30 Curiosidades de Intensamente | Cosas que quizás no sabías

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Hello, hello, hearing people! Welcome to this video where we will meet 30 Curiosities of 'Inside Out'. The movie was directed by Pete Docter. A man who has been very present in the Pixar studios. Well, he was in charge of directing films like 'Monsters Inc' and 'Up'. Which had a great collection. And in the case of 'Inside Out' it was not far behind. Since I even manage to overcome them at the box office. The idea of ​​the movie came from the experience that Pete Docter had with his little daughter. As she was beginning to go through that stage in which her personality began to change. And things were not so simple anymore. Something that he started to generate as a father some anguish Which led him to want to represent in a fun way what happens inside the mind of each one of us. The developers consulted different psychologists to advise them in the process of selecting emotions. Since they planned to include more than 20. But in the end they decided to stay alone 5 to make it less complicated. Some of the emotions that ended up being eliminated were ... Envy, greed, irritation, guilt, love and hope "Joy", before calling himself that, Pete Docter had put "Optimism." But then he realized that optimism It is not an emotion, but a way of seeing things. -It's half empty. - I see it half full. - Stop! It is half empty. In one of the scenes, when we see Riley as a child, you can see a magazine in which Colette appears That we will remember her from 'Ratatouille'. In the movie, memories are moved for a fully automated system. They did this based on the places egg sorting Where a very similar system is applied. When the family starts moving and they go by the road, We can see a group of birds in a line electric, This is a reference to the Pixar short called "For the Birds." In one of the conceptual arts that you had of the tape, we can see how emotions They were literally connected to the mind from Riley. In this image we see how they are monitoring her body. And this purple figure we see here, was Pride emotion. That later ended up being replaced by Dislike. Dislike design went through many changes. Some even found it unpleasant to see. And while this was according to his emotion, the truth is that you did not want that way. For what they gave this "diva wave", and that way, make her look disgusted at everything. Instead of feeling disgusted by her. For Riley's first nightmare ... Pixar recycled some character designs from previous movies. And we see a very similar mouse Zombie to Remi. There is also a delivery bear, whose design It reminds us of Mérida's mother. Only this one had a darker coat. And the talking pizzas have the same arms that Mr. Potato Face. - Look Ham, I'm Picasso. - I do not understand. - Uncultured pig. One of the popular girls Riley sees has A shirt with a skull. Very similar to the one Sid used in 'Toy Story'. One of the first concepts we had of the script. It was that Riley somehow had transported within your own mind, So he had the opportunity to meet to your emotions Another idea was that Joy would be in Riley's man talking to her, being like his conscience. However none of these ideas ended up convincing So they were discarded. In one scene Riley and her family were eating Chinese Food. We have seen this box in several movies of Pixar as 'A Bug's life', 'Toy Story 2' and 'Ratatouille'. According to Pete Docter, one of the biggest challenges For the movie It was how they were to represent the human mind. Since it's something completely unknown, visually speaking ... That is, on past occasions the team traveled for example to Scotland, South America ... Or they visited toy stores to know how they would represent certain things ... But in this case there was no place to travel, there was nothing to be inspired by That is why Pete Docter considered this as the most difficult part of the process. The big curved shelves, where they store Long term memory, they are set and built in such a way that if we see them from above resemble the "wrinkles" we see in the external part of the brain. When Riley is chatting with her friend we can see a DocPete among his contacts, A reference, of course, to the director. The famous Pizza Planeta truck returns to make his own in this movie, This time making its appearance in the form of I remember several times during the movie. If you realize there is a peculiar characteristic gladly, And it is the only character that does not generate shadow ... According to the developers this is due to His bright personality. In one of the flashbacks, when we see Riley as a child playing with Bing Bong, You can see the famous Pixar movie. When Bing Bong starts emptying his bag imaginary, take out a brown boot, That reminds us of the boot that Wall-e wore To conserve the plant. When they go to Imaginalandia you can see some references, For example, Finding Nemo, also The Good Dinosaur What would the next movie be after Inside-Out And in the castle of letters you can see represented to Riley's parents, As well as her. Like some other Pixar movies, It also contains a reference to Apple products And here is when the imaginary boyfriend is generated for the first time The machine emits a characteristic sound of the iPhone. *Sound* - Isn't it great? And there are always news that ... And who is that? -New imaginary boyfriend. - I would die for Riley ... In another of the first versions of the film, who would camp Alegría on their journey would be Fear Since it seemed the funniest option But the director was told that the story It wasn't working this way, Something that overwhelmed him too much ... So to de-stress, one day he decided to walk through the forest ... He began to think ... What would happen if his project failed? ... What would happen if he was fired? How would that affect relationships with your friends, with your family? The point is that all these negative thoughts helped him realize that sadness was the answer ... That was how the final decided to match Alegría with its great counterpart And being able to show that sometimes sadness is also necessary. - I already feel good ... When the characters arrive in Production of Dreams you can see some disguised workers of familiar characters ... For example, this one is wearing a costume from Robin Hood, And this one here has one of Mickey Mouse ... Although it seems that it is not in its best days. The famous A-113 of Disney movies reappears here this time like a graffiti when Riley is slipping away. The movie has several references to 'Up', And is that some memories can be seen scenes of the married life of Carl and Ellie, As well as his colorful house. In the version in which Alegría was going to be accompanied by fear, They would meet other friends imagine in addition to Bing Bong, And these would believe that Joy was another friend Rile's imaginary that had been forgotten. Riley makes an appearance in 'Finding Dory' She appears when a group of children are about to see Destiny. It can be seen in this part. Of Pete Docter's three films he has directed, all have been successful with criticism, And both 'Up' and 'Inside-Out' managed to take the Oscar for Best Animated Film In the case of Monsters Inc., it was surpassed by Shrek who, of course, was one of the favorites of this year. After the great success that the tape had, the fans have been asking for a sequel, Where adolescence will now be explored from Riley, However this will not be possible, at least for a good time. And Pixar announced that they will not do more sequels of his movies So during the following years we will see original stories Which is really appreciated It will only be a matter of time to see if these new deliveries will captivate us just as Pixar has accustomed us. If you liked the video, Let me know by giving you a thumbs up and sharing it with your friends And before I leave I send a big hello to ... And well, this is it. Thank you very much for coming here ... See you later ...
Channel: NeiterAll
Views: 5,932,738
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Keywords: 30 Curiosidades, Intensamente, Inside Out, Easter Eggs, Referencias, Secretos, Parodias, Cameos, Errores, Disney, Pixar, Monsters Inc, Up, Toy Story, Walle, Ratatouille, Buscando a Nemo, Alegría, Tristeza, Temor, Furia, Desagrado, Secuela, NeiterAll
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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