30 Curiosidades de Valiente | Cosas que quizás no sabías

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Hi-hi, listening people! Welcome to this video, where we will meet 30 Curiosities of Valiente. The film was released in 2012 and with a budget of 185 million, it managed to raise more than 540 million dollars. Becoming the third highest grossing animated film of that year. Below 'Madagascar 3' and 'Ice Age 4'. The title of the film contains a little secret. And it is that in the letter "B" you can see Merida On the other hand, in the letter "E" you can see his mother, Elinor ... This would be the first Pixar film to feature a woman as the protagonist And Merida would also be the first and only Pixar character to be part of the official line of Disney princesses. And actually in 'Wifi Ralph', reference is made to that ... - What he wanted to say? - I have no idea - No one understands her. - It comes from the other studio The creator of this story and co-director of the film was Brenda Chapman. Who previously worked for Dreamworks directing 'The Prince of Egypt' Merida would be the first Disney princess not to be based on some fairy tale As would be the case with Snow White, Cinderella, Ariel, and well most of the princesses. At the same time, it is not based on a historical figure, such as Pocahontas or Mulan. Therefore we could say that Merida is an original princess In order to represent all the medieval life that we see in the film, several of the production team undertook a trip to Scotland. Visiting castles and seeing how they were inside. How the rooms are distributed, how the bathrooms were and many other things. In addition to seeing on your own those beautiful landscapes. Definitely a great research paper Loch Ness is located in Scotland and as you will surely know, this lake has the myth that a mysterious creature lives there So when Elinor teaches her daughter geography we can see the monster on the map. The filmmakers wanted to show Merida cleaning her horse's stable herself instead of having employees who could do it for her. That way defying audience expectations of what a princess should be ... Making the character of Merida break with stereotypes. There was a time in production when Merida's hair greatly complicated the animation process So the possibility of having to cut it was raised Something that of course was not wanted, since Merida's hair is what identifies her ... It is the visual representation of his rebellion, of his free spirit therefore they said NO. We will keep that hair whatever it is. So, yes ... It was a great challenge for the animators but in the end they managed to solve the problem. According to the developers in creating the Elinor dress they made it have that feeling of being heavy. As a way of representing that she was holding the burden of the kingdom on her shoulders. Since after all, she was the one who really kept things under control ... Merida is the first Disney princess who has no love interest And is that although they try to forcefully compromise her, she decides to be single ... And in this way the story could focus more on the relationship of a mother and her daughter ... The animators studied the weapons used in the film and thus understand their operation. Some entered archery classes, while others practiced with swords. As you know Pixar workers love to be very careful with details So much so that even when Merida breaks her dress, the team decided to try breaking that same fabric and study her behavior ... In addition to also dirtying it with mud to see how the parts in which Merida is in the forest would be The stone circle we see in the tape exists in real life and is based on the Callanish stones located in Scotland To create the characteristic sound of magic light, the filmmakers recorded children whispering ... In this way they achieved a sound that was tender but also mysterious. When Merida arrives at the witch's cabin she tries to sell him some objects All bear-themed. One of them is a representation of the famous painting The Creation of Adam. You will surely know that Sully from 'Monsters Inc' can be seen carved from a piece of wood. Because of that a theory was created that says Bo and the witch are the same person ... And that somehow when trying to find Sully he traveled through a door and reached the medieval era. But no ... The only reason Sully appears here really is because the studio was announcing to us what his next movie would be after 'Brave'. We are talking about 'Monsters University'. And it is not the first time that the study has done so. He also did it in 'Up', where you could see Lotso, a character that we would see later in 'Toy Story 3'. As you know in most Pixar movies we can see the Pizza Planeta truck But in this case, since there are no cars yet, what appears is a wooden figure, in the shape of the truck ... The famous code A-113 ... That we have already been shown in several films appears again here Only it costs a lot to see it and it also appears in Roman numerals ... In the witch's cabin if you look closely at the table you can see the famous Pixar ball carved in wood When the witch is preparing the spelled cake she throws a little newt This is a reference to Newt, a Pixar movie that the studio ended up canceling. Toy Story 3 is also referred to ... When Merida prepares the tray to give the spellbound cake to her mother, she places a purple flower next to him ... This flower is called "Thistle" and is in fact the national flower of Scotland. On the trip to Scotland the team went through a small river. What inspired them to create the scene where we see Merida teaching her mother to hunt fish Scene that incidentally also reminds us of 'Brother Bear'. During production the entertainers were asked to wear a skirt every Friday as a way to maintain that Scottish spirit. 'Brave' or 'Brave' was not going to be the original title of the film. Some of the titles initially thought for the tape were 'The Bear and The Bow'. Translated as 'The Bear and the Bow'. Another one that was thought was 'Bravehair' or 'Brave Hair' whose title would be a parody of the movie 'Braveheart'. However after so much testing they decided to go for something simpler ... 'Brave' is the second Disney princess movie to have a PG rating. The first to have it was 'Tangled', for some of its violent scenes. And in the case of 'Brave', it wasn't just because of the action, but because of the humor with the triplets' nanny ... In addition to that they also include small nudes. Well we see both adults and triplets with nothing covering them ... A year before 'Brave' was released, Pixar had already made one of his references ... Well, in 'Cars' you can see the Merida family tapestry, only in a car version. Original director Brenda Chapman had some creative differences during the development of the film. So Mark Andrews was the one who ended up taking over as director Still both Marc and Brenda are credited in the end. This time Pixar won the Oscar for best animated film again. Something that for some was considered unfair, since of the films named 'Brave', it was the one that had the least approval by critics. But what do you think? To whom would you have given the Oscar? 'Brave' or one of the other nominees ... Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Appel played an important role in the growth of the study. So after his death in 2011 Pixar workers decided to pay tribute to him. Which is seen in the final credits ... If you liked the video, let me know with a like and share it with your friends. And before I go I send a big greeting to ... And well, this is it. Thank you so much to arrived to until here. And I hope you liked it. Bye...
Channel: NeiterAll
Views: 2,916,635
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Keywords: Valiente, 30 Curiosidades, Brave, Curiosidades, Easter Eggs, Secretos, Referencias, Parodias, Cameos, Madagascar, Ice Age, Pixar, Disney, Princesas, Escocia, Monsters Inc, Toy Story, Merida, Enredados, Steve Jobs, Apple, Neiter, NeiterAll
Id: byq22w-M3Us
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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