32-Bit Light Gun Games - Game Sack

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to game sack today we're talking about some 32-bit light gun games and who doesn't love a good liken game I always love these kinds of games Joe and there's actually some really good ones out there that I think we're going to show you there are and we're looking again for the Saturn and the PlayStation and like usual day is going to cover the PlayStation I'm going to cover the Saturn stuff so let's just get going [Music] Virtua cop on the Saturn by Sega is of course based on the arcade game of the same name the Saturn version is pretty faithful though the graphics aren't quite as sharp and the polygons are a tad less robust still it's a pretty fun game that was included with the stunner gun when I got it one Christmas and it can be played with two players at the same time you can also purchase this game on its own without the gun there's only three stages here but you can play them in any order that you want so many choices yeah it's pretty short but it's still fun however it's definitely not something that you want to pay full price for basically you're shooting the bad guys and trying not to shoot the tons of innocent people that keep popping up stay down idiots don't you know that there are bullets flying around geez you can collect new weapons that last for a limited amount of time but there's not much extra health laying around I like the graphics that zoom in on the bad guys to show how close they are to shooting at you the music is pretty good and it gets better as you play that is if you play the stages in order it flips up a good challenge considering its length this one also tracks your gun on screen live without flashing the screen at times how they do this I have absolutely no idea but I think it's cool [Music] a year later Virtua cop 2 came out on the Saturn this one is pretty much more of the same with a few improvements the visuals are improved a bit and feature more color and more interesting locations you'll often be inside cars or on a subway or things like that you also have the ability to choose your path halfway through each stage this adds a bit of replayability since there are still only three stages other than that there's not really much that can be considered new there's still lots of different weapons to collect and innocent people to avoid shooting the music is decent and there's more of it but it does kind of get boring being a virtue a cop honestly I'd rather shoot virtuous zombies or something [Music] you [Music] Time Crisis on the PlayStation was Namco's answer to virtual köppen is only compatible with a gun Conn turns out the president's daughter has been kidnapped by this scary guy you play a secret agent Richard Miller who sent in to ruin his day like Virtua cop you move from scene to scene shooting bad guys but instead of shooting outside the screen to quickly reload you instead duck for cover this also takes you out of the enemy's line of fire you'll even need to use it to avoid getting crushed by things like cars or whatnot from time to time once you're done reloading you swing back out to shoot some more bad guys do this again and again and then move on to the next scene you use a button on the gun con to control your ducking and your firing there are only three stages but each stage has multiple areas you've also got to be careful because you're on a time limit both you and the criminals got other things to do and places to be there's also another mode with completely new stages where you get to shoot up hotel employees who just want you to leave the game can get extremely difficult it doesn't help that you're constantly tugging back and forth once yuria merge it takes a half a second or so to get reorient ated to exactly where all your enemies are and that can lead to your doom only with repeated playthroughs where you learn where the enemies all are in order to beat them still overall it's a great game the graphics don't have much detail but they do have a certain charm to them the music is also great and really helps make you feel tense it's the first in the series so it's okay if it's a little rough around the edges action action action accent later on time crisis project Titan was released Richard Miller has been framed for the assassination of the leader of a fictional country so now you need to shoot everybody up and make them pay it's Miller time the gameplay here is almost exactly the same as the first game this time however you're occasionally given the option to move to a different area when you're ducking for cover you'll need to do this a lot while fighting bosses otherwise it's good old time crisis with a new set of stages the graphics seem a little cleaner this time around and I like that and again you're ducking for cover after every six shots you fire if not even more often and it still puts up quite a bit of challenge in the story mode it's a good game and I recommend it [Music] area 51 on the Saturn is a port of the Midway arcade game this is an FM V light gun game where you need to kill all of the aliens that have taken over the area 51 base that'll teach the government for being shady with their aliens it's a pretty basic game and that's fine just shoot all of the aliens but don't shoot your team members who are dressed in blue unfortunately they'd like to get in your way quite a bit so be careful if you do shoot them then you lose some health if not your life along the way there are crates to shoot which can give you grenades and even weapon power-ups the grenade obviously will destroy all the enemies currently on screen there's also tons of yellow barrels and crates during any given level that you can shoot for points visually things are pretty rough here with the video suffering from some pretty low quality compression the music keeps your heart pumping but otherwise it's nothing special generally like this game a lot in the arcade when she was younger and was happy to play the Saturn version I mean come on everyone likes to play the Sega Saturn [Music] not much later Midway grace the world with maximum force this one's a lot like area 51 with its FMV based gameplay however it seems a lot slower and slightly less fun than area 51 one thing that I really do like though is that a lot of the backgrounds are destructible with your weapons which is really impressive considering that the game uses FMV first graphics also there's lots of innocent people here who just love to run into the middle of the scene like they can't hear gunshots all around them or something the video on audio here are both pretty bad and honestly I can't recommend this one too much area 51 on the PlayStation plays just like the Saturn version and uses the justifier only it's also sometimes called the enforcer but here the full motion video quality is much nicer not only is there a lot more detail in the video but the video itself is bigger on the screen and there's far less compression artifact look at gen playing the PlayStation version she's way happier than she was playing the cruddy Saturn version and the PlayStation version so awesome definitely happier than I'll ever be playing this that's for sure if you're gonna play area 51 the PlayStation really is the best choice as long as you have the justifier now blast some alien ass off this planet the PlayStation version of maximum force is the same story as area 51 much better video quality making it much more enjoyable well as enjoyable as an FM V light gun game can be I suppose but this time you can play with either the justifier or the gun Conn is not all bad oh crap I just shot the innocent metal detector guy that could have been me I love metal detecting but then again I'm not dumb enough to do it in the middle of a giant gunfight anyway check out the PlayStation versions if you like Midway's FMB like on games wanna came to show off the massive power of the PlayStation well then gun to Western Front June 1944 probably isn't your game this Japanese only game uses the gun con and takes place in you guessed it June of 1944 it seems you're a one-man army blasting down Nazis writing their own bases your life bar is basically the timer at the top of the screen it's continuously counting down but each successful kill adds a bit of time you shoot everything from infantry to planes and tanks if you hold down the button on the gun con you can also launch an RPG but only if the bar happens to be green at the time of course each level ends in a boss fight almost everything about this game feels very primitive the graphics are very simplistic and the animations of the infantry are quite odd they really didn't bother to apply any polish here and it's all extremely basic because of this it starts to get boring after four stages or so overall it's no wonder why this never saw wider release the music is interesting but I don't think this is the kind of stuff that was at the top of any country's charts in June of 1944 [Music] Krypt killer on the Saturn by Konami is based on the arcade game this one is actually pretty cool you get to select from a bunch of different stages in the beginning now you're on your way to find the eyes of guidance and kill some crypts the stages are all 3d but most of the enemies are 2d sprites everything is extremely blocky still it's pretty fun to play twice in each stage you'll be able to choose your path some of the rounds repeat in the different stages so choose wisely and of course at the end of all the rounds is a boss fight there's lots of different guns to collect which can help out a bit you also have a stock of Bob which you can use by pressing the start button the game often likes to tell you what it thinks is a good time to use the bomb yeah it's definitely an arcade game there are some good concepts in here but sadly the 32-bit generation just wasn't up to the task of making this game look as good as it could I mean it looks like Atari 2600 graphics in the 3d world the music is really nice though and there's quite a few different tracks unfortunately it never came out in the US for the Saturn [Music] Wow crypt killer is also on the PlayStation and you can only use the justifier it's pretty much the same as a Saturn version only much better in its visual presentation the textures all have a higher resolution in overall the game looks much less blocky that's not to say that this is an amazing looking game or anything because it isn't it's still pretty primitive looking even for its time especially with the wonky camera moments that are all over the place one weird thing is that I found that my aim kept drifting to the right the more and more I play the game I can still reliably hit my enemies just as long as I ain't Lee to the left of my target for that reason alone the saturn version plays better but this one isn't quite as ugly all right we're back Dave are you enjoying these light gun games I am enjoying them Joe they are a kick in the you-know-what you can say it can I kick in the ass in the ass yeah I love shooting you know at the screen and stuff like that yeah it makes me feel empowered exactly this is the kind of motion control that I actually like secret all emotion to try suppose I did not really but yeah anyway let's get back into it [Music] Point Blank from Namco on the PlayStation is a fantastic port of their arcade games one hour two players can play at the same time in this one and it only works with Namco's gun con basically you play as one of two doctors on an insane hunting trip at a shooting gallery or something the gameplay consists of a lot of small stages and there are a lot of them before each stage you're given the rules like don't shoot the bombs and be sure to hit at least 25 of this or that each stage lasts between 5 and 25 seconds at the most during that time you need to make sure to do as well as you can as fast as you can immediately after the timer is that you get to see if you've met your quota each time you fail your quota or shoot something that you're not supposed to you lose a life there are a ton of different stages here resulting in a lot of variety and I really love that if you select the arrange mode then there's even more stuff to do like a quest mode which is basically an RPG you get to explore towns talk to people buy things from shops and yes even get into random battles these battles are just the stages from the arcade mode moving around using the gun is kind of weird but it's intuitive the graphics are colorful and funny and the music goes perfectly with the game this is an absolute must-have for the PlayStation point-blank Jew came out the next year in 1999 this one is basically more of the same with lots of new stages like this one where you need to keep a cam from dropping while you're in space that shouldn't be too hard I don't think some of the old stages have been brought over and given a fresh coat of paint like shooting the criminals but now you move forward the quest mode is back in this time it takes place at a theme park where of course you need to rescue a princess you go through different things like a haunted house and fight occasional battles even though this is more of the same it still feels new enough though two years after that Point Blank 3 was finally released once again it's more of the same in once again that's a good thing plenty of new stages here to test your aim and reflexes this one doesn't have a quest mode at all and that's ok as they really don't miss it I like some of the new ideas like shooting soccer balls into the goal or like this one where you need to match the pace of the Namco character shown and shoot it I like it because it has a splatter house mask in addition to stuff like nappy and Dig Dug you really can't go wrong with any of the games in the point link series my favorite is probably Point Blank 2 but if you see any of them for an acceptable price pick it up if you don't already own it Obachan came out in 2000 and is a gun con only title this one was released in Europe as ghoul panic but never came out in the US I bought it because it's very similar to the point-blank series in fact it plays by almost identical rules but the stages are often longer and a bit more modernized with polygons and such it also constantly switches resolution from interlace to progressive and back for no reason whatsoever making it very hard to record footage of this game and there are a ton of loading screens everywhere still it's a fun new take on the series and I enjoy it [Music] my tea hits on the Saturn was a game that was never released in the US this is the PAL version here running on my NTSC console honestly the best way to describe this game is that it's a poor man's point-blank basically it's full of short minigames to complete there's three different levels of difficulty here before each minigame you're told what you've got to do in order to clear the stage the stages are usually timed and you need to do things like pop balloons or some other such nonsense it's actually somewhat enjoyable but it gets hard really really fast one thing that I like though is that you can have your sight on-screen at all times that indicates where your light gun is pointed now this may seem like heating in I suppose in some stages like this one it really is but in others it really helps especially the stupid one where you need to ring these damn bells in the proper order in the harder difficulties you need to recreate an entire damn song from memory it's absurd the graphics and music aren't bad at all but as you can see the presentation is nothing mind-blowing it's fun for short bursts but damn the expert level will crush you we can also use the mouse with this one [Music] my tea hit special is also on the PlayStation but only released in Europe it's pretty much the exact same game only maybe slightly prettier however this time the game didn't even give me a song to remember when shooting these damn bells otherwise it's just mighty hits and there really isn't much more to say about it than that other than that it uses the gun Cod [Music] from gremlin interactive came out in 1997 this is another FMV shooter with backgrounds and any streamed up to disc as you play obviously your plane is Judge Dredd trying to capture a criminal who's murdered many different judges and has a vendetta against you you need to dispense justice all over the place on your way to take him down this game thankfully isn't based on the 1995 movie starring Sylvester Stallone this game has FMV cutscenes with actors playing the characters and it's far better than this Fallone movie far more faithful to the original character as well that said this game doesn't do much for me it's often difficult to see what shooting at you and you can hear a lot of things shooting simultaneously some things will start shooting at you again even after you thought you've defeated them not a horrible game but definitely not a memorable one either this is the simple 1500 series volume 20 for the gun shooting for the PlayStation are you ready for some gun shooting basically the simple 1500 series is a bunch of different budget games it cost only 1500 yen this gun con game actually isn't too bad at all in fact it's better than some full-fledged games costing many more yen basically you float around the level and shoot stuff pretty basic but it's fun everything is very smooth and there's quite a lot of variety which is good you can pick up timed weapons like this unlimited shot which fires continuously without reloading the music is also really nice and makes me want to keep playing I only have two complaints about this game one is that some of the mid boss enemies take way too many hits to defeat and of course no enemies here have a life bar I mean damn secondly a lot of the sound effects are extremely loud much louder than they should be other than that this is a nice cheap game but wait simple series 1500 volume 63 is the gun shooting - this one tries to be more like point-blank with short minigames in the section it doesn't do a very good job in there's not a ton of variety here this one feels much more like a budget title than the first so I'd recommend that one over this but hey at least now you know what the second one is about [Music] diehard trilogy on the Saturn is an extremely common game that I see around a lot the second game on the disk die harder is a rail shooter that allows you to use the stunner light gun this one plays like Virtua cop if it took place in an airport only much less refined there are tons and tons of innocent people here to avoid shooting and there's also tons and tons of bad guys who all explode in a spurt of blood when they get shot the easiest way to distinguish the enemies is to shoot anything with a blue circle like Virtua cop the red circle closes in on the enemy as they get closer to shooting at you the game feels very stiff as the camera tries to move around a lot and the framerate drops really low this can really make targeting enemies a problem sometimes the framerate actually speeds up and it's anything but consistent aside from that the visuals aren't too bad but they do look kind of sloppy the faces on the enemies look distorted and kind of funny the music is somewhat enjoyable so there's that at least like I said this game is common but the price is starting to go up for whatever reason [Music] [Music] dier trilogy is also on the playstation and again diehard - let's use a light gun as long as it's the justifier gun and not the gun con you can take most of what joe said about the saturn version in a play here except that the visuals are much cleaner with true transparencies and a higher frame rate the frame rate still disallowed but it's not as bad here personally I think it's a bit more fun than the Saturn version since it feels smoother and what PlayStation owner doesn't want a broke-ass version of Virtua cop unlike the Saturn diehard trilogy - viva las vegas came to the playstation this one works with a justifier and the gun con if you select the arcade mode you can choose to play only the like gun modes otherwise their interest for sporadically within the game this plays a lot like the first diehard trilogy like on parts only not as good the framerate is worse the camera whips around too much and it's just pretty boring I tried both the gun Khan and the Konami gun and it didn't seem to make any difference it's mediocre at best either way I recommend passing this one up this is chaos control remix on the Saturn from info Graeme's it was only released in Japan in Europe it's actually a crosshair shooter the likes of which he'd often see on the Sega CD or the laser active platform in fact this game was on the CDI first playing a game like this with a light gun is interesting you can constantly shoot at the screen without having to worry about reloading your gun like you do in the vast majority of other light gun games the only thing you have to worry about is your gun overheating which is measured by the meter at the bottom left corner in fact you can just hold the trigger down and move the gun across the screen shooting everything down until it overheats which doesn't take long the FMV is full screen and it's not too bad considering there's not much music here but the sound quality is still pretty good there's also parts where you can choose your path watch out because if you choose the wrong way you'll come to a dead end and have to restart the stage the game is pretty short but it's worth 5 or $10 if you can find it for that this is gunfighter The Legend of Jesse James from Ubisoft on the PlayStation this one uses the gun con only you play as the outlaw Jesse James but the town has been taken over by an even bigger outlaw who wants you out of the picture he kidnaps your girlfriend who is actually your cousin Z at the start of the game and off you go to save the town yep Jesse James ended up marrying his first cousin in real life this one plays exactly like Time Crisis with its constant ducking and reloading as well as its time limit but you know what I think they even did a better job than Namco did with their game the constant ducking and reloading isn't as annoying in the aiming seems a bit more accurate as well there are innocent people running around and if you hit them you lose time instead of life speaking of lives they're represented by the playing cards at the bottom of the screen there's also lots of chances to restore your life and score extra time if you need it and believe me you will this is definitely not an easy game by any means but it never gets frustrating I just want to keep on playing I love the Old West setting it's like the lethal enforcers to of time crisis I also like being able to come into your big weapons like his Gatling gun and mow down my enemies with it the visuals are pretty goofy especially the character models but it's all good enough the music is great and it truly fits the Western theme of this game this game was a big surprise to me how much I liked it leave it to Ubisoft to make the best time crisis game on the original PlayStation here we go death crimson on the Saturn is a japan-only release from ecoli dear god this game is awful I mean it feels like it was programmed in a couple of days for example the gun calibration screen doesn't even let you test your shot you just shoot once and that's it your guns are ready to go I guess the game lets you select from the first two but three stages at the start there's not a lot going on here soldiers come up and turn into monsters for no reason whatsoever and then you shoot them you also shoot other bad things in the level and there are also innocent people to avoid hitting just look at this mess will ya the visuals are horrible there's probably not many 32-bit games with a lower polygon count or a lower frame rate even the sound effects are loud and annoying and to top it all off the music will make your ears bleed [Music] the game feels woefully incomplete like they were trying to get it done before they had to let all of their employees go amazingly this game got two sequels on later platforms and I can't imagine why [Music] lethal enforcers one and two from Konami is just death both arcade games on a single PlayStation disc this one only works with the justifier as you might have guessed in lethal enforcers you play a cop taking out bad guy starting with a bank robbery sure are a lot of bad guys robbing this Bank today if they succeed I think each one will only get like 20 bucks for their effort hey what's all 900 go down or up the pick up the game consists of digitized set pieces and steel frames of digitized people you need to be careful not to shoot innocent people or other cops but that's easier said than done because the gun accuracy in this game is just awful horrible hitting something is an exercise in frustration is sometimes it works but often it doesn't check it out Here I am at the gun calibration screen I'm firing again and again and I'm not moving the gun at all just ridiculous also here is lethal enforce those two gun fighters this one takes place in 1873 in the Old West I like this one a lot better because of the setting and the really cool music unfortunately the same accuracy issues plagued this game as well I know it's not the guns fault because it works perfectly fine with other games it's just that Konami sex at programming like gun games we're also playing these games on a calibrated Sony PBM in RGB these games would be great if Konami would have just taken the time to do them properly especially part 2 here [Music] okay Dave I am enjoying this but all this screen flashing is it kind of gets to you yeah it does you're right it's it's hard not to notice it even though you're you know pretty in tune with a game it's still there and why does the screen flash well if you didn't know it's because every time the screen flash the light gun sees you know where it flashed where the scan line is drawn and it determines where the target is the zapper worked slightly differently but we're not talking about the zapper we're talking about the 32-bit light guns and we're getting right back into it project horn Dale was developed by alpha system and released by Sony themself for the PlayStation in 1996 this one only works with the justifier you're a cop in charge of a mech in the future the city is being attacked by Metallica Metallica is setting off fall to the shopping district I always knew they couldn't be trusted you never see Iron Maiden attacking the cities in the future anyway you have your regular shot which travels into the screen after you fire because of this you'll find that you usually need to lead your target a little bit in order to hit them you also have a stock of grenades that do a lot of damage especially against bosses the game is generally pretty slow-paced enough and you're just moving along waiting for something to happen that's okay though as it's still enjoyable the first four levels are pretty easy all the levels are also fairly long between each level are some cool anime cutscenes the movement is very smooth running at 60 frames per second the music isn't bad but it's not really memorable either I like the name entry screen where you can draw whatever you want it's a good game that's not too expensive yet I'm I'm ready Hey stop the arm supply what listening during the briefing again the House of the Dead got a port on the Saturn now not a great port mind you but it's still currently the only home port of the game that exists this is an evolution of Virtua cop and the gameplay mechanics are much better you're investigating a strange case at this house and it's full of zombies oh my god most enemies require more than one shot to defeat unlike Virtua cop so you'll be running out of ammo a lot faster there's no different kinds of weapons that you can use in this one at least not that I've ever seen but you still have lots of innocent people to avoid shooting some of them are under attack and if you save them they restore some of your life which is very helpful gameplay wise it's a lot faster paced on the likes of Virtua cop and like those games this can be enjoyed by two players simultaneously with either controllers or light guns or a combination of the two so see the best part about this one other than the zombie theme is that there are lots of branching paths you don't pause and choose which way you want to go but instead it happens on the fly as you play for example if you're quick enough to shoot open a trapdoor you'll go down in there things like this add a lot of replayability alright let's talk about the elephant in the room the graphics are kind of bad actually they are downright awful the resolution of the textures is super low and so is the framerate unfortunately this one was ported to the Saturn by a Western development team who didn't have a lot of experience with the system changing the color of the blood to red with the code definitely helped somewhat but it's still a very ugly game the CD quality music on the other hand is quite good with a couple of the tracks being outstanding even with the graphics being so core the gameplay doesn't suffer much and it's still a blast to play they even added some saturn only options if you can get over the less than appealing visuals you'll find a very enjoyable game that's fun to play again and again unfortunately this is one of those late relief Saturn games that currently goes for well over $200 I think most people who buy it these days buy it for the collectability and not the actual game play hey if you're a collector try playing it with a light gun or two and maybe get some enjoyment out of your purchase this is rescue shot buddy bow on the PlayStation from Namco and it uses the gun con as you can guess this title was only released in Japan the premise of this one is that this little guy just wants to walk around and everyone and everything else is trying to ruin his day you've got to take care of everything that attempts to bother him with your gun it's kind of like rescue mission on the master system where you're shooting at everything but the main protagonist but you can even shoot this little guy in the butt to make him jump in this will come in handy if you shoot him in the head he falls over on the surface this game looks like it's meant for kids and maybe it is but it does get challenging and sooner than you think it's a really good concept for a liken game and one that breaks the traditional mode of what these types of games should be the graphics are bright colorful and fun to look at the music is just as whimsical and also very enjoyable this is a good one to import if you don't mind the Japanese text but it really doesn't get in the way [Music] mechanical violator hik ITER is a Saturn game based on the 1995 Japanese film tell me are you ready to get violated mechanically good you're an Android named had Haider and you get to go to Jesus town to figure out what your life is all about or something like that the gameplay begins in a manner that reminds me a lot of the t2 arcade game if you remember that one blast the enemies as they appear and don't get shot you can switch your weapons by pressing the start button and each has unlimited capacity but the stronger ones will need to be reloaded more often but that's not all you also get to wander around Jesus town and talk to people and advance the story anyway the action scenes pop up throughout and I enjoy using all the weapons the bazooka is really good for boss fight so that I don't think that's what a bazooka is supposed to look like the visuals of the action stages look fairly nice however the FMV visuals of Jesus Town only look ok but the opening full motion video intro looks really good for the Saturn don't you think if this appeals to you check it out elemental gear bolt is a really unique PlayStation game by alpha system and brought over to the US by working designs in Japan is only compatible with a Jessa fire but working designs added gun con support the story is supported by lots of anime cutscenes honestly I've never understood exactly what's going on but it seems to revolve around a prince and a warring nation during the game you zoom and float around the various levels blasting things as you see them there's no reloading here at all you'll often encounter green orbs which you can shoot two free fairies in other orbs which you can shoot to increase your life meter you have three different weapons that are easy to cycle through the powerful shot is pretty slow but effective there's also a spread shot in a rapid-fire shot I've really never been able to get much done with either of the two shots so I usually just leave it on the default powerful shot I just wish it could shoot a hair faster unlike alpha systems other game project Hornell this game can be very difficult and you'll need some practice for sure one thing that can help is between levels you can distribute your points between score and experience always shoot the right arrow to get more experience to power yourself up shooting it the other way gives you a higher score but nobody cares about that sadly it takes a ton of points to level yourself up I tried this game with both guns and I found that neither was more accurate than the other the graphics are really nice and move at 60 frames per second just like alphas previous game the music is quite special with a kind of melodramatic overtone played by an orchestra it's worthy of being listened to outside of the game that's for sure I wholeheartedly recommend this one but sadly it's quite expensive these days just like most working designs releases [Music] scud the disposable assassin on the Saturn has a light gun mode and this mode plays much differently than playing it with a controller basically the story is is that your Skutt an assassin who's supposed to self-destruct after you kill your target but you didn't now everyone's trying to stop you and holy hell is this game hard it's super easy to lose health and there's not much you can do about it I've never even seen the end of the first stage now I don't like games that don't give the player a chance so I in turn won't give this game any more chances I like the graphics in the stuff here but the developers clearly knew nothing about good light gun game design this one was only released in the US and the rest of you really aren't missing much the Saturn version of police not to last for the stunner light gun in certain states first of all this is a great digital novel style game from Hideo Kojima and the Saturn version is the only one that supports a light gun there's quite a few action scenes in this one and using the gun is really the way to go the target area isn't huge but it's accurate and lots of fun you know when that music starts playing that you better drop the controller and grab that gun that's sitting on your lap I really can't recommend this game enough and using the light gun really adds to the experience check out the full review of the game that I did back in the lesson japan 9 episode you know Star Wars rebel assault - from factor 5 on the PlayStation has some like in segments this is a game with lots and lots of FMV and you can use the justifier in some levels it plays kind of like time crisis you can hide behind cover by pressing the button on the gun you come out from cover by pulling the trigger this lets you choose which side to reveal yourself in certain scenes which is kind of cool the action is okay as long as you calibrate your gun first but honestly you can do a lot better if you want some like gun action alright for dave has been talking an awful lot in this episode so there's just so many PlayStation likened games compared to the Saturn so I'm going to cover the last few PlayStation entries and give Dave sexy voice a chance to rest first up is Resident Evil survivor yep on the PlayStation this one only supports the gun con in Japan in Europe and the feature was removed here in the US Jude is a tragedy at Columbine controlling this one with the gun takes a lot of getting used to pulling the trigger while aiming at the screen shoots your gun pulling it while aiming outside with the screen makes you walk forward and a quick double pole will make you back up the buttons on each side of the gun con enables you to turn left and right respectively very odd yet interesting it plays like most other Resident Evil games where you need to run around and find items in the such you still slowly go from room to room this game takes place after Raccoon City in another infected town something happened to you and you don't have your memory back yet but people are calling you Vincent Vincent the game is cool - honestly aside from shooting the zombies I think it's a lot easier to play with a regular controller shooting zombies is fun and you have unlimited ammo it reloads automatically but it does it very slowly again it's very interesting in what they tried to do here but it's a chore to play with the gun con [Music] all right it's extreme Ghostbusters I love Ghostbusters oh wait these aren't the Ghostbusters oh no these are way more extreme evidently this was an animated show that I never saw and honestly it doesn't look like something I'd watch so anyway this game is not only extreme but it also uses the gun con and was only ever released in Europe it uses the time crisis duck and reload play mechanics that are popular on the console you shoot ghosts and zombies on the same two enemies appear over and over then you move to a new location and do it again you can also zap them with your proton beam if you want by pressing a button on the gun instead of pulling the trigger the game is very slow-paced and it feels like nothing ever happens there's very few enemies at all eventually you'll make it to a boss and suddenly it's almost exciting but even that's extremely easy get it extremely easy because it's extreme Ghostbusters yeah okay now this game is boring so I'm left to entertain myself but honestly I'm glad that this game never came out over here this year is more hoon X which was only ever released in Europe and I'm quite certain I'm mispronouncing that it's known elsewhere as crazy chickens this one uses the gun con and you shoot crazy chickens and stuff it's basically just a collection of simple things like trying to get the snail to the other side as fast as you can without shooting it dead your gun works as a pointer and it's not as accurate as normal light gun games as a result I mean the cursor seems to kind of lag behind the gun movements there's also some parts of the screen that I can't quite shoot this might be because I'm trying to run a Pal game on my NTSC Playstation I'm not sure no matter what though this game really didn't do a whole lot for me there's some other games like the PlayStation version of snatcher and also Galaxian 3 that some people say support light guns trust me they don't I tried them but Silent Hill can use the justifier in a unique way if you have it plugged into control port 2 you'll find the hyper blaster in your weapon stock it can be equipped right away and it has unlimited ammo using it as a little weird as it's not like other guns in the game instead you need to hold the button on the actual gun itself to turn it on and pull the trigger to fire the gun is auto aiming which is nice but if your character is facing the wrong way you're still going to get hit so basically you've got to keep controlling your direction with your left hand if you can it's an interesting easter egg that's for sure all right there you have it a whole slew of liken games for the PS and the Saturn a PS we have the PS some of them were really really fun others could have been better but that ding gun con you know I mean that just that kind of made it hard for the PlayStation you know because not every game was compatible with it being in two different guns yeah just kind of opinion yet but did you have fun I did I wish the Saturn had more light gun games especially brought out to the US a lot of them were you know not brought over made me kind of sad and they should have just had more but you know that's kind of the story with the Saturn sad as it may be that is it maybe they love to Saturn them anyway what do you guys think of light gun games let us know and in the meantime thank you for watching games sack you all right Dave I think that was a pretty good episode for the Saturn and the PlayStation like guns yeah totally I really liked it a lot you know what else I think is I think that the Saturn stunner is almost as accurate if not just as accurate as an AAMCO gun come I'm going to have to disagree with you Joe because that's not true why how about I just shoot you and we'll see how accurate it is oh yeah not if I shoot you first actually Dave you're not going to shoot anything it does you forgot to plug in your stupid composite video dongle you're right Joey okay can you hold this for a sec because then I'll probably plug that in to push again okay okay now I'm going to show you how accurate this can really I am the stupidest man in the world you
Channel: Game Sack
Views: 265,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sega, nintendo, turbografx, pc, engine, gameplay, video, games, retro, genesis, snes, nes, master, system, guncon, justifier, enforcer, konami, stunner, saturn, playstation, house of the dead, time crisis, virtua cop, jesse james, point blank, crypt killer, mechanical violator hakaiden, scud, disposable assassin, mighty hits, moorhuhn, extreme ghostbusters, resident evil survivor, rgb
Id: kuaA_ZY0bWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 44sec (2744 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2017
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