30 Curiosidades de Mi Villano Favorito (1-2-3) | Cosas que quizás no sabías

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Hi-hi, hearing people! Welcome to this video where we will meet 30 Curiosities of 'Despicable Me' This was the first film from the Illumination studio. His budget was relatively low, although he managed to surprise everyone by raising more than 540 million. Other films that this study has brought us have been 'The Lorax', 'The Secret Life of Pets' and 'Sing'. The design of the minions went through various stages. First it was thought that they could be short men with long noses. Later they were thought to be robots. Then they turned into creatures, like, gelatinous. Until they came up with this simple design similar to that of vitamin capsules. A design that convinced a lot, since it did not need so many details and would save a lot of budget. When Gru shows his minions the mega screen he stole, the COMCAST logo is visible above it. And it is no coincidence. Since we remember that said conglomerate owns Universal, who in turn owns Illumination. We also see him parody the MBC newscast. On Margo's shirt, you can see a drawing of the lorax. Film that Illumination would release 2 years later. And as additional data, in said tape, you can see a figure of a Minion. Also, you see a shoe brand called “Gru's Shoes” that has a Minion as its logo. On the computer of the lady of the orphanage, if you detail a bit, you can see a note that says “Dr. Renaud ”. Referencing Chris Renaud, one of the directors of the film. In one of Gru's original designs, we can see that he had a more sinister appearance, similar to Dracula, and even had hair. But then they opted for this design that they found more charming. You may remember that in the Latin Spanish version, Gru tells the lady the following. For those who do not know, the tololoche is a Mexican musical instrument. On the other hand, in the Spanish version, what Gru says is this. And it is that rucio, is a colloquial expression to refer to a donkey. Being this joke, more attached to the original version, which is in English, since there what Gru says is this. And that's why she doesn't understand it until she reads an English-Spanish dictionary. In the house, we see plans or prototypes of the minions appear, implying that Gru was the one who created them.However, this ends up contradicting the origin story they gave the minions later. While Gru is in space and we see the ticket that passes in front of him, we can see that the number is 072069. That, if we turn it into a date, it would be July 20, 1969. Which refers to the day on which Apollo 11 reached the moon. During the film, we see some artifacts or marks from the real world. For example, we see that Vector is playing on a Nintendo Wii. We also see that their shoes closely resemble the Adidas brand. And near the end, we see a parody of 'Blu-Ray', but with the name of Gru. Although it was not an innovative film in terms of history or animation, the truth is that it did surprisingly well in criticism. And added to the good income it had, then, it was obvious that the study would prepare its sequel. This, would manage to raise more than 970 million. Being the third highest grossing film of 2013. Lucy was never given an origin story That is, we don't know what her motivation was for becoming an agent But one of the film's screenwriters revealed on Twitter that Lucy's parents were killed by a villain when she was younger. When Gru is shown the video of the rabbit being injected, he can see that the scientists' names are "Coffin" and "Renaud." In reference to the two directors of this sequel In one part we see a Minion dancing with fruits on his head, but this is just a distraction. The really interesting thing is happening behind. And if you look at it, one of the minions hit another very hard and left him unconscious. So he ends up doing CPR to re-encourage him. Although something that was not CPR was in the first movie. When the minions celebrate and one of them kisses another. In one part, we see some Minions resting and eating on a platform. Referencing a famous photograph called 'lunch on top of a skyscraper'. Later, we see in the background an arcade-style video game of the minions, probably inspired by tetris. When Gru confronts the chick, we see that it gets into his clothes and comes out of his chest. Similar to what happened with Shrek and the Puss in Boots. It should be noted that both are references to the film 'Alien'. When the minions see the ice cream truck, they say 'gelato'. Which in Italian actually means ice cream. And it is that despite the fact that the language of the minions is invented, it is true that, sometimes, they say real words from different languages. In this sequel, Margo has on her shirt a character that perhaps very few know. Some even thought it was a teletubi. But no. Actually, it belongs to a Japanese series. Also, in the girls' room, you can see a poster of the popular character rilakkuma. When Gru and Lucy are carrying the unconscious girl, they run into a policeman. This one has the same appearance as a character seen in the 'The Lorax' movie. The song 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams was composed for the film. That is why, in their respective music video, we see the Minions. As well as some of the actors who lent their voice in the original language. This song was so, so popular, that it even had the same effect as 'Let it Go'. That is, after listening to it so much, people began to bother. During the credits, three minions are seen auditioning for their own movie. Which would be the next job Illumination would bring us. But we won't talk about that here. So let's move on to the third installment. This would manage to raise more than 1034 million. Positioning itself as the fourth highest grossing film of 2017. In these films, references have been made to the competing studio, Pixar. For example, in the second tape, we saw a Minion say Buzz's line. And in this third part, a rather cruel reference was made. Where we see how a clownfish is killed, and the only thing that remains is its fin. The Minion causing the rebellion is called 'Mel'. This in reference to Chris Meledandri, the founder of the Illumination studio. And you will even notice that the Minion is bald from above, just like Meledandri. In this installment, we are told that Doctor Nefario is frozen in carbonite. Referencing what happened to Han Solo in 'Star War: Empire Strikes Back'. Reference is also made to the fertility idol that appears in Indiana Jones. In Gru's lair, a poster for a villain convention is seen. Which, of course, reminds us of the Villain we saw in the Minions movie. Where, in fact, Gru, was also present. Another cameo that Gru makes is in 'The Secret Life of Pets'. Where he is seen in a square, walking his dog. After the minions leave Gru, and he sits alone in the dark, the pink spacesuit he wore in the first movie can be seen in the background . In this third film, Margo wears a T-shirt from 'The Grinch'. Which would be the next Illumination movie. You can also see a poster for a movie called "Fast Car Driver", which, as we see, has many sequels. In reference to the popular 'Fast and Furious' franchise, which also belongs to Universal. And finally, a poster of a movie called 'Onions' appears, parodying the poster of the minions. As you know, Bratt is very much in the 80s. We notice it in his style and the songs he listens to, but also in the movies. And it is that under his bed, you can see a VHS of Alien. What brings Brad's giant robot to life is a kind of flux capacitor, very similar to the one that powers the Delorian in Back to the Future. Film that yes ... also belongs to Universal. With 4 films, this has become the highest grossing animated franchise in history. Surpassing even franchises like 'Shrek', 'Ice Age' or 'Toy Story' And despite the fact that its latest installments were not very well received, the studio still plans to continue. Well, in 2021, minions 2 will be released and very surely later they will release my favorite villain 4, But hey, now I ask you; Do you like the idea of ​​more movies coming out or do you think they should let these creatures rest? If you liked the video, let me know by giving it a little hand up and sharing it with your friends. I also want to thank the new members, who have supported the channel. Before I go, I send a big hello to… Well, this is it. Thank you very much for getting here and I hope you liked it. Bye…
Channel: NeiterAll
Views: 5,176,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 30 Curiosidades, Mi Villano Favorito, Minions, Easter Eggs, Referencias, Secretos, Cameos, Parodias, Errores, Gru, Sing, Lorax, Toy Story, Pixar, Buscando a Nemo, Minions 2
Id: 0_-c5sX4fnU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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