3 Ways to Make Your Piano Playing Jazzy⚡️ (+PDF Download)

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so oh hi hello i'm senga noona welcome woohoo happy to see you all my friends i'm here to teach you how to get start jazz piano we're gonna talk about just three things just simple but easy and important three things let's get started so let's start with base walking walk walk walk walk walk what space walking use your left hand we're gonna walk our left hand and i have f key of moon river starting from f and we have a very very simple pattern remember the number one two three and five now one two three four so skip the four and one two three five one two three five so what does it mean look at here i have f here one two three five that's it again f one two three five one two three five and next chord we have d minor so move to d position and it's minor so we're going to use third for f not f sharp because it is this minor chord so let's go d one two three five so far so good let's do one more time from the top f d minor easy you want to keep going let's let's just keep going b flat and f b flat f oh look at that next chord is what e minor seven flat five e minor f seven flat five don't get panic it's not a big deal just think about the e minor chord first so we got e minor e g b right we know that but we have flat five which means instead of this b we're gonna we're gonna play b flat that's flat five four e minor flat five we have e minor seven for that five but for this left hand we don't need to talk about seven right so we just need one two three five so we're gonna play one two three five okay and next chord is a one two three five can we do it again one more time from the top but this time i'm going to give some little chord on my right hand so we have a little more sound let's feel it from the top f ready go be flat next is f ready for that good next jump f next one is e minor flat five nice and a hoo not bad right so basically left hand is just same pattern you're going to use one two three five easy so finish your you practice your left hand from the beginning to the end slowly take your time you don't have to rush anything just take your time but finish who's on only left hand and if you feel comfortable just add chords simply f and d minor and b flat just what i did all right friend i hope you're enjoying this lesson i would love to see more of you and help you achieve your piano playing dreams so because of that i've got a free trial for piano just for you below this video i hope you enjoy it i hope to see you there make sure you say hi inside the membership and enjoy the rest of your lesson and now we're going to talk about right hand a little bit about tensions tensions are about just all jazz it's about jazz without tensions it's not easy to talk about jazz so if you want to make some jazzier sound just very simple thing just add some notes and i'm going to show you in c major scale because it's easiest right so we have c major scale and that's eight right from one two three four five six seven eight and nine ten eleven we have sharp eleven and twelve thirteen so in jazz we use major seven ninth sharp eleven and thirteen these two are a little bit complicated so we can talk about it later but how about just nine this nine is same as second right so i'm gonna just jump down here because it's easier with my small hand so we have one two three five major seven wow already chasse isn't it how about that listen listen listen listen [Music] okay one more time let's listen just simple c chord what we do normally is the root position from this two [Music] i love this this is more jazzier isn't it so instead of playing this right hand we have left hand base here this guy this major 7 can come down one octave down here [Music] isn't it good from here just add two more notes which was b major and ninth this changes just a little change just a little change that changes a lot a lot so let's go back to our moon river we have f yeah we just simply have the chord f it's gonna be we're gonna play just like this right but how about instead of this we're gonna add major seven which is p and add the second same as ninth which is g we need base how about this just normal f but this [Music] love it love it okay next chord we have d minor minor chord you we would play d minor like this minor also same you can add ninth which is second will be e but instead of major seven which will be c sharp instead of this c sharp we're gonna add dominant seven for minor we just see [Music] again d minor d minor seven with ninth so simply for major chord this is important in portland you can write down we can write down make a note major chord you can add major seventh and ninth and minor chord you can add dominant seventh and ninth we have a major chord with major seven and d minor with dominant seven with ninth nice how about next chord b flat it's a major chord we're gonna that's why we're gonna add major seventh and ninth and third fifth a c d f from the beginning f d minor [Music] b flat and back to f oh isn't it beautiful let's keep going down there b flat [Music] and f oh and the next chord e minor seven flat five but again again again it's okay take your time first e minor make sure we got e minor first easy simple e minor but we also have dominant seven this we're not going to play e because we already have the e root on our left hand this is e minor seven but we have also fillet five so instead of this b we're gonna play b flat that's it this is e minor seven flat five but if you want to add ninth to make more jazzier sound then what you're gonna play second which is nine which is f sharp it's more complicated so it's more jazzy it's up to you you can play this f-sharp or not so it's totally up to you and next chord we have a a chord is this and same we're gonna add major seven and ninth [Music] good let's go from the very beginning to here just writing without rhythm because we're going to focus on tension what you're making and think about that which numbers you are adding major 7th and 9th and for minor for dominant seven let's go from the top f [Music] d minor [Music] b flat [Music] f b flat [Music] f [Music] e minor 7 flat 5. [Music] and e m a major [Music] not sure about this guy though this major seven not sure how about take it out i think that's better so you can take out some tension when sometimes when the chord doesn't really make sense or that it's not really suitable for that moment then you don't have to play but ninth the tension ninth that works like a 95 percent major seven i would say about like 75 percent but ninth that works like 95 trust me trust me yes please yes that works that will make a more jazzier sound so now we just talked about the tensions we got that really jazzier sound on our right hand now we're gonna add left hand base walking this is gonna be really exciting let's try i'm gonna go really slow though from the top f we remember that left hand one two three five right and right hand don't worry anything about that rhythm what we're gonna do here don't worry just we're gonna hit that discord with the tension let's go ready go divider b flat f b flat again so you gotta jump get ready next one f e minor seven flat five and a without a major seven so this yes so you can keep the pattern for whole song you can practice for both ends left hand bass walking and chords just chords right hand don't have to worry anything about comping rhythm yet so after you feel comfortable yeah i feel so much comfortable confident and i think i need something more complicated or more rhythm more fun thing now is the time to talk about comping rhythm so basically we're gonna practice first on tapping your lab or table piano whatever you want so you can practice anywhere it goes to one two three four buh buh you got it it's easy right but this is just example just short example you can do this but you can do that something so whatever you want always say this i i always say this music is all about freedom just do whatever you want but this is just a simple example to learn the basic so let's put this rhythm on our right hand we have f major we got the e g a c left hand for now just to go easy i'm going to just hit that root instead of go base walking and we're going to do it anyway later so let's go f f right left hand base just root and right hand the chord we got it the rhythm was one two three four [Music] not bad right so we're gonna go right after after right after f we're gonna go to d minor one two ready go [Music] d minor b flat f was it too fast you know what that's why i said you can you have to do this after you master all that tensions chords on your right hand okay so i know you're okay now you're good you're good let's keep let's let's do it again from the top one more time from the top ready go d minor b flat and f b flat f e minor 7 flat 5 a now gonna be i think this is the most challengeable but most the sound will make jazzy which is we're gonna add left hand base walking and right hand comping with the tension so it has everything it has everything let's go one two three four what was it too fast let's do one more time from f everything's the same one two three five on your left hand and right hand with a tension e g a c and with the rhythm ready go huh you just made it you just made that jazz one more time ready go d minor b flat f b flat f e minor so we just talked about all the important but simple the three things which was base walking our left hand and right hand with tensions which makes more jazzier sound than normal positions and comping rhythm so you can practice these patterns slowly take your time and just move on just a little bit and a little bit and you will eventually add melody like this [Music] just like this simply you're gonna add your right hand melody as top and fill up with that comping rhythm and left hand just simply go to one two three five pattern base walking then you're gonna make just jazz moon river and this is not only for moon river you know that just all the patterns you can apply them to your favorite songs whatever you want have fun practicing and if you want more lessons you can find my courses on pianote see you the next time do do you
Channel: Pianote
Views: 421,249
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Keywords: pianote, how to play piano, beginner piano lesson, piano tutorial, beginner piano lessons, piano chords, piano tutorial easy, piano tutorial classical, piano tutorial easy slow beginner, piano tutorial for beginners, jazz piano, jazz piano lessons, jazzy piano, how to make your piano playing jazzy, 3 Ways to Make Your Piano Playing Jazzy, jazz piano tutorial, jazz piano lesson, piano lesson, beginner jazz piano, jazz chords, piano improv, jazz music, walking bass line piano
Id: v9liFKIzSbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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