3 Ways To Ramen | Struggle Meals

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if you're like me you love ramen but it's time to change up the game today we're making elevated ramen that isn't soup life can be a struggle but a good meal does not have to be we can make creative nutritious and inventive dishes for under two dollars a plate [Music] i'm really excited about this episode because ramen is one of the most widely consumed cheap foods on the planet this one is really going to be useful welcome to struggle meals ramen noodles are so cheap that we can add luxury and expensive ingredients so today we're making a shrimp ramen packet here we go chicken broth a little bit of fish sauce it is totally worth buying a bottle of fish sauce it lasts forever and the flavor is irreplicable we're making a sauce from scratch here and it's gonna steam the ramen and the shrimp brilliant french technique toasted sesame oil pack a drawer gotta get some sugar in there the sugar is really really important to round out the fact that we're gonna have spicy salty sour gotta have sweet gotta get some sriracha soy sauce mix mix mix mix mix mushrooms just because we're eating cheap doesn't mean we can't use fresh ingredients scallion ramen once the savior of my stomach and now an opportunity to be culinarily creative today we made our own sauce we do not need this right now so we're gonna deposit it in the bank talk about an investment for the future it's time to make an envelope okay noodles are going in mushrooms scallions shroom today we can afford shrimp because that ramen is so damn cheap be gentle with the foil because if you break the foil the liquid is going to leak out here we go it's like a gorgeous piece of origami let's cook it i want to change the name of the dish from shrimp ramen packet 2 shrimp ramen packet surprise because that's what everyone is going to be when this arrives on their plate what is it what is it what is it i don't know it's a surprise boom you know ramen noodles are great it's the packet that de-elevates them but since we made our own sauce it's awesome and the fact that we're able to put expensive ingredients like shrimp in there because this is so cheap is a win-win-win there are more things that we can do with ramen noodles let's go to the next one [Music] chicken and ramen ramen and chicken they go hand in hand but we ain't making the same old soup no we're gonna make a chinese chicken salad here we go pack it packet of love so i'm making a dressing for the salad and this is the perfect thing to start with rice wine vinegar to the packet drawer sugar sriracha boom sriracha struggle whisk 7 500 this was my favorite model mix mix mix mix mix mix mix oil here we go you got to chop up some stuff now buy whole carrots and grate them yourself they've got more moisture and they taste better [Music] one of the easiest ways to save money is to not buy prepared ingredients chop your own almonds just because we're eating cheap doesn't mean that we can't have fresh produce and a ton of nutrition the key is really just breaking everything down yourself let's make this salad here we go i'm going to put half of this in i'm gonna put half of the shredded lettuce half of the chicken half carrot half almond half tangerine why half i'm so glad you asked guess what now everything is gonna be way more incorporated when we finish it you know how hard it is to mix with the dressing at the bottom and everything at the top order line impossible boom okay the ramen noodles this adds some texture we got color we've got freshness we've got crunch tang and spice that's two dollars a serving that's literally seven times cheaper than if you ordered this in a restaurant you're welcome that was a really big bite it's so delicious and it's so cheap what more do you want another dish no problem for the grand finale we're gonna take ramen noodles and have them be influenced by the italian american tradition that's right we're making ramen carbonara it's creamy it's cheap and it is delicious we start with bacon always a good choice we just need that bacon to be crispy wow that's perfect we want to keep this bacon crispy and that means pulling it out we've got bacon fat in here it is literally liquid gold it's going to make this dish taste even better but i want to add more fat because it's delicious we've got butter here comes the cream oh you want to know why this dish is going to be extra delicious because we're cooking the ramen in cream that means there's going to be cream inside of the noodles and that means that the delicious factor is gonna be off the charts ramen goes in egg mix it's important that this is scrambled before we put it in you'll see why you know this looks pretty good but if yours is looking too dry just add some water it's important that those noodles are submerged otherwise they're not going to cook cheese yes please make sure you buy that whole block it lasts longer and it's cheap in the long run that's looking freaking awesome man turn the heat off add the egg in mix quickly bacon goes back in do you see why it was so important to scramble that egg i thought so i'm proud of you nice contrast of color nice contrast of texture [Music] doesn't this look like it costs a lot of money just a reminder it's cheap we're gonna have to cancel the show that can't be topped just wrap it all up everybody we're finished here this is a dollar 67 a serving it is done in under five minutes i can't stop eating it it's rich it's delicious obviously it's cheap it's an amalgamation of everything i love from japan italy the united states and the world of the future and you can get a taste of that future right here on this plate food is bringing us closer together for 1.67 it's so awesome to take one of the most widely eaten foods in the world and not make soup with it instead make ramen surprise ramen salad and ramen pasta this is groundbreaking stuff and i know it's gonna help you eat even better for even less money struggle meals out [Music]
Channel: Tastemade
Views: 218,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tastemade, recipe, food, cooking, how to, cook, bake, grill, sweet, dessert, savory, travel, home, lifestyle, struggle meals
Id: trb64BZbRDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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