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Good morning guys! Welcome to New York. It's the first time that Christian comes here and I want to show him all the things that can be done here because it is such a wonderful city that there is not a single day when you can be bored, so let's hurry because there are so many things to do. Let's get started! And our first stop is going to be the Brooklyn Bridge. It's a place where you can walk bicycles pass, cars pass... And you have some of the most beautiful views of the city. We walk for about 15 minutes and we found a "Hole In The Wall"... That's the name of this restaurant. Guys, the menu is amazing, we are having a lot of trouble ordering. - It is very difficult. Too many choices and they all sound amazing. Breakfast is here and it looks amazing. I ordered an avocado toast. And Christian ordered this sandwich, how delicious it looks. It tastes amazing. So, as you can see, there is a bit of a line here to come and get a photo on the front of the bull, but what people don't tell you is there's no line on the other side. Now this is how you skip the line. I can feel the wealth rubbing off on me. This moment here is probably one that we are not going to enjoy, but it is a place that represents a lot, a tragedy that happened here in New York, we are talking about the attack on the Twin Towers. This large hole that you see here was the place where there was a twin tower. They did this as a memorial for all the people who died in the attack, for all the people who died trying to help other people survive. It's quite sad and quite moving. Access to this place is totally free, you just have to walk, it's like a very nice park surrounded by all the buildings that are on Wall Street. And around here we find the newest building, the One World, which is beautiful and it has an observatory that I have gone up to, and I find it very nice. It is expensive, this time we are not going to go up, but if you come and want to go up to a building around here, that building has a very divine observatory. One minute from the Twin Towers memorial we have The Oculus. And the good thing is that all these activities are totally free, you can simply come, open the door, enter, walk... And that's it, you are already inside. You don't have to spend a penny. Another thing you definitely have to do in New York is get on the subway, it is very easy to use it, it reaches absolutely everywhere, it's fast and helps you avoid a lot of traffic. If we keep going up the Manhattan side we get to Sojo, this street here is called Broadway and in my opinion it is one of the best streets for shopping because there are many well-known stores, but if you also move through the little streets that cross this street there are many independent stores, pretty unique things that you can find here in New York... Taking into account that New York is one of the fashion capitals. OMG! It is a monster. I can't believe how big this Milk Shake is. It has a lot of choco chip cookies, more choco chip cookies and choco chip cookie ice cream. How delicious! - OMG! - I love America. - How will you eat this? And after having taken that giant milk shake it's time to put these legs in some action because we are going Greenwich Village to find the apartment from the great TV series "Friends". This area here is amazing, it looks like a movie set, everything is very perfect, quiet, quite picturesque. So it is very beautiful just to walk, take photos and get lost in the streets. And we come to the department of the great television series "Friends". I'm going to get a little closer so you can see it, but it's too cute and the area it’s in is perfect, probably nothing was recorded here other than the outside shots, but I was still very excited to see it. - Rachel... Rachel... I love you! Approximately 5 minutes from the department of the TV series "Friends" we have the first "Magnolia Bakery", which is the one that appeared in the famous television series "Sex And The City", It's the original, it's the one that supposedly has the best desserts. We bought the banana pudding, which is one of the star products in Magnolia. It has banana, it has pieces of cake like sponge cake. - "Comar mi" This tastes delicious, wow! I feel like I could eat a whole liter of this. Give me, give more. The temperature is already dropping because sunset is coming and we wanted to spend it in High Line Park. It is a park that was built on some train tracks that are abandoned, so we're like a floor above the city and we have a spectacular view. We will make one of the last stops at The Vessel, this new structure that they have made in New York doesn't have much time, a month ago I was here and it was the first time I saw it, this is the second and it will be the first time that I will enter. Look at this here, it's an architectural challenge, it's wonderful. It's like a maze of stairs, impressive... Wow! Hey, there are a lot of stairs, so get ready to get some exercise for your butt. And here is the view from above... It looks kind of alien. New York has million amazing places to eat. Actually you can find good places like this just by reading reviews, that's how I found this place. And I think you're more New Yorker than ever because you are eating a bagel. - The bagel... Really good! It's really good, is simple, but... Good quality, definitely. - Yummy! - So yummy. We just left Artist & Fleas, this here is a flea market, a flea market in Williamsburg. It is a super incredible market where local artists are supported, very creative people, there are many characters inside and they sell beautiful things, from clothes, glasses, soaps... Everything you can imagine can be found there. Today has really been a very relaxed day, we start the day with a brunch and then we went to have a cheesecake at my favorite place, Christian and I had a crunchy apple cheesecake, then we came here, now we are going to see a beautiful view of the city. Let's go. We walked to Manhattan without crossing the river and we found one of the most beautiful views there can be here in New York. I remember a long time ago I passed by here, but I did not know the name, nor did I remember the existence of this place, but it's really beautiful, it's free. There is no one, I do not know if it is because it is very cold or because it just isn't such a popular place, but I don't understand. I do not understand how a place like this is not crowded, look at this view. Today's last stop is to eat a chocolate pizza at Max Brenner. It may seem a little weird, but I swear it is delicious. So Christian is going to taste this for the first time and I want to introduce you to someone, a childhood friend who lives here, she is my lost sister. Her name is Mariester, look at this beauty of a woman. She arrived with her husband who does not want to appear on camera. Just his hand. - The invisible one is my husband. Well, let's have pizza. It's pretty good. It's pretty good. It's so good. There are two type of people... People that eat pizza with the hand and people that eat pizza... Good morning, today is our third day here in New York and I'm officially a granny, I'm a marshmallow because I've put on too many layers of clothes, it's cold, I want to be comfortable and hide the belly that will come out after eating this breakfast. Guys, welcome to an American dinner. It's probably something I wouldn't eat every day, but it is something that I do enjoy the most. I have some pancakes around here, Christian is eating chicken and waffles and I have to introduce you to someone who is going to be our guide today. Hi guys, my name is Brett. - Brett. - I live in New York. - And I'm YouTube... - Youtuber. - Youtuber, yes... - Yeah, amaizing. - My name is Christian, I am Youtuber... And I live in Canada, sometimes, but usually Bali. - So this in how you get around like a local. - Right, in Bali you know you have the scooters, but in New York city we have these electric bikes right here. They both doing it, but Katy is driving, so... Best of luck, guys. Guess where we are... - Fifth Avenue. - Fifth Avenue, guys. This place here is quite a famous place for its incredible shopping stores, they have all the Black Sheep stores, all amazing shops with very impressive and elaborate showcases. Today we are not going to do shopping, we're just walk down fifth avenue to get to our next stop, Rockefeller Center. Look at this here. This here is probably one of the most iconic places in New York, this skating rink is a dream, it looks like something that goes inside a snowball, those made of glass and It is very cute for holidays like Christmas, that makes me very emotional. Something we are definitely going to do today is go up here... And after 67 floors and $ 83 USD we are at the top of Rockefeller. It is expensive, but I think it is one of the best views you can get in New York from the top of a building. After that breakfast so big that I ate, I already wanted to eat a snack, - This is the best mediocre hot dog I ever had. - And the best way... The best way to do it is by eating a hot dog. - Which Christian says is pretty mediocre. - This is like the hot dog I make at home. - Really? Let's see if it's as mediocre as Christian says. Supposedly it says that it is the original and the most famous in the world, but... I doubt it. For the experience is fine. We arrived at a restaurant called Burger Joint and it is a restaurant that is hidden inside a hotel where they sell hamburgers like this one here. I think it is better than average, this is very tasty. Wow! - Bye! - Give me... Last day in New York, tonight we are leaving and we still have a lot to do in order to finish showing you some things that in my opinion are mandatory. So we're going to finish our things around here and we are going to go out to enjoy this last day that looks beautiful. We made it to Central Park on time, we are the bicycle crew, and I think it's the best way to see Central Park because it's so big, guys... And we have so little time that we have to be on wheels. Okay friends, first stop and we have this spectacular view of the city. How nice! Really, if you have nothing to do, you have a day off and you don't know what to do here in New York, coming to Central Park could turn out to be quite a productive day because there are a thousand things to do. Guys, what a nice day we had today in Central Park, the weather is perfect, it's a bit cold, but the sun warms you up. There are many people riding bikes everywhere, it is beautiful. I'm definitely saying goodbye to New York in the most beautiful way that can exist. You won't believe this stop, but I found this place on Instagram and we decided to come because they make ice creams that you won't see anywhere else. The place is called Stuffed Ice Cream New York City. Watch this... What? I can't believe it, it's too much. Look… - Are you ready for ice cream? - I'm ready. I'm trying to do a timelapse because this here is awesome, I do not know how he is doing so that everything is assembled that way, they put absolutely nothing but ice cream. So let's pray that it doesn't fall. - OMG! - Ready? Wait, I'm so stressed. Wait! - There you go, it's heavy, right? - Yeah, it's so heavy. OMG! I'm so nervous. Okay, bye guys... See you! - Just like the Titanic, all good things must crash. - This is a lot of ice cream. It's been like 20 minutes and we're still eating here. And this is getting personal because he eats and challenges me. - I am the winner. I feel like I can't anymore. Next step unbutton my pants. I don't know when I'm going to finish this. It's very funny because we started with dessert and we are going to eat pizza at this place that was recommended to us in the ice cream shop. Supposedly it is a very delicious typical New York pizza. And the pizza is here, look how thick it is, This one is a white pizza, it has ricotta, mozzarella and honey. Let's taste it. It is apparently one of the most popular. Wow! It is quite a special combination, but it is so yummy. Time to say goodbye. - Bye Katy. - Bye. - Goodbye, see you soon. - We will miss you. - Bye Katy... - Bye. Bye! Guys, that's how we ended our whole tour of Manhattan, I hope you enjoyed this video very much and hopefully you can come up with some ideas so you can plan your trips. If you liked this video and want to see more like this do not forget to leave me a thumbs up to know that I am doing a good job with this channel. Don't forget to subscribe to see more videos, apart from the fact that there are some incredible videos that you will surely not want to miss. And I'm leaving, remember that I'm Katy, that I love you very much and see you on the next adventure. Bye!
Channel: Katy Travels
Views: 1,061,274
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Keywords: vlog, whatthechic, katy esquivel, katy the chic, chic, 10 best things in new york, top ciudades, qué ver y hacer en new york, lugares que conocer en new york, spots comida, viaje de novios, dónde viajar por vacaciones, primera vez en new york, guía de viaje, consejos new york, NY, hoteles new york, comida new york, consejos para viajar, travel new york, tips de viajes, primera vez en EE.UU, cómo viajar a EE.UU, travel Guide
Id: 6UT3yCsMPCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 1sec (961 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 20 2019
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