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welcome back to my channel and to another moneys saving video where we are talking all about how to be frugal frugal living tips and things that frugal people do to save money but more importantly just be more mindful with your spending I have shared videos over here on my channel for absolutely years to show you ways to live your best life on a budget to save money to make more money live more mindfully and more intentionally but I figured it being January you may well be looking for a place to start how do you even get started with living more goly or just being a bit more mindful with your spending so pop over to the rest of my videos if you are new to the channel I'll link them all down in the description for you there's loads of videos here that will help you be better with your money and ultimately just get better Financial well-being my name's Lara if you are new here I'd love to have you here as a subscribe if you do enjoy the video as I said there's lots more to check out on my channel but for now let's get comfy get cozy and let's get into the [Music] video okay so for me it's about not not spending money it's about not wasting money and I have done a video all about how being Frugal and being cheap is not the same thing frugal people may actually spend more money on things because they know in the long run it's going to last them longer and ultimately save the money in the long run so there is a big difference and I think you need to kind of understand that for me I will spend money I will I sound like that mean that David Beckham one he's like I like nice things that is so true and I think I've got to the point now with my spending that actually if something's going to cost me more money I'd rather do that than bu lots of little things that don't really amount to much don't bring me much value don't bring me much joy and actually cost more money in the long run the key to saving money being better with finances and getting Financial well-being under control is to live below your means now a lot of this may come as a refresher if you've been here here before but I have got 30 Frugal Living tips coming up in the video that hopefully you'll definitely take away something from this video and if you are new like I said go back to the beginning when we first started talking about frugal living and saving money as I said the key is to try and live below your means so we're talking lifestyle creep here so if you are getting paid more for your job maybe you've had a pay rise maybe you've got a new job then don't let lifestyle creep actually outweigh the extra money that you have so say you have more money but you're spending more money you're getting the bigger car the bigger house you're going out for dinner more you're doing more things then actually your what's left in the bank is going to be less anyway so that's something to really think about when you do get paid more perhaps or maybe you just earn more money than you used to are you actually able to save that money or are you actually just spending it on more things ultimately Frugal lifestyle choices can help you get a hold of your spending manage your money better because you may well earn loads of money but actually you're not managing it and you end up at at the end of the month still not having any money spare to be able to save or to be able to put into Investments or to be able to have leftover at the end of each month because you're actually spending more than you earn so living below your means is kind of like my goal and my that I what I've worked towards obviously all of this is depending on your situation so you may well be in the beginning and you may well only just be getting better with your money only just be earning a little bit more so don't try and do what other people are doing when you see they can save everything every month invest every month you know if you're at the beginning of your journey then that's exactly what it is it's a journey to get to that point to living below your means and to be able to invest and get to a better financial position I'd love to hear your Frugal Living tips in the comments get involved we love to read what other people do day-to-day like your little things that add up to be the big things and that's the thing with a lot of this it's just those little habits those money management habits and Frugal Living changes that create this better overall well wellbeing in your finances okay so number one investing in your health it's better to invest in your health now than to wait until you have an issue and then you're either paying a lot more obviously if you live in America you'll be paying U medical bills if you live in the UK but you want to get better like Private health care that you may well need something urgently and you don't have the time to wait on the NHS then just looking after your health now is something that can really benefit you in the long run and that might even be your dental work like your your General Health um so frugal people will probably make sure that they are better at being good to their bodies you know getting the rest when they need getting the recovery that they may need you know they may well spend more on supplements or Health Products because they know in the long run it's actually going to benefit them and of course if you are off work because you're poorly then you're going to have to spend money on in your emergency fund because you're not working so it's like this holistic Viewpoint of it's not just the one thing that it effects actually having good health now can really affect everything in the long run the next one is the joy of less minimalism can be absolutely crucial to saving money and that is because the less stuff you have the more the less money you're spending on it and and actually use the things more as well frugal people often buy secondhand furniture to upcycle it so they're not actually spending money on expensive things from the shops now obviously you may well want something like a bed that's brand new or something like that but think of the little things that you can buy can you upcycle a table rather than buying it new given that I've just spent months looking for a table I know that they are very costly but I love upcycling Furniture I've got DIYs and Ikea upcycles here on this channel as well if you'd like to see them but frugal people do think outside the box when it comes to buying new now frugal people often buy one thing that's like a multitasker so for example natural cleaning products frugal people often just use white vinegar and maybe put some essential oil to take away the smell but they'll use that in their laundry detergent to make their towels softer they'll use it in their cleaning products they'll use it to disinfect things it's a multitasker so think about natural cleaning products to be able to use around the home rather than buying really expensive things the next one is taking public transport or even walking or cycling rather than taking expensive Ubers or taking taxis and things like that frugal people of often do a lot more walking because they know that obviously in the long run it's better for their health and it's better for their wallet as well because they're not paying a lot on expensive private transport now obviously if you are a lone female in a city you may well not feel comfortable doing this and this is where you have to take sensible decisions obviously don't go on public transport if it's a scary nighttime trip in the city uh you may well feel comfortable doing that but it's just those everyday decisions where for me it feels like that habit I don't live somewhere where I need to take Ubers I don't really go out to be honest with you to take them but I know lots of people just do it like that whereas I would go I would walk I would take the tube I would take a a bus or something like that rather than getting a private taxi so often it's just that habit of not doing the thing that once you break it you get into the habit of changing it and doing something that's less expensive now don't come at me because I know pets are such a special part of a lot of people's families but they can be very expensive however if you do want a dog for like a Country Walk take it out then there are websites out there where you can actually do something like borrow my doggy to take a dog out if you just want a dog now and again but you can't afford to house a dog and feed it put it into kennels when you go on holiday that sort of thing so maybe think about that if you want to have the comfort of a dog but not always uh have one at home because of the cost then use a website like that or maybe speak to neighbors maybe they're out at work all day do you work from home could you have a dog in the house to look after it if if you're you know able to and the house is safe environment for it um rather than having it yourself obviously it goes without saying but let's just add it in just in case no dryers get that on a an era get it on a radiator extend the radiator with those um wire things so you can just hang it over we do not use a dryer it's not only bad for the environment but it's so costly and it's to me there's just no need for it the next one that frugal people do is make sure they're getting the best cost for things when they signed up to suppliers for example make that awkward phone call you know just make sure you're actually phoning people and just saying look I'm trying to get a better rate on my deal on my tariff I've been with you for a long time they may well have a loyalty program and just explain to them you know this is what I need it to be where can we meet can you meet me in the middle can you help me out now frugal people as I said they know when to buy the more expensive thing and this may well be the case for something like laundry detergent or washing up Liquid now when we have bought the cheap washing up Liquid you use so much more of it to get the same effect so for me I wouldn't actually buy the cheap washing up Liquid even though it's more expensive I'm going to get better use out of it it's going to last longer and maybe even clean the plates better so for me I would choose to splurge on something like washing up Liquid maybe washing powder to get something that's better for the environment to get something that's better for our skin and actually then spend more money but in the long run it's works out better for me now with books for example we have lots of options to get free books my friend if you are a Prime customer then you obviously get Prime reading for free so make sure you're utilizing that I will leave my link for you in the description bar if you're not a Prime customer there are so many benefits for it but TV and books are one of my favorite things and I always get my books or my Kindle they're free literally free books however if you don't want to get a Kindle or you don't want an Amazon subscription deson that's absolutely fair enough you can also go to the library of course they not only do books they also do audio books magazines um sometimes movies there's lots that you can get free from the library and also borrow box is really good as well if you do have a digital device to read on like a Kindle you can get books sent to you from borrow box for free as well so loads of resources to get free books and of course if you're W reading free books and you don't need to watch as much TV and use electricity and yeah it's just up as a whole thing also with the library book you can also rent equipment from libraries you can do much cheaper photoc copying usage of the internet there's so many services that the library offers so make sure you're utilizing that as well and of course it's free to get a library card I really hope you're enjoying the video guys and you're picking up some Frugal Living tips and ways to spend more mindfully don't forget there's loads of videos here on this channel to help you with your finances and your financial well-being and if you are enjoying the video I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a like a thumbs up up uh which is down here I believe and also subscribe to the channel I'd love to have you here in this community perhaps you could replace your Ziploc bags with lided pots or with glass jars or something like that or if you are using Ziploc bags then wash it turn it inside out dry it and use it again gral people will start saving for big events before they happen so I'm talking Christmas guys I know it's January we've just got over it we're probably still paying for it if you didn't manage last year to save up in time but start saving for Christmas now not only will you spread the savings so you don't feel such a big pinch near of the time but also start buying the things if you see them on sale if you see something that you know someone's going to want can you buy it now and store it until the big day so you're then spending less money near at the time and less stress as well electric blanket need I say more I am obsessed with my electric blanket save so much money because you don't need to have the heating blaring heat the person and not the house I'm obsessed I'll link mine below if you are interested it's definitely paid for itself already and I just love it it makes you feel so warm to the Bone like literally to the Bone and especially good at nighttime to save having the heating going when you are spending money make sure you're being Savvy about it I am always about the cash back the voucher codes the discounts the three for two get the offers if you are spending your hard ear money make sure you're earning money for doing so I'll leave my top cash back link for you below it's free to use use I don't have the subscription that you pay for it's absolutely free and it's so easy just literally when you're buying something either go through the app ahead of buying it or get the Chrome extension on your computer so when you're buying you literally press one button it takes the purchase through top cash back and then it tracks it but you still buy it from the retailer as normal so you don't need to worry about going through a different website and you earn money when you spend it's just for me a non-negotiable I have to use it every time I buy I also think they'll give you a free welcome gift I think we both get like15 when you sign up to my with my link so I will link that for you everything will be in the description Bo also while we're on the subject of this when you are spending money make sure you're getting bonuses as well so I use an avos card again I will link that for you below I think we both get some free points if you join but I love it and I get free flights from it it's just again no-brainer I'll put it on my cash on my credit card and I pay it off every single month I never have debt on my credit card I use it to build my credit rating and to get the free flights and the avios points as well which you can spend in different places but I use it for free flights but obviously if you can't trust yourself with a credit card then don't sign up for it but this is if you are spending money and you're paying off every single month it makes sense to get the benefits for it the next one is unsubscribed from marketing emails this is so important if you are triggered easily to spending or you get something sent to you and you're like you're very spontaneous with your spending make sure you're unsubscribing and it's less digital waste as well of course frugal people will make do am mend and of course there loads of tutorials over on YouTube if you have no idea how to sew something just sort of tool up get some skills in your tool belt and you will save yourself a lot of money frugal people will gift and be gifted Gifts of service rather than things this is something that I love you know you may well know someone that does a good amount of like Plumbing or electrics or housekeeping or something like that if you can gift somebody a service that you're not paying for maybe you can look after their children if you're a trusted person then that sort of a thing is a really great gift to give because you're not spending any money on it but chances are the person receiving will be so grateful I know I would be frugal people actually water down things such as hand soaps any products around the house shampoos that and they can last longer frugal people do things like no spend challenges I've done one before but you don't have to do a whole year you can just do like a weekend don't spend any money one weekend you can save a lot of money doing this especially if you're one for going out for breakfast to getting takeaways getting taxis to go for dinner if you just spend like one weekend without spending money think of the money that you can save throughout the year and if you are a bit more hardcore you could go for the whole month or maybe even longer there's lots of videos I documented here on this channel the next one is to train your hair to go a bit longer in between washes this obviously not only saves money on excess hair washing stuff so shampoo conditioner any styling stuff but also the water when you're using it the heating that your cost spending on heating the water and then even as far as like the tools that you use to then um dry your hair afterwards washing on cold water is a really good one as well make sure you're getting less usage of your hot water on your washing machine and it's as I said everything most of these are actually better for the environment as well but then you're reducing the cost of washing your clothes and they're actually going to last longer as well so in the long run it's much better for the fabrics for the environment it's just a win-win okay I think we're on number 24 now of 30 Fugal living tips and the next one is to buy refurbished equipment so things like technology is a great one for this phones computers often they'll come with their own warranty themselves and you'll spend a lot less money on it and with this as well things like mobile phones if that's not your job do you need the next best phone every single year when they come out can you maybe go another year in between can you maybe go without having the contract and just get a pay as you go I think I pay about £8 a month and I bought my phone outright but I then don't spend like 6070 a month on this phone it's cost me so much less in the long run but if you don't need a really really good phone could you maybe get a refurbed one the next one is using cash I don't necessarily do this one but I see the Merit in it because handing over cold Hard Cash can be quite painful when it comes to like o like that coffee is actually a whole 5 notes these days so rather than just tapping a phone it can actually be really powerful to use cash for purchases cash envelopes if you want to stretch out your budget throughout the month obviously it could be come with its dangers if you lose the money places don't take cash but yeah just like be mindful when you're spending and cash does really help with that the next one is something I used to do all the time and that is go to students go to colleges for things like treatments beauty treatments hair treatments even cafes and restaurants colleges have trained students which are being looked over by a professional uh lecturer at the same time so you're not going to get a dodgy service but you're going to pay a fraction of the cost the next one is to save up for things rather than buying them on credit or having to get into debt to buy them and not only builds a bit of excitement because you're saving for the thing and you're counting down to get it but really if you can't afford to buy it in the first place and it's not a big thing like an essential thing then do you really need it in the first place now obviously what happened a couple of years ago has affected the way we work and it might well mean that your partner or the person you live with doesn't actually go into the office anymore could you maybe downsize your car situation and just have one car between you that you can share and you can car pull with other people in the office when on the days that your partner might need the car it's just about maybe like changing habits that you haven't even thought about over the last just because your Situation's changed you actually haven't changed the repercussions of it if that makes sense as like an overall picture of your lifestyle and what changes you can make the next one I may be kind of touched on it but using less washing detergent you don't need the whole thing of laundry detergent you can either water it down or just use less and also without conditioner as well it's actually better for the machine uh using some white vinegar or something like that rather than using conditioner in your wash just to reduce the amount of things that you're using each time you use them now clothes is a big one for me because I love clothes and I do love fashion but buy more expensive things can actually last longer and you get a bit more joy when you're wearing them because you know the value of it you know that youve spent more money on it when you do own something that's a bit more expensive you just feel better in it it's better quality it's going to last longer and for me I just feel nicer when I'm wearing something that's cost a little bit more but I I'll buy less things and finally I think this might be 31 actually but finally it's often the things that it's often the desire for the things that we want more than the thing itself so for me sleep on it do the 30-day rule have a few days of breathing space do you actually really want the item or is it that you are the desire is pushing the purchase so yeah sleeping on it can really help reduce your impulse spending and it's definitely changed my money mindset over the years too so I hope hope that was interesting maybe picked up some new tips let us know in the comments your Frugal Living tips I'd love to hear them thanks for being here guys don't forget to check out all of the other videos here on this channel and I'll be back really soon with more videos for you take care speak to you soon bye speak to you soon it's like I'm on a phone call
Channel: Lara Joanna Jarvis
Views: 36,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: frugal living, frugal living tips, save money, budgeting strategies, mindful spending ideas, intentional living hacks, ways to save money, financial wellness insights, second-hand shopping, minimalism, energy-efficient practices, transportation tips, investing for the future, living more intentionally in 2024, sinking funds, emergency fund, lara joanna jarvis, frugality, frugal living ideas, how to be frugal, frugal tips, financial wellbeing, financial wellness
Id: 6Jqkbgip018
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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