30 SUPER COMMON Phrasal Verbs you can use EVERY DAY!

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I know you love phrasal verbs am I right well today I've got 30 extremely common ones that you should know because you will hear them and you can use them every day in English so let's get to it oh get to it that's a phrasal verb too it means to start doing something let's get to it okay that's 31 phrasal verbs now all right let's see starting now [Music] start the golden rule of learning phrasal verbs is that you learn them in context there's no point just taking a list and translating them into your language it's difficult to remember them you'll probably use them incorrectly when you're using them in real life so always learn phrasal verbs in context so I've got plenty of examples for you today for these 30 phrasal verbs so let's not waste any more time and let's get to it remember let's start [Music] okay number one lock up and this means to search for a word in a dictionary or search for information online or in an encyclopedia or Wikipedia for example you could look these phrasal verbs up in a dictionary but watching this video will be more fun it will I promise and if you do love phrasal verbs I've made a document there for you a PDF with the 100 most common phrasal verbs so if you want to take this video to The Next Step download that by clicking up there or by clicking the link in the description to get your copy of that free pdf phrasal verb number two is get up it's something you do every day when you're lying in bed and you stand up you get up we can use this from the lying position in bed or when you're sitting down or when you're on the floor it just means to rise so I need to get up early tomorrow morning for an important meeting or if you're sitting down on the bus and a little old lady comes in what should you do you should get up and give your seat to the little old lady so just remember and this is important for the next few verbs we're going to look at it's going from a not up position to an up position right the next one is hang up and this can mean to put your clothes your coat your T-shirt your jumper on a coat hanger and put it on a hook on the wall or a new wardrobe can you hang up your clothes please so again we're going from your clothes not being in the up position to being on the up position hang up can also mean to end telephone call which nowadays looks like this however a long long time ago if you wanted to hang up you had to put your telephone up on the wall and that is why it's hang up talking about telephone communication we also have the phrasal verb cut off and this is when the communication is interrupted very very abruptly like the phone call was cut off due to bad reception okay a few more with up we have a give up which means to stop trying or to surrender to wave the white hanky to give up so we could say don't give up on your dream keep working for it you can do it don't give up or if you're trying to do a crossword and it's really difficult we could say hey don't give up keep trying you'll get there so again we have the word up so just think what do you do when you give up you say I give up I Surrender I've I can't trying it harder your hands are up like this so give up just remember it in that way we then have pick up pick up if you have something on the floor if you drop a pencil on the floor what do you do you have to pick it up and again the pencil is going from the not up position because it's on the floor to an up position which could be in your hand or on the table or wherever but again the movement is going up and we can also use this verb pick up to mean to acquire a skill we often talk about it in language when you go to a country and you're speaking that language a lot you suddenly pick it up okay so I didn't speak much Spanish when I came to Spain but I picked it up I picked Spanish up very quickly because I lived with Spanish people and I didn't talk any English in that period so I picked Spanish up really easily now the opposite of pickup okay so you drop your pencil what do you do you pick it up and then you can put it down on the table the baby was sleeping in my arms so I put her down on her bed I bought the shopping bags in from the car and I put them down on the kitchen table put down can also mean to really criticize somebody or make them feel very small or bad you know like he constantly puts down his colleagues like he's always saying that they're rubbish and blah blah blah yeah he puts them down all the time okay another couple with up set up this means to arrange we should set up a meeting on Friday to talk more about this and show up means to appear or arrive so we set up a meeting for today but nobody showed up in other words nobody arrived okay let's talk about Electronics a little bit if you have an electronic thing and you want to to work you have to turn it on by pressing a button or turning a knob you turn it on the opposite is turn it off so can you turn the television off when you leave the room please what do you do when you come home in the evening you turn the light on turn the lights on turn the lights off turn the TV on turn the TV off turn your phone on turn the phone off and we also use it for taps to get water it's not electronic but the verb we use is not open and close for the tap but turn on the tap turn the tap on or turn off the tap or turn the tap off as you've seen in these examples we can separate the phrasal verb and put the object in the middle turn the lights on or not turn off the lights also talking about electronic things we have turn up and turn down and this is related to volume it makes sense turn is this motion so if you think of an old analog radio and still some things today you have a button that you have to turn to make the music louder and turn it the other way to make the music or the volume quieter so you turn it up and you turn it down could you turn up the radio please I can't hear it or the neighbors came to complain at the loud party so we had to turn down the music okay another meaning of turn up is to arrive or appear so we could say the neighbors turned up to the party to complain and turn down means to refuse to say no to an offer so he turned down the opportunity to work at the school because he wanted to become a doctor okay again trying to think of ways to remember this he turned it down okay thumbs down no thanks I don't want to do that thumbs it down he turned it down he turned down the offer okay another couple of common ones are to put on and to take off do you see what I'm doing here it's always useful to learn things in pairs learn one phrasal verb learn the opposite at the same time seriously do this all the time because as you're learning them in pairs you're saving yourself a lot of work in the future and it's also easier to remember them in pairs especially if it's very obvious like turn off and turn on well this one also it's quite logical you put something there and you take it from there so put and take our opposites on and off opposites so it's easy to remember these two phrasal verbs as opposites and these two phrasal verbs refer to clothes at night you take off your clothes or you take your clothes off and you put on your pajamas or you put your pajamas on just a reminder that you can get the full guide of the hundred most common phrasal verbs by clicking that link up there there's also a link in the description but that is quite a useful reference that I've made for you because I know you love phrasal verbs okay next we have carry on carry on means continue so let's Carry On Learning phrasal verbs carry on plus the gerund Carry On Learning phrasal verbs then we have hold on hold on which means to wait for a minute we also have an expression in English which is hold your horses all right hold your horses which means all right all right all right wait wait wait wait wait a second please so just imagine you're on your horse and your your fellow Cowboys are on their horses and you're going wherever Cowboys go you stop and one of them wants to go ahead you say no no no no no no hold your horses in other words wait a second and then you can keep going so hold your horses hold hold hold on hold on means wait bring up here's the next one and this means to start talking about a particular topic did I really bring up Cowboys in that previous example don't bring up her ex-boyfriend it's a sensitive topic right now okay uh bring up also means to vomit so it's kind of related I mean vomit is um and we're also bringing up a topic of conversation so don't bring up your food and don't bring up the topic of her ex-boyfriend don't bring up her ex-boyfriend in other words don't start talking about it make up makeup is what you do after an argument well if you have an argument you have two options one option is to never talk to that person again but the best option is to make up in other words reconcile become friends again and resolve the disagreement listen I know I brought up your ex-boyfriend I'm really sorry but can we just make up and forget that I ever mentioned him I'm giving you two options here we can have a makeup or break up okay makeup become friends again or break up which is what a couple do when they stop becoming a couple they break up they sound the same makeup breakup so learn them together and another meaning of to make up means to invent or create a story or an excuse so the boy didn't bring his homework and he made up some story about the dog eating it he made up a story about the dog eating his homework don't make things up don't make things up so again we can separate this verb if we want to okay run into if you run into someone then you see them just by chance it wasn't planned okay so you're down in the city center and oh John hi I didn't expect to see you here today hey guess who I ran into yesterday I ran into John at the city center wow you can also run into a problem things are going okay if you're doing something technological online and you run into some problems eat then you need help perhaps I ran into some technical difficulties last week when I was changing some email settings I won't bore you with the details but I ran into some serious problems okay and here's a fun one fill in and fill out I told you to learn things in opposites like in is the opposite of out the fun thing is fun well I say fun I'm trying to make phrasal verbs fun the fun thing is with this verb that fill in and fill out both mean exactly the same thing so can you fill out this application form please means exactly the same as can you fill in this application form please well that is quite fun okay the next one is figure out and if you figure something out it means you understand or solve a problem or a mystery I need some time to figure out this problem if you couldn't figure out how to use her phone so she had to look at the instructions so the word figure is like a number a number is like a figure and out it's like output yeah like when you type in a calculation on your calculator the answer is the output so figure out figure out it's like a calculation to solve the problem that you have that's one way of remembering this phrasal verb figure out and a synonym of this is work out you need a calculator for that can't you work it out in your head we can also use this to resolve a problem or conflict so they're having problems in their marriage and they're trying to work it out peacefully now another meaning of workout is to do exercise particularly in the gym so we could say she works out three times a week at the gym to keep fit all right give back is quite an easy one it means to return something so if you give me let's say a pen I will say thank you very much I will give it back to you when I finished I will give it back to you or I will give it you back when I finished we can use either of these constructions and it means to return something to the person who gave it to you okay another thing we can do when we're learning phrasal verbs is group them together based on the verb that they use and that's what we're going to do in the next three phrasal verbs they all include the verb look so first we have a look forward to look forward to if you look forward to something you can't wait for something to happen you're very excited about a future event children always look forward to Christmas they look forward to their birthdays I am really looking forward to my next holiday then we have look out which means be careful look out look out whoa look out there's a big dog running towards you it means be careful whoa look out or if you're crossing the road you could say oh look out there's a car coming look out just be careful and the third one with luck is to look after if you look after somebody you take care of them nurses look after their patients or we could say could you look after my cat when I go on holiday please okay earlier I said don't bring up her ex-boyfriend because it's a sensitive topic right well now actually it's not a sensitive topic before okay she's had that difficult period in her life and now she's happy she's come through the other end and now it's okay to bring up her ex-boyfriend why because she got over it if you get over something it means that you pass a difficult period in your life this could be sadness or an illness or heartbreak it took her a long time to get over the loss of her little cat listen he needs some time to get over the disappointment of not getting the job all right there are millions of phrasal verbs with get but another one is get along if you get along with someone it means you have a good relationship with them I get along with my colleagues the people I work with I get along with them unfortunately my two daughters get along with each other too which is lovely okay just another enough to go before I tell you them make sure you download the free guide of the hundred most useful most common phrasal verbs and it's a great reference to have so you can remember and learn all the very very common phrasal verbs that you'll hear all the time in everyday English so download that free gift from me to you okay the next phrasal verb is breakdown and this is what happens when a mechanical thing stops working normally a car my car broke down when I was driving through France once that was a bad day and the last one is to call off which means to cancel so another true story I've never been to a cricket match I went once and I was ready to enjoy my first Cricket experience and five minutes before the start of the game it rained torrential rain so heavy the pitch was flooded and the game was called off it was canceled so I've still never seen a cricket match they called the match off or they called off the match we can say either so if you are a fan of this type of English these very common phrasal verbs and expressions that we use every day in spoken English then I recommend you watch that video next where I teach you some very common slang expressions in English and there's the link to download the free pdf which gives you the hundred most common phrasal verbs in English so thanks for watching and bye for now [Music]
Channel: English with Greg
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Keywords: english with greg, british english, grammar, learn english, british english teacher, b2, c1, fce, cae, ielts, esl, efl, phrasal verbs, english vocabulary, english lesson, phrasal verbs in english grammar, phrasal verbs in english, phrasal verbs in english grammar class 10, english vocabulary in use, learn english conversation, english phrasal verbs in use, common phrasal verbs, super common phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs you can use every day, 30 phrasal verbs, phrasal verbs lesson
Id: 5cY06--fZFA
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Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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