[3.21 Ready] SWEEP BERSERKER - Surprisingly good melee build | Path of Exile
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Views: 36,337
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Keywords: poe berserker, path of exile builds, path of exile, path of exile гайд для новичков, poe builds, poe guide, 3.21 builds, path of exile 3.21, sweep build 3.20, exiled cat, berserker build 3.20, melee build poe 3.20, path of exile melee build, sweep berserker poe, sweep berserker 3.20, sweep poe, poe 3.20, poe forbidden sanctum, forbidden sanctum poe, poe berserker build, boss killer, sweep build 3.21, berserker build 3.21, melee build poe 3.21, poe crucible
Id: weqUb3SELfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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