300 Blackout - Loading and Round Selection

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you so we'll let everyone know right off the bat this is not going to be the most entertaining video it's a lot of product specifications and looking at different projectiles it's also fairly tailored to people that have some sort of experience hand loading or are familiar with different bullet weights powder loads and how everything effects each other since I won't directly talk about a lot of that even if you're pretty new into it or don't have a lot of experience hand loading I think there's still a lot of information you can pull away from this that might help you with your projectile choice and round selection when it comes to the 300 AAC blackout brass preparation and selection is a very important aspect of the 300 blackout cartridge since it is designed around the five five six or two two three brass you can easily use your spent five five six or two two three cases to convert them to 300 blackout what you would do is use something like a Harbor Freight mini chop saw and chop it right at the shoulder to achieve a decent length on there run it through your sizing and de priming die to get a rough piece of 300 blackout brass since five five six brass is crimped you will need to take a primer pocket reamer to open that up and remove the crimp a little bit once that's done go ahead and clean out the primer pocket just to remove any gunk then you'll run it through a trimmer to get it down to your desired length generally one point three five seven inches seems to be what works well for me and what I would recommend then of course take your tamper and deburr tool to clean up the brass one last time and you're pretty much good to go after that for primers I would recommend something like CCI number 400 small rifle primers also be aware that because 300 blackout is a lower pressure round especially in subsonic you're going to get a little more life out of your brass than you would with some other rifle rounds supersonic projectiles are what I would recommend most people starting to shoot 300 blackout look at subsonics really only shine and suppress applications and you're going to be losing a lot of performance by going subsonic your SuperSonics are gonna have similar but not identical ballistics to the 7.62 by 39 cartridge that a lot of people are familiar with from a K and a km platforms general weights of supersonic ammo are between a hundred and ten to a hundred and fifty-five grains will work up the ladder and discus in 110 grain round this is a Hornaday v-max I found it very accurate it's very inexpensive and a good choice to start with it's got good velocity behind it as well another phenomenal choice but a little more expensive is the 110 grain TAC TX round by Barnes specifically designed for the 300 blackout to expand at lower velocities it is pricey but it's something I highly recommend as well moving up to 125 grain projectiles the sierra matchking is ideal for accuracy and range juice it's a little more pricey than some but it's my go to range round I find it's one of the best projectiles as far as non expanding things for 300 blackout and one that I believe everybody loading or considering needs to look into it's also widely available in commercial ammo choices some other 125 grand choices that are great primarily for hunting applications excuse me there are the 125 grain Hornet asst projectile in the 125 grain nozzle or ballistic tip they both run extremely well reliable accurate the SST is a little more affordable but the Nosler ballistic tip is kind of my go-to hunting ground I really enjoy that projectile if we want to look at accuracy on that specific round this is a five shot group at 50 yards using the Nosler ballistic tip it's not dialed in as far as glass goes I was purely shooting for groups hopefully you can see that there is a lot of accuracy potential they're moving up to things like the hundred and fifty five grain a max round here or a lot of the commercially available hundred and forty-seven grain I think it's a bit heavy you're gonna have more weight on target but you're gonna lose velocity the three other black out velocity is already a bit slower than most 30 caliber projectiles are designed for so it's really gonna hurt your expansion it's a fine range and plinking round but i would not use it for defensive or hunting applications again these are all loaded up with w 296 or H 110 h 110 is also another good choice as is little gun those are kind of the three powders for supersonic uses that you might want to look into powder volume and case overall length is going to vary wildly depending on the weight of the bullet and what you're actually tuning it for I'm not going to give any specific recipes for these however if you are curious about some of my specific loads feel free to send me a private message and I'll share some information with you on that for subsonic application I highly recommend using a suppressor the suppressors added back pressure allows subsonic rounds to cycle reliably a lot of people with shorter 300 blackouts are gonna run into issues of not getting enough dwell time or buffer weights or a number of other things that are gonna result in failure to feeds and failures to lock back on an empty mag aside from that you're really losing a lot of performance shooting subsonic ammunition without a suppressor for very little gain of course if you want to by all means go for it but it's really not ideal 2kings kind of in the subsonic category in my opinion are the 208 grain hornaday amx I find that's a very good round and fairly affordable however the king of subsonic ammo is the 220 grain sierra matchking this is a little bit more pricey but I think it's a bet better projectile if I had the option and money wasn't a concern I would use the Sierra Match Kings all day long however for plinking subsonic and having fun suppressed since the 208 a Mac's are a little more inexpensive that's a good choice for me to go to as well I find accurate 5744 to be a great powder for subsonic Rams it's generally in some people's opinions a little more accurate but a little less reliable than the other major subsonic powder and that would be a 1680 which is also a phenomenal choice but be warned both of those can be a little bit difficult to obtain there's a number of companies again such as fog firearms doing two hundred and twenty green sierra matchking commercial ammo for a fairly affordable price so it is not necessarily a bad idea to look at commercial subsonic ammo especially when we're looking at possible reliability issues and 200-plus grain projectiles being pricey as it is okay so I know that's a lot of information and it might have been too specific for some folks and it might have been a little too generic for others but hopefully you're able to kind of figure out a little bit what grain weights you might look into for both supersonic and subsonic rounds as well as kind of how to convert brass over and brass preparation if you're looking to load 300 blackout if you guys have any questions concerns comments advice anything at all like that please do feel free to leave it in the comments section also as I said if you do want some more specific information as far as recipes I use feel free to send me a private message on YouTube or Google+ Hangouts and I'd be happy to share some of that information
Channel: Onyx ATX
Views: 38,550
Rating: 4.906137 out of 5
Keywords: 300 AAC Blackout, 300 blackout, reloading, 7.62x35, round, Cartridge, ar-15, shooting, bullets, Shooting Sport (Sport), Range, sierra match king, sierra, hornady, vmax, amax, nosler, nosler bt, 110 grain, 125 grain, 155 grain, 208 grain, 220 grain, a5744, h110, w296, brass, 5.56, cut 5.56 to 300 blackout
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 55sec (535 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 08 2014
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