30 Days Solo Bushcraft in the Northern Wilderness / Best Summer Projects

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Hello friends! This video is about my most interesting  summer projects at my secret log cabin camp I worked on a lot of different projects at once  but the most prominent was my log cabin I've been building it for a few years in this remote  location at Lake Ladoga and this season I finally   got to the cabin's roof construction initially I  wanted to make a traditional Finnish birch bark   roof but due to time constraints I had to toss  the idea in favor of a sod roof not only does   the sod roof look great but it also provides  heat insulation and it protects the wooden   roof structure from UV light I installed the polymer  roofing underlayment under the sod to make sure   the roof is not leaking as well as to protect the roof  members from moisture to make the roofing job go   faster I made a simple ladder from long sticks  here's a life hack you can easily debark green   sticks using a regular spoon I use my wire clamper to secure the rungs on the ladder this joinery   method is better than screws nails or even bolts  this is my prototype being tested if you want   to learn more about my wire clamper you can find  the link below it is a lot easier to climb the log   cabin's roof using the makeshift ladder especially  when you have a heavy load of wet sod on your   shoulder during the last summer I managed to cover  the roof with only one layer of sod this year I   added a second layer to it I tried different  approaches of sod installation I found each   approach has its pros and cons at least now I know  the roof will be able to withstand large snow caps   in the winter and in the summer it turns beautiful  with large grass ferns and wild strawberries I spent a lot of time and effort to make an  original log cabin door I wanted to make it   from oak slabs but couldn't find any fallen  oak trees so I made it from a pine tree I used   three different methods to cut boards from a  log two of which I could recommend after two   years of experimentation I found the best way to  cut thick wide boards from a fallen tree you   can find a link to the board cutting video below  note the slabs were not cracked or twisted after   drying I think now I know how to dry wood in the  outdoor setting the steps to install the door were   time-consuming but interesting tasks I had to cut  a log into thick slabs and transport them to the   log cabin then I had to joint the boards and plane  the grooves on the sides followed by reinforcing   the door using horizontal dovetailed inserts  I secured the inserts with wooden dowels and   handplaned the door to make it look nice only  then did I finally install the doors perhaps   the most challenging task was to lift the upper  door casing along with the whole roof to install   the door with the built-in pin hinges the halved  logs used to deck the roof plus the weight of the   log rafters and sod made my roof super heavy  I'll be honest I wasn't sure if I could do   it by myself but the boldness of an inexperienced  log cabin builder helped another time-consuming   but important task was to make tools and jigs  for the ongoing projects for example I made an   improvised workbench from a fallen pine tree  the work benche's legs are the trees branches   and roots then I made a canopy roof above the  workbench so as far as I'm concerned it is a   woodworking shop you could have seen this tarp in  my other video this tarp that was torn by a Yeti   at least this is what most people suggested indeed these improvised sawhorses were also   made quickly to save time I used Y-shaped  sticks for its legs when you're in a rush   the functionality of a jig becomes the priority  you might have seen my makeshift vice used for   chainsaw sharpening before I recently combined  it with this pneumatic wedge and got myself a   nice adjustable bushcraft vice that I ended up  using for different tasks this summer because   of its fine adjustment feature there is no risk  to over tightening something in with this device you might have noticed an unusual round window  in my log cabin I like this non-traditional look   if someone tries to break this window they will  be up for a surprise I installed a 1/2 inch 12   millimeter Plexiglas into the cabins wall it  might even make a double-pane window and a window   hatch later some will probably think I'm building  a fortress here's a question how do you guys think   I made this perfectly round porthole this is a  problem nobody quite solved since I have posted it   on my Instagram talk to me in the comment section  I'd love to hear how you would do it as you can   see there is still a lot of work that needs to  be done inside I still need to make bushcraft   style furniture to match the log cabin style  but first I need to make and install the back   door I'm thinking about what design would be the  best perhaps I will go with the French door for   a change I just need to figure out how to make it  energy-efficient the front door turned out nicely   there are virtually no gaps around it once the log  cabin is furnished inside I'm planning to spend a   few weeks in it in January which means the log  cabin needs a wood stove I decided to build the   cabins heating system starting from a chimney it  will be an unusual wooden chimney made from two   hollowed log halves that are connected with wire  clamps the chimney will not penetrate the roof   but will leave the house on the ground and will  stand outside the cabin this way the roof will   not have a potential weak point where it could  leak and the chimney won't take precious space   inside the cabin such chimi design will also  allow me to cold smoke fish on the ground as a   bonus once done I'm planning to make a stationary  wood stove using rocks and clay meanwhile I'm   using my portable metal stove to cook food and  to stay warm and dry as it was raining during   my most stay this summer you might think I spent  most of my state to build the log cabin this is   not entirely true the most concerning project this  summer was transporting and planting trees during   the last few years I planted over 250 deciduous  trees around my camp to replenish the ones that   were knocked down by a severe storm most of the  tree saplings are growing in three nurseries   around my log cabin camp I planted Iligan birches  indica trees velvet trees white acacia   trees German madly trees red bud cercus scarlet maple Manchurian walnut trees and a few   more names I either forgot all the tree saplings  didn't make it to this day to be precise I spent   at least seven full days at my tree nurseries  this summer this estimate doesn't include the   time and effort of growing these saplings from  seeds and transporting them to my camp by boat   however I believe the final result is well worth  the effort I'm planning to make a separate video   about how to grow trees from seeds and make money  doing it last year I made a pack frame from a   few planks bird cherry branches to straps from my  old backpack and some PET rope cut from a bottle   the time spent making it was well worth it my  packframe saved me a lot of time and effort this   season I used it extensively to transport soil  heavy tools my metal oven tree saplings and even   long heavy wooden slabs for my cabin doors  construction if you don't have one I highly   recommend you to consider obtaining or making  a packframe one of these videos goals is to   get the advice for what videos you would like  me to make first I have more than 20 projects   that were filmed but they're still awaiting to  be edited and published I know I won't have time   to publish them all which is why your opinion will  help me to prioritize my efforts I'm asking you to   help me to make that choice but in order to give  me a valid recommendation please finish watching   this video there are still a few good project  spoilers ahead when you do one activity for a   while it tends to get boring which is why I try to  work with multiple projects at once this summer I   built another catamaran and a new composite kayak  in addition to my old inflatable floaters / daffle   bags catamaran you probably have noticed that  my new composite kayak has two latches one on   each end this kayak can be used as ease or can  be included into a catamaran frame last year I   already made a catamaran but didn't have much  time to test it even though my plastic wrap   kayak is fairly reliable and would work as easy I  decided to enforce it with a couple of extra ribs   and fingers as well as to reinforce the kayaks  skin I used synthetic fabric and polymer resin to   mold a hardshell over its branch frame and plastic  skin now the kayak won't leak even if you hit an   underwater rock I have extensively tested this  new model kayak running over rocks and floating   logs the new shell didn't even budge this is my  first experience in moulding fabric with polymer   resin the next kayak will be even better I already  have plans for it and the new model will be a part   of a sailing catamaran here is an idea have in  mind I want to make a watch tower that would be   taller than the pine tree I used to get my phone  reception in the woods I need to get about 10 feet   3 meters above this pine for more stable phone  reception I'm going to use long sticks and wire   clamps to build this makeshift phone tower if you  liked this video perhaps you could share it with   your friends that good people watch good videos  this is max Igor of st. Petersburg Russia and a   final note I only produce on one or two videos max  a month and if you don't want to miss new content   like this you can click on the bell reminder for  notifications I hope to see back on ADVOKO Makes
Channel: Advoko MAKES
Views: 1,474,667
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My log cabin build, log cabin building by hand, off grid cabin build, log cabin, primitive cabin, diy log cabin, cabin in the woods off grid, off grid cabin, off grid log cabin, log cabin in the woods, simple log cabin, making log cabin from scratch, building a log house from scratch, making a log cabin by hand, Advoko makes, max egorov, log cabin on a budget, turning tree into lumber, bushcraft skills, cabin living, survival skills, bushcraft survival, survival
Id: yjvRVLR5gLg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 15 2019
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