#313 Useful? Cheap Spectrum Analyzer LTDZ 35-4400M

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Spectrum Analyzers are very useful if you work with radios. Unfortunately, they are very expensive. Until recently, when I saw this small device for around 50$. Unbelievable. But is it any good? Grüezi YouTubers. Here is the guy with the Swiss accent. With a new episode and fresh ideas around sensors and microcontrollers. Remember: If you Subscribe, you will always sit in the first row. Electrical signals are not visible to us. This is why we need instruments to see them. Simple devices like multimeters to see constant signals or more sophisticated ones like oscilloscopes which show us how signals change over time. If we work with radios, typical oscilloscopes are not capable of displaying very fast signals. This is why we use the so-called spectrum analyzers to visualize what happens. In this video, we will: - See, what such a spectrum analyzer does and how it works - Have a close look at this cheap device and compare its readings with a more expensive one - See the difference between spectrum analyzers, Vector Network analyzers, and SDR radios Let’s get started with the first topic: What does it do and how does it work? A spectrum analyzer shows the power of a signal across frequencies. The x-axis shows the frequency, here, for example, between 0 and 3 GHz. On the y-axis, we see the power of the signal in dBm. Keep in mind: 3 dBm more means double the power. 0 dBm is one milliwatt, and -70dBm is 0.00000001 milliwatt. A very small signal. This will be important to understand why such devices are quite expensive. I use my Baofeng radio for a short demonstration: If I press the transmit button, we see that the radio emits a signal on the intended frequency of 145.550 MHz. But it also emits signals on other frequencies called harmonics. And we see signals popping up which are not emitted by the Baofeng. Typically, we see signals in the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi band. The strength of the different signals is also different and change if I change the distance from the antenna. This is one application for spectrum analyzers: To see how our transmitter behaves if it emits on the intended frequency, and how much power. But how is this done? The principle is quite simple if we understand one thing: Frequency mixing. Frequent viewers remember this principle if they watched the “introduction to SDR” in video #286. If we mix two signals, the output of such a “mixer” is two signals: Frequency1 plus frequency2 and frequency1 – frequency2. Frequency one, in this case, is called “local oscillator, or LO. If frequency2 is similar to the LO frequency, the difference signal has a frequency of nearly zero hertz. The sum is on double the frequency. The latter is not important for us, and we have to filter it out. If we measure the power in the signal around zero hertz and show it in a graph, we have the y-axis of the spectrum. Of course, we have to filter this signal to cover only a very narrow band. The width of this filter is called “resolution bandwidth.” On my Siglent SSA3032X, it is currently 1 MHz. So, all signals inside a bucket of 1 MHz are added to the displayed power—also, the noise in this bucket. Therefore, the noise level is around -70dBm. To show you how spectrum analyzers work, I change this bandwidth. Now we see that it starts with a very low frequency and move up to the maximum frequency. The smaller the bandwidth, the slower the scan speed, because the analyzer has to probe more points to cover the whole spectrum. In such a mode, short signals are no more detected. This is why we can use “peak hold” and hope for the chance of detecting also short signals. Like that, we see our 2.4GHz signal even if it is not always on. Next, I show you another important function. Again, I use the Baofeng on 145.550 and display the frequencies from 140 MHz to 150MHz. The scan is now much faster because it only has to cover a small band. The signal seems to be about 4 MHz wide. Which is hopefully not the case. Only if I reduce the RBW, we see more details, and we see that the signal is very narrow-band. If I modulate the signal with my “natural sine wave generator,” we do not see a difference. Only if I zoom in to 100kHz span, we see the modulation of the signal. The RBW is now 1 kHz. And the noise floor is down to -100dBm. Very sensitive. I show you all these details because later, you will see the differences between this expensive and big device and this small and cheap one. The next important application of spectrum analyzers is to check out filters. To do that, we have to input a signal into the filter and display its output. The output of a filter, therefore, can be connected to the analyzer. To produce an input signal, we have to add a component called “tracking generator.” If the frequency of the tracking generator and the scan frequency of the spectrum analyzer are synchronized, the analyzer always sees the full power of the tracking generator. BTW, this is why it is called a “tracking” generator. It “tracks” the frequency of the analyzer. Let’s connect the output of the tracking generator to the input of the spectrum analyzer. We still see the noise floor. As soon as we switch the TG on, we see a curve. The output of the TG is set to -20dBm, but the spectrum analyzer does not show a constant curve. This is because both the tracking generator and the spectrum analyzer are not ideal across all 3 GHz, and we have cables. Fortunately, this fact does not matter too much if we press this button: Normalize ON. Now, the response is completely flat at 0 dBm. The Spectrum analyzer stored the differences and adjusted its display automatically. Cool. Now I exchange this adapter between the tracking generator and the analyzer with a filter. I do not tell you what its purpose is. You tell me. It has a very flat response across the whole 3GHz, very similar to the plain connector from before. Only if we have a closer look we see a difference: Here, it has a deep dip of around -40dB. Let’s zoom in: The notch is from around 80 to 110MHz. Filters like that are used if you live nearby of an FM radio station. Such stations can block your receiver, also if you intend to listen to other frequencies. In those cases, such filters make sure your receiver is much more sensitive to signals like LoRa, which are much weaker. The next filter shows this behavior. It blocks high frequencies and, therefore, is called a low pass. It has a -3dB point at around470MHz. And really, it is sold as a lowpass with the cut-off frequency of 450 MHz. The third application of spectrum analyzers is the measuring of antennas. If you attach a reflection bridge like this one, you can check your antennas. I will not do that because I have a nice and cheap device that is better suited for this purpose. And the whole device costs less than just this reflection bridge. Let’s now head over to the cheap spectrum analyzer. Ah, here I see that I have to remind you to like or subscribe if you want to see other videos like that! You find a few versions of the same design, some with and others without case. I got this one from Bangood, and it is called LTDZ 35-4400M. Its coverage is from 35MHz to 4.4GHz. The top frequency is even higher than the one of the Siglent. But it costs only around 50 dollars, about 60 times less than the big one. How come? It has no display or buttons, and the PC controls it. A first cost reduction. Let’s go into the schematic. Here we see how simple it is. Let’s try to find the relevant parts. Here we have the mixer chip. It gets the input signal directly from the SMA connector and from this ADF4351 wideband synthesizer, which acts as the local oscillator. Here you see that this component limits the range of the overall device: Its range is from 35 to 4400 MHz. Its output is connected to the second input of the mixer. As expected. The output of the mixer is connected to a logarithmic amplifier, which creates a signal for the ADC of the microprocessor. A low pass filter removes the high frequencies. This setup acts as a “power meter.” Between the mixer and the Amplifier, we find a filter. This filter defines the Resolution Bandwidth. It is fixed, and we will later see what this means. An STM32 microprocessor controls all. This 25 MHz oscillator generates the clock. These components form a working spectrum Analyzer that can detect RF signals. Missing is only the tracking generator. We find it here. It uses the same ADF4351 as the local oscillator. Its output is connected to the second SMA connector, and you have to switch it on with this button on the back. The Blue LED shows that it is enabled, and the two yellow LEDs show which oscillator is working: The local oscillator alone or with the tracking generator. The PCB looks like that, and the case is really small. To compare: Here you see only one PCB of the Siglent. If you are interested in a “hardcore” teardown, you find a link to a video from the signal path. Excellent, but hardcore. Let us now do the same tests as we did with the “big box.” First, we have to download software through a link provided by Bangood. It is made in Germany by Ham operator, Andreas Lindenau. I doubt that he gets anything from this deal. It also seems that he abandoned this project and created a new one. At least, I did not find it on his homepage where I found another version. I assume it is newer, and I use this one. Unfortunately, I did not find any documentation, and also the help does not provide anything. Software for cliffhangers, as we will later see. This spectrum analyzer project, BTW, seems also have its roots in Germany many years ago and found its way to China like the transistor tester story shown in video #290. I connect the device to a USB connector and start a scan between 35 and 3000 MHz, comparable with the tests we did before with the Siglent. I select 1000 points, and the scan speed is quite fast. Unfortunately, I do not see a signal from my Baofeng. Does this device really work? Let’s quickly check what happens. One step is nearly 3 MHz. It starts at 35MHz. Every 3 MHz means that it measures at around 143 and 146 MHz. So it does not “see” my signal at 145.550 MHz. Why did the Siglent see it? Because it uses a wider Resolution bandwidth for fast scan speeds. So it sees signals which are not exactly on the scanned frequencies. It also does not see it if we increase the samples to the maximum of 2000. On the other hand, if we decrease the samples to 1450, it sees the signal but not the harmonics. Just by chance, because one of the scanning points is close to 145.55MHz. If we zoom in to 140 to 150 MHz, we see an interesting signal. Very different from the one seen before on the Siglent. It consists of a peak with a notch in the middle. It is obvious that this notch does not exist in reality. The device itself produces it. Just ignore it, and you are ok. Now we focus even closer: 145 to 146MHz. Here we see a similar curve as before. Unfortunately, no more details are visible. So we can reduce to 100 samples and get a decent scanning speed. Even now, we do not see a difference when I modulate the carrier. Here we see the limits of the cheap device because of its fixed RBW. Another limit is also its sensitivity. It is not as sensitive as the Siglent and also has no built-in pre-amplifier. The noise floor is always at around -70dBm. Which means: No signal. Maybe this fact is not so important for makers. You find information to enhance this device. Three areas of enhancements are proposed: The first is here in the input stage, where it is suggested to remove this resistor. It seems to reduce the input power and is not necessary. Another area is this filter. And a third one is to add a small capacitor for a cleaner power supply. I leave you links to the enhancements in the video comments. One important thing: There is no input protection or warning if your signal is too high. So pay attention! Some owners of such devices wrote that they had to replace the mixer chip because they did not pay attention. Maybe you order a few with your device. They are not expensive. Always use attenuators if you work with powerful transmitters. You get them cheap on Aliexpress, and they usually are good up to the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi or Bluetooth band. Now we leave the power measurement of transmitters and use the tracking generator to test filters. As said before, you have to enable the tracking generator with this button. We also connect it directly to the input of the analyzer to get the normalization curve. And really: we also get a curve which is not flat and below 0dBm. Not an issue as we saw with the Siglent. Unfortunately, I did not find out how to calibrate the device or normalize this curve. Maybe you can help me? I also tried with the old software provided by Bangood. There is a calibration function, but I was not able to use it. Here, I would have loved a manual to read. At least nobody can tell me: RTFM! But we can use the device also without normalization. We save the curve created with the direct connection and display it together with the measured filter curve. Like that, we get a feeling about the filter performance. Here we see the FM radio station filter, and here is the 450 MHz lowpass filter. In this curve, we also see that the low sensitivity of the cheap analyzer. It shows -70dBm. In reality, it is around -40dBm. Just to show you how expensive filters can be: This one costs 75 dollars. Used. And here, you find another difference between the two devices. The Siglent has filters everywhere, this small box only a very few and simple ones. BTW: Don’t worry: I got this filter for ten bucks at a HAM festival. To check the linearity of the device, I measure a 20 and a 40dB attenuator. The 20dB shows around 24dB and the 40dB attenuator reduces the signal to below the sensitivity of the device. If I find out how to calibrate this little bugger, I am sure its linearity could be improved. But for sure not as good as the Siglent. Summarized: Is this small tool useful? - If you want to know on which frequency your transmitter works and have an idea about its output power and harmonics, you can use it. - But signal or bandwidth analysis cannot be done for narrow signals - For filter analysis, it is usable if you are not interested in exact values like the dampening. But you should get indications if the filter is ok or not - If you work with radio frequencies above 35MHz, it is a nice addition to a lab. Not the first and not the second priority. But maybe a birthday or Christmas gift. Because it can be fun to play with - Definitively a higher priority has a network analyzer like the one I showed in video #191. Or, if you need lower frequencies, also this NanoVNA. Which, BTW, uses similar chips from Analog devices as the device tested today. Because it also measures the phase of the signal, it is much better for antenna analysis. A must for all LoRa enthusiasts. And the nanoVNA can also show filter curves - An alternative to this spectrum analyzer could be an SDR receiver. It, for sure, can show on which frequency you transmit. And with the right software, you can also get diagrams which are quite broadband. I never tried it, but would assume does not have the same dynamic range - You cannot measure filters with an SDR receiver only. You have to add a white noise source that emulates a tracking generator. Maybe stuff for another video? I hope, this video was useful or at least interesting for you. If true, please consider supporting the channel to secure its future existence. You find the links in the description. Thank you! Bye
Channel: Andreas Spiess
Views: 195,940
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Keywords: arduino, arduino project, beginners, diy, do-it-yourself, eevblog, electronics, esp32, esp32 datasheet, esp32 project, esp32 tutorial, esp32 weather station, esp8266, esp8266 datasheet, esp8266 project, greatscott, guide, hack, hobby, how to, iot, lorawan, nodemcu, project, simple, smart home, ttgo, wemos, wifi, LTDZ 35-4400M, Spectrum analyzer, spectrum analyzer test, Spectrum analyzer LTDZ, NavnoVNA
Id: PRsaGEk-EsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 26sec (1286 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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