30 Porsches get lairy | 2023 Fordwater Trophy full race | Goodwood Revival

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frog is flying and we are racing the Ford water trophy with a magnificent sound of all these 911s leaving the line and it's a good getaway out from the 99 of quavon Thorpe has hit the front of the car that Mark Weber sharing with bonnermy Grimes gained several places it's the white one with the blue stripe in about 10th place but up front brilliant star 99 in to lead this race some getting lower in the sky but a beautiful one position that's the champion leader from fourth up to third that's gonna be very very interesting to see who can make the impact who is going to be quick there Oliver Webb looking good as good as in the triple seven entry all over the back now and wonderful rotation of the cars as we make our way through sir Mary's for the first time we climb the hill it only looks a minor incline but you certainly feel it and we're battling for the lead immediately here 99 got a great start and 99 is holding on to it but only for now it looks like there is going to be an opportunity for Oliver Webb in a few moments time certainly as I noticed by the time the car's got some buried there might have been a slide incident at Ford water because he got about the first half of the field then again then the second half knows to tell but up front it's as tight as you'd like going down that brilliant start from the middle of the front row car 99 leads down to the first quarter a bit of corner cutting halfway down the run towards Woodcutter but they keep it on the black stuff but only just and that's a move for the leads and that would have been a sensational one of that that would be one that Oliver Webb would want to see back he has managed to fight his way to the front of the field and the driver that lined up he in fifth position on the grit leads us over the line into lap two on this 45 minute race where and that's a tight squeeze for the 77 who is showing the inside of the door handle heading in to turn what a match Wing well very very tight indeed I think it's Matt's home on Board number nine trying his utmost and uh going very very 173 that Ferrari butcher car shared with uh Paul William Paul there but he got it back on the black stuff see what I mean about that Gap in the exhaust pipe there that's the car shared by a Christian Cole England and Johnny molam around it went and I feel we may be having a safety car coming out with that sitting by the side of the circuit yeah big hit there big hit for the 52 continuing to race at the moment but I wonder for how much longer 99 continues to hold the me wave advised by he's a postcards but he's off in the lead of this race but I do think the safety yeah the safety car now confirmed as being brought out no surprise though only wear brilliant move to take the lead into woodcut at the end of the opening lap but they are going to come up onto your tail when you Abate your pace behind the safety card but uh I thought it was almost too good to be true to get the whole lot 30 of these competitive races in these 901 and 911 quarters they got the message there they're gonna have to swap them back around because the safety car is out so the number nine entry will have to see back that place because that was overtaking under the safety car I think the flag's uh fairly clearly displayed on the main straight and we are awaiting the safety card it's now there you Type Jaguar will so cars all running they'll form up in line a Stern form behind the safety car it was the 52 that was off and the 52 that was uh being driven by Richard Tuthill who went round and heavily into the barriers so this was Ollie Webb's sprinting clear and uh one it feels like the aggression was dialed up look further back in your shot because that is where the crash is going to happen and that is the end of the race moment into the barrier beautiful car in need of repair yeah but the tire wall did exactly what the tire wall needed to do it sucked up so much that momentum the car was spun around several times and it's always sad to see a car a beautiful car like this that has been damaged but the best thing there is seeing a driver hopping out that's in slow-mo and of course quite glad to be down on the firm staffer and that would have certainly got the jar of internal gyroscope spinning around but uh good to see driver okay yeah that's the most important thing when you have an impact like that and uh left to ponder things but most importantly out of the car and that was Richard uh Tuthill who was out and okay so we had a change of lead and it was going to have to be a mighty move around the outside and it appears that it was from Miles back heading in to woodcote corner at this stage you'd never think it was on take the long way around and take the long way round in style for Ollie Webb who is going to put one of the moves of the day on and somehow avoid contact how about it well that was quite extraordinary the James Court full quave car we can't confirm who's started that car maybe being just a little bit cautious but only bread but where it had obviously swaddled all the brave pills and around the outside a route that has actually describe it diminishing returns on so many occasions uh definitely true definitely true but uh great move worthy of taking the lead I still think they need to swap around uh I still think that number nine took that position under the safety cart so I think they're gonna have to swap them back around there's no need for a penalty there but like they should talk him around before we get to the restart order some beautiful cars in the field lots of entertainment uh big crash behind the safety car means that we're going to have to fully recover the 52 the uh 911 from 1965 that went into the barriers on the opening tour yeah it's a shame because uh certainly uh the tutsal car Richard took to a car had been making up great ground having started Stone last on the grid had certainly worked its way up the order very tidally indeed but alas with that tumble we also saw the Nigel green it's all Tariq the mood car failed to start the race car number 59 and another one that is in one that's in the pits is the Nick monacio car car number 60 which he's sharing with Kyle Tilly so I didn't see what was untoward with that I'll have a look in the pit Lane can't quite spot it beneath us uh in the shadow so 38 minutes ago we are circulating behind the safety car all the drivers still have to make a mandatory pit stop and then we will see how it shakes out we've had a great move for the lead we've had an illegal move for second place behind the safety card this was the start though Bruce absolutely brilliant it looks like the first two cars have got away absolutely perfectly but then suddenly by the time you got down to Magic it was a real case of uh the second gear change was the very the better one and that put the car from the middle of the front Road into the this is going on board with uh Mark Webber's car and I spotted it gained several positions that's great going on the pit wall side Parts the end of the pit bull pass pit out and this is the view going down into magic looking for space drifting sideways working the wheel but certainly a couple of places going this is uh with Max Chilton from further down the order so a lot of cars to overtake and that's precisely what he's there to do but it's about getting through the gears cleanly tidy lost one position two position in fact he's doing the reverse of gaining places but you could be sure when they get into the first quarter the positions will be picked back to driver race 45 minutes moment now behind the safety car for those early that's brilliant onboard footage [Music] steering wheel as well interesting but that's being attached I huft and uh just uh just to let you know of course it was bonami Grimes who was starting the carrying sharing with Mark Webber that was the second of the onboard camera for chitchat's car 116 so uh drivers are pressing on but the driver leading the race it's car treble seven and it's Ollie Webb we sort of detected that from the driving Style with that brilliant move and again looking at the replay of the start from the outside it was a nip and Tuck and a few people sort of put their noses forward and then pull them back in again just in case but you know all very very clean indeed as they went around the first corner yeah unfortunately not staying that way for the 52 entry but thankfully Richard Tuthill is okay and out of the car so just to give you an update of who's in the cars because we were waiting for confirmation of who's in what Matt Neal is in the 27 car he's one to look out for and Barnaby Grimes is in the car that Mark Weber will pilot later on and that is it's a sad old sight you never want to see beautiful cars in a damaged state but unfortunately that's what's happened to the 52 entry which is being wheeled Away by the brilliant team of marshes that we have all around this circuit making us able to go to the Revival and uh and that car will need quite a lot of attention it will be reparable but not in time for the remainder of this race of course 45 minutes all in and it's always and just as often making rebuilding the tire wall that takes the time we've seen the marshals and the rescue crews very quickly have hooked up Richard tuttle's car they put it to a place of safety on the infield and caused an accident uh you know really shook everything up but there are the Marshals are all trained they have to know where the point is to put a car that's had a technical problem sometimes the drivers know full well and they've worked out on their track walk or bicycle ride or whatever where they can put a car because we all know that cars can break but you just don't want to have a race having to be stopped because they've been parked somewhere far from a gap but okay let's go down to Ed Turner because he's got Johnny molam down with him and his car was uh right in the thick of the action at the start Johnny uh I don't know what's worse being out there when something like this happens or stood watching from the pets um it's very good point actually I mean Christian did a really good first ever standing start so he did well he dropped a little bit got back up but I feel for Richard Tuthill to have that happen it's uh we had a situation yesterday in qualifying where the car jumped out of gear going into no name I think it is and the car just literally lost all engine breaking and just went straight off so I don't know what happened with Richard but I feel my heart goes out to anyone that goes and visits the barriers here because this is a very unforgiving place and I say an early safety car like this this is going to give the advantage to teams that basically have their second drivers the faster driver isn't it yes Kristen Coleman see mate we were always going to start him regardless because uh it's his first Revival he's absolutely you saw him yesterday's buzzing absolutely loving the experience and I have to say this every time I come here I'm in my first survival my first members meeting earlier this year when I saw you on the grid doing the demo with the Celine GT one just never ceases to amaze me what an amazing event this is and how everyone Embraces it is fantastic and uh I'm just looking forward to getting in and hopefully maybe uh keeping on the good work that Christian's doing we'll see what happens we'll see what happens Mark Webber said to me already he's going to see me out there so we'll hopefully not in too close contact you're saying your teammate's very enthusiastic I think you are as well Johnny the um what's it what's the plan are you getting in early or late in the pit window we're going to give you know that it opens we'll probably give him a lap after that and then bring him in play it play it by a little bit obviously the the risk is if um if you come in um if you don't come in early and there's another safety car then and you've already pitted or you haven't pitted then you you have a huge disadvantage so you can't pit under a safety car those are the rules but if you were to come in early in the window and then after that there's a safety car and you haven't pitted early in the window and you could have done that's a big disadvantage so we won't be waiting too long you must have a man cleverer than you working all this out oh God yes cheers Johnny thank you very much thank you okay good to hear from Johnny Molin and Ed asking the questions as ever down there that's a nice place to watch the race from yes sometimes a lot of people are envious of our position in the commentary box but there are certain times with a cooling drink watching a field as competitive as this we're waiting for any message about any extra time that may be added to this race in earlier races if there was a safety car a dollops of three minutes were added and it allowed us to get uh the race to the conclusion this is a far longer race 45 minutes is planned so hopefully um we will be able to run to the 45 minutes without having to add extra time but we'll let you know as soon as we know but what we know the move of the race confirmation coming through right now we will be having three minutes added but just going back to the point the move of the race so far by a country mile to oliweb down into woodcut around the outside but Alex and I breathed a big breath in but he held on to it and went into the lead around the side of the 99 car I still can't tell you who's actually driving that whether it's uh who started it James Thorpe or Phil Quaid but certainly it was a great move to take the lead and then shortly after that of course we had Richard Tuttle going off and that brought out the safety car we can't tell you how long it's going to be we can tell you the race duration has gone out 48 minutes all in but we have that driver change to be made part way through the race good point made by Johnny Molin while made to him by Ed Foster is the do you put your faster driver in for the first part of the race or the second part is all about and you know this for well from Formula One not that you change drivers in that but how you split your tire tactics and when when you think it's a good moment you're going to get the most out of them but if you think the second stint of the race is the one where it's less likely to have drivers going off that's really when you ought to put your drivers in but the flip side of that is at the start of the race a Pro driver if you will the more experienced one can gain more places for you okay let's go downstairs Max Chilton he's speaking to Ed once again um well I'm looking relaxed uh you were just looking at sort of replays on your phone it amazes me how relaxed your professional drivers are before jumping in but as long as it looks that way that's the main thing I'm probably quite nervous I've never driven this car for four laps but it's going to be brilliant I did the four laps yesterday just getting up to speed before we had a bit of an engine problem and it's an absolute pure joy I've always watched here for so many years the car's drifting and you can just see the hands of the driver from in the grandstands watching the drivers correct the car so to be in one way you're constantly dancing is a pleasure so hopefully I'll get a nice run out to finish this race off um but a magical moment to get a call from Porsche on Thursday saying do you want to drive our car so I was absolutely yeah straight away you say you've only done four laps but I think you only did four runs off the festival speed Hill in the military before you break the record that's true you're expecting me to break a lat record then this afternoon well I'm not demanding it but at least try okay okay I'll try my best but at the moment we're quite a long way off so I'll enjoy the moment Google was made for days like this the weather's fantastic the crowds just get bigger and bigger and the Racing's just so pure I mean you just watch these cars drifting side by side you can see the drive is really working it um it's just so rare when do you race period cars on a period the track hasn't changed the cars have okay we might have a bit more horsepower but apart from that they're they're the same it's fantastic I'll leave you to your pre-race meditation cool thank you very much excellent stuff good to hear from Max Chilson down there in the pits uh slightly nervous after only four laps behind the wheel loving the honesty down there he's not wrong though about Goodwood being made for days like this we have a wonderful Vantage Point up in the commentary box there's one of me Grimes in the 116 entry and uh still circulating behind the safety gut so we've got this extended safety cart due to the barrier repair caused after the 52 unfortunately went in to the barrier there is a live look at the rapid barrier pair I gotta say they've worked really quickly to get that belt back across and the tires all rearranged so many logistical things you have to think about for roast meeting but the ability to get a Tsar stack into place we've seen many circuits where they fumbled I take my metaphorical hat off that was a very very quick repair let's hope that's not required again but again those tires that Stacks the replacement ones already had to be loaded into a trailer and then got there as quickly as possible with the early Land Rovers doing a great job as well so calm before the storm but storm it most certainly will be when we get going racing again in the Ford water trophy great cars so Dynamic the Porsche 901s and 911 but down in the pits is Ed Foster working very hard with the Duke of Richmond Son charlie March Charlie a tricky day yesterday a few problems in qualifying yeah it was a bit of a bit unfortunate it was just a mechanical failure in the engine decided to give up so we only managed one flying lap and started at the back of the grid today but hopefully you have a good race once the safety car comes in brand new engine so you'll be flying through the field yeah we'll see what happens we haven't we haven't tried it out at all so you know you get a good one or a bad one I'm not really sure yet it's a bit of a voyage of Discovery isn't it you know you're driving seconds you literally one lap in the car yesterday have you tested it I managed to do an hour during uh glorious Goodwood so I got an hour before we went horse racing but uh that was all I got in the car but it was great it was really fun to be honest an hour is actually doing pretty well yeah it was it was good it was it was a an interesting time because it was rain in and out and these little Dunlop tires are pretty hairy at the best of times so what's the plan are you gonna get in early or like uh I think we're just going to roughly do 50 50 and take it pretty easily so we'll see what happens all right best of luck thank you so much 44 the car on the screen is the car that Charlie will be taking over later from James Turner the Mover and Shaker in so many Porsche racing circles fabulous race delivery I must say it really takes it right back to the mid 60s in terms of fashion spot there's a lot of great liveries out there a little enlargement from behind the wheel and uh Turner continues on behind the safety car extended break that we hope is coming to a close we have added three minutes to the time for the race this has turned into a 48 minute race and you must use both drivers we've got a few 901s in there but uh the majority are nine elevens officially from 19 the 1960s 65 64 66 on my uh on my page yes the effective divide is the 391s and throws were built in 1964 and all the remainder the other 27 cars are all 911s from 1965 and 1966. body shape completely door very soon after the Porsche 911 oh final one as we've been explaining was introduced but the drivers love racing them because they have a bit of a reputation actual wheelbase was very very twisty but uh Twitchy but if you got it right the reward was fabulous we've been talking today a lot about steering cars on the throttle of the 911 was very much a car that required that treatment was very encouraged to see the vehicles moving away from the tire barrier where we had the accident that brought out this safety guard Drive is okay which is the most important thing uh car's going to need some repairs and it won't be able to take any further part in the weekend and there is the Land Rover at the rear of the field and there's the second one and there's the mini so I think we're just a few moments away from getting the signal to go racing once again and here is our race leader Ollie Webb only weapon you can see various points on the circuit with their faces full of shine not always a good thing when you're trying to pick out that to a point where you either break or the point where it's just past the point where you should have broken done the braking you're arriving at forward water but uh so many markers drivers try to try to find but experience on this circuit it's always great but I always remember uh Jackie Stewart we had that lovely tribute for his third world championship earlier today we're on the Nova doing nordstriper his senses were so heightened by the fear of competing there he thought it was being an instant he smelt cut grass and someone had just spun over a brow at that level of intellect and the the reflexes and the reactions so I'm not saying everyone has to be able to spell cut grass when it's been cut from a 30 pace and you're doing 120 miles an hour but it helps it really does also helps to have sir Jackie Stewart's Tavern behind the wheel that's fairly useful as well um okay uh the lights are off I believe let's have another look yeah lights are off and we are ready to go back racing once again thanks for sticking with us uh your reward is going to be action all the way I fancy we've still got to have the mandatory stop as well oh so some entries they would have changed things and you can see the 116 missing a headlight after uh contact in the final stages of the circuit here last time and I'll tell you what Oliver web has gone very early in his time that brilliantly he's caught them napping behind and he's on his way well it's a classic case of course the driver in the lead of the pack can dictate when they floor the throttle he did it very early in car in the background already fitting that was 99 that started from the middle of the front row now to my eye that should be is that just with the pit window open or is that a problem I think it might be a technical problem so very disappointing but the first two cars you talk about West Sussex East Sussex that's about the Divide between them and the rest but behind [Applause] [Music] we often talking to two driver race about it's the balance the aggregate speed between your drivers and the certainly doing a very good job and he's left the door half open oh a little look there from Seth Perez but he pulled his nose back out but uh will be enjoying that again I was really enjoying it earlier on in the Ferrari 250 and we will see him in this race later on as well all these cars oh unsustainable fuel are all over the road there looks like we caught the end of something for the 23 of small League behind the wheel as he was recovering after dipping at least a couple of wheels off the road and it just goes to prove if you lose your momentum it takes a while to get it back up these aren't the world's most powerful cars and just like the formula Junior's you know totally different in terms of appearance but it's about keeping that momentum so where did it go wrong for Adam sporty well the entrance to St Mary's at that point he thinks oh I didn't need to go to all agricultural College in cirencester farming is not for me and back onto the black stuff for him but Adam is an absolute expert in the modern torture so I think that helps in quite a big way did well to make sure that wasn't a far bigger moment and we come back across the line and this is now the battle for second position then as we're getting drivers cycled through the pit window is now open so this is now the battle for second Juan Pablo continuing to lead this Furious battle 25 minutes to go and still Ollie Webb continues out for very very quick indeed first couple of regular pit businesses in we had 99 coming in Andrew Jordan uh in the car that started right on Pole Position that's about four positions on the opening map but he's in the pit so very quick change over well that is going to be really interesting to see Andrew Jordan now in the car and he was just so at ease when we saw him behind the wheel of it in qualifying fight yesterday okay so we just commented earlier Alex about whether you put your faster driver in your pairing in first or second and clearly they decided in that case put them in second some amount of time that he can to make an attack and likewise 99 into the pits and out of the pits the one would think check but I think that was a James thought Annie over the field Quay probably in that so they've taken the early tactic to breast tattoo like that coming up shortly uh it's very very close said Perez all over the back trying to find the move through and these three have been putting on a really entertaining battle all the while the 99 came in and changed and that was not a mechanical issue but we didn't see the message that the pit window was immediately open so we'll have to check whether that'll stop was within the rules we continue to go side by side struggling to stop the speed off as we went into magic Corner well the driver making the moves have been David devil Beacon he was at the back of this grouping in the in the dark green car he just went to the front fleetingly now back to Third from the shaky of the finger foreign perhaps thinking um I didn't quite like that move or well done tomorrow oh it's an excellent stuff to fight his way by there and they are pointing to launch another attack accidentally [Music] knowing that this is the crucial Pit Stop sequence knowing that you've got to try and gain as much as possible 23 and a half minutes remaining on a 45-minute race became a 48 minute race I don't like the look of that hand across that sir to Adam Smalley climbing out no it's Chilton climbing out and that was the hand across it is Adam Smalley so that's car 23 we did see a habits off track over didn't we yeah Max Shelton uh who in his way past the second car is ripping run this time around and he's up to second place yeah think about that though separators have been up and down the order sort of in the top six from sixth up to third down to sixth again and he's got the pace I think he's just had a couple of moments a couple of maybe slight mistakes but clearly when he keeps it where he wants to be very very quick but Ollie Webb's still leading this race last time around he's beating the car 100 but now it's gonna be 77 as you say up into second place so separ is up into second car 100 [Music] right on his tail in fourth place in 4-11 so in comes the car of bonami Grimes nine-time grand prix winner Mark Webber standing by ready to get behind the wheel of a car in a race he hasn't had this feeling for a long time here is the Australian driver who is getting strapped into the car and it's gonna be great to see him in competition once again of course alongside his formula one career towards the end he was racing in Porsches in the World Endurance Championship so accustomed to getting into a car that someone else has just vacated and it is quite a skill and being a tall driver as well that makes it all harder for him to get his limbs in place not lose the belts behind his back and all those things that then delay your pit stop so a chance to fight for a good finish as well into the narrow fast lane of the pit Lane and pull down on the belts his confidence thing isn't it a bit of damage on the front right corner is from yesterday but it's not really affecting the aerodynamics too much or was it on the run to the first Corner because certainly so lots of places being gained by Donna me Grimes in one one six but now it's Mark racing again great to see excellent to see about we're attacking a racetrack in Anger once more 21 minutes to go and everyone inside the top 15 has got to make their mandatory stop everyone inside the top 15 has still got to change driver right now bear in mind that uh two early Stoppers were 9 and 99 and the driver of nine had took over from that home is Andrew Jordan who's band in last round the fastest lap of the race more to follow I'm absolutely sure about this but uh it looks like a clever tactic and for said Perez in 77 he's maximum before he hands it over and he's absolutely fine he's got clear of that traffic that's Porsche Perfection this is really really intriguing whether that early change to Andrew Jordan is able to Vault him to the head of the field last time around he did a 133-7 and he and the leader Ollie Webb who's been going really well driving friendly did a 135 35 and they will all be aware of the threat that Andrew Jordan poses behind the wheel but I think what Ollie Webb is going to do he's going to stay up as long as he can to right up to four to pick window closes and then hand over to guy Ziza in that car so the treble seven is gonna keep pressing on but certainly he'll be getting information coming from his pit crew unless they want to keep him cool calm and collected by not letting him know that the Pacer Andrew Jordan is setting in number nine is absolutely electric car 100 in third place Juan Pablo oruela he's got Emmanuel that's not a bad person to get in second to get in second they manually would be hoping this is rather cooler than the uh Ferrari he raised earlier where he said there was no installation when he came in to them he was very odd and uh and it's pretty hot in the driver's Club as well so he can't get any escape from the heat the British late summer providing us with a great day and the Goodwood Revival providing us with a great race now as we've just settled into a rhythm we're looking further in the pack now now this is the 69 entry attacking well I'll tell you several positions further forward we talked about Jensen button starting with the 18th or 19th his car is up into sixth place he hasn't gained all those positions because quite a few cars have made a pit stop but certainly is going in the right direction car number 88 and again just 10 in the top top 10. but lots of good little scraps but our race leader treble seven Hollywood pressing on as long as he possibly can still says three words above our screen pick window open if it still says if it says pit window but then closed it'll be Trump on the foot there would be who would be out there uh still we're seeing uh Paris has come into the pits so in Paris said Perez graced in he's gone up he gone up to a strong position but now he's coming back three stops so it's Gamble's time behind the wheel and that is the first of the major Runners to make their way through by the way Andrew Jordan another fastest lap in the race a 133-2 last time around Ollie with out front in the triple seven are one thirty four nine and those were both personal best one just happens to be the fastest lap of the race watch out the car number nine yeah the ominous thing for all rivals is that Andrew Jordan he just took another half second off between his first flying lap out of the pits and the second but they've also put the car out into clean air there's so many considerations grass cutting on the exit of the chicane thumb up no that's fine I meant to do that yeah yeah there's acknowledgment not long left now of his stint shows you how hard he's pushing shows you that he knows he's under pressure here's Mark Weber behind the wheel of a Porsche once again that sentence was true in the World Endurance Championship it's true in the footwater trophy yeah at the moment he's running in 12th Place we've still got a problem about six cards ahead of him that have to pit maybe five but basically from where this started with the bottom he Grimes it has worked its way forward place by place but now all that muscle memory surely is coming back and being a driver who's driven an awful lot of Porsche representative and Ambassador you know he knows these cars he knows the layout but he won't have driven one this early but you know what when you've got it you got it and Mark's always famous for adapting very quickly to cars please just brush the indicator which is flashing along that side of the car as uh has provided quite a lot to remind upon this weekend so again we're talking about being a taller driver it's not always easy to get into a car and he may want to graze that during the pit stop just in fact foreign [Music] threw into formula one who manages him along with his wife Anne and I imagine Oscar's gonna be looking at this going right I'm taking notes I'm giving you feedback at the end of the day I think I think Oscar piatry is going to be taking note thinking when can I get a drive here when you've retired from your Formula One career will be uh the mentor's answer I think don't make money drives good we'll see you in a decade of it then I'll skip uh who has established himself ah in comes the leader Ollie Webb then the thumbs up last time around indicating that it's time for the pit stop next and this is a crucial change you Mr gamble no not Mr gamble who's jumping against rolly with only weapons guys either yes Guys these are now ready to take the wheel of the car personalized number plate there vanity plate grz141 I really do love that dark green Liberty aboard but that was a very impressive opening Stitch from Ollie with but all along the lap times are getting quicker and quicker another lap in the 133s from Andrew Jordan needs up to Fourth Place overall but uh with those ahead needing to make their pit stops one has yet to come in but 777 is in stature in the pit stop David virtual Bergen has come in in 411 we're eating for 87 as well which is Michael blakeem Olan fleetingly a Grand Prix driver in the mid 1970s to come in and complete make it for it but there is the leader car number nine streaking through 99 the two cars that pitted really early yeah it's worked for them they put their quicker driver in second and their first and second as he had third place but only for nanosecond goes uh guys either the car that was 30 the fourth is now third because 77 is coming through with George gamble adapting very quickly indeed they came in the Reversed order on the same lap but just quickly out of the pits and 7-7 is ahead of seven seven seven seven [Applause] [Music] [Applause] there is a significant moment and Andrew Jordan's electrifying Pace like just wonderful to watch him just at one with this car and this is a real treat now he's walked he's worked his way to the head of the field and the car that was at the front a long time ago has finally worked their way back there and the 911 from 1965 is streaking clip and a quick pronunciation check we've been banging on thank you very much Marcus pie because my season is not it's guy zizza because uh Marcus said he told me himself and from the horse's mouth we will take it but he's up at the sharp end of the field in fourth place overall and George gamble just passed him as they came out of tits they're fourth and third the first two it's nine and 99 is Andrew Jordan's having an electric Pace one minute 33 one minute 33 in car number nine just not quite as fast a driver who went second in 99 we think it's still great in second one minute 34 flat so second quickest driver in the pack at the moment no one's got an answer to Andrew Jordan out front at the moment it's 2.7 seconds it was two seconds last time around he's in a league of his own and that must have been another brush at the pit stop because his indicator's going as well either way uh so gamble behind the wheel uh Andrew Jordan behind the wheel then we believe it's quite in second place then it's Gamble and it's zizza in fourth and the top five completed by the butcher Paul entry and in fact the fact that an awful lot of our timing screen has got the last lap has been the fastest that means a lot of the crews did put their faster driver in second so all the pit stops are complete one once known over that he has the Bailey Bailey car has uh not served its Pit Stop pit Windows to know and then so they can do what they wish that's Marshall Bailey and Tim Bailey but they weren't among the quick Runners all the quick Runners have made their stops but what we need to know is nine is leading from 99 so it's uh Andrew Jordan setting Electrolux a new fastest lap of the race one at 33.1 last time around for Andrew Jordan that puts in 2.7 seconds clear for Quake been 99. 12 minutes ago we've seen lots of late twists all the way through today we've seen things be in the balance right until the end time and time again this is the Smith and Bryant entry this is one of our 901s in the field and just looking down the times of those at the front end of the field guy Ziza we mentioned took over from Molly Webb he unfortunately is not lacking at the the pace with olive oil as well that wasn't to be expected but anyhow he's in fourth place at the moment in the treble seven but I'm afraid that is going to be one that does start to go in the opposite direction to progress yeah definitely a chance for plenty out there to uh to gain on I think Butcher and Paul and Mark Weber will be fancying an improvement uh where they're currently running in sick position [Music] their attentions on the triple seven entry now let's go back now this is uh further back and the 88 is taking a slightly longer route not the only one for the late evening grass trimming going on there but everyone able to recover to it the 411 in the background so many so many times when someone goes off and St Mary's the person in behind is so busy admiring their craft as they try and cut bruise through the grass that they just leave their own break a little too late and frequently actually it's just a catch or something a little bit slippery at the point at which they really required maximum adhesion but the person who seems to have at least wherever he wants whether he's indicated or not it doesn't matter we're leading the race by nearly four seconds now Andrew Jordan lap after lap and the difference between one lap and the next with him is normally only about a tenth of a second he is on it action further back in the pack here and this is yeah jamo jamo's taking over from Christian Cole England who had that little little bouncy moment puts in 53 Johnny molam pressing on very nicely indeed into that this compression when he leaves St Mary they're not the rise into the shade welcome shade completingly and it's the breaking point to the first part of latinum yeah good to check in very distinctive Livery and there's a lot out there but the shell delivery on that car making its way around it's now a 5.8 second Gap at the head of the field uh Andrew Jordan doesn't want this race to end he's having so much fun behind the wheel we're checking in once again with Mark Weber we said he was going to be all over the back of the triple seven very soon I believe he is right about now and it's going to be him moving up into the top five slightly slow doing passive woman at 35.8 that time around but Carl 116 and Mark Weber on board his racing return the first one in seven years sliding beautifully that wonderful rear shot of the cars going through magic corner now pressing on towards the sunshine but worse than that it's towards Ford water such a quick quarter and uh it's the one that in so many ways makes the drivers really focus here at uh Goodwill get it right you're a hero get it wrong and then you've got to be sorting out your own movement for some distance as Smith and Brian will try and join this fight as well however slightly at a restricted Pace now he's getting into do it he's absolutely loading it through should we climbing there on the Exodus in Paris well well done for picking out Holly Bryant in the car number 64 because that is seventh on the track at the moment but it's the second fastest driver out there Holly Bryant all so quick in so many things famously in AC Cody around here but so many others besides so this race far from over nine and a half minutes remain but I don't think anyone is going to catch Andrew Jordan leading the race but certainly Mark Webber he could gain the four seconds to capture George gamble let's wait and see but in fact that said last time around gamble was slightly faster in fourth place we are understandably focusing on the nine-time grand prix winner man who contended for the title all the way to the final race of the season in 2010 and he is having fun out there music really great to see but unfortunately that isn't off the road goes to 15 and the 22. yep they were running in 14 well certainly uh number 15 with landlord on board taking it over from um Pantry long David dank Lord and uh well it's quite hard to see who didn't want to do for number 15 uh for the biggest suspense that was dangler 22 as well rotating around and that was uh probably safe as Sam just trying to double check who started that car yeah casting the blank started so sorry for Sam going for a retaxioni and rejoining we can see the Tyrant mark on the right rear flank of that car and sorry the left rear blank from the driver's point of view get to work on that as soon as it Parks up in eight minutes and it's in 14 seconds time uh it's a great Pace being set up I mean Andrew Jordan's in a league of his own here this is a real master class uh it's 15 seconds now [Music] yeah well that's quite extraordinary and I'm trying to debate where exactly the leaders were when those cars went spinning at St Mary's because certainly Paulie has a cloud of tires folk you're necessarily going to come off because at that point you're already committed you're at the outer bounds of physics as you try and get them through the first part of Saint Mary's in the second the last thing you need to do is adapt your line however 15 seconds that is monstrous great performance uh as we looked at the triple seven under under threat once again and uh who's made their way by this is the 100 that we saw earlier on well that's the manually pero he's in 11th place and surprise surprise he's catching the car in front which is car number 27 and that's uh Steve Edwards who took it over after Matt Neal there's 27 in shot but Emmanuel I perro hunting it down no he's not hunting it down he's already got past 100 now in front of 27 so up to 10th place I don't think that's the last of the charge from the flying Emanuel Peru The Fabulous Roman who's such a fan of Goodwood and we in turn are a fan of his yeah earlier on today he was saying that he felt like Lewis Hamilton thanking the fans for this place means a lot to him okay message on top of the screen uh bottom of the screen three cars given a 10 second penalty for pit window infringement that could be coming in too soon or it could be staying in for Less minimum time and one that's involved with that is 99 the car in second place remember 99 we came in first we thought it might have a mechanical problem then the pit window opened nine was in as well but nine had waited a further lap yeah so the pit infringement penalties also penalized 65 and 77 77 is the car that there took over from Gamble and my concept there is their Pit Stop was under the minimum time because they caught the car in front and came out in a better position and the third car in that group in car number 65 also a 10 second penalty for them that's the one shared by Mark Bates who started it and Jensen button so quite a lot coming through there so it's going to be different things uh clearly car 99 uh came in a lot too soon before we got the message okay and the other thing it means that 10 second penalty is why suddenly the Gap went from five seconds Advantage for our race leader to 15. yes we knew it was a quick clap but he'd have had to do about eight quick laps to gain those 10 seconds yeah so your your timing page is going to update with the with the live order as we go through as uh that's gonna be the case so there you go the Butcher and Paul card now in third place though so that's not applied at the end like you might see another series that is applied mid race and updated on the timing page so it goes to prove this commentator you have to look at the moving images as well as the timing screen and all of the methods as well but uh the on track action speaks for itself but just to see these early 9 11 short wheel based format being split around so beautifully and at the moment I feel quite pressing or pressing on maybe they didn't need to tell them about the counties race leader Andrew Jordan just over five minutes remaining in this four water cup but uh just Rebel in the way these cars move so light on their toes as the 99 continues on going past the 44 now pretty much behind the wheel we spoke to him earlier in the fit Lane [Music] making his way by and loving his time behind the wheel well considering he's only had an hour driving this car he's going remarkably well setting Grady's at that time car 15's had a bit of an exciting race so far off it so Mary's not so long ago and now uh David danglades this case he wasn't helped off he went on his own [Music] circuit through the Chicago will start another lap but there is our race leader Andrew Jordan stretching on though he's his Pace has fallen away one minute 35.5 no he's not doing one of those dramatic finishes we've seen plenty of them today this is going to be the 15 frightening itself off the road then fronting himself back onto the road there as the 99 went through well you know what that was a classic case of a driver look back to his mirror and spotted the car running in second place coming through and maybe just momentarily missed his breaking point but uh gathered it up 27 and 88 fighting for position trying to get in the top ten it's a car 27 was the one that was uh Stephen was sticking over from Matt Neal and 88 for that field Quay the Gap went out from Five Seconds to 15. it's now down to 14. but that's had a slightly slower nap my race leader but he's it's the Finish he's just being a little bit cautious among the traffic but it's been a supreme Drive well as soon as he got strapped into it he was lighting up the timing page and yesterday when we were enjoying it in practice and qualifying he was just a master of being able to take it to the Limit but also drifting the car but always seemingly in control and he has done wonderfully there now we've got to change on our timing page and we've got gamble back up to third but only momentarily so that is a tiny Gap but that is a gap with a penalty applying of 10 seconds so that's going to ebb and flow all the way to the end and the end is coming coming very soon in just as over two minutes Johnny molam kicking up the dirt on the outside he's just trying to work out what those two cars he's trying to laugh in front of him he's gonna try and take his moment to to make an advance so in fact there's no that's your position I bet your pardon he's on the tail of uh and he overtakes him on the Run for the first Corner 87 is running in front of him and that was further down that's a lot further back and the fact that uh Michael Blake the Dutch racer of course father of Jeron as well and Sebastian but uh rated almost every weekend the Blake amola family cannot stay away from race circuits and who can blame them Johnny Molin having taken the position now finds himself uh getting past the left car and he manages to make it through with a tidy pass just seeing something we've got a close battle on the timing page for P3 so they're they're racing each other in different parts of the circuit after the 10 second time penalty was applied with gamble trying to get his car onto the Rostrum and we know that Andrew Jordan is just ticking off the minutes and there's not many of them left now and one to go yeah Andrew Jordan His Pace was lap after lap in the one minute 33 uh sector then it fell back to 35.5 did he had a problem no we're quite sure it's just a little bit of a be careful in traffic back down to one minute 34 flat so he's back in the ballpark controlling it's that classic case if you back off you're more like him to make a mistake and if you keep you know right in your natural form and certainly Andrew Jordan's form will be delighting Matt's home who started in kind of but I did make the best get away from toll the car lost a few positions but was still very much in the mix and right into coming in for that very early pit stop as soon as the pit window was open picking up no penalties important element there um but it's had it under control ever since we are scrapping all the way to the checkered flag here and emmanuelipiro is having a great time of things out there at the moment and he his way all the way and we're on that 24 with a clock about to run out and One Last Tour then for Andrew Jordan Sega thoroughly deserved Checkered Flag after a massive or performance its nearest rival got a 10 second time penalty in the pits and here is the man who is bring it home and the clock is going to run out the clock has gone to zero and so these are the winning moments the victory moments for the class of the field and then some car number nine is the one that we're looking for headlights flashing fantastic pace and Andrew Jordan brings it home it's victory for Jordan home superb stuff a brilliant brilliant Drive in his Porsche 911 from 1965 and that was one of the most impressive drives of the day certainly was some brilliant overtaking Maneuvers early on but it's about having a really really strong driver pairing so Matt home did a really good job in Europe in the opening stages and Andrew Jordan did the rest waiting for second place it's 99. third place at the end swapping on the final lap with the diver penalty for 77 of course that meant Rory butcher came up to third place car number 73 it's never over until the checkered flag Falls
Channel: Goodwood Road & Racing
Views: 55,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Goodwood, Revival, Goodwood Revival, Goodwood festival, motorsport, racing, goodwood racing, goodwood cars, good wood revival, porsche, porsche 911, 911, 911 race, porsche 901, mark webber, f1, max chilton, top gear, chris harris
Id: fYgl49oScUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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