30 Ways To Save $30,000 (Money Saving Tips)

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hey everyone so in this video i'm going to share 30 ways that you can save money in this year so these are 30 practical tips i'm going to list off all of them right here let's go ahead and get started with this video make sure you subscribe to the channel if you want to see more videos like this so the first tip for saving money is utilize the 24-hour rule essentially any time that you're making a purchase over a hundred dollars sleep on it think about it for 24 hours before you go and buy it this helps to avoid spontaneous purchases that maybe later you'll have buyers remorse or regrets so just take that 24 hours and spend it to think about whether or not you're going to actually buy that item and then if you still want to buy it after that 24 hour span then you can go through and purchase that item using this 24 hour rule has saved me a ton of money over the long run the second tip is to plan every meal for the week look if you meal prep and you plan the meal this is going to help you to avoid having to make too many decisions whenever you get hungry so plan your dinners plan your lunch maybe even plan your breakfast for the next week and you're gonna save so much money because you're not gonna have to go out and eat out or you're not gonna have to take as many trips to the grocery store whenever you get hungry so very great and important tip right there tip number three for saving money wear the same clothes every day no i don't mean like actually wear the same exact t-shirt every day i mean just simplify your style so if you watch my videos over the past four or five years i wear the same black shirt every day black pants and of course you know i have a couple things that i'll throw on top of that is sort of like to add a little bit of touch to it but for the most part i wear the same style clothes every day kind of like a cartoon character and this ends up saving a ton of money so simplify your style you don't have to have 200 different shirts and honestly most people don't care most people just care about how they look themselves they don't even really notice that i wear like the same black t-shirt as a base layer every single day in black pants so that's a great tip right there that you can use another tip here is haircuts look i think at one point in at some year i was spending like forty dollars per month on haircuts added up to about 500 a year on haircuts once the pandemic began i realized i can just cut my own hair and so i saved probably 500 a year by cutting my hair myself or you know sometimes if i can't reach a certain part of my head i'll just get one of my friends to help me do that and it'll end up saving you some money there and that goes especially actually for men uh who you know if you have a simple haircut as well like mine's pretty simple i can just do this myself in the mirror uh in like 15 minutes and it's really really easy to do so another great way to save money is to auto withdraw money from your bank into your investment accounts so for example you could use something like moomoo which you can invest into the stock market and when you do this you'll have money auto withdrawn you can do this on like a weekly basis or every time your paycheck comes in you can have money coming out of there going into your trading account your investment account and so it makes things a lot easier you don't really have to think about it it just automatically does that uh so there's a little moomoo plug here if you want to get five free stocks when you sign up for this investing app you can check out the link down below in the description how to just include that there because you know it fits so well of auto investing and just having your money auto withdrawn so that you don't even have to think about it now another thing that you can do to save money is to think about uh organic food and which ones are kind of a waste and which ones are important so of course health is extremely important i like to eat certain organic foods but realize that not all organic foods are really going to be worth your money and so my rule of thumb here is that any type of fruit or vegetable that has a thick peel or skin on it that i'm not going to be eating i tend to not get organic so for example like avocados bananas coconuts things where you're not eating the skin a lot of those tend to be okay if you just get regular and not organic so basically my point here is that not everything has to be organic you can save money on that versus like apples i would rather have organic apples because i'm eating the skin that's a rule of thumb there's actually some great charts that break this down on like what are the best vegetables to get that are not organic you can save money on those uh whereas some you might want to get okay the next tip here is get a library card nobody uses a library i've been saying this for like four years on this channel get a library card they have so much more than just books they have movies they have all kinds of different things computers right internet and of course you know books as well study guides so many different things from your local library and it's all going to be free so please just just go to your library ask them ask them what they have you're going to be surprised sometimes they have some crazy rentals you can get you can rent computers you can rent like all kinds of electronics cameras you can rent from my local library so they have so many resources that people do not take advantage of just go check out your local library i don't think you're going to regret it okay so another tip here no shopping when you're hungry this is a huge rule of thumb for me i'm not going to go to the grocery store on an empty stomach because when i do that i end up spending twice as much money on food because i'm hungry so everything looks good oh hot pockets yes please right i'll go and just grab everything because i'm just so hungry so make sure that you go to the grocery store after you've eaten a nice meal especially a healthy meal and you're going to feel really good about that and not spend nearly as much money at the grocery store once you are full here's another great tip for you think about laundry detergent and getting the laundry detergent that is powdered rather than like the tide pods it's interesting if you look at the history of laundry detergent it used to be all powder then eventually they invented like the liquid laundry detergent which they realized they could make more money off of and now they have tied pods or like laundry pods which they make even more money off of selling to you as a consumer so if you realize this and you look at the actual value the powdered version of laundry detergent tends to be the most bang for your buck and it's honestly the same thing they just you know make it look prettier and cooler in these tide pods so skip the pods and just go for something like the powdered detergent and that goes for a lot of soap as well i get a lot of bar soap rather than getting like 30 different types of soaps in my bathroom i'll just have maybe a couple of different types and then bar soap which you're getting a lot more value from as a whole all right the next step here eat less meat now this doesn't mean that you have to become a vegetarian but statistically speaking meat costs more money than other types of protein plant proteins so like i said you don't have to become a vegetarian but if you consider cutting down on meat maybe a little bit and having it only like once per week or twice per week rather than having like a steak every single night you're going to see a massive cost reduction in your food expenses if you just eat less meat and of course you could just become a complete vegetarian as well that's totally up to you i'm not going to judge people if they are or are not that's totally up to you if you want to do that but it is going to save you money if you cut down on the amount of eat meat that you eat just make sure that you're still getting all of your nutrients all right another tip here cut down on subscriptions there are so many subscriptions out there right now that so many people have netflix amazon like hulu disney plus like i could name off probably a dozen different subscriptions that most families have and sometimes they don't even really use them very much so i don't use netflix very often i don't use spotify very often either so those are some things that i actually decided to cut out because i just don't really use them now there are some that of course you can decide if you want and maybe you could even get on the family plans for some of those like for example apple music you can just hop on a family plan with some friends or your family and save a lot of money rather than just everybody getting their own subscription so just go through your credit card bills go through your bank account bills look at your subscriptions and see what can you cut what do you really not use what are you not getting that value out of and then just go and slash that the next tip is to change your own oil and fix your car yourself vehicles are very very expensive and i was shocked when i learned how many people uh actually pay others to change their oil to change the fluids in their vehicle to change their tire you can do a lot of this yourself i've been doing this my entire life and it really does save a lot of money now of course today i guess i could go and i could pay somebody to change my oil but i still do it myself it's just so simple and it's so easy for me to do it and honestly from the time it would take me to drive to the mechanic have them change the oil and then drive it back i could probably just change the oil myself in like 15 minutes so that's just what i do um learn about your car a little bit like just the other week i basically like hot wired my car because i had to get somewhere and i lost my keys it's a whole story but either way it's you know if you learn about vehicles you're going to save a lot of money overall so just spend some time learn about your car it's not a magical box that just drives you somewhere understand the functions of it and you're going to save a lot of money from that here's another great tip for you is cut your phone bill uh slash it by just choosing some providers that are going to be a lot cheaper i think of mint mobile for example i think they're like 15 a month so if you're right now spending like 60 or 80 or 100 per month on your phone bill you are getting scammed um so you can get a phone bill from mint mobile and they're not sponsoring this i'm just talking about them because i have a lot of friends who have them for really cheap 15 20 a month maybe 25 a month i don't think anybody should be paying more than 35 to 40 per month for their phone bill in 2022 there's just so many options out there for some pretty inexpensive amounts so the next step here is to stop spending money on sales i can't believe how many people will look at sales and they'll say well you know what's on sale it's 30 off and then they'll go buy something for 200 that's 30 percent off okay well maybe you saved 30 but realistically 200 just left your wallet you ended up spending more money than what you would have otherwise so try not to fall for the trap of sales there's a reason why a lot of businesses have sales because they know that they make money off of them right they push the product they sell their product a lot more and they have money flowing in the door so be careful with sales i really rarely fall for them i used to really you know scout a lot of sales clip coupons all that other stuff and i just think a lot of it is not really worth it unless you were already planning on buying it beforehand but don't let those sales you know make you decide oh yeah now i suddenly need this product because it's 30 off um so another tip here for you is to just remember that store brand is going to be better off than name brand for most food products and most products in general and a lot of cases sometimes they're even made in the same factory so like if you get uh mini wheats frosted mini wheats or you just get you know store brand wheats that are frosted it's it's basically the same thing in most cases like except for pop-tarts and oreos i have to say that the store brands are not as good as the name brands but for the most part with food uh you can just get the store brand instead of name brent and save a lot of money um so instead of getting kellogg you can just get like walmart brand cereal and it's the same thing in my opinion all right this one's gonna really really trigger some people um but it's to quit caffeine caffeine can cost a lot of money i know people who love coffee they drink it every day no problem with that but if you want to save some money and you're hooked on caffeine then maybe consider cutting down on it so that you don't have any type of dependence on caffeine and i know i totally like triggered some people there um but it's true like because it happened to me in the past where i would get on like these coffee hooks and i would just knead my coffee every morning when i would wake up and if i didn't have it i'd have to go out and buy it if i was traveling or something i would just have to go out and buy that coffee and it can certainly add up especially if you're on a tight budget and you want to save some money then consider cutting caffeine because then you cut that dependence from coffee or tea or whatever else you feel like you might need at the moment now of course you don't have to do every one of these tips these are just a bunch of different ideas so if you say no screw that i'm always going to drink coffee that's okay all right these are just concepts and ideas for people so not coming at you here uh with with the coffee thing okay so another one here is to consider uh just starting a garden in your backyard you know uh so my brother does this he just did this last summer uh and he has so many tomatoes like he still has them and it's january right um and so he froze a lot of them uh canned a lot of them and a lot of his vegetables that he grew in the summer he's still eating today uh you know four or five months later so he saves probably i would guess at least hundreds of dollars because he has a garden in his backyard it's not even that big of a garden but it works and uh it saves him minimum few hundred dollars per year okay another great tip here look you gotta track your expenses and your income you can do this with a lot of different apps like mint or bill or even excel spreadsheets i use excel spreadsheets to track my budget and to track my expenses and my income and everything else so just do this sit down do this you can do this on trumano it's super simple super easy to set up and that way you'll know are you net positive negative every month you have more money coming in or more money going out on a monthly basis it makes the picture so much more clear and it's going to help you to get ahead with your budget here's another great tip for you is gym memberships look a lot of people have gym memberships and they don't use them so if you're using it every day keep it right use it it's money well spent health is extremely important but you need to analyze hey if you have a gym membership and you've only been there twice this month and you're paying fifty dollars or a hundred dollars for it maybe you should just go to your local park and work out there rather than spending all that money on a gym membership that you might not even use so if you're using it all the time great if you're not using it that often run the numbers how much does it cost per trip for you to go to the gym if you're paying 100 per month and you go to the gym four times per month that effectively is 25 per trip to the gym that it's costing you that doesn't make a lot of sense you're probably better off just botching that scratching that and going and working out you know at home or at your local park or something else like that so gym memberships they can actually end up costing you a lot of money um so another one food delivery look don't even have those apps on your phone if you're trying to save money i've downloaded ubereats too many times i'm a culprit of this i i really am i'll download it and once it's on my phone it's just so easy to just tap a couple things on my phone and somebody shows up at my door with food it costs so much money not only are you eating out from those places that you're ordering from but you have to pay a delivery fee you're probably going to add a tip on top of that there's like service fees all kinds of other fees that pile in and then taxes and it ends up being like you you get a burger on ubereats and you think it's going to be 10 it turns out being like 25 so just get rid of those food delivery apps and go back to what i said with meal planning just plan every dinner for the upcoming week and you're not going to have to worry about ordering food with a food delivery app okay so here's another one for you cut alcohol you don't have to do this once again you know i was talking about how these are 30 ideas 30 concepts but you don't have to do this if you don't want to but cutting alcohol is going to save you a lot of money and probably a lot of regrets you know from doing stupid things but you can just cut down on alcohol i haven't cut out alcohol entirely but i don't really drink very often or if i do i'll only have like one or two drinks um and so this saves a lot of money for me i don't really do it for the actual money saving purpose but i think if i did it would definitely i would look at it and be like wow i didn't spend 200 this weekend at a bar because i just you know drink water or like a soda or something else instead of that and save a ton of money and if you are gonna drink maybe just consider like for example let's say that you wanted to have four drinks over the course of a night maybe just drink most of those like uh with your friends like at home or something and then maybe like one out at the bar so that you time it properly so that you're not drinking like like six ten dollar drinks at the bar or something and spending all that money when you could just do it for a lot cheaper like with your friends in a backyard i don't know uh these are just some ideas that i'm throwing out here another one here look ditch the dryer um so you have a washer maybe you have a dryer dryers are really expensive because of the energy that they consume because they have to heat up uh the clothes and they're tumbling it right but the heater element of that can be really expensive and it costs you a lot for your electric bill so especially if it's sunny outside and it's a nice day just get a clothesline like literally just get a a rope or even like some thick string you can probably buy it for a dollar at your dollar store buy it tie it from one tree to another and just hang up your clothes that way over the course of you know a year i don't know how much money you would save from that i would guess maybe like 50 but i think more so you know you're helping the environment as well from just not wasting energy on something like that so you know you're not going to save a ton but it's still going to be worth it next one you already know what's coming it's bottled water i think it's the biggest just hoax in the world bottled water people spend so much money on it you go to the store you spend like two dollars on a bottle of water it's plastic it's no good for the world anyway um but it you know like if i added up how much people probably spend on bottled water over the course of a year it's like a thousand dollars for a lot of people so unless you live in like flint michigan uh or some place where your water is just absolutely terrible um i would suggest you know use tap water or just get a nice filter like a nice a brita filter or i even had one that was like super heavy duty filtered out like lead and everything else um i think i paid 50 for it and i've never bought a bottle of water since then well i can't say that i bought a couple bottles here and there but for the most part i really tried to avoid them just get a water bottle refillable one you're gonna save so much money from doing that here's another tip for you uh use something like goodwill or thrift stores um so you know whenever i do buy clothes like for example this shirt right here i think i just bought this from a thrift shop somewhere when i was out in colorado last year um and because you know why not i probably paid like a few dollars for it uh i don't really want to go and get new clothes that are you know going to like support more factories and everything else when i can just get something that is probably going to get thrown out anyway if nobody else buys it so saves a lot of money and also i think it's good for the environment as well if you just repurpose clothes and you buy something like that the next one is to cut your financial advisor look i'm not a financial advisor okay but you need to look at if you have a financial advisor how much you are paying that person because i was shocked when i found out that some people are paying their advisor one percent of their portfolio to just move their money around and put it into index funds something you probably could have done yourself anyway if you just read a couple of investing books um so you know i have a pretty harsh view on this but i don't really think most people need financial advisors i just think that they're just sucking money off in a lot of cases and you know if you are going to hire one ask them have they beaten the market have they outperformed the market what are they actually going to do to help you with that in a lot of cases from my experience i think a lot of financial advisors don't really statistically outperform the market um much better than somebody could do themselves so if you're paying a large fee if you're paying like one percent or half a percent i think you can just do it yourself um so that's what i believe there uh here's another tip for you is to borrow instead of buy for a lot of things you just don't need to buy them like for example if i need to get a hedge trimmer right if i have some hedges and like some bushes and i want to trim those uh i could go out and i could buy like a trimmer at lowe's or home depot for like 150 or i could just borrow it from my neighbor right or i could just ask somebody in the neighborhood or a friend or a family member hey do you have a hedge trimmer i could just borrow for the day like i'll you know gave some like like whatever i'll give you a couple bucks for it or you know just nice friendly neighbors will probably just lend it to you right and you save a lot of money and then when they need a favor you just help them out a little bit um so save a lot of money that way of just borrowing instead of buying every single thing that you need so a couple more on this list one of them is to utilize your retirement plans and to utilize something like your ira so there's some retirement plans in some cases where you can end up paying less tax today you might have a bigger tax bill later on down the road but you can pay less tax today if you set up like a traditional ira account and so you can lower your tax bill for this year and it saves you money in the short run long run you might have a bigger tax bill but if you're trying to save money in the short run then that is certainly an idea for you okay here's probably one of the most important things that i'm going to mention in this video uh and this is way to save money a lot and it's just to say no you know just say no to a lot of things that come up become a no person you don't have to say yes to everything right so when i have people call me up and say nate do you want to uh go out to like the bars tonight or do you want to go on this vacation with us right now or do you want to go do this that this that right there's some cases where i just say you know i really need to save some money this month no so don't be afraid to say no to some things you still want to have fun in life but it's okay to say no don't be afraid to do that you're going to save a lot of money that way so three more here on this list one of them is to stop using vitamins stop eating them like every day um so there's a lot of studies on this actually but my opinion on this and of course i'm not a doctor okay so talk to your doctor about this but i think a lot of like multivitamins and stuff are not really necessary if you are eating a balanced diet um so i've stopped buying vitamins i think that they're just not really that useful like um if you're getting a balanced diet already your body should already be like self-regulating and saying all right well we've gotten enough of this uh one type of nutrient and we've got enough of this one so your body typically takes care of itself if you're eating a pretty well balanced diet but of course you know who am i just a guy on the internet so don't listen to me too much here so two more here one of them is to get smarter with your energy usage so growing up uh we didn't have air conditioners in our house um so in the summer you know it got pretty warm out but maybe we just have like a fan or something we didn't have air conditioners i think it was because my parents just wanted to save money um but you know you get used to it you you acclimate right uh and in the winter i don't think it was very warm in our house we had a wood stove uh but you acclimate you get used to it oh you know 60 degrees it was fine right we didn't need it to be exactly 72 degrees at all times um so i think this is really a tip for people who are like really really on a budget and trying to save money you can probably get away with cutting some costs on energy okay and the final tip here for you is one that i shared a couple years ago and it is to consider ditching your car getting rid of your car now i know it's not practical for a lot of people but you have to understand something that in the united states the three largest expenses for people today it's housing it's transportation and it's food and the transportation cost averages out to be over eight thousand dollars per year that people spend on their vehicles there's so much money that goes into cars right it's not just your lease payment it's not just your car payment to uh whoever lent you the money to buy the car right it adds up to a lot more than just that it's gasoline it's electricity for your car it's insurance it's wear and tear the depreciation on vehicles there are so many factors that go into vehicle expenses that if you can afford to cut your car like if you live in a city and you don't use your car very often i would consider getting rid of it uh because you're gonna save a lot of money this is for people who really want to save a lot of money trust me you're going to save so much money if you get rid of your car um now of course that's not feasible for a lot of people right a lot of people need to drive 10 15 miles somewhere that's understandable but if you can swap your car for a bike and you're fortunate enough to be in a city or something where you can do that that i would really consider doing it to see a huge significant difference in your budget for 2022. so thanks for watching the video i hope some of these tips were valuable for you i hope you're able to use some of them go ahead if you want to get five free stocks on moomoo you can check out that link down below in the description i don't think you want to miss out on that and i will see everybody in next week's video
Channel: Nate O'Brien
Views: 169,968
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nate o'brien, money saving tips, save money, saving money tips, how to save money, 2022 savings challenge, how to save money fast, saving tips, how to budget, how to save, saving money
Id: cHeR9F7X-qQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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