3.000 Challenge || WSSC 2024

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all right you guys so I am going to see how well us as cup stackers how well our perception of time is um because I'm sure as many of y'all have seen like or have done we are able to like watch a stacker and based off of their Rhythm and style and stuff kind of gauge how well or what time they got without having to like continuously watch the timer so with that being said I'm going to go around and have some of my friends gauge blindfolded how well they can stop the timer or how close they can stop the timer to 3 seconds 3 seconds flat 3.00 so let's see who has the best perception of time [Music] see the timer um oh yeah my bad go ahead oh my God I was too early I was way too early oh no oh No7 was [Music] that what I I'm terrible why you ready 187 [Music] what that was way off I was at 1.9 oh no how much 194 164 oh what small oh you're pretty close oh [Music] a.2 you're new oh oh oh huh two two or two or four yeah [Music] 33 it's not that bad huh away yeah that's ter9 misul yeah me 44 what it's I it 268 [Applause] [Music] 269 oh my that's one more try three flat two it doesn't have to be it doesn't matter without look and without [Music] looking that was bad was so whenever ready so not even that's pretty good oh whenever you're ready without looking at it yep that's not bad does anyone of you want to yeah 3 2 1 ready [Music] yeah that's not bad that's not bad looking at [Music] it that's not bad no only one shot yeah 3 SC to six position position from te [Music] USA [Music] was so bad oh you're good should I do it again yeah do it again I didn't get it I'm sorry I'm sorry in fif position for team China we have Ming J CH in fourth position for team Malaysia I got can I leave my hands on the timer yeah yeah yeah yeah without yeah but you can't look I look you can't you can't you can't look at the timer at all at [Applause] all5 I'm so off all right damn right hard oh wow that's bad I can't look right what don't [Applause] miss was 1. that's not bad that was a better okay that's my [Music] two 277 2.78 that's that's not in third position from Team oh my gosh in second [Music] you're good I'll show you a that was really far off you're actually doing that's actually really good considering the H 323 oh I over
Channel: Just Another Stacker
Views: 607
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hdWQhQyHPSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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