31 Robot Vacuums -VS- 50 POUNDS of RICE- Roomba Roborock Eufy Bissell Ecovacs Deebot HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

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[Music] thank you what is up everybody it is that time again time to drive myself crazy but I'm doing it for you guys because the last time I did this you guys absolutely loved it uh it is the rice challenge the last video I did was 13 robots against 30 pounds of rice and you guys gave those two videos over two million views so thank you so much for liking those videos so I definitely have to overdo that one and I'm gonna do it big this time so this challenge is 50 pounds of rice against 31 robot Vacuums in a much larger area and this is just going to be chaotic but yet fun I'll be honest the first video I did of this while making it uh it was it's a lot of work I regretted it I'm like this video is probably not going to get big and then you guys will blew it up and it's well worth making the videos because it is fun it is a lot of work but seeing you guys all enjoy it and commenting how much fun it was and your kids love it and all that stuff I just have to do it again so with all that being said if you're into robot vacuums or Vacuums at all please like And subscribe to this video I've reviewed probably 70 plus robot vacuums on this channel this is not even half of them so what we're going to do in this one we got 50 pounds here two 20 pound bags and that tub is actually 12 pounds so it's actually over 50 and we're going to have all of these go out and clean them out at once if you've seen the last video it was chaotic um some robots air out some just don't even work at all um the big stars of this show is on the back wall those are all roombas those will all fill up the bin and then count go back and self-empty it into a bag all these other ones don't have that ability except for that Samsung that one should be able to do it as well that's why I have it over there so most likely a bunch of these are going to air out um the bins are going to be completely full it's just chaotic so if you like videos like this once again please like And subscribe I want this video to go viral again and if it does I think I might do some kind of special giveaway like a 500 Robot vacuum or let's say this if you guys help me get this video there might be two parts because the last one is super long if we get this or and or that one combined to one million views and we'll do a giveaway of a 500 Robot vacuum of your choice brand new from Amazon um just to show my appreciation and how much I appreciate you guys watching and liking these videos I'm gonna have rice and crevices for the next year and it's just crazy just get get ready for it let's go ahead and dump out the rice and when you guys see how much rice is out it's crazy and and it's when I put it on these hard floors it almost makes it like a skating rink in here so it's like you're on ice so a little bit dangerous but it's kind of fun too so I'm going to go and dump all this out so let me show you real quick the area this time we're doing it in so the last time I did this video we used this room and this little area and then a small part of that room over there so not a huge area but there's only 13 robots this time we have 31. so we're using the same areas last video but then we're coming over here we have this large area and then this huge dining room kitchen area and then you know it's blocked off later so much larger area at least two times if not more bigger more than double the robots and I hope you guys enjoy this all right so let's go ahead and start we're going to start with dumping all the rice and I'll show you the gigantic mess and then we'll power these on one by one send them out see how they do and it's it's just crazy from here on out so please enjoy all right time to dump it out everybody we're gonna start with this tub this is only 12 pounds of 50 and you'll probably be shocked at how big of a mess this makes so here we go I'm gonna try to do this one-handed that's I might just drop all of it right here right now what's this how crazy it was last time but [Applause] my house will never be the same and that guy is that's only 12 pounds we're doing 40. more boy do I have the work cut out for me why do I do this to myself why because you guys show that you like it and I like you guys let's get some over here Merry Christmas to you thank you we're putting rice everywhere guys [Applause] [Music] oh my God guys what am I doing oh I'm crazy look at that will these be able to clean them up I mean eventually all right guys it's got the other 20 pounder but kind of more gently drop it here because I don't want a bunch of rice to get into these lidar domes but uh here we go some of these will just have to be casualties of War [Applause] me [Music] gotta get my son to help me with this one because this is such a crazy over the top test [Applause] [Music] I know we're still going this is Muddy be careful it's like ice in here all right guys there is 52 pounds of rice throughout my house now and as you can see there's both empty bags and he saw me dump that tub so vacuums get to work now watching none of them turn on okay thanks [Applause] all right let's just help me power them on [Applause] this don't slip watch guys this is like ice [Applause] skating [Applause] all right so me and my son are gonna power these on real quick we're gonna send them out one by one we're gonna watch the chaos I'll try to get as many shots as I can for you guys I'm even gonna fly my drone through here and get a hopefully a cool overhead air shot for you guys all right guys we got them all powered on now we just gotta tell them to go a couple of them just couldn't wait to get this job done don't tell me one already aired out that's how how crazy this testing is guys that one was stuck all right let's send these guys out [Applause] [Music] [Applause] here's where it gets crazy [Applause] guess loud [Music] [Music] there we go you can hear me what am I doing I'll send out the high robots in a minute once there's space a lot of them should just automatically make their way around this entire area it's like a few of them are refusing to have fun oh this one this was actually one I forgot to empty so let's go ahead and empty it all right now I can go around for a little bit there he's happy now [Music] there we go okay Mom oh this one's not quite cool why aren't you working hello battery get out of here then you guys already quitting all right got that one going to go now there we go whoa I send out the real good robot I say that because they will stop empty and be the ones that actually clean up this mess we have the new Roomba condo vacuum everywhere we'll have it clean twice okay that one should be going out we have the I3 plus vacuum everywhere that one over there in the corner shows back out the almighty S9 might want to still one of my favorite vacuums the regular j7 Plus put him on two they're meant to do the other ones as well but this is crazy I can't even hear myself if you guys can even hear me and the high six the last one over there I have it cleaned twice as well look how many of these they're dropping like flies whoa I can't even walk but this one already messed up that one's messed up this one's just sitting here humping the Great Samsung surprisingly I don't know what this guy's doing clean thank you these guys can't get up here because the rice is so slippery you guys are gonna be impressed with the iRobots after this test this one is just straight up bulldozing that is funny this is one of the cheapest ones I have on this test and it's going around doing kind of the best because that bin is already full on us the sharks are already all dead because their bin is so tiny those just aired up because the bin is full so I'm actually going to push aside all these ones that are already out guys it's too loud help me sir is already dead now there's sharks done for Phoenix dead this one's kicking some butt so as you can see you see the trail behind it that bin is completely full so effectively it's not doing anything we'll see if it airs out oh this guy airs out again what are you doing what's your problem bro this is supposed to have an automatic return to base uh bench sensor like I iRobot does but as you can see it's not working to see if I put it on there should empty this one gave up again this one's dead and that doesn't mean they're bad that just means they're full and that's all they can do this one's giving up look at that all the dead ones we got the new combo I believe it's looking for a stock to empty but the high three is bullying them I think they're both looking for docks hey the j7 combo the first one to fill up an empty itself this one stuck so I'm gonna help them thank you so I'm messing up this is one reason why the Roomba still are one of my favorite robots out there because they can clean up a big mess or a bunch of hair from your pets go empty and then come back out whereas almost all these other ones we'll just kind of keep driving around or just air out and essentially not really do anything all right guys I'm going to set you up and time lapse this for a little bit all right guys it got a little crazy here almost every other one other than the ones that are self-empty aka the roombas um this should be actually a good promotional video for them but no they're not or anything like that they just have the patent of self-emptying when it's full and as you can see every other one was either just full and no longer cleaning at all or they aired out and uh yeah even all the Sharkies even the Samsung which is supposed to have a feature that it goes back and self-empties when the bin is full but as you can see that hasn't worked once at all yet so looks like we're gonna have to rely on all these roombas to clean up this mess for the rest of the night and once again if you guys are liking this at all please like it for me and subscribe it's totally free I'd love for you to join this Channel and if we make this one go viral like the last one I'll do a big giveaway when it hits a million views got a death pile over here [Applause] these rooms up basically not been touched we got this thing just doing nothing but it's still running which is surprising this is a very cheap one this one it's the one I showed you earlier this is probably the cheapest one and it's still driving around with a full band I'm just gonna go ahead and turn it off because it's not going to do any more cleaning because the dentist will and these high robots want to go around and finish this driver [Applause] holy cow what did I get myself into so after this I gotta clean out every single one of these these are all probably gonna have rice inside of them forever and uh even the brand new Almighty G7 has aired out see what's wrong with this guy look at this champion oh that bin is full it's gonna let's see look at that on cue it's going to empty itself again and so is that one let me help this guy out with this crazy of a test even the roombas are gonna air out from time to time but as you can see they're the only ones you know still performing and I kind of figured that would happen craziness you need some help there buddy I got you yeah this one's sorry let's move those j7 is having some issues the combo I think one big reason is because the dirt bin is so tiny and it's filling up super quick and it's confusing this one see if I can't put it up there and see what it is just having a little bit of issues foreign let's take a look at the problem here it was just so full but it'll it'll get it now that I've kind of leveled it out hold on S9 I'm trying to get your brother these guys are crazy trying to save them bro empty please [Applause] [Music] huh what'd you say I can't hear all you look yeah they're all going back where's that other one go is that other one going off and actually doing his job correctly oh there he is see that a little i3 is going around like a champion and kicking some ACE [Applause] all right that one empty so it's back in this guy is having issues I'm sure it's because of all the rice in the pathway definitely help them out here are you fool buddy let's see if this guy I think just gave up so really guys we're just gonna completely rely on these roombas right now I'm gonna get the rest of these into the poor little death pile over there and uh see if these roombas air out well there you go mess up or do anything else it's crazy by the end of this night if I do just for fun if you remember in the last year's video I smashed this really cheap crappy robot and a lot of you loved me smashing that thing so I have one down in my basement that's really crappy as well it's broken anyways and I am going to get up on a ladder and drop a 30 pound kettlebell weight on it and it should just absolutely destroy it and that might be kind of fun why not right guys all right guys I think these robots met their match um let me go in here it's a little bit quieter but I think I'm gonna say the race wins this the rice absolutely dominated this challenge um but I am gonna do another video where obviously the Roomba is the only ones that have a shot of cleaning this up at all so what I'm going to do is because these keep airing out they're getting confused of which dock is that theirs and all that which is obvious because he's not supposed to have five docks lined up like that so what I'm going to do is set up all five of these and out of this room say or spread apart maybe one per Outlet and spread them all throughout these this big area and see how long it takes the five roombas to clean this up if at all even possible because I do think eventually it'll get all this cleaned up but we're talking days and days and days of coming out recharging meat empty in those bags these airing out and is it possible yeah sure but I don't have the time or the patience for something that crazy at least we got the fun part out of it with all of them going at once and you know airing out and all that but regardless I think that was still fun and now I have a huge job to clean all this up uh but I will have roomba's clean up this area and that area which is still probably 20 to 30 if not 35 pounds of the rice and we'll see if they can handle it I think they can but I'll be doing this for the next couple of days and I'll I'll try to keep you guys updated I'll I'll leave all this rice down and just have these roombas planted the rest in the kitchen and over here I'm just gonna vacuum up I'm gonna be honest I don't have the time to wait for all these to actually clean this whole big area up to because I gotta live here too so regardless I hope you guys enjoyed that video um definitely much crazier than the last one the last one was the robots did a better job because it was only 30 pounds and Not So Many Robots were in the same area confusing these and so on and so forth so I once again I hope you guys enjoy that if you did Smash that like button for me subscribe it's totally free go away [Music] all right thank you can I can I finish now no you guys don't want to let me finish either thanks a lot guys anyways hope you enjoyed that let me know down in the comments if you want to see any other crazy tests with a ton of robots um I can make an extra long video of this if you guys want and just that way you can just watch kind of the entire process all right everybody as promised just to have a finale to this video we're going to drop this 30 pound kettlebell onto this broken puratec robot that's never worked um doesn't power on or anything it's got a big old bin hopefully that thing's gonna be smashed to pieces from this I'm going to get up on this ladder drop it from at least six feet and then I got this camera set up for slow motion so hopefully it's something cool hopefully it doesn't just fall on it and do nothing but this thing's pretty heavy and it should do a lot of damage so here we go oh god let's see that's it let's do it again we don't see the damage first I barely did anything now here's the real damage now it's gonna break here we go as crazy as I thought I mean if you look at it yes pretty beat up Let's uh maybe do it this way looks good didn't hit the phone yeah one more from the bottom oh God [Applause] how about I need a wheel no one from the bottom and we're gonna go and there we have it I destroyed Robot vacuum there's the little blower motor that's all it is for suction for this guy you can see how cheap some of these are made oh my gosh got the plastic the brains the battery The Wheels on the wheel fell out a little side brush all right guys there you go hopefully you enjoyed me smashing that hopefully the slow-mo looks cool let's see [Music] foreign thanks for watching happy holidays and uh I will talk to you guys in the next video see ya [Music]
Channel: AdamsTechReviews
Views: 1,322,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shark iq, vacuum wars, roomba i7 vs s9, deebot, neato, samsung, robot vacuum, robot vacuum cleaner, robotic vacuum, best robot vacuum 2020, best robot vacuum for pet hair, irobot roomba, how to, best electric mops of 2020, vacuums & cleaning, for the home, electric mop, best electric mops, cordless electric mop, best budget electric mops, deebot t8+, t8+, i7+, s9+, i3+, e5, 675, irobot, bissell cordless vacuum, best robot vacuum for carpet, shark ai, eufy robovac 25c
Id: bkRnBNRq5Mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 10 2022
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