3 Ways to Speed Up Your Notes in Obsidian

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hey hey how would you like to leave this video with three ways to immediately speed up how fast you're able to think using obsidian that's the goal let's roll okay so you can see on screen now is my outline for this video the first thing that we're going to learn how to do is how to scroll horizontally maybe you already know but if you don't know this is amazing so to do this we need to set up a single hotkey called stacked tabs so what we're going to do is go down to settings and head over to hotkeys now over here we want to type in stacked or tabs and there it is now when you get there it's going to be blank so hit the plus icon and I recommend if you're on a Mac try command s on Windows that would be control s let's just give it something then we can go back here and hit it boom now we're in stacked tabs but how can I possibly type in this right one when the left one is full screen well here's the key e you hold down shift on the keyboard and you scroll with your mouse boom now I'm over here I can think in this one and then I'm over there and it gets even better because we can open up more notes and now I can scroll all the way across what if we opened up even more notes these are other videos I have on Deck now we can really scroll and we can see the vertical titles this is a really fast way of working it might be Overkill sometimes so when that's the case what do you do you hit command s when I do that we go from stacked tabs back to regular tabs so now they're at the top here so let's just toggle that back and forth to see how buttery fast it is boom boom boom boom really nice so I go stack tabs and I can scroll horizontally but it gets better than that so let's go back to this outline because stack tabs doesn't just work in obsidian it works across all sorts of applications so for that I want to show you my internet browser and this was an old show I worked on coyote and this was all about tracking visual effects and what we have are the first four columns Frozen but there's a lot of information here so how do you how what am I going to do hit this thing every single time and move over that's ridiculous instead we hold down shift and we scroll with the mouse wheel and then boom I can see all this left to right action isn't that amazing and it gets better you can take this into airtable if anyone uses the application air table you can see we have a bunch of emails that have gone out with subject lines links to the actual articles and then we can scroll left to right as we need to to look at more and more data so as you can tell this works when you have a lot of information that goes wide a couple others I want to show you and that's going to be Final Cut Pro alright so here's a video in Final Cut Pro and what I want you to notice is that if we zoom in too much it's hard to see everything so what I want to do instead let me make sure there's no volume playing is hold down shift and start with the scroll wheel and now it's scrolling through okay one more time just so we get the clarity of this it even extends to finder for Mac here so you can see I've gone down a series of folders to an old backup of the ideaverse I can go further into a calendar I can go to past years I can go to 2020 I can look at notes there so this is all just scrolling by holding down shift and scrolling with the mouse wheel and it allows you to move horizontally so that is the number one way that you can speed up your work in obsidian and far beyond it so if that's new to you let me know in the comments below like this blew my mind when I finally discovered I could do this side note you can't do this in Avid media composer which is what the majority of TV editors use which is really infuriating because we have this long timeline you would think like why can't we do this I still don't know why but you can in most applications okay let's move on now the other thing that's so valuable is to be able to move lines so you can see I just bolded show and finder now if I want to move that I can just use my left-handed shortcuts and move this thing rapidly this is just so fast so how did I accomplish that what did it look like for that we're going to open up obsidian flight school this is where we arrive and I want to go to the hangar basic training and core Maneuvers now if you're interested in obsidian flight school you'll see a link in the description below now it's not to set up a custom Knowledge Management System it's to get you moving closer to the speed of thought being able to fly around fast through your notes because that truly makes all the difference and to get there we need to be able to do these core Maneuvers blazingly fast it makes things so much easier so for today I wanted to actually go into moving lines of text how boring could this be well it's not it's amazing it's a huge unlock so moving lines of text what does that mean that means whatever line I'm on I can start to move it around this allows us to move our thoughts to organize on the Fly no friction it is a true unlock with how quickly we can think and generate insights so what we do in obsidian flight schools we can go down to the actual command we can see what the recommended hotkey is maybe it's already set up and then we can just start using it so let's now use this hotkey move line down and I want to show you where you can set it up if it wasn't set up already you go to settings hotkeys and then again you go over here and you type what would it be move line and then you can see the two now I had to customize the command I recommend command 1 and command two that's so I can be a left-handed Keyboard Ninja without having to move my right hand to the keyboard and hit anything over there I can do it all just with my left hand if you're on Windows that can be alt 1 or alt 2 and you'd get the same result so that should be pretty great when we go back to our note we can again see how fast I can move this around so I'm just hitting command 1 command two and I can move these things re-outline reorder make sense of my world of ideas at blazingly fast speeds that is the second way to go faster in obsidian and let's finish it out by looking at the third way to move faster and that's by moving tabs so here's a great example of that and hey if you're getting something out of this please consider hitting the like button and also hitting subscribe it is a small thing that makes a huge difference and I would very much appreciate it okay thanks you just click a tab and you you just drag it wherever you want let's put it over on the right so now you have this tab on the right and you have something else on the left so this is great when you have a big map of content that you're using to kind of Orient your thoughts and what you have to do in this case I'm at my note called YouTube publisher and the whole point of this note is to remind me of those videos that are really close to being filmed and recorded so you can see I have videos on deck and there's a certain way I pull up this filter but when I have it open I also want to maybe peek into a note and start working on it you can use these dual tabs for all sorts of use cases but this is a single one so I can have this one around and then I can work in this one I'll give you another example so we are opening up this thing called bookquest now Book quest is going to initially cover the thesaurus by Peter Mark Roger but I already had a video about this so I want to compare the two so what I'm going to do initially is open up the old one in a new tab and then I'm going to take the new one and move it to the right and now we can see what the old one said as I'm working on the new one guess what else you can do now this is just the advanced feature but you can actually throw the whole script in here and I can look at it in line now it's a little Overkill so we don't have to go there right now but as you can see it's really nice to be able to move tabs around so you can work faster it's like having two desktop screens and you can move text you can copy text you can see the text that you've already worked with and all this is getting to the ultimate result that you can think faster using obsidian I mean isn't that amazing now I'm curious which of these three ways is the one that you're most excited about like did you know about how to scroll left and right already please let me know in the comments below and if you want to dig deeper into how to move fast with text you totally need to watch my deep dive on outlining like a left-handed Keyboard Ninja I hope to see you there and until next time stay connected
Channel: Linking Your Thinking with Nick Milo
Views: 88,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: obsidian, linking your thinking, obsidian app, pkm
Id: sTxb4yknDvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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