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Channel: How to Make yummy
Views: 1,184,820
Rating: 4.8131943 out of 5
Keywords: fruit Ninja, fruit cutting, fruit carving, fruit carving tutorial, knife skills, fruit plate decoration, fruit art, orange decoration, fruit ideas, fruit carving orange, Artko, tiktok India, tik tok japan, tik tok china, super chef, tiktok india, tiktok china, tiktok america, #fruit art, #knife skills, #plate decor fruits, #fruit carving, #vegetable carving, #carving, fruit carving watermelon, how to carve fruits, easy fruit carving, how to, DIY, fruit art tutorial
Id: _J70rz4-Jd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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