30泰銖曼谷遊輪半日遊 昭披耶河畔吃泰國海鮮大餐 Ft.Savoey Tha Maharaj | 曼谷自由行EP40
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Channel: Kokee講
Views: 31,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Savoey, Savoey Tha Maharaj, 泰餐, 泰國必吃, 生醃蝦, 冬陰功, 泰式咖喱, 泰國搭船, kokee, 泰國自由行, 曼谷自由行, 泰國 旅遊, 曼谷 vlog, 曼谷 自由行, street food, street food best food, street foods, Thailand street food, 泰國旅遊, 曼谷, 泰國, bangkok, bangkok thailand, shopping vlog, 泰國必買, 購物日常, 旅遊, Street food, 旅游攻略, 泰国文化, 河虾美食, 一日游, savoey, savoey thailand, thailand savoey, 昭披耶河
Id: Hg-Ga-41wcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 50sec (1010 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2024
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