30 MIN FULL BODY WORKOUT | At-Home Pilates

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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel today i have a 30 minute full body pilates workout for you so when you're ready come on to your hands and your knees and let's gently warm up our spine on your exhale around your spine gaze towards your navel inhale arch your spine look slightly up one more exhale round and inhale arch pairing our breath with our movement then exhale round your spine tuck your toes under and press back into downward facing dog take this moment to pedal your heels alternate bending your knees and doing whatever feels good for your body at this point then press both heels down into the mat inhale bend your knees exhale shoot forward into your high plank shoulders over wrists inhale press back bend your knees exhale shoot forward high plank abs engaged two more really drawing your navel in towards your spine as you shift forward into that plank last one now hold in your plank take a nice inhale exhale lift your right leg up inhale set it down exhale lift the left leg set it down so just alternating or lifting one leg at a time making sure to keep everything nice and still it's just the leg moving drawing your abdominals in towards your spine pressing through your shoulders good job downward facing dog walk your hands back towards your feet keeping a nice soft bend through your knees let's hold on to our elbows maybe nod your head yes shake your head no releasing any tension then release your hands and roll yourself up to standing make sure your feet are hip distance apart in parallel draw your navel in towards your spine finding that pilates posture inhale sit your hips slow finding your squat and exhale press up so inhale as you squat down exhale as you press up making sure that your knees stay stacked over your ankles avoid bringing your knees past your toes so really sit your glutes back shifting your weight back into your heels and keeping that nice long line with your spine on your next one let's hold a low in our squat drawing your navel in lift your right heel and lower then your left heel and lower at the arms swing them back and forward so they swing back and forward as you lift your heel and lower just breathing naturally here focusing on creating one long line with your body so one long line all the way from the crown of your head to your tailbone and last one good job hands to the tops of your thighs roll your spine up vertebrae by vertebra inhale sweep your arms up to the ceiling exhale hinge forward hands come down to the mat walk your hands forward finding your strong high plank so pull your abdominals in shoulders over wrists inhale shift back bend your knees exhale shoot forward higher plank so same movement as before but this time let's do it a little bit faster so inhale back exhale forward really pressing through your shoulders on your next one in your high plank let's lift our right leg bending our right knee at a 90 degree inhale tap the knee to the mat exhale press it up so you just tap and press tap and press let's do four more keeping your abs nice and strong shoulders nice and strong and last one good job set that right knee down underneath your hip and then on your inhale reach your right arm up towards the ceiling exhale thread your right arm through the left and again inhale reach exhale twist two more this is a really great way to warm up our spine as well as getting our obliques fired up this is your last one and then come through center step that right foot back into your plank let's lift our left leg and bend our left knee inhale tap the knee to the mat exhale press so you tap and press six more so really trying to keep that nice long line through our body hips are staying nice and low abs pulled in two more and last one set the left knee down inhale reach your left arm up to the ceiling exhale thread the left arm through the right three more inhale reach exhale twist this should feel really nice let's do one more inhale reach for the sky and exhale twist good come back through center shift your hips back and let's come on to our glutes hopefully you're feeling nice and warm i know at this point i was already feeling super warm so sitting up nice and tall with your knees bent inhale reach your arms forward exhale around your spine finding your c-curve and then inhale come back up so exhale as you round back inhale as you find that nice straight spine now every time that you round back i want you to think of slightly tucking your pelvis under and dropping your ribs down towards your hips so you're finding that nice contraction through your abdominals let's do one more and hold in your c curve inhale reach your left arm back and exhale back through center so inhale twist open exhale back through center inhale reach exhale center inhale twist exhale center let's do four more keeping your ribs down towards your hips keeping your shoulders nice and relaxed two more last one and now hold through center and just pulse back for ten nine nice exhales and exhales six five four three two and one good job straighten your legs lift your chest and let's fold over our legs taking a moment to feel a nice stretch through our legs and taking nice deep breaths then gently roll on up let's take our hands underneath our shoulders and lift our hips up just to feel a nice release through our hips and open through our heart center then come back down release your arms and roll yourself down vertebrae by vertebra all the way down to your mat good job walk your feet in your knees are bent your feet are hip distance apart hands go behind your head elbows wide take a nice inhale then exhale curl your head and shoulders up and inhale come back down so just some nice abdominal curls here to wake up our abdominals just in case your abs are not warm enough now each time that you curl your head and shoulders up make sure that your chin is tucked in towards your chest and your elbows are nice and wide [Music] last one good job relax your head lift your legs to a tabletop position now pressing your lower back down into the mat curl your head and shoulders up and reach your hands by your hips let's pump our arms inhale two three four and exhale two three four now let's extend one leg out towards the mat then the other leg out inhale as you extend the leg out exhale as you pull the knee back in so it's inhale two three four and exhale two three four inhale and exhale nice strong arms we are really firing up our core here try to keep your shoulders nice and relaxed focus on your breathing and make sure that chin is tucked in one more you can do it exhale two three four and inhale two three four and exhale two three four good job rest your head hug your knees in maybe turn your head right and left really nice let's set our feet down onto the mat now make sure that your feet are hip distance apart roll your hips up vertebrae by vertebra pressing your palms down into the mat and tuck your hips under inhale roll your hips down exhale lift them up so inhale as you control your hips down exhale as you press your hips up so really important here that you're not arching through your spine so i want you to focus on tucking your pelvis under finding the engagement through the base of your glutes as you press your hips up let's do two more exhale lift inhale lower last one now hold your hips high lift your heels you might have to walk your feet in a little bit let's reach our arms overhead and then back down to the mat so inhale as you lift exhale as you lower them back down so keeping your hips nice and still here pressing down through the balls of your feet it's just your arms moving make sure that you're keeping your pelvis tucked under and you're dropping your ribs down towards your hips good last one now hold your arms up towards the ceiling let's open our knees on the inhale as we open our arms and then exhale bring it back through center so inhale arms and knees open exhale back through center so the challenge here is keeping everything else still so our hips stay nice and lifted it's just our knees and our arms opening and closing really nice let's do two more inhale open exhale close last one and hold through center let's pulse our hips up to finish for ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one hold hold hold lower your heels and roll your hips back down good job everyone let's bring our knees in towards our chest now lift your head and shoulders and hug your knees in double leg stretch inhale reach your arms and legs long exhale hug your knees back in so inhale as you extend exhale as you hug everything back in so again making sure here that your ribs are dropping down towards your hips really engaging your abdominals and that your chin is slightly tucked in towards your chest just to make sure that our neck and our spine stay nice and long let's do one more inhale and exhale good job from here take your hands behind your head elbows wide and bring your knees over your hips to a tabletop position exhale take left elbow to right knee and then back through center exhale switch and inhale back through center so you're drawing opposite elbow to opposite knee as you extend the other leg along down towards the mat making sure here that your elbows stay nice and wide your chin is tucked in and that you're keeping that bent knee stuck directly over your hip i think everyone knows this exercise so why don't we speed it up you just switch and switch four eight seven six five four three two and one good job hug your knees in hopefully your abs are feeling nice and warm i know mine were so extend your legs long on the mat and reach your arms by your ears let's perform our roll up so inhale roll yourself up to seated exhale round over your legs drawing your navel back inhale lower yourself down with control vertebra by vertebra and exhale arms by your ears keep going inhale as you roll up exhale as you round over your legs inhale as you roll down keeping your chin tucked in and exhale arms sweep overhead let's do two more of these this is a really great massage for our spine as well as a nice burner for those abdominals last one inhale roll up and exhale round forward let's take a moment here to just have a stretch over our legs taking nice deep breaths because you know i've got one other abdominal exercise for you so from here reach your arms forward and then round your spine back and come down to your elbows bend your knees in make sure that you're lifting through your chest really pressing down through your shoulders toes are off the mat exhale drop your knees to the right inhale back through center exhale drop them to the left inhale back through center so exhale to the right inhale through center last one now you can stay with this or we level it up exhale drop them to the right inhale extend your legs exhale bend and inhale back through center so you pick your option here whether you want to just stay with your knees bent dropping them side to side or whether you want to add that challenge by extending your legs try to keep your chest nice and square here keep pressing through your shoulders let's do one more so drop to the left extend bend and back through center now you can stay with that or extra challenge lift your legs up to the ceiling and turn your toes out let's draw a big circle down to the right and up to the left we do three more in this direction nice strong abdominals here make sure your heels together your toes are turned out in that pilates position and let's reverse it drop the legs down to the left bring them through center and lift them up to the right three more in this direction you can do it keep breathing and you have one more excellent job that one is a toughy bend your knees in come up to seated and let's stretch out our hip flexors so open your knees soles of the feet are together inhale open your chest and exhale hinge forward from your hips feeling a nice release through the outside of our glutes and our hip flexors excellent job everyone okay let's come into our next series so coming on to your side your bottom arm goes long resting your head on your arm your legs are stacked on top of one another and you're drawing your navel in towards your spine exhale let's lift both legs up and inhale bring them back down so keeping your legs glued together we're just lifting our legs up off the mat and then bringing them back down really activating the side of our waist here to lift both legs up last one hold both legs lifted now just lift the top leg and lower so top leg lifts and lowers now make sure that that bottom leg is still lifted off the mat nice exhale each time you lift the top leg inhale as you lower let's do two more and last one now let's lower the bottom leg and lift so bottom leg is moving now it just lowers and lifts make sure that that top leg is just a few inches above hip height so that bottom leg has a little bit more of a challenge one more and let's hold both legs lifted let's scissor our legs now so you switch and switch good for eight and seven and six and five and four breathing naturally two and one good job rest your legs down bend your knees and let's come on to our forearm now so elbow underneath shoulder your knees are bent at a three quarter bend and really pull up through the side of your waist reach your arm up to the ceiling exhale wrap your waist inhale lift the arm up and lift your top knee so exhale as you wrap the waist inhale as you lift the knee now you can stay here if you want more of a challenge as you open the knee lift your hips up so exhale lower your hips wrap the waist inhale lift your hips open the knee so this is just there for a challenge if you want it remember you can always keep your hips down on the mat and do all of the same exercises with that top leg one now hold your hips high and your knee open let's pulse that knee back and back just for eight seven top arm is reaching up towards the ceiling four three two and one good job exhale let's close the knees wrap the waist inhale open extend the leg on your exhale and inhale toes come back together so exhale wrap inhale open and lift the hips exhale extend the leg and inhale tap the toes we do two more of these this is a really challenging movement but it's really good for our shoulders for our abdominals as well as our glutes last one hold the leg extended reach that top arm overhead and let's pulse the leg up and up just seven more six feel the burn five you can do it four three two and one whoo that series is a challenging one but guess what you get to practice it all again on the other side so come down onto your opposite side bottom arm is long legs are stacked on top of one another and draw your abdominals in exhale lift your legs up inhale lower exhale lift inhale lower so as you exhale and lift your legs i want you to think of dropping that top rib down towards your hip so using the side of your waist to lift your legs last one hold your legs high let's lift the top leg up and down so exhale lift inhale lower you have four more it's four and three keeping that bottom leg lifted two and one good job bottom leg now lifts up and down exhale lift and lower try to lift that top leg just a few inches above hip height so that bottom leg has somewhere to work towards good job hold both legs lifted and let's go back to those scissors so switch and switch just for seven and six and five four three two and one well done lower your legs down come on to your forearm so elbow underneath your shoulder bend your knees hips are stacked and you're pulling up through the side of your waist reach your arm up exhale wrap the waist inhale open the knee lift the arm up so exhale wrap inhale reach and open stay with that or if you want the challenge let's lift our hips up as we open our knees so exhale as you lower wrap the waist inhale as you lift open the knee this is a really challenging series so just do what you can if you need to keep your hips relaxed on the mat please do last one and let's hold our knee open hips lifted pulse the knee back and back eight more eight seven pressing through your shoulder five four three two and one let's level this up exhale as you wrap lower the hips inhale as you lift open the knee exhale extend the leg and then bring it back in so exhale wrap inhale lift exhale extend the leg and tap the toes you do two more of these really controlling this movement as best you can i know it's challenging and that you're tired i was tired too let's hold our leg extended reach your top arm by your ear and pulse the leg up and up just for eight seven you can do it six five keep breathing four three two and one well done aren't you glad that series is finished okay sitting on your glutes now hug your knees in towards your chest hold on to the tops of your shins and tuck your chin in towards your chest exhale roll yourself back and inhale come up finding your balance so exhale as you roll back inhale as you come up finding your balance trying to keep your toes off the mat and using your abdominals to find that nice hovering position let's do one more and hover hold hold hold good job okay from here cross your legs come on to your hands and your knees and let's lower ourselves down to the front side of our body elbows are wide stack your hands and rest your forehead on your hands your legs are hip distance apart in parallel draw your navel in towards your spine exhale lift one leg inhale lower so exhale lift inhale lower so just moving the legs here keeping your head nice and relaxed shoulders nice and relaxed and focus on drawing your navel in towards your spine using your glutes here to lift your legs good from here let's lift our upper body now and lower so inhale chest lifts exhale lower keeping your forehead rested on your hands we're using the strength of our back muscles here to lift our chest up and down you have two more and last one good job release your arms by your ears now make sure their shoulders distance apart and then just hover your chest slightly off the mat lift your left leg and your right arm up and switch so your chest and your head is hovering off the mat and we're really thinking of creating a one long line through the body let's speed this up just switch and switch you have six five four three two and one well done lower yourself back down hands underneath your shoulders press yourself up and push back to a child's pose just releasing any tension through our back and taking a nice deep breath okay guys we are coming to our final little series now so tuck your toes under and press back into a downward facing dog walk your hands towards your feet and let's roll ourselves up to standing let's return to those squats so feet keep distance apart abs pulled in inhale squat down exhale press up focusing on shifting your weight back into your heels sending your glutes back and keeping your navel drawn in last one let's hold low here and pulse our hips down and down just for eight seven six five four three two and one good standing up tall let's hinge forward from our hips now hands come down to the mat and walk your hands forward finding your high plank lower your knees squeeze your heels in towards your glutes and draw your navel in towards your spine inhale tricep push-up exhale press up so inhale as you lower bending your elbows in by your waistline and then exhale as you press out of your push-up really good job let's do four more of these doing as best you can feel free to take this slower than what i'm doing here and one more good job let's curl our toes under downward facing dog pedal your heels if you need to and walk your hands back towards your feet roll yourself up and this time taking your feet mat distance apart toes turned out let's squat down and up so it's down and up six more really making sure those glutes are shifted back weight into your heels last one hold low little pulses down and down four eight seven six five four three two and one good job lift your chest let's hinge forward from our hips again and walk your hands back out to your final plank position so hips tucked under abs engage let's tap one toe out to the side then the other toe out to the side so you're tapping that leg as far out to the side as you can without shifting through your body now you can stay with that or let's jump our feet out and in jumping jacks out in out in you can do it final eight seconds let's go eight seven you're so strong six five four three two and one let's lower our knees and press back into a child's pose well done everyone nice deep breaths here and roll yourself up let's stretch it out now a very well deserved stretch so knees apart soles of the feet together inhale lift your chest and exhale hinge forward trying to keep your spine as straight as you can here and just hinging forward from your hips so you feel a nice release through the outside of your glutes let's extend our right leg long now keep your left knee bent inhale reach your arms up and exhale hinge forward [Music] then gently roll on up inhale reach your left arm up and exhale take your left arm to the outside of your right leg looking over your right shoulder feeling a nice release through your spine then come back through center bend your left knee and take your right foot over your left knee sitting up nice and tall opening your right knee so that you feel a really nice release through that right glute and then come out of that left leg is straight now right knee is bent inhale reach your arm up and exhale hinge forward reaching towards your toes [Music] then gently roll on up inhale right arm lifts exhale twist over your left leg looking over your left shoulder and back through center bend your other leg in taking your other leg across your thigh feeling a nice release i did the same leg by accident there so make sure you do the other leg and then sitting up nice and tall with your legs crossed inhale reach your right arm up and over looking up towards the ceiling or the sky and other side inhale left arm lifts and reaches over [Music] and back through center let's finish with our hands in prayer and our eyes closed and take this moment to finish your workout today with some really nice deep breaths so one last inhale and exhale good job everyone thank you so much for doing this 30 minute full body pilates workout with me i really hope you enjoyed it and if you want more workouts like this please don't forget to like this video comment below share this video with a friend and also don't forget to subscribe to my channel thank you so much everyone and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Move With Nicole
Views: 9,700,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pilates workout full body, pilates workout 30 minutes full body, pilates workout 30 minutes, 30 minutes pilates workout, 30 minute pilates, pilates class, nicole kastoun, full body pilates workout, pilates full body workout, pilates full body, pilates, pilates workout, 30 min pilates, full body workout, at-home workout, pilates for weight loss, at-home pilates, at-home pilates workout, full body pilates, total body workout
Id: K56Z12XNQ5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 45sec (2085 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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