lightning damage taken from hits okay so we only have two of them right now uh that's just because we are using frenzies but if you wanted to um go say Max tank route on this you would use three of these charms right so now we went from 200 let's just see we went from 250 I'm looking at the fire Mex hit um let's look at the cold Max hit actually so about 300K cold Max hit now we're at 340 now you can also get this on a jewel so there is a jewel that which was taken that can also roll this mod now if we look at this our Max hit taken is looking pretty insane right right so I mean we would have to probably drop this attack Mastery here to get this um and which means we actually also lost our frenzies and uh on our V Smite we are losing this for ancestral call awaken ancestral call so this is kind of what it would look like if you went Max tank on this build uh damage is a little bit lower right but still like going to have insane recovery and this kind of stuff so that's one thing you can kind of do if you want to go for the max like tankiness route but so this build is pretty much exactly the same as my last build you can see we are still running the same passive tree except we're using the same Timeless Jewel as well except we're just not specking into Transcendence uh and we are also one thing we're doing differently is we're taking this attack Mastery because since we're using AIS Aurora we get plus five cold resed so we don't have to take this area here so we can do a lot with this you don't really have to take this but taking this attack Mastery basically means that well we can drop ancestral call and take awaken Elemental damage with attacks to get uh another um damage support gem in our links so if you don't want to do that you could put ancestral call back in right and then you'd have another four points to play around with like you could go get Ghost rever right to get some more leech or uh you could maybe even come down for divine Shield like this right or you could grab it with a thread of hope you could get another Jewel socket like we mentioned here you could get this Jewel socket uh if you wanted or you can get a thread of Hope and then jump here and grab glancing blows and divine Shield you might have to drop another Point somewhere maybe this one here right get a thread of Hope get Divine Shield get glancing blows get a lot more recovery so uh up to you how to build it that's just kind of the base tree that I had um like this um feel free to customize it as you like so for the charms what we're using on this one is we are using two of the 3% of armor applies to um Elemental damage right and the last one just frenzy and remove bleeding when you use a flask um if you can get your frenzies in some other way I don't know why the Mana got messed up let's just reimport it it just uh kind of um messes po kind of messes it up when I change Talent points around for some reason but anyways yeah so if you can get frenzies in another way like we mentioned before you can get them with um mark on hit poachers Mark right that's going to give you frenzies you could get another one of these or if you just don't care about frenzies then get rid of them but aside from that the build is exactly the same as the Transcendence version um except for some of the items the items is we're just changing our agis Aurora I mean our Dawn breaker for the agis Aurora right um but yeah AIS Aurora and then rest of the gear is the same so nice thing about this is we do get the benefit of running um a mini Transcendence with the without the downside so we have 90 all res so that means degens are not going to hurt you as much um and you don't have to really worry about your flask up time right see even without the flask we've insane Fizz maxit taken um so that's something to consider as well and then one thing you can do is since we don't actually need to convert 100% of our is damage to Elemental what we can do is well we can get a synth helmet right so you can get a very nice synth helmet 15 rura effect and get some like gem levels and all that kind of cool stuff on there you know and if you want if you're wondering what it looks like without the helmet or you see our Fizz Max hit is still very high when we have uh even if we're not even using a helmet right so we don't that's minus 18% Fizz conversion to Elemental and our ehp number are still looking very good right so um helmet slot is um you have the option to go for for a um synthesized helmet which is very big for damage that's going to like boost your damage by quite a bit aside from that everything else is the same guys okay so that's one and this this version of the build is one that I'm actually the most interested in right now I'm just testing out Transcendence just you know seeing how Transcendence feels in the current patch um if we can still go into tank the bosses you know do the Ubers the the Ubers right let's see we can tank the Ubers um and that kind of stuff and then I'll probably be swapping over to this um AIS Aurora variant and trying to minmax this one all right so next build we have is actually pretty much the same as the one we just looked at except um we're doing one little thing different and that is we are using two replica dream feathers right so two replica dream feathers and well you can see this basically doubles our damage so to get 90 ores we do have to come down here to pick up the Prismatic skin area and that means we had to cut out points somewhere so I did cut out this armor and evasion Shield Mastery which I think in hindsight might not be that good might not be that good because um this is pretty insane so we take this go you know get like 100k Max ehp um so I don't know something to consider guys you you will have some points here like I said we we are taking the attack Mastery so we do have we don't have to use ancestral call there are some points you can cut out like this one uh this one and um once you get good cluster Jewels eventually you can cut these reservation points out and uh with those points well if you don't have voices you probably are going to have to cut those out anyways or the the one one passive voice right um and then but ideally on this one too I think you do want to come to this Jewel to grab Divine Shield because Divine Shield is going to be pretty much amazing for your es recovery so um as as anytime you get hit there's even a lot of spells or uh there's a lot of um most attacks in the game is Fizz damage and you're going to be negating uh quite a lot of that so that's just going to be regenerated right as es so it's going to fix your es regen pretty much for the most [Music] part but yeah that's the build gun guys um so uh this one what are we using on the charms the charms are exactly the same as the Aegis Aurora variant for now and uh let's talk about the pantheons so pantheons still the same arac um aberth you might want to change this to um rikesh to um negate the bleeding but then you'll have to deal with the burning ground so something you consider which Pantheon you want to use so this the builds right now they're not really 100% optimal they're just like this is what you need to get going and we we will be optimizing them in the future once we get better gear and all that kind of stuff but for now this is what it is and um I think we will end the video over here thanks for watching guys let me know if you have questions you can put them in the comments of the video or in my Discord and we'll try to get around to you uh there and yeah anyways uh thanks for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Bigdaddy
Views: 64,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: path of exile, path of exile guide, path of exile builds, path of exile 2, path of exile best build, armor stacker, armor stacker poe, armor stacker scion, armor stacking smite, armor stacking ascendant, armor stack smite, poe armour stacker, poe armour stacker smite, poe armor stacker smite, path of exile armour stacking, poe armor stacking guide, Armour Stacker 3.23, Path of Exile 3.23, path of exile transcendence, poe transcendence, path of exile 2023
Id: 0OgzG03KPw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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