30-06 Insane Velocity! (Part 1)

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all right model 70 don't suck today please it's range day and I'm really excited to try out this Winchester ammo with the 190 acub long range hopefully we get 2750 and Suba now I am using that model 70 which has been a very picky rifle uh this is not the only rifle I'm going to test today uh we're just going to start with the model 70 and see what happens this weekend supped to get more snow and rain yeah yeah in a lot shape I told him to ask me about your drug forgot to do the velocity film it 2754 error on the velocity going pick stuff like that any background noise myself right with the Box velocity a little more okay uh velocity was great you know it's going faster than what the book says accuracy is kind of typical for this rifle all things consider it's not terrible but it's not very good let me show you it's a 2-in group the first and first and second shot were these and this was the third I don't know maybe I'll shoot one more group with the Box ammo I don't know I don't really want to waste it on this gun we've got more accurate 30 o 6es to try I did load some 190 alrs with 65 stay ball we'll do a ladder test to see how fast we can get it going in a 22-in barrel barrel [Music] that's an interesting pry sure we're down there at the shotgun today I've never seen that many cars down there first group with the 190 ablr with the 300 weatherbe 74 grains was awful I didn't even shoot the third shot just to save the bullet because I don't need to have a 5 in group can't pick stuff like that any [Music] backg okay I'm headed down to show you what the handloads did with the 30 out6 um there seemed to be a velocity node or the chronograph just sucks either way there seems to be a velocity node between 54 and 55 grains a 65 stab ball and well everyone talks about how picky the 190 ablr is with seating depth so I loaded it 20,000 off the lands and as I'm about to show you it did not like it at all okay that is my hand loaded that's a nice two and a half inch group one nice thing for the day I did get this with my 257 weatherbe that's a 110 grain accubond with reloader 22 all right so a Max load with hybrid 100 V with the 300 weatherbe this is the first two shots yeah it's a little over an inch but it certainly is better than the grain below it so we'll see how the third shot does And when everybody hands me a gun I like cranking it open and make sure it's empty Corner half okay we're going to go look at the 190 ablr with the 300 weather be uh well guys I think this is it I think I'm done shooting the 190 AVR my 300 weatherbe I've got 200 grains CU BS getting well below sub MOA sometimes quarter MOA but here the last group with the 190r not good enough so we're going to donate all of my 190 abrs to a good shooting 30 out 6 okay back from the range and overall mostly disappointing accuracy wise this was the Box ammo that averaged probably around 2760 ft per second so really good velocity really happy with it it uh but not good accuracy now in defense of Winchester ammo the rifle I was shooting I've told you before it is one of the pickiest rifles I've ever shot this is part one we are going to have a part two where we're going to try this ammo and hand loads in a much more accurate 30 out 6 the OB sadly 55 grains of 65 ball gave me even worse accuracy so I think it's fair to say we are done testing the 190 grain acupan long range in the model 703 6 thankfully we did have one really good group of the day this is from my 257 weatherbe I just decided to try nosler's recommendation and we're right at a half inch group with the 110 grain accubond awesome
Channel: Reloading Weatherby
Views: 7,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9u6CgBbBmRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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