30 Must-Know English Idioms for Fluent Conversation!

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hey what's up buddy I finished my project on time I'm on cloud n uh Cloud n yes I mean I'm on top of the world top of the world I mean I'm full of the joys of spring but it's fall not spring oh my God I'm happy oh then why didn't you say I'm happy I mean it's easier to just hello and welcome to another lesson my name is Maddie from po English and in this lesson we're going to learn 30 idioms that can really help you understand English movies and TV series and even native speakers now to make it fun after each 10 idioms I will either show you a dialogue or ask you a few questions so pay close attention to this lesson now let's begin with the first part part one the first idiom we want to learn is to beat around the bush beat around the bush what does it mean it's like when someone asks you a simple question but you don't give a straight answer you talk about other stuff which are not really important you are beating around the bush that means you are not giving a straight answer to a simple question when my mom asked if I did my homework I kept talking about my day at school I was beating around the bush idiom number two is to bite off more than you can chew bite is this and chew is this now if you bite off more than you can chew that means your mouth is so full that you cannot chew that means you are trying to do many things things at the same time or that you are trying to do something which is too difficult for you now what is the past of bite bit and what's the past participle bitten so if you are trying to do something that you really can't and is too difficult for you you have bitten off more than you can chew Sarah took on three school projects this week and couldn't finish any of them she bit off more than she could Cheo have you ever heard of the phrase a blessing in disguise a blessing in disguise what does it mean first what is the meaning of Disguise disguise is basically trying to look different than what you really are for example if Cristiano Ronaldo wants to go to McDonald's do you think he can simply do it no he has to change his appearance because otherwise people would come and ask for autographs or pictures and self selfies and he won't be able to enjoy his meal so he has to disguise as a normal person that is the meaning of Disguise but what is the meaning of a blessing in disguise it is used to talk about something that seems bad at first but then turns out to be really good that's a blessing in disguise it means it's a blessing it's a good thing but you cannot understand if it's a good thing for example I was sad that we couldn't go to the park because of the rain but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise we had fun watching a movie at home it means at first I thought it's a bad thing that it's raining and we cannot go to the park but then we stay home we watch the film and it was really fun so it was a blessing in disguise a very common idiom that I personally have heard a lot in movies TV series and even here in London to give the benefit of the doubt to give someone the benefit of the doubt what does it mean it means to believe somebody's explanations or excuses even if you are not sure so somebody comes up with an excuse and you say hm I'm not sure if you were honest but I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt that means I'm going to trust you even though I'm not sure I'm going to trust you I'm going to believe you Tom said he didn't eat the last cookie I gave him the benefit of the doubt and didn't get upset it means I tried to believe him even though I was not sure maybe he was lying I am sure that you have heard this one to kill two birds with one stone what does it mean well imagine you have a stone and there is a bird and you want to hit the bird you hit the bird but then two birds fall down from the sky well you have killed two birds with one stone well that's just a phrase guys please don't kill any birds it basically means with one action you solve two problems or you achieve two great things by doing one thing by studying with my friends I can kill two birds with one stone prepare for my exam and have fun it means I'm doing one thing studying with my friends but then I'm getting two things out of it having fun and preparing for the exam here's another fun idiom to let the cat out of the bag is there a cat trapped in a bag let's save it to let the cat out of the bag what does it mean to let the cat out of the bag means to reveal a secret something that you were not supposed to say but then you accidentally say it I wasn't supposed to tell Jack about his surprise birthday party but I let the cat out of the bag by showing him the cake I let the cat out of the B that means I revealed the secret by accident have you ever missed a boat boat well here's an interesting phrase to miss the boat miss the boat what does it mean you were late the boat in this phrase refers to a chance or an opportunity now if you missed the boat that means you've missed a chance or missed an opportunity mainly because you were late or you weren't quick enough I wanted to buy those cool sneakers but they sold out quickly I missed the boat it means I wasn't quick enough I wasn't fast enough everybody bought all the sneakers and now I missed a chance I missed the boat this is salt now salt is not countable but we know that salt has a lot of small particles each small particle of salt is called a grain of salt a grain of salt now look at this phrase take something with a grain of salt what does it mean take it with a grain of salt if you you take something with a grain of salt that means you are not believing it completely you see the point but you say hm maybe it's not true maybe that's not correct you're kind of skeptical you're not sure you don't believe it completely the US government has recently said that they have contacted UFOs or aliens I'm not really sure about that I took it with a grain of salt now to take something with a grain of salt is the American version of this IDM there's a British version take something with a pinch of salt now a grain of salt is a particle but a pinch of salt is just some salt so both idioms are correct to take something with a grain of salt or to take something with a pinch of salt that means to not believe it completely to be skeptical what does it mean if you say something is up in the air is it up in the air no if something is up in the air it means it's not certain you are not sure of it our plans for the weekend are still up in the air we are not sure what we're going to do that means we're not sure what we're going to do we're uncertain of it and the last idium of part one of this video to stab somebody in the back oh what does it mean to stab someone in the back it means to kill someone from behind no if you stab somebody in the back you betray them you hurt someone who trusted you your best friend trusts you but then you do something to hurt them you stabbed them in the back Sarah thought Amy was her friend but Amy told her secrets to everyone Amy stabbed Sarah in the back Amy betrayed Sarah even though Sarah had trusted her good job guys so far we have learned 10 idioms now it is time for a dialogue to see how we can use these idioms while speaking hey Tom do you want to come to Jack's party on Saturday well you know I'm juggling a lot of things right now with working all a TP don't be around the bush just tell me if you can make it or not okay okay I'll be honest I would love to come but I've bitten off more than I can chew for this weekend oh I understand thanks I hope you'll give me the benefit of the doubt oh of course I will we can always catch up later and if you change your mind it's a good chance to kill two birds with one stone have fun and socialize that's true by the way don't let the cat out of the back about my surprise gift for Jack your secret safe with me Tom part two good job guys so far we have learned 10 idms now it is time to continue this lesson and learn another 10 idms to lose your touch what does it mean if you lose your touch that means you lose your sense of touch no to lose your touch basically means to lose your skills you were good at doing something but now you were not as good as you used to be youve lost your touch he used to play the piano but he hasn't practiced for a long while he has lost his touch it means he is not as good as he used to be he has forgotten his skills this is very similar but it has a totally different meaning if you lose touch with somebody it means you are no longer connected with that person you are not communicating anymore but if you lose your touch that means you have forgotten your skills you know what sit means to sit it's what I'm doing right now I'm sitting on a chair what does it mean to sit tight sit tight like this to sit tight basically means to wait patiently without doing anything else just sit tight wait patiently mom told us to sit tight in the car while she runs to the store for a minute sit tight in the car that means wait patiently do you like music I love it but here's a phrase to face the music face music what does it mean to face the music to face the music means to accept the consequences of your actions if you do something bad you have to face the music after breaking the vase Tim knew he had to face the music and tell his mom that means he had to face the consequences of his actions the next idiom is to get over something or to get over somebody get over somebody or something what does it mean it basically means you are sad about something or Somebody But as time passes you start feeling better you are getting over somebody or you are getting getting over something Emma was sad when her pet died but she eventually got over it and now she's feeling better or maybe you were in a relationship and then you decided to split up you're feeling really sad now but as time passes you will get over that person you will get over him or you will get over her all right guys it's crunch time crunch time what is crunch time crunch time is basically when you are in a situation that you have to make quick decisions and work really hard that period of time is called crunch time during the last minute study session it was crunch time to prepare for the test it was crunch time that means we had to make a lot of quick decisions and we had to work really hard it was crunch time or maybe you want to start a business and you tell your business partners all right it's crunch time guys it means it is time to work really hard and make quick decisions the next idiom is to get out of hand and get out of hand what does it mean if something gets out of hand it means you lose control over it you can no longer control it it gets out of hand what's the past form it got out of hand the game got out of hand when everyone started running in different directions it got out of hand you were no longer in charge you lost control control now here's another idiom to get something out of your system out of your system that means out of your computer no to get something out of your system means to get rid of a strong feeling a strong emotion or an urge I really wanted to do something crazy so I went to a club and I parted all night I got it out of my system it means I got rid of that feeling that urge that I want to do something crazy and here's another idiom to hang in there what does it mean if somebody tells you to hang in there hang hang where if you tell someone to hang in there you're telling them to stay strong to not give up to hang in there when Tim struggled with his math homework his teacher said hang in there you can do it hang in there stay strong don't give up here's another lovely idium to throw caution to the wind throw caution to the wind w What does it mean to throw caution to the wind means to stop being careful stop being cautious and do something risky without worrying about consequences throw caution to the wind it basically means you decide to risk it Jack decided to throw caution to the wind and ask out Jessica it means jack wanted to ask out Jessica but he was like What if she rejects me but then he decided to take a risk do it ask out Jessica with without worrying about the consequences he threw caution to the wind and now guys let's call it a day call it a day to call it a day means to finish what you were doing call it a day it's over enough that's it after playing at the park all afternoon it was time to call it a day and go home to call it a day means to finish an activity all right we have learned another 10 idioms now let's have a quiz I have five questions for you guys here's question one what does to face the music mean to listen to your favorite song to accept the consequences of your actions or to avoid making music H to face the consequences of your decision that is to face the music question two when someone says hang in there what are they telling you to give up and quit to stay strong and not give up to take a nap H that's right to stay strong to hang in there stay strong question three what does crunch time mean it's time to eat a snack it's time to work hard and make quick decisions it is time to relax obviously it's time to work really hard it's crunch time question four what does to sit tight mean to wait patiently without doing anything to stand up and run to dance around this is kind of obvious to wait patiently and the last question which idiom means to take a big risk without worrying about the consequences let's see if you can remember to get over something or someone to throw caution to the wind or to get something out of your system that's right right to throw caution to the wind so far we have learned 20 idioms it is time to learn another 10 idioms but before doing that let me tell you something do you want to have the list of all the 30 idioms of this lesson in a PDF file with the meanings example sentences some beautiful pictures and not just of this lesson do you want to have the summary of all of my YouTube video lessons in one PDF file you can download My ultimate English book this book has more than 400 pages of lesson summaries of all of my YouTube Channel videos and the good news for my YouTube subscribers this book is for free but how can you get it simply click on the link on top of this video go to my website type in your name your email address and click download you will receive the book in your inbox and now let's get back to our lesson and let's learn the last 10 idms of this lesson part three here is an interesting idiom to be on cloud n what does it mean well let me give you a hint it has something to do with your feelings if you are on cloud nine that means you are on cloud 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine that means you're really happy after winning the game Sarah was on cloud n Sarah was really happy she was on cloud n now what does it mean if you say I am under the weather if you are under the weather it means you are under the weather that means you are feeling a little bit sick you are slightly unwell you are under the weather Tim didn't go to school because he was under the weather he was slightly sick he was under the weather let's speak of the devil speak of the devil why what does it mean speak of the devil when do we use this phrase it is used when someone you were talking about suddenly appears it's like me telling you about Jack and his new and Jack appears oh speak of the devil Lisa was telling a story about Sarah and oh speak of the devil Sarah appeared out of nowhere have you ever heard ignorance is bliss what does it mean ignorance basically means not to pay attention to things generally just not to care about things that is ignorance you ignore everything now ignorance is bliss bliss is something good so is ignorance something good ignorance is bliss basically means those who do not know everything live a happier life sometimes it's better not to know about something because knowing it would make you worried or sad so ignorance is bliss I don't want to hear about them ignorance is bliss I don't want to hear about them ignorance is bliss in this case now another word for boat is ship now here's another idiom that ship has sailed now to sail means to start moving on water that ship has sailed it means the ship is no longer here it has sailed what does it mean it means it is too late to do something now you have lost the opportunity because you were too late so that ship has sailed and you have missed the boat I wanted to buy concert tickets but they sold out that ship has sailed it means I lost the opportunity what do dogs do when they make a sound they bark now sometimes they may bark up a tree but if the tree is wrong they may bark up the wrong tree here's an idiom to bark up the wrong tree what does it mean to bark up the wrong tree are we talking about a dog no it means you are looking in the wrong place or you are accusing the wrong person you are barking up the wrong tree if you think I took your candy you are barking up the wrong tree I didn't even know you have a candy it means you are accusing the wrong person I didn't do it you were barking up the wrong tree what was the idiom which meant to be really happy to be on cloud n very good now here's another idiom with the same meaning to be on top of the world if you are on top of the world you are extremely happy after getting a band score n in my is test I was on cloud N I was on top of the world I was extremely happy another idiom with a similar meaning full of the joys of spring full of the joys of spring Joys are basically the things that make you happy the feelings of Happiness spring is the first season of the year it's a beautiful season now joys of the spring and you are full of the joys of spring what does it mean it means you are really happy and full full of energy when Sam found out he was becoming a father he was full of the joys of spring and couldn't stop smiling it means he was really happy now let's talk about something sad to kick the bucket well if you kick the bucket is that something sad not really but this idiom means to die it is a funny way of saying somebody has died kick the bucket well our teacher was really old nobody liked him and he eventually kicked the bucket at the age of 90 it means he died at the age of 90 but remember to kick the bucket is a funny way of saying somebody has died and the last idiom we're going to learn together like death warmed up like death warmed up what does it mean it means to be extremely ill you're so sick that you are about to die I feel like death warmed up it means I feel really sick and that was the last IDM I hope you've enjoyed it but before we we finish this lesson let's have a look at the dialogue Alex hey I haven't seen you in a while how have you been not great I've been feeling under the weather for the past few days oh sorry to hear that anything I can do to help thanks just having you here makes me feel better well I'm glad I could brighten your day by the way I heard you won the Arts competition last week yes I did and that was a wonderful surprise I felt like I was on top of the world that's amazing Alex you're so talented it's a real blessing in disguise thank you so much you're so kind and that was it guys I hope you've enjoyed this lesson it was a long lesson but I'm sure you have learned a lot of idioms don't forget to practice and see you soon [Music] bye
Channel: POC English
Views: 943,368
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Keywords: English idioms, learn English idioms, common English idioms, essential English idioms, idiomatic expressions, English vocabulary, expand your vocabulary, English expressions, improve your English, English language, language fluency, native English, fluent English, English conversation, English listening, idioms and meanings, idioms examples, idioms for daily conversation, idioms for English learners, idioms for intermediate learners, idioms for advanced learners, pocenglish
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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