3 VS Code Settings I IMMEDIATELY Turn Off

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there are three settings that i turn off immediately every time i open a new instance of vs code let me tell you what they are welcome everyone my name is james quick and i do weekly videos on web development related topics and if you've watched any of the channel in the past you know i've done a lot with vs code as well i love vs code i love almost everything about vs code i use vs code every day if you're watching this video most likely you use vs code every day but it doesn't mean that it's perfect or it doesn't mean it's perfect by default so there's a few settings that i turn off immediately anytime i get a fresh install of vs code and i figured i would show you what those are today and what these revolve around is two of them are for space in my editor and i'll show you some additional things you can do to save space in your editor and the other one is something that i think vs code shouldn't have set by default ever anyway let's go ahead and get into it all right so i've got to open a a project here this is actually the the source code for the compressed.fm website compressedfm is the podcast that i run with my co-host amy dutton if you're interested in more about web development and web design go and check that out but this is the source code it doesn't really matter what's here it's just uh just having a piece of code open in vs code to show you the settings that i turn off so the first thing that i do is you notice this thing over here it's called the minimap and it gives you this ability to kind of quick quicker scroll through your files and it could be really helpful for really big files so if you notice like i would have to scroll a lot more just like physically with my mouse to do it with the bar over here scroll all the way to the bottom of the page versus this i'm just kind of scrolling in this area so it's a faster scroll and this could be nice but i just i really don't need that myself so i would i mean i've got a mouse wheel and i could just scroll through these i wonder if i have i don't know if i have like a a huge file in here probably these are very like well organized and split out so it's not going to be a great example but we'll we'll stick with the one that i had so uh just scrolling through here i have no problem using my mouse wheel so i'm gonna do go into settings with command and comma on mac it'll probably be control and comma or windows key and comma on windows check that out let me know in the comments and then i can just search for the mini map so this is this is something that i turn off immediately so if i go back to my page now that's gone notice i have just a little bit more room here for my code i just don't need the minimap so if i don't need it it might as well not be there now the other thing i do is uh there's if i start looking inside of like nested folders there's this um this idea here of the breadcrumbs and it'll show you like what function i'm in if i'm in a function and then which which file that is in or which parent directory that thing is in as well so if i click on this here's this function and if i click outside of here i can expand the breadcrumbs and it shows me i'm in the individual newsletter function or excuse me i now i'm even confused how breadcrumb crumbs work this is why i don't use them if i go into nested pages into components this should show me the parent tree actually i guess it's just within the within the file itself so there's one function here's the prop types which doesn't really show me much and then if i expand this it will show me like all the different things that are in here see breadcrumbs confuse me anyway i like i have no need for that i never find myself like super confused about what function i'm in and what file like i can see the file name here so so i never use that so again i just get rid of this to save a little bit of space up here so let's go into this and search for bread crumbs and uh breadcrumbs enabled we'll just disable that so now i've got a little bit more room up here and a little bit room more room over here now this this last one and i'll show you a few extra ones that you can use to save um save some space here in a second but this last one is one i don't know why it is what it is by default it's always frustrated me it's the one thing that like if i were to pick my number one thing of i just get rid of this is it so if i look at opening a new new file if i click on these two different files did you see what happened and you may you may have never you may have never changed a setting so this may just be normal for you but if you single click a file it opens in like a preview mode it opens like a soft open for me is what i call it but preview mode is what vs code calls it and that means that like if i click on another file the previous file that i had open goes away which i i don't like at all so what you can do is you can actually like double click this file notice it went from italics to regular let's show that again so if i one click it's italicized if i double click now that thing is regular which means it's going to stay open if i click another file but notice this one by default is is um is italicized so if i click on another file actually if i soft click another file that one will go away and it will switch open for the other soft open whatever anyway so i i really dislike this like soft open thing so there's i think it's enable preview for the files i just i just go ahead and get rid of that so anytime i open a file from vs code on the bar on the side i want that thing to be open like i i want to have that there did that actually work enable preview oh this is rename maybe i did the wrong one editor enabled preview let's try this again let's close this one click no that's still not it which one oh we want to disable this preview i think is what it was hopefully we did this right now yes so one click this thing opens and it's here to stay until i close it and i use my commands command w to close that thing now i said there would be a few extra settings i would i would tell you about inside of here so let's go to the workbench and appearance and so there's a few things in here you can just save yourself some space if you don't need them the activity bar is a little set of icons on the left over here i actually i leave this because i click on them occasionally i am pretty good at my shortcuts to get between some of these different tabs but if i needed one of these down here um i don't know the shortcuts for every one of them so i leave that open let's see what else do we have in here the sidebar location uh this is something like i'm probably gonna experiment more with i've done this before using that on the right versus left a lot of people do that the status bar is the thing at the bottom so if you get rid of the status bar that little thing goes away uh status bar can be nice so there's some things in there that you can obviously see the last thing i'll show you if you're really just trying to save space is command shift kv nope that wouldn't it let me actually search this before i mess something up so this should be zen mode if you're looking to completely oh actually i need to look in shortcuts let's search for zen mode there so toggles in mode is command kz so if i go into a file command kz or command k and then z there we go uh just gets rid of everything so you could toggle in and out of that pretty easily as well if you're looking to save some space anyway those are a few settings that i turn off immediately in vs code every time i get a new install i'm wondering are there any default settings that you don't like in vs code let me know that in the comments below um also if you're interested i have a vs code cheat sheet uh that you can check out and get some tips and tricks for how to use vs code better i'll leave a link to that in the description below for you to go and check out i'll link that up here as well so anyway if you enjoy the video make sure to like subscribe all the standard stereotypical uh things i'd appreciate it i hope you come around for more videos in the future thanks as always for watching and i'll catch you next time
Channel: James Q Quick
Views: 34,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vs code settings, vs code, visual studio code, vs code tutorial, web development, javascript, vs code setup, vs code customization, visual studio code tips, vscode tutorial for beginners
Id: fmzVJ0Wt29I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 24sec (444 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 31 2021
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