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Channel: 5-Minute Crafts
Views: 48,015,651
Rating: 4.422533 out of 5
Keywords: 5-Minute Crafts, DIY, Do it yourself, crafts, trucos, trucos de belliza, proyectos faciles, useful things, lifehacks, tricks, tips, DIY projects, DIY activities, Handcraft, Tutorial, easy, empty, makeup, storage, actually, work, lipstick, can, eat, lovers, genius, lip balm, awesome, tasty, magnetic, board, handmade, homemade, brush roll, broken, compact, powder, eyeshadows, properly, eyeliner, old into new, recycle, reuse, repair, broken powder, blush, makeup hacks, beauty hacks
Id: wJs0yai2t-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 16sec (1036 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2018
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