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Disclaimer: "PERO" meaning "but" is the channel's signature phrase, cry, b*tches [PWulen] Doctor Strange! [Dr. Sito] You are the one of the "Peroooo" [PWulen] I want everyone to stop calling me Muzska [PWulen] They stop me on the street, and they tell me to mock them up, but I only say "Perooo" [secret service] Where is the black one? [PWulen] I don't know anything! [Dr. rarete] Now everyone is about to forget that you are Muzska [PWulen] I am not Muzska, what I want is for people to read Berserk, like and subscribe [Dr. mints] Muzska, Muzska, Mickie Mouse! [Dr. Manhattan (the other one, the one who's really from Manhattan) No, that's not you [PWulen] Of course it's not me, stupid! [Dr. without doctorate] Now, my bad [PWulen] Stop, you will tear the fabric of the Peroverse! [Dr. multiverse] There are too many references! [The good Peter] Looks like I have to teach you two how to get a girlfriend [Bad Peter] Uuuuuu... *maniacal laughter* Because these are... 30 Amazing Curiosities from Spider-Man: No Way Home [meme] Oops you stop it on your chest, redhead! The movie begins with Misterio's final speech in "Far From Home" in which we hear him say: [Not so mysterious] I managed to send the elemental back through the dimensional gap And that's it, although the elementals of the Mystery dimensional breaches were a lie ironically in No Way Home this becomes a real problem when a breach is opened to the multiverse [Dr. No.8] Hey! Hello, Peter! In the opening credits, where Rocket previously appeared Now we see Peter appearing through the portal in "Endgame" Previewing how we will see more than one Spiderman crossing a portal in this film Peter says again: [Peter] What the hell? A nod to Homecoming and Aunt May: [May] What the...? This scene has been recreated from scratch even the three extras behind MJ are dressed the same MJ is wearing the Black Dahlia pendant that Peter bought her in Venice and that was broken [Peter] I'm sorry it's broken [MJ] I actually I like it better broken Well MJ loves imperfect things [MJ] Expect disappointment and you will never be disappointed That's why she doesn't let Peter say at the end of the movie that he loves her [MJ] Just wait, tell me when you see me again To leave the sentence halfway, giving Peter a reason to find her again When it is discovered that Peter is Spiderman someone says: [someone] He's just a kid The same sentence we heard in Spider-Man 2 [sir] He's... just a kid Only this time people are not so nice and they want to take away the mask instead of giving it to him We see a panel where Peter has half of his face covered by the mask A very common resource in comics To represent Peter and his spider sense or thinking like Spider-Man We see a poster for the musical "Rogers" of the Avengers that we saw in "Hawk Eye" Another from Fortnite, and the collaboration that this film had with the video game one from a Hyundai for which there are promotional ads with Peter and Ned And whose slogan is "electrify your way" in reference to Electro And one of Playstation The bridge where Peter and MJ stop to get away from the crowd is the Roosevelt cable car The same bridge and location where Spiderman and the Green Goblin in the first movie They both go out again to the street next to the sandwich shop in Delmark The best sandwiches in Queens, which is the phrase that the owner of this shop said in "Homecoming" [man] The best sandwiches in Queens! Plus it's Denmark 3, because it's this Spiderman's third movie. Although the first place was destroyed during the "Homecoming" robbery. And they are the best sandwiches in Queens because it's the neighborhood where Spiderman comes from. As we learned in "Civil War" [Capi] Where you from? [Spiderman] Queens! The close-up of the sewer when Peter closes it is a subliminal nod to "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" and Andrew Gardfiel's fight against Rhino When they are caught without clothes... it refers to when Peter and Ned was caught in the same situation or the one we saw in Far From Home. Peter's shirt is the same one he wore in Homecoming. Only it doesn't fit as big anymore, because he has grown We also see a poster of the Far From Home beginning foundation The poster of the criminal in the news is the photo we saw in his passport in a deleted scene from the previous movie In Jameson's studio there is a photo of MJ with Lizz Adam in Homecoming Another headline reads "Mystery wets Hidroman in Venice" A nod to the fact that many think that the Far From Home elemental was the villain of the Hydroman comics We see the vitamin supplements that Jameson sells in his programs When they throw green paint at Spiderman we see graffiti with the name Ramos A reference to Humberto Ramos, Marvel comics artist In the headlines we see another mention of the "night monkey" the name by which Peter was known in the media when he wore his black suit during his trip to Venice A also mention Asgard and the possible problems that the new Valkyrie queen may be having to govern her people Agent Cleary is Albert Cleary in the comics We see the photo of MJ and Ned in Homecoming A display case where Peter charges his Iron Spider suit And Tony's glasses from Far From Home appear full of dust, because Peter never closes the case so he can see them every day and remember Tony. And there are several Play 2 games underneath, so you remember that this movie was made by Sony During the interrogation we see Peter wearing the same shirt he was wearing during the car scene with Tony in Homecoming Agent Cleary says: [Cleary] Nick Fury has been off the planet for the last year A nod to Nick Fury being in reality the Skrull Talos and the fact that this agent knows that could mean that he is also a Skrull The photo of Happy Hogan with long hair belongs to the prologue of "Iron Man 3" set in 1999 Then God appears Right behind Peter there is a newspaper with the headline "Web of destruction" Remembering how he was supposedly guilty of what happened to the ship or the Obelisk in Homecoming or the London Bridge in Far From Home And this happens: But Peter's hand was already prepared to catch the brick just in time and in the same trajectory as Murdock's hand did. Peter carries up to 5 suitcases without any effort, reminding us of the great strength that he has [child?] Damn sir, you really are strong! And we see Happy's security credentials in "Iron Man 3" We see Damy, the claw robot that saved Tony's life in "Iron Man 1" and that appeared in his other films Also the head protector and gloves Happy wore to box with Tony in "Iron Man 2" Indicating how much he misses Tony Stark. We also find several drawings in the kitchen that Morgan, Tony's daughter, has made. Where we see her, happily next to Happy, who is taking care of the girl. Just behind this box of Stark technology we see the painting that appeared in Iron Man 2 and on the security camera monitor the recreation of Cap's shield that Tony had in that same movie MJ is reading Maya Angelou and on her wall we see the same photo of her and Ned in Homecoming that Peter also had a photo of the pigeons in Venice and the drawings he made of Peter and Coach Wilson in the detention room in Homecoming Betty Brant says: [Betty] Go get them, tiguer! MJ's legendary phrase in the comics and in the second Spider-Man movie [MJ] Go get them, tiguer A fan yells at them: [fanatic] MJ we love you! This is Zendaya's real-life assistant, Darnell Appling We hear a scream in the distance saying: [NPC] Do a flip! It's the same guy who in Homecoming asks Peter for a stunt [man] Do a flip! and the same one we see in San-Chi on the bus doing a live Flash's memoirs are titled "Flashpoint" and are a nod to the Flashpoint saga of Flash in DC Comics [Him] It was me, Barry We see that the institute's mural has been slightly enlarged. Before we only had Howard Stark, Tony's father and now they added Abraham Erskine, the inventor of Captain America's super soldier serum. We also see Hank Pym and Antman, along with the Pym particle We see a photo of Peter's teacher in which he appears to have photoshopped himself The cards in the display case indicate the names of several comic book writers such as Straczynski, Tom DeFalco, Busiek and Peter David Authors of some of the best Spiderman comics On the Roof We see Ditko's graffiti, a nod to Steve Ditko, co-creator of Spider-Man We see Damy, fixing the Death Star that Ned broke in Homecoming and then breaking it just as Ned did in this movie A nod to how the Death Star It was destroyed twice in Star Wars We also see a graffiti by Romita, in reference to John Romita, another Spider-Man comics author. When Wong arrives, before the portal closes, just behind him we see the crimson bands of Citorak That Strange threw at Caithilius in his own movie Peter says: [Peter] This is not about me The lesson his teacher gave him in his own movie [bald] This is not about you and that's why he decides to help him Behind Wong's back we see the Kamar-Taj training camp, where Strange developed his powers That Peter wants everyone to forget that he is Spiderman is a nod to the "One More Day" comic We see the decorative object that Thor throws in "Thor: Ragnarok" When it breaks the gap we see the silhouette of the lizard Strenge says: [Strange] You changed my spell 6 times [Peter] 5 times Peter tells the truth: Once for MJ, for Ned, Aunt May, Happy and finally everyone But surely Strange modified it a sixth time to prevent himself from forgetting Peter as well as Wong, because minutes before he tells him: [Wong] Just leave me out of this When Peter lands on the bridge, through his vision we see in a corner the words "EDITH offline" Since that network was deactivated by the agents On a car license plate we read SEY-S1DP Moments before in the movie we saw a book of anagrams in Peter's room So if we order this anagram we will read the word "Spideys" Advance the presence of several Spider-Man in this movie On another license plate we see "63A5M-3" A nod to number 3 of "The Amazing Spider-Man" from 1963 Where Doctor Octopus appeared for the first time And his debut in this universe for the first time in this same scene The taxi's license plate is 1228, a nod to Stan Lee's birthday, December 28, 1922 Octopus's claws have the same red light that indicated in the second movie that they have total control of Otto And the phrase: [Octopus] The power of the Sun in the palm of my hand Wink to: [Otto] The power of the Sun, in the palm of my hand In this shot of the bridge in one corner we see graffiti that says "Andrew" in reference to " The Amazing Spider-Man 1" When Andrew Garfield's Spiderman saves the lives of a father and his son on a bridge, in a very similar way to what Peter does here Another of the car license plates reads "6306ASM" In reference to number 6 of 1936 of "The Amazing Spider-Man" The first appearance of the Lizard in the comics, and his appearance in this film Octopus absorbs the technology of Peter's suit thanks to the Oscorp Technology of his tentacles [Good Peter] I read all your research in nanotechnology, it is really brilliant [Otto] I thank Harry Osborn and Oscorp Industries for providing it to me [president] Nanomachines, son Peter controls Doc's tentacles via neural [Otto] These smart arms are controlled by my brain via neural link When His arms disobey him we hear the phrase: [Octopus] Don't listen to him, you listen to me [Octopus] Listen to me now! Doctor Strange has a scratch on his face after his fight with the Lizard Doc asks: [Octopus] What is this, a birthday party? A nod to this scene from Dr. Strange on the Jimmy Kimmel Show and to the phrase Tony said to him. [Stark] What else do you do besides making balloon animals? and MJ finds Dr. Strange's beard profiler The sandy poronga helps Peter from the first moment because both characters ended well at the end of Spider-Man 3 and Peter imitates the same strategy that Andrew Garfield did to defeat Electro When Norman breaks the Green Goblin mask, the shot is almost the same as when Peter decided to stop being Spider-Man in the second installment. The clothes they give Norman have the same colors as his Green Goblin outfit in the comics and he says: [Norman] Oscorp doesn't exists and Oscorp does not exist in this universe [Norman] You don't know how much I have sacrificed?! Although we catch him stealing donuts, indicating that he still has some Green Goblin in him, Aunt May wears Spiderman's colors, blue and red, for much of the movie and Peter says: [Peter] This isn't my problem [Coolest Peter] I didn't know that this was my problem and that it would later trigger the death of Uncle Ben and in this case that of Aunt May. Something that he didn't achieved in the first movie that reminds us of his motto: [Green Goblin] First we will attack his heart the truck FEAST has the logo of Forest Hills, which is the Queens neighborhood, Spiderman's neighborhood in the comics. The Kadavus machine owes its name to the Kadavus crystal in the comics where Spiderman and Dr. Strange team up. Peter can still use his sense. arachnid despite having left his body and we can see above his head the mythical drawing lines used in comics to represent his spider sense [meme] I feel vertigo in my tail Strange throws his cape at Peter in a nod to Spiderman with cape of the comics and to episode 5 of the animated series "What If" We see a headline of Lizz in a magazine accusing him of being a liar [Dross] Oh what a b*tch Upon entering the mirror dimension we see that Peter passes by a poster of the remains of a T-Rex Perhaps a small preview of the Jurassic world that we saw in the trailer for "Multiverse of Madness" Norman says his phrase: [Norman] I'm something of a scientist myself [Norman] I'm something of a scientist myself Peter and Ned repeat their long Homeoming greeting With the difference of... Electro uses his powers to turn on the TV Where we see in a survey the general discontent of the people of New York, who are not at all in favor of putting up the Captain's shield America in the Statue of Liberty On the wall of Happy's back room we see the word Slott It is a nod to Dan Slott, Marvel comic writer The fabricator is the same type of machine that Peter used in Far From Home to make a new suit that works thanks to a reactor similar to the one Tony developed in Iron Man 2 Octopus and Aunt May connect when they talk in reference to when they were about to get married in the comics [Otto meme] The tastiest The Sandman holds a photo of Tony's daughter Since it reminds him of his daughter Penny, who we knew in Spider-Man 3 Peter manages to make Doc good by changing the inhibitor and the lights of the claws are now white just as they happened in Spider-Man 2 when Doc regained control of them We see the real names of each of the villains in the fabricator but the only complete cure is Max's, that is, Electro Since when May injects Norman's to him, it does not work because it was incomplete When Doc asks Norman, he answers using his Goblin voice accidentally and like, just like in Spider-Man 1, when the Goblin is Norman Osborn, his teeth are perfect But when he becomes the Goblin his teeth are the originals of the actor imperfect and horrifying Behind Peter we see the model of Howard Stark's expo from "Iron Man 2" Norman says: [Goblin] These are not curses, they are gifts a wink to: [the best Peter] This is my gift , my curse We see that Happy has one of the pictures of Tony's cars and May finally says her phrase [May] With great power there must alwso come great responsibility [Ben] With great power comes great responsibility When May is dying Peter tells her: [Peter] Just me and you The same thing she told him in Homecoming [May] It's just me and you and probably the phrase he said to Peter when Uncle Ben died At Ned's house we see the same photo again that both Peter and MJ have and then it appears... And when you think you have recovered... [the best Peter] Hello [Dr. Strange] That's the coolest! When they appear, we hear the theme of each of them in their respective movies. When preparing a cure, Peter mentions: Connors, Marco, Dillon and... everyone except the Goblin Something that Tobey realizes [Good Peter ] We gotta cure all of them, right? Because Tobey knows that Norman's death will not bring any peace to the Spider-Man of this universe and that is why Tobey stops Tom when he is going to kill Norman So that this death does not weigh on him all his life, as it did with him When Andrew listens to Tobey and how his best friend Harry died in his arms after trying to kill him [Good Peter, but bad] Are you going to cry? He understands it too, because he saw how his best friend turned into the Goblin and tried to kill him [Good Perter] After he tried to kill me Although Ned promises Peter that he will never try to kill him, the truth is that Ned Leeds in the comics is the Goblin But not that one, but one of the worst Spiderman villains in the comics [Ned] Your costume looks great! The meme time comes The mark on Peter's forearm is the same one we saw in the original movies and that he uses as a net launcher [Good Peter] You can't do that, uh? [Peter] No When Peter says: [Good Peter] My back In reference to this pun from the second movie: [Good Peter] I'm back! [Good Peter] My back! Peter talks about his fight with Venom [Good Peter] I once fought a black greasy alien [black] That's racist! But you're right! *they laugh* And Tom remembers his fight with Thanos and Andrew with Rhino [2nd Peter] I fought a Russian with a machine When Electro appears, his rays draw the mask of the original Electro in the comics on his face Tom mentions the Avengers [Peter] I was in the Avengers and Andrew says: [2nd Peter] Is that a band? In reference to this phrase from Hulk in "Avengers: Infinity War" [Bruce] Like a band? Like the Beatles? When the three jump at the same time, each one makes his most emblematic jump Tobey does his flip in the air Tom jumps like a frog and Andrew drops into the void Tom uses his web to propel the other two doing the same feint Captain America did in Civil War against him When landing, each one does so in order, first Tobey, the first Spidey, then Andrew's and finally Tom's The Lizard takes longer to get rid of Andrew's nets since in his movie he barely took effort to get rid of the web Indicating that Andrew may have been improving it during these years Electro says: [Electro] There has to be a black Spidey somewhere In reference to Miles Morales Ned brings back Dr. Strange and he says: [ Strange] I've been hanging over the Grand Canyon for 12 hours A little karmic justice for making Loki fall for over half an hour in "Thor: Ragnarok" [Loki] I've been falling for 30 minutes! When Tobey and Octopus meet again Peter says: [Otto] How are you, Peter? [Good Peter] Trying to do better In reference to when these spoke for the first time [Good Peter] Trying to do better And this phrase: [Green Goblin] Can the Spiderman come out and play? It's the same thing the Goblin said to terrify Peter [Goblin] Can Spiderman come out and play? [meme] Hello Juan Carlos, I'll kill you when you come When Strange takes the box from the Green Goblin we see how he holds it with two hands as he is placing the bomb that will make MJ fall and the shot is the same as that of Gwen falling in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2". Only This time he picks her up in his arms rather than with his spider web to avoid this. That is why when he lands he gets emotional, because it is what he could have done to save Gwen. Peter is furious and does not control his strength fighting the Goblin because he makes a hole on the shield that could have killed Norman Norman stabs Peter and he then says: [Good Peter] I've been stabbed before In reference to when Harry Osborn stabbed him in "Spider-Man 3" The silhouettes of the multiverse that we see in the sky are those of: Madame Web, Kraven the hunter, Scorpio, Black Cat, Rhino and what appears to be Miles Morales Strange asks Peter to call him Steven In reference to the beginning of the movie [Strange] Don't call me sir snd to when they met in "Infinity War" [Peter] I'm Peter by the way [Strange] Dr. Strange This hug was completely improvised [Tom] Thank you, thank you and the thanks are directly from actor Tom Holland for the two previous Spider-Man sagas MJ she still wears the Dahlia pendant that Peter gave her We see that Aunt May's grave has the date of birth and death covered up, so we don't know her age Like Tony's joke about Aunt May's age [Stark] It's so hard for me to believe that she is someone's aunt The phrase we see on her tombstone is the same as the one that appeared in the Spiderman video game for PS4 Peter's apartment is just as filthy as Tobey in the Reimy movies and we hear the voice of his landlord : [landlord] The rent is paid at the beginning of the month, don't be late Indicating that not even in this universe will Peter be able to avoid paying the... [landlord] Give me rent We see the cup that MJ gave him in the cafeteria and Ned's Palpatine Lego The same one he used to talk to Peter the first time we saw him in Homecoming Peter's new suit is based on Spiderman's classic suit As he approaches the camera, in the final frame, we see that the suit It is completely homemade and seems to have left aside the Stark technology for the suit, thus closing his trilogy and giving birth to a new Spiderman PEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO We have all witnessed this story We all grew up thinking that one day we would be Spiderman It doesn't matter which Peter Parker you grew up with or your age Our parents took all of us to the cinema to see a Spiderman movie and there we learned that with great power comes great responsibility. We started reading all his comics, having all his posters, games... and we understood that the true power of Spiderman It is that of being human for having real, daily problems because life can give you real beatings, one after another and still, you decide to dedicate your gift to helping others because for decades we saw ourselves represented in all those movies because we vibrate in every room. of cinema because all those reactions were for a reason because it is not necessary to search in fiction for superheroes to find them, some were superheroes all their lives, and it is too late to thank them for what they did for us because a hero is one who decides to sacrifice himself for the good of others regardless of the price but the best hero of all is the one who not only gets up again and again but also the one who can also make everyone believe every day that they can do it too no matter who or how you are you can also get up and wear that mask be the one who inspires everyone to see that superhero in themselves and for me he has always been and will be my father (To my father, my Spiderman in real life) Like to never forget, and subscribe to form part of the PEROOO [Ned] What's the next video?... [PWulen] What's this fat guy doing? [Ned] What's next...? [JWulen] I doubt you can imagine it [Music]
Channel: JWulen
Views: 2,147,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no way home, spiderman, spider-man no way home, no way home curiosidades, easter eggs no way home, 30 curiosidades spiderman no way home, 30 curiosidades acojonantes spiderman no way home, 30 curiosidades jwulen, 30 curiosidades acojonantes, secretos no way home, cosas que no viste en no way home, jwulen, jwulen 30, 30 jwulen, 30 spiderman, datos spiderman, 30 curiosidades spider-man 1, spider-man 2, spider-man 3, jwulen spiderman, tom holland, tobey macguire, andrew garfield
Id: 9_DguS7neDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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