31 on 31: Ranking 31 Creature Features! (Aliens, Predator, Jaws, Gremlins, It, The Thing, and More)

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it's october 31st that means it's time for a new 31 on 31 today it's the creature feature edition [Music] 31 on 31 is a series invented by the guys over in the autopsy stream and they graciously invited me once again to join them for the latest 31 on 31. the autopsy stream is cody leech brian lomax and cp and each one of them have put out their own 31 on 31 creature edition today you can find links to their videos down below in the description please be sure to head on over to their videos watch them like comment and subscribe to all of their channels especially in the year 2020 that's incredibly helpful if you can do that also be sure down in the comment section to share your ranking of all of these 31 movies that you've seen my list is definitely not the right list you are going to disagree with me multiple times throughout this video but i would love to see your list and let's get started in last place is jaws the revenge some movies are so bad they loop back around and become good again this is not one of those movies this movie is so bad it's just plain boring now there are moments and scenes in this movie that are so bad they are hilarious and the basic concept of a shark that's out for revenge that wants to eat people for personal reasons that is hilarious but this movie plays everything so serious as if it's not an unbelievably stupid film which maybe could work but there's no tension there's no thrills there's no entertainment value here fact the critics really took a bite out of this one it has a zero percent on rotten tomatoes and for how stupid it is it's impressively short on schlock value fun the reason this one is in last place is because it had the budget it even had some star power but it didn't have a clue it has absolutely no excuses for being this bad and this boring kicking off our top 30 is critters three now i've never been a particularly big fan of the critters franchise but this entry in particular is really just scraping the bottom of the barrel everything that happens throughout the film seems to take place simply because of coincidence there's no logic driving any of it it takes all the things that were mildly charming about the first two movies strips them away and replaces it with a landlord trying to kick people out of an apartment building just so we don't feel so bad when he gets eaten by the critters but there is just nothing remotely interesting about this film save for one detail this was leonardo dicaprio's feature film debut and to this day it's still one of his best movies and performances of course next up is critter sport now this isn't really a better film than critters three it's still completely devoid of logic filled with coincidences they take one of the heroes of the first two films and making the villain out of the blue but it is set in space therefore inherently just a little bit sillier and a little bit more fun it's blatantly ripping off alien and aliens if there's even an evil corporation that you can't trust and so it's stealing from the best it's not good but there's a little bit more here you might want to sink your teeth into number 28 alien vs predator requiem this one is just nihilistic and dumb it takes what should be schlocky fun about aliens and predators duking it out in a small town and just turns it into a pretty gross experience because a bunch of this film is shockingly distasteful in the first 10 minutes of face hunger jumps on a kid that's under 10 years old a predator enters into a room full of babies implying that it eats all the babies an alien impregnates a pregnant woman who then gives birth to the aliens and of course dies afterwards i mean just real classy fun delightful stuff the movie is basically unwatchable because it's so dark and i mean that literally it is too dark so you can't see what's going on so whenever you do have the big battles between the aliens and predators you have two creatures with very dark complexions in dark spaces being shot in close-up with no sense of geography so you simply have no idea what's going on now i don't want to exaggerate but i'm pretty sure i'd rather be skinned alive by a predator than watch this movie again number 27 alien 3 now if you're familiar with my channel you probably have heard me say repeatedly that alien 3 is the movie i hate the most so it breaks my heart that i have to have this movie so high up on the list but i have to be fair in my assessment alien 3 actually does have a few redeeming qualities about it that was tough for me to say whereas all the dumpster fires at the bottom of this list simply don't as much as i hate this movie sigourney weaver is of course fantastic as ripley david fincher the director of this film is of course a world-class talent and you can see that in how much of this film was shot and how he's able to pull some emotions out of some scenes that maybe don't deserve it but this is not a good film according to all the documentaries on the blu-ray itself they started shooting the film without a completed script they didn't know where it was headed and they just started filming then at some point time they stopped filming continued writing went back to do rewrites and then when they were trying to cobble all of this together in the editing room they basically kicked david fincher out didn't want his input because they thought he was just there to shoot the film and then they would tell the story but none of that is why i hate the movie that's why the movie would be kind of disappointing or forgettable no the reason i hate this movie is because in the first 10 minutes they completely undo the ending of the previous film inside of the franchise remember how the movie aliens was all about ripley battling to save newt and it's so satisfying at the end of the film when ripley is able to be victorious and allow her to finally sleep without nightmares remember that well the producers thought hey what if she died in her sleep not a great plan to me that is the worst audience betrayal in cinematic history where they just undo something that was so good with something that's so bad ugly and nasty and i'm not alone in saying this james cameron has said that the beginning of this movie was a slap in the face to his film as well as the audience and david fincher has said nobody hates alien 3 more than i do number 26 critters attack after nearly 30 years since the previous entry they decided to bring the franchise back last year and not much has changed i just kind of assumed that they would improve or update the visuals the pacing the general sensibilities of the franchise nope i mean maybe the characters are a little bit more relatable maybe but in general it's basically just kind of another one of these movies as if it had been made 30 years ago part of the appeal of the first two films was the bounty hunter characters and they kind of tried to do something interesting by taking the mom from the first movie and putting her in that bounty hunter role but they didn't do enough with it to even make that fun and pay off and so you just kind of have another one of these likewise my understanding is they tried to rewrite the original critters to be less like the gremlins in this movie they introduced the queen who basically functions as the gizmo of the critters and so it's more quite a bit more like the gremlins movies so this one's i mean i guess it's harmless but it's also totally forgettable then we have critters 2. this is actually the critters movie that i watched the most back in the day on cable tv in the 90s most of my memories of the franchise from back in the day are of the movies movie critters too and in general it's just kind of more critter stuff just not quite as fun as the first film like i like the idea of the town actually kind of banding together to battle the critters so the kind of final showdown has some fun in it of course when they're in the ball and rolling around trying to get the meat there's some fun ideas in all of that but in general i just i don't feel like these movies live up to their potential especially like with the bounty hunters coming from outer space shape shifters they always have like one gag that's really funny they set something up where you think this can go a bunch of fun places and then it never fully plays that out besides a couple of times they use it so for me much like critters attack it's harmless but just forgettable coming in at number 24 is jeepers creepers 3 a blah film from an actual creep the second film ends in a place that teases potentially a really interesting third film in this franchise but instead of doing that decides to go back to the first film follow it up and so you just kind of get this meandering unfocused film that gives us more stuff in this universe but it doesn't add up to much of anything now the best part i think is about how there's kind of a police investigation that fleshes out what the world would be like in this area if this was going on for 23 days but it doesn't really lead to anything interesting so therefore you just kind of have this filler film that doesn't add much of anything to the franchise number 23 prometheus now i know some of you absolutely love this film but as for me i've been watching it and trying to enjoy it for eight years now and i just don't like it and i don't get it for me this film feels like the perfect example of the prequel problem in that it is answering questions i was not asking and providing answers i do not want i don't particularly want to know the backstory and origin of the xenomorphs and i certainly don't want it to be what's provided in this film but it doesn't even execute on its ideas particularly well what worked so well about alien and aliens is their simplicity excellence through simplicity this movie kind of has a fairly straightforward plot but there's just way too many moving parts you've got the goo the worms the creatures the zombie guy and then a guy in his 40s with way too much makeup on to look like he's 90 years old as weyland in the last 20 minutes like did ridley scott not know that there's 90 year old actors out there likewise the movie can't decide if it wants to be an alien prequel or ridley scott's pretentious musings as to where we came from and because of that i don't think it succeeds at all at either one of these objectives with that said it is a 21st century blockbuster from a director with quite a bit of talent so there is some nice spectacle and to use the words of roger ebert when he was describing alien three and so i have to give it a thumbs down this is probably the best looking bad movie i've seen in a while then we have alien resurrection did you ever want to see ripley nailing three pointers without even looking did you ever want to see an alien movie with quippy joss whedon dialogue from a director who barely spoke english did you ever want to see an alien human hybrid with boobs me neither but now we have it this is a very very strange alien movie on pretty much every single front they had joss whedon write the script so it kind of has his usual flair when it comes to the dialogue but then they got this artistic french director whose style absolutely did not complement joss whedon's and therefore you feel the movie like competing with itself constantly there are some interesting ideas inside of it about the cloning technology and everything but the characters themselves not one of them are remotely likable now it is quick moving there's no shortage of alien action and they do some new things like they go for a swim but then there's a bunch of just like terrible ideas and things we never wanted to see like this scene with ripley cuddling with an alien now this is not a good movie but it's also not particularly boring either at number 21 is critters this is an okay 80s creature feature in the vein of gremlins though less wacky and with more influences from sci-fi in action it's also from the director of bill and ted's excellent adventure no way so he brings a certain sense of energy and humor to the entire film probably the best quirky detail for this film is the bounty hunters and that they're alien shape-shifters and they don't quite understand the way earth works so there's some subtle fish out of water humor that kind of plays throughout the entire film but just in general it feels a little bit too familiar in like a type of film that's been done much better and you didn't quite have the budget to pull off a lot of what they were going for so the spaceship effects look really dated the shape shifting is unconvincing so this movie is basically a product of its time that's probably left better in the past bringing us into the top 20 is the it mini series now i know a lot of you hold this in high regard but for me i watched it for the very first time last year so when i watch it i just feel them trying to take this big massive stephen king story and squish it into a three-hour run time i see them trying to pull off these shape-shifting demon clown effects on a tv movie budget and with the special effects of television in the year 1990 i see them trying to tell this scary horror story about a demon clown eating children while not angering the tv network sensors they do the best that they could but the constraints are very limiting and i basically only can see the limitations of what they were able to pull off here now tim curry is great he's creepy and funny but just in general the color scheme the aesthetic when i watch it it seems cheesier than it does scary when you get to the big showdowns comes off pretty anti-climactic i know a bunch of you love it but not me number 19 jaws 2 for this film a new director took over from steven spielberg but i think the new guy was totally out of his depths tonally it does match the original one but it's much more a rehash than doing anything new with the material and the big problem here is that only brody of our three stars of the original returned but the reason it worked before is that you had three different personalities playing off each one another brody was the everyman he was kind of boring by himself and so when you only have him and you remove quint and hooper you remove all the fun dynamics but also you remove all the depth of the original film and it doesn't replace it with anything new so you have a film that has the shell of the movie jaws but none of the meat while this one doesn't embarrass itself really if you're in the mood for this kind of jaws movie you're probably just gonna re-watch the original jaws for the 97th time with this one it just feels like they bit off more than they could chew then we have jaws 3d on a purely technical level jaws 2 is probably a better made film but this one is just kind of dumb fun you've got sharks you've got sea world and you've got it in 3d beyond that you've got dennis quaid leah thompson louis gossett jr kind of filling out the cast who are just kind of fun to see on screen by no means is this a good movie but at least it's dumb fun whereas the other jaws sequels are just dumb if i'm in the mood to watch a jaws movie i'm gonna watch the first jaws movie but if i'm in the mood to watch one of the sequels this is the one that i'm probably most likely to rewatch because it's in 3d coming in at number 17 is the predator when it comes to the plot of this movie it's a total dumpster fire but it's also kind of fun at other points in time when the movie first kicks off i think it sets up a pretty good direction to take this franchise you've got a fun batch of characters with the loonies all of this kind of snappy shane black dialogue but as soon as you get to the point in time where the hybrid predator shows up and it's 15 feet tall this movie just goes off the rails i mean at the beginning it starts setting up some interesting ideas about this these researchers and the predator and what knowledge do we have about them but the movie never stops introducing new ideas it just keeps putting new idea after new idea out there and doesn't develop any of them so you've got government agents you've got the rogue predator you've got the hybrid predator climate change is going to destroy the earth hybrid predator wants to take over the earth rogue predator wants to save the earth we've got the weapon and then autism is the next stage of human evolution and thus kind of like a superpower maybe it just keeps introducing ideas throwing a bit the wall and hoping something will stick apparently after a bad test screening they rewrote re-shot and re-edited the movie and we got this disaster because of all of it this is not a good movie but it is kind of entertaining number 16 gremlins 2. now if you watch the first gremlins movie enjoy it and move on to the second movie without context the only natural response is wtf because this movie is bananas apparently joe dante the director of the first film really didn't want to do a sequel but the studio really did want him to do a sequel because the first film was just printing money for them so after several of his movies didn't do so well he went back to the studio and said i will do a gremlins 2 but i need complete creative control and so as he made the film he was less interested in making a gremlins 2 and more interested in making a movie that was a commentary on the obsession with sequels in hollywood and thus you get this absolutely bonkers film you've got a talking gremlin you've got a fruit gremlin you've got a crazy-eyed gremlin you've got a flying gremlin you've got a gremlin that's in a relationship with the johnny cab character from total recall i mean this movie is all out there there's a scene where leonard malton is killed by gremlins for giving a bad review to the first gremlins movie hulk hogan stands up in the middle of it because the film reel burns so it's as if he's in the theater he stands up to apologize to the audience this is a weird film and to be honest it's one that i respect joe dante just doing kind of this big middle finger to the studios or whatever this was i respect him for doing that more so than i enjoy the film i saw it when it first came out in the theaters 30 years ago now didn't enjoy it all that much never really rewatched it i i don't think i've seen this movie since it was in the theater 30 years ago until when i rewatched it for this video and rewatching it for this video i don't think i'll be rewatching it again anytime soon but it is an interesting film to exist next up jeepers creepers this is a creature film that is heavily elevated by the presence of justin long he's just kind of has a normal kind of guy vibe away about the way he performs inside of movies so when you throw him into a horror film on this road trip with his sister he feels a little bit more believable than most of these types of characters in films like this of the three jeepers creepers films this one is the one that probably can get under your skin the most sometimes literally in general i think it's a little bit unfocused though it ha it's like the director had a bunch of different images that he wanted to put into a movie and it doesn't feel particularly cohesive so in general a movie that i enjoy the parts more than the whole number 14 jeepers creepers 2 now i'm pretty sure it's a hot take to have jeepers creepers 2 ranked better than the original jeepers creepers but for me the reason i put it here is i just feel like this is a more focused film whereas the first one kind of scattershot as i mentioned this one you kind of only have these two plot lines one about this father out for revenge this other one about a school bus that's stranded creates a certain tension amongst the group of people where they're trying to decide what they should try and do and who they should kick off i'm also a little bit more of an action movie guy so the idea about someone out for revenge using this um post hole digger gun thing that he's created that's fun for me and it feels like it actually comes to a more satisfying conclusion to the first one you know they're really kind of tied for me and number 13 is predator 2 a decent follow-up to predator but a movie that i've never liked as much as i feel like i should on paper this seems like a movie that i should love first off it's a predator movie that's in a new setting so it's not a rehash cool second the movie feels like a merger of lethal weapon with predator both in front of and behind the camera cool third it's got cocaine cocaine is a hell of a drug but the movie always just kind of falls a little bit flat for me and honestly i can't quite pinpoint what it is so none of the scenes are memorable enough distinct enough interesting enough it's just kind of there a bunch of actors i really like with a villain that i love to see skinned people alive but then i watched the movie and it's kind of like okay cool that happened then we have it chapter two this one is really frustrating for me because this film like the first it just has a fantastic aesthetic the cast is fantastic they really feel like grown-up versions of the kids from the first film and their personalities in their appearance whether you're talking about the a-listers the unknowns or even the old spice guy but if he stopped using lady's scented body wash and switched to old spice he could smell like he's me look down back up where are you you're on a boat but what they didn't have for me was a good compelling story certainly not one that justified a three-hour run time if you look at this movie essentially the whole thing is mike gets the gang back together he tells them what's going on they go and grab their tokens and then they go into the sewers to battle pennywise i mean that's that's the entire movie why is that because there's this huge chunk in the middle of the movie where they're each trying to get their own little doodad and so they walk somewhere alone remember that summer and then benny wise shows up and then someone else walks somewhere they remember that summer and then pennywise shows up and they repeat this for an hour straight of the movie and then they go into the sewer with their trinkets and doodads they get in the battle they do the ritual here's the weirdest and the worst part it doesn't work so that whole hour of the film was just there so they could do flashbacks from the summer from the first movie and bring the kids back and then how do they really defeat pennywise by calling him a clown this is so frustrating because so many characters so many moments so many scenes are so good but the story itself is so bad number 11 alien covenant and this is another frustrating one for me because when it's an alien prequel telling an alien story about these colonists going to a planet that they think is safe and then being tormented by aliens and xenomorphs i think it works but when it turns into a prometheus sequel and with this movie i can pinpoint exactly when it gets bad and when it starts to get good again as soon as david shows up wow i mean i just like the energy my excitement the entertainment just disappears and we get just more pretentious musings about creations and creators and it's all nonsense and some of it just gets weird where you have david fingering the flute and stuff like that i'll do the fingering go on no no i don't know what it was going for and you have more of these colonists doing unbelievably stupid things then as soon as you have the battle between walter and david and they leave it starts to get kind of fun again and you get more xenomorph carnage now granted all the best things about this film are borrowed from better films but they're borrowing from the best and being directed by a world-class director in ridley scott kicking off our top 10 is alien verse predator now i know a lot of you hate this film because it's pg-13 because it's goofy and corny i gotcha for me i can watch this as feature-length fan fiction and just have a lot of fun with it for whatever reason taking aliens and predators giving them kind of this convoluted backstory about this being kind of the training ground for the predators and then you just take a group of these guys that turn out to be mercenaries there with weyland so you get mercenaries verse xenomorphs verse predators predators versus xenomorphs you get human lady teaming up with the predator to battle the xenomorph you get all of the goofy fun stuff that you want what this movie gets that alien covenant and prometheus didn't get is that people don't turn into xenomorph movies to ponder where we came from and why we're here in the nature of the creator to its creation we tune in for the carnage and the mayhem and this one just embraces the goofy side of all of that but especially based off the title of this movie this is not supposed to be high art it's not it's goofy fun for me coming in at number nine is the thing 2011. now i hadn't seen this movie until about a month ago when i was starting to prepare for this video and it actually kind of impressed me certainly it's not on the same level as the john carpenter film but because it's taking all these questions you actually have when you watch that film and answering them it's an interesting companion to it it's a little bit of about like a cover band playing your favorite song it's repeating a lot of the same types of scenarios it functions kind of like a soft remake while it is actually a prequel but in doing so it it kind of delivers the stuff that you like in a slightly different way it has the paranoia it has the gore that you want it has the body horror it expands the mythology shows a little bit more stuff of what was going on to flesh it out in in doing so not improve the original film but make it a more fulfilling experience now the big problem here is that they decided to go with some cgi for the creature effects and it was just a bad idea that was a weird decision but otherwise uh actually worthwhile follow-up number eight predators this is a movie that i've always really enjoyed and i'm a little bit surprised it doesn't get more love from the fan base at its core it takes the idea of the predators and does something kind of interesting and different with it in having the predators themselves take a bunch of predators very different types of predators from the earth put them on this reserve and have them work as kind of this training ground for the predators which is a lot of the word predator i think that's a really interesting clever idea for a predator movie and beyond that you've got a phenomenal cast here in getting these different personalities of course you have adrian brody in the lead doing something very different from what he's usually done walton goggins danny trejo topher grace you even have like a young mahershala ali in the film it's not groundbreaking but to me predator movies don't they don't need to be groundbreaking it's just did we get more awesome predator action and for me that's what this delivered real quick for me there's a noticeable jump in the quality and prestige of the films from number eight predators to the next film on this list all the rest of these are like classics of the genre number seven is gremlins one of the classic iconic films of the 80s and it is just packed with iconic memorable things the inherent nature of the film it's just jam-packed with quirky odd details from the simple rules of the mogwai themselves that don't even make any sense which the second film actually kind of make fun of those are the oddities of this film that make it so memorable of course gizmo is one of the cutest creatures ever inside of a movie when the gremlins show up they're so evil and mischievous but they're having so much fun being bad that you kind of even like it when they're killing people with all of that said for me this movie while iconic and memorable i don't fully think that it's a great film it's kind of like a super catchy pop song you like it everybody knows it but it doesn't necessarily mean it's quite as good as its popularity especially as you move into the second half of the film gizmo kind of disappears for large stretches of time there's some weird tonal shifts at certain points uh the part where phobia cates is telling the story about her dad is just so weirdly melodramatic with such an oddball dramatic melodramatic story of course i really enjoy this movie i've been watching it my whole life i don't think it's fully quite as legendary as it is popular at number six is it chapter one this isn't just a great creature feature it's one of the best horror movies ever made as well as a great coming of age story the reason this film is so effective is that the kids in it the losers feel like real people that you knew or that you were while also being this terrifying story about a demon clown killing children right out of the gate this movie establishes that it is not clowning around in the opening scene of the film you have pennywise kind of being funny kind of being creepy and charming and then he brutally murders a child on screen with the kid yelling and screaming so you know this movie it's not kidding children can die they can suffer and so you feel the tension throughout it whenever something horrifying happens so this to me is a movie that works on every level and i think it's a little bit better each time i watch it bringing us into the top five is the thing this is just a great mix of sci-fi horror and paranoia thriller right out of the gate you have this dog being chased by a helicopter that makes you go what on earth is going on and it does not let up from beginning to end and what it does so well is it keeps introducing these elements that make you wonder what's going on with that it poses a question and as we explore that it asks a new question and it slowly answers the early questions as posing new questions that keep you intrigued throughout the entire run time it also just does this great job of introducing new elements that catch your attention even as someone is just throwing clothes into a trash can you hear it and you go wait what does that mean and it's not fully explained but it's done in a way that you notice all these small details and you know you need to remember it so when it comes back up you can actually follow what's going on it does a fantastic job at that of course it's infamous for its creature feature effects and everything like that in the end this is a movie that works on every front it is thrilling it is horrifying it keeps you on the edge of the seat one of the funny things about it though is it wasn't received all that well when it first came out in fact siskel and ebert were harsh with this one serve notice that a lot of people who see it will be made sick by it i think that's probably an understatement i would call this the barf bag movie of july number four alien one of the great sci-fi horror films of all time part of what makes it work is that it feels like an actual reality these guys aren't written to be sci-fi movie characters they're just kind of working class joes that are following the instructions that they're given and even amongst the crew members you can kind of hear very normal like different social classes between the worker bees and the leadership of the ship and it's just an interesting dynamic that's subtle it's not overplayed it's not trying to make a big statement but it feels much more grounded in real than most other sci-fi films out there of course ridley scott is great with his production design the look of everything i mean even though this movie's over 40 years old certain sequences look like they could have come out over the last few years this one is excellence through simplicity everything about it is excellent even though the concept is very simple real quick before i give you my top three remember to share your ranking of the creature features that you've seen down below in the comment section my list is absolutely not the right list it's just my list and i would love to see yours also remember i'm doing this video with the guys over at the october stream cody leech brian lomax and cp you can find links to their videos down below in the description maybe right up here please after watching my video head on over watch their videos like comment subscribe all of that fun stuff and really watch their videos that's kind of what fuels youtube is when you actually watch people's content it helps people out so in this year where things are pretty hard for movie channels because new movies aren't coming up the big thing you can do is actually click on their videos watch them for a little bit subscribe like all of that fun stuff we really do appreciate it and help out my buddies their links are down below in the description in third place is predator basically the perfect mix of sci-fi action in testosterone from beginning to end it's thrilling and exciting and has great characters with dutch's group of mercenaries you just feel the camaraderie between them they know what they are doing and then when the predator shows up you see them slowly start to snap and unfold and then even dutch as their leader he's not stupid right out of the gate he's suspicious of these bodies hanging up in this trees he's suspicious of his buddy that brought him in and he's paying attention to all the little details that don't make sense thus when you get to the third act and he's starting to outsmart the predator and come up ways to trick him and use the way he sees against him that's entirely in line with what they set up in the first half of the film that he's observant that he's clever and he knows how to kill things and figure out their weaknesses and use them against them you get the introduction to this amazing alien threat that kind of has this honor code in who it chooses to kill and who it doesn't and it wants to find the best of the best so that he can face him one-on-one just makes for a great great action movie our runner-up is jaws 45 years later this is quite simply put the definitive shark movie that i don't think you could ever top right out of the gate steven spielberg perfected the shark movie and he did it by giving us characters that you actually care about that respond like real human beings with different personalities depending on which character we're talking about and putting them in thrilling situations part of what makes the movie work is that early on the movie is willing to kill a child which makes you know this movie will do anything much like i mentioned with the movie it and because of that when you're in scenarios where the music starts playing you know that something terrible could happen ultimately i think the thing that makes this movie so special is those three lead characters in brody hooper and quint have such a great dynamic once they go out to see such interesting personalities finds little snappy lines of dialogue to make it really funny and it's a thriller done right that really keeps you at the edge of the sea your seat with characters that you care about this is a movie if you're one of my younger viewers haven't seen this one yet you want to take a bite out of this one but coming in at number one is aliens with this film james cameron builds off the fantastic foundation that ridley scott laid by giving us the character of ripley as well as the xenomorphs and then he just cranks it up to 11. i personally am someone that absolutely loves action movies so the inherent nature of this film is something i like a little bit more than the movie alien because it is more action based there are more aliens there are more machine guns there are more explosions and i love all of that stuff but beyond that what i like what i love about this film is that it goes so much deeper with the ripley character by having this kind of time gap where she returns and everyone she knows is dead and she finds a new family with newt and hicks and there's something very profound about that and they're able to make ripley this character that's incredibly maternal in the way that she cares about newt and wants to take care of her while she's still one of the great movie badasses of all time get away from her you [ __ ] and the entire last 25 minutes is just horrifying scenario followed immediately by such satisfying victory as ripley goes to save newt faces down the queen just does have this back and forth with the queen tilts her head and decides to blow the whole thing up and then we get that final big showdown at the end of it i absolutely love everything about this movie and the icing on top of the whole cake here is james horner's score that is just phenomenal so if you're talking about a movie that's just designed for me aliens is one of those movies it delivers on every single front that i love and it's so satisfying at the end so it comes in at number one hey thanks so much for checking out my 31 on 31 but be sure to check out everybody else's as well don't just click on it click that like button leave a comment and watch for a little while support their channels click subscribe thank you so much for watching and keep talking movies too much
Channel: Sean Chandler Talks About
Views: 29,375
Rating: 4.9412889 out of 5
Keywords: 31 on 31, 31 on 31st, 31 on the 31st, horror movies, horror movie ranking, franchise ranking, horror film ranking, halloween movies, halloween movie ranking, creature features, monster movies, best, jaws, ranking, critters, the thing, predator, alien, gremlins, jeepers creepers, it, stephen King, stephen king's, Sean Chandler, Cody Leach, Autopstream, Wiliscredia, Bryam Lomax, creature features ranked, prometheus, alien franchise, predator franchise, alien covenant, james cameron
Id: a-d92UMDdRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 31 2020
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