3000HP Turbo Street Viper! Air Shifted Sequential + 400 Shot Nitrous (2400lb-ft OF TORQUE)

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[Music] um [Applause] [Music] [Music] hmm [Applause] [Music] [Music] much better much better three lines uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] foreign [Music] hey guys it's antonio from calvin motorsports we're here at tx2k21 i think we brought uh seven or eight vipers here for the royal race event the fastest one being fabricio cordoba's i made 3100 to the tire with 2 500 foot pounds of torque [Music] we're hoping to be uh one of the the top dogs with it um we had some small transmission issues that only let us qualify in the uh unlimited class instead of the elite eight we put a speed limiter on the car at 200 miles an hour so we didn't have a 205 mile an hour breakout and we hit it half track fabricio actually drove the car this time himself he wanted some seat time he did awesome for his first time got eliminated i think his second or third round but for his first time driving something that fast we were really happy with it fabricio's engine it's been the same motor in the car uh for the last two years and we pulled it out it was always capped around 2400 and we put our our newer style cam in it after he went to the cape canaveral event he went 237 in it we said it's time to freshen up the motor so we pull it out everything looked great in it nothing really changed with the car it's it's still a precision twin 8685 car what oh my god holy noticeable difference yeah it had a um a 6xd transmission we swapped it out for the ppg thinking it was going to be better and every event we had issues with it so we swapped the pvg back in it worked but uh unfortunately he got eliminated still twin 8685 stock stroke uh solid roller spins about 8 500 flappy paddles don't really the only difference between anything uh was the cam and we had uh john at uh wilson manifolds plumb all the nitrous stuff he did a killer job on a 300 shot i picked up by 400 and something wheel uh gave us at 40 pounds of boost and the 300 shot it made right up 3100 for a 86 85 car it's really good those turbos like a little bit of pressure through them to really shine but it's a nasty setup man it's it's so fast like when you see it take down the track when it gets in it's just like it's it's really impressive so i think what we're gonna eventually go to is put a turbo 400 in it like we did with the general that's i think what these cars really need to survive the setup on the street is great actually the car's getting shipped back to fabricio at the end of this week we're just going to change the oil do maintenance and he's going to drive it around miami get get more used to it you know the car's kind of lived with us because every time it goes to an event comes back for change and fabricio just always wants more power more power more power but he never gets to like actually just drive it on the street so yeah hopefully this thing will be heading back to miami by the end of the week second car we brought was alex rodriguez's 2014 white gts that car made 2600 uh to the tire we put a really big shot on it trying to qualify really high and unfortunately had an engine issue the car was was on a mission it was it broke out right around 200 and coasted to a 179 so when we figure out what we don't want to try to fix that we'll have a i think a really good showing with it [Music] so we're about to take the trc guys for a little spin in uh darius's car darius has a 2016 acr um we call it the mad max viper because it's got blow valves sticking out the hood side exit exhaust very loud kind of like the owner if you haven't seen or know who he is he's the dude that rode his motorcycle in his pool by accident you can check out him on youtube on uh darius 240z if you want to see him do stupid all the time so we started off to do a cm 1600 and then he goes no i want an 1800 with a billet crank since he breaks everything so we did a billet crank with twin 72s it's our cm 1800 but car made more power than any other car and i call robert over at force performance and he's like oh it's the side exhaust you only picked up about 100 wheel per side it's not that much but yeah it made 20 70 to the tire on twin 72's uh 105.69 as zona uh cars just like spools up so fast like it's just a fun blast to drive well it's my first viper i've ever been in i bet you're excited oh yeah i've been waiting for this day i've never been in a stock one but it's easy to drive you know yeah this one's a little difficult because uh with the short exhaust like it wigs the o2s out we're noticing so we might have to i mean we finished it real quick and brought it here we you know we really didn't street drive it more than 10 minutes so yeah when we get back what we'll do is probably street drive a little bit more just dial the low end drivability and for sure for sure so this is this a newer build yeah we just finished it last week gotcha i was gonna say i don't think i've seen this one yet this one we did a 1300x on last year sounds so sick i need one of these i need one of these damn what's it making on pumpcast uh 12.50 damn okay certainly no slouch no no it's it's fun like it's weird i'm used to it so far yeah yeah yeah it's i mean it makes another 800 wheel with ethanol it's not slow it's definitely not so what a car bro oh yeah for 1200 that's not bad dude yeah especially with that sequential dude there's no lag at all it just keeps going i love the pops yeah what you do this is the best one so you get like right around 3500 and you can pop it hard watch it loads up right there and then is sick all right guys so naked romeo just went for a ride the cowboy viper let's go see what they think what's up boys how was that i'm gonna need one of those add that to the list of like things that are gonna mess me up financially the trc experience for you has been uh expensive let's say right how was that brother dude it was really good for like it being a lowest setting it was still pretty pretty good like pretty intense the power is constant throughout the years and yeah it was really fun it never falls out of boost and just ripping yeah so uh romeo if you've been in like an h pattern viper before i imagine the sequential is just even it's streaming right there's no like lag nothing it's just like i said just keeps going it's so much cooler than like a lambo or like a porsche or something like not that those aren't cool but this feels more raw like you it feels like you're flying but i don't know it goes straight it's it's a blast zachary friedman's car uh everybody knows it's a nine liter twin zona 115 69 s he went a few rounds and got eliminated matt dursch it was his first time ever running event cm 1300x with a six speed in it he went a few rounds first time racing roll racing anything really good showing i know we had a clutch issue with it so we swapped the clutch in it for him got it back and then the factory slave let go but he he had a blast everything was good the car ran great i think he went like 183 miles an hour which is awesome for a car that makes 13 50 1400 and then we had eric wood who uh won a placing second against uh john bueller with assisio car eric's car went like round to round around it was awesome he was like head to head with a ugr car we inch past them just really fast cars really great racing overall i had an awesome time this weekend you know all the cars did great for what they were we learned a bunch about what we need to do with these really big power cars we're looking forward to fixing whatever's wrong with them and coming back better than ever [Music] so [Music] this [Music] another cowboy car here we go [Music] is [Music] [Music] you
Channel: That Racing Channel
Views: 541,850
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Ab3RDd9CXmY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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