30 Days of Apple Cider Vinegar vs 15 years of GERD/Reflux

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hey there it's Steve from serious Kido and over the next thirty days I plan to get off acid reflux mitigation when I posted my transformation series of videos one of the things that I mentioned a couple of times was that I have been on acid reflux medication for a number of years probably more than ten years between omeprazole and pantip Rizal and probably some others and whenever I mentioned that that drew some very concerned comments from people saying you got to get off that stuff that stuff is poison if you start using apple cider vinegar regularly it will get rid of your acid reflux so currently I am on pant Oprah's all what are some of the side effects of long-term use of pant Oprah salt long term which means over three years of use which I definitely have side effects can include bone fractures serious nerve damage and brain function impairment chronic inflammation of the stomach lining diarrhea nausea fever rash confusion bloating elevated blood pressure and gland polyps that can become cancerous awesome the phrase that comes to mind is the cure is worse than the disease I've had reflux for a long time and I know what it feels like to not be on reflux medication it hurts it feels like someone is ripping barbed wire up my esophagus it's really really unpleasant but those side effects also sound pretty unpleasant so I'm willing to try going on apple cider vinegar I'm gonna start by consuming four tablespoons of it per day in a tonic and I'm gonna show you how I make that tonic in a moment the recipe is largely the same as the one by dr. Nick zorroski and I'll put the link to that down below now I've scaled up dr. Nick's recipe so that I don't have to make it individually each time so we've got about two quarts of water then two thirds of a cup of apple cider organic with the mother 1/3 cup of lemon juice and I used this volcanic lemon juice from Costco a third of a teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt find the ground a third of a teaspoon of powdered ginger and 2/3 of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon lastly I'm gonna add a few squirts of liquid stevia just to kind of cut down on a tartness of this and we'll mix it up after this sits in the fridge for a little while that cinnamon is gonna settle down at the bottom and then we'll use this plunger here it'll mix up nicely for our tonic most of the recommendations that I've seen for apple cider vinegar tonic recommend that you consume it through a straw to kind of limit the amount of acid that gets on your teeth mmm this tastes like a tart apple pie pretty good stuff I'm gonna start like I said consuming two of these a day which should equate to about 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar if I decide that I need to up the amount if I'm feeling sort of reflux II I'll do that but here we go day one one day seven now of nope aunt Oprah's all I've been drinking two of my apple cider vinegar tonics a day and I've only really had one sort of reflux incident that was day four I had made a big batch of very spicy chili and I probably ate a little too much of it a little too late in the evening and I washed it down with some old vine Zinfandel so probably a combination of all of those things and then just you know going to bed before it had completely moved through me I woke up and had a little bit of that reflux II feeling I took a couple of tums and feeling better but lesson learned there first off eat a little bit earlier in the evening if it's gonna be one of those potentially reflux inducing type of foods and also I think really limit myself to maybe one glass of wine with a meal until I know that I've completely eliminated some of this stuff so I would say in the whole so far so good Cheers so last night I did the really spicy chili and red wine thing again I know you're thinking you're not very bright are you Steve you just said that that was probably a bad idea on day seven and now you did it again well I'm here to tell you no ill effects at all no reflux nothing so I'm starting to think that this sample cider vinegar thing is doing a trick it's been four weeks now since I've had pent Oprah's all I've been having my apple cider vinegar tonic once or twice a day every day except yesterday I forgot to drink it and I still felt fine now I'm that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop drinking it because I've kind of acquired a taste for it I know it's doing good things for me and I know that it has put an end to my reflux and GERD and heartburn and all of that stuff so I'm gonna give this two more days that'll make it 30 days and then I'll give you my summary I'm trying to figure out how long I have been on acid reflux medication it's got to be at least 15 years it started when I had this persistent cough and it wasn't a chest coughing was up here in the throat or you know slightly lower and it just wouldn't go away there was always this tickle that would make me cough and eventually my doctor sent me to an ear nose and throat specialist who then looked down my throat and saw that my issue was acid reflux essentially what was happening is every time I would COFF there would be a little spritz of stomach acid that would shoot up into my esophagus irritating it and then making me cough which would then cause another spritz of acid to come up and it was sort of this vicious circle and he put me on omeprazole and I was on omeprazole for probably four or five years before that lost its effectiveness and my doctor switched me to pant Oprah's all which I guess is a heavier hitter so I have been on either omeprazole or pant Oprah's all for around 15 years for around 15 years I've been buying this stuff I have been taking it daily and I have been exposing myself to the potential side-effects that I listed at the beginning of this video and after 30 days of consuming apple cider vinegar in a tonic I have no more acid reflux swish right into the garbage there now you may be wondering why I don't seem super happy at the moment part of me is very happy I mean there is few feelings better than getting off of a medication there are a few feelings better than have a chronic disease or ailment go away it's it's like being emancipated yeah it's the only word I can think of the I'm free I'm free of this medication I am free of the pain that I was feeling and that is awesome and it's awesome that I did it with apple cider vinegar just this stuff that was in the pantry and has been in my pantry for the whole time that I've been on this medication but I'm also kind of angry because I have been through four doctors in the last 15 years I've I keep switching primary care Family Practice Physicians trying to find somebody that I like and not a single one of them looked at nutrition as a way of making me better the answer was always a prescription and I think that's probably the standard story for most people's health care experiences it's unfortunate and I'm I'm angry at the waste of that part of my life for 15 years I'm I'm angry that I was allowed to continue to be in this condition for 15 years having to deal with reflux but then we'll also come back and say that I'm so happy that now we live in a time and we've got this community here this keto community that's able to share information and learn from one another and provide the health information that we can't get from our health care professionals so to kind of summarize I understand I'm just one data point your mileage may vary but if you are suffering from acid reflux maybe give this a try see if you can wean yourself off the medication because I tell you drinkin sort of a tart apple pie tonic a couple times a day to me far better way to go than pop in a pill thanks for watching
Channel: Serious Keto
Views: 1,394,697
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Keywords: apple cider vinegar benefits, apple cider vinegar recipe, apple cider vinegar acid reflux, apple cider vinegar acid reflux remedy, apple cider vinegar acid reflux recipe, how to drink apple cider vinegar for acid reflux, acid reflux natural treatment apple cider vinegar, apple cider vinegar and acid reflux disease, acv tonic, dr nick zyrowski apple cider, dr nick zyrowski, pantoprazole side effects, serious keto, home remedies, food as medicine
Id: JkJu9OAJ8l4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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